Number of People

Chapter 2542: Guizi Juan Jiangnan is good, what a day

  Chapter 2542 Guizijuan Jiangnan is good, but God

   When Feng Ziying in Xuzhou received the report from the court mansion, she was relieved, but she also felt a little regretful.

  I was still excluded from this white lotus storm that swept across the entire Northland, and I regret not being able to participate.

  Although the great uprising of the White Lotus Sect was much bigger than the storm caused by Ming Xu Hongru in the previous life, Feng Ziying still believed that it was not enough to overthrow the Great Zhou Dynasty.

The current situation in Dazhou is much better than that at the end of the Ming Dynasty. It has survived the civil unrest in Shaanxi, the unrest in the south of the Yangtze River has also been resolved, and the financial constraints have eased slightly. It cannot be as threatening as Jianzhou Jurchen.

He also learned about the situation of the court meeting. Tang Binyin hoped that he would take command again to calm down the chaos in Shandong. From his heart, Feng Ziying was still willing to go. As long as he relied on the Northwest Army and the Jizhen Army in the north, he was still sure to solve the problem of Shandong Bailian. .

  It's a pity that he also knows that the possibility is unlikely. The court cannot change the order overnight, let alone be regarded as the only one who can deal with this crisis. Ye Fang and others will not fail to consider these effects.

  Feng Ziying could already faintly feel Ye Fangli and others' fear of her.

   Maybe they don't reject themselves, but they don't want to accumulate such high prestige and popularity in the court at such a fast speed.

   This has had a great impact on them. At the age of 24 or 5, do you have to let yourself be a minister, and you have to join the cabinet before the age of 30? This subverts their cognition too much.

  So it should be their unanimous opinion to put myself in Nanjing for a few years. Even Master Qi probably thinks that he should go to Jiangnan for a few years to suppress it.

  For me, this arrangement is not unacceptable. As my father said, if I want to join the cabinet in the future, I don’t have a strong foundation and support in Jiangnan, and even if I become the chief assistant, it will not be stable.

  So these few years should be the time for me to settle and accumulate.

  Xiong Tingbi came to be in charge of the Shandong war and Feng Ziying was barely acceptable, but Yuan Yingtai went to Beijing to directly fight the situation, Feng Ziying was not very optimistic.

  Yuan Yingtai may be a good minister of the Ministry of Industry, but he may not be a suitable minister of the Ministry of War.

  Although he has been in the Ministry of War for a long time, he has never led a soldier before, and his character is also a bit stubborn. Is it okay to suddenly take charge of one's own side like this?

   But this has nothing to do with me. I just need to do my own thing well in Jiangnan, and I can even ignore the situation in Xuzhou. The entire battle between Shandong and Xuzhou is taken over by Xiong Tingbi.

  On the third day of August, Feng Ziying, who had stayed in Xuzhou for a month, finally sailed south with her family.

   On the sixth day of August, Feng Ziying stayed in Yangzhou for two days. On the eighth day of August, he left the canal and entered the Yangtze River. On the tenth day of August, he arrived in Nanjing and officially began his term as governor of the south of the Yangtze River.

  Going south this time, because all three of Shen Xuelin were pregnant, and Baochai was already in labor when Feng Ziying went south, so the three of them failed to follow him south.

   Feng Ziying received the news when she was in Xuzhou that on July 20, Xue Baochai successfully gave birth to a son.

   This is the first son of the Feng family, the eldest son of the second wife.

  Before Feng Ziying left Beijing, Baoqin and Second Sister You were pregnant almost at the same time.

  Feng Ziying was a little surprised, why is she so powerful and invincible this year?

  In addition to Baochai who was conceived last year, Shen Yixiu and Daiyu this year, plus Baoqin and Second Sister You, there are four women who are pregnant.

  Baoqin's pregnancy also brings double happiness to Erfang. Baochai is about to give birth, and Baoqin is pregnant again. This kind of good thing makes the Feng family and the Xue family overjoyed.

  Aunt Xue even planned to live in Feng's house after Feng Ziying left Beijing to take good care of Baochai and Baoqin.

  Second Sister You's pregnancy made her cry with joy.

  In terms of life, she was the first to follow Feng Ziying, and she received a lot of favors, but there was no movement, and there were even rumors in the house that she was of the blood of a Hu girl, so she might not be able to conceive.

   But now the rumors have finally been broken, no matter whether she is male or female, she finally has someone to rely on.

  Only Xichun is the only one in the long house going south this time, Coco Li and Li Qi stayed behind to take care of the pregnant Shen Yixiu, which made Xichun feel the heavy burden on her shoulders.

  Erfang originally wanted Shi Xiangyun to go south with him, but Feng Ziying proposed to bring a child with him, so that he could have fun around his knees in his spare time, so Yingchun brought the child along.

  Since Daiyu is pregnant, and Miaoyu and Xiuyan's children are still young, Tanchun is the leader of Sanfang this time going south.

   The servant girls here, Yuanyang, Jin Chuaner, and Yu Chuaner, followed southward. Yuanyang and Jin Chuaner were in charge of the daily affairs of the back house, while Yu Chuaner took care of her personally, leaving Pinger in Beijing.

  Following Feng Ziying and his party about two or three miles behind the boat, there was another boat.

  The figures of Qin Keqing and several other women on the boat appear and disappear from time to time.

   It's just that no one on board Feng Ziying's side noticed it, only Feng Ziying, who felt it, had a headache.


  Jiangnan is good, the scenery is familiar from the past, the river flowers are red at sunrise, and the river is as green as blue in spring. Can you not remember Jiangnan?

   "Tomorrow is the Dragon Boat Festival. It's been almost a year now, and it feels like it was yesterday."

  Feng Ziying propped herself up, intending to wait for her clothes to get up.

  Nuggled beside Tan Chunni and said: "Isn't it Xiumu today? Don't you want to sleep for a while?"

Looking at this heroic face, it is a bit softer and softer than when he was a bride last year. His eyes stretched down the snow-white neck, and the two powder mounds squeezed out a deep ravine, which was covered by a thin quilt. , looming, confusing.

   Couldn't help reaching out and rubbing it, which made Tanchun coquettish and angry, but he didn't object, instead he held his chest up and let Ailang play with him as he wished.

   All of a sudden, Feng Ziying was enraged, and with a flip of her tiger's arms, she turned Tanchun over. Feeling the man's high spirits, Tanchun hurriedly begged for mercy, but it was too late.

  It is inevitable that there will be another ups and downs, and the sky will be messed up.

Feng Ziying lazily leaned against the head of the bed when the clouds collected and the rain rested, "The life of the governor of the south of the Yangtze River is quite comfortable, but I always feel that it is easy to be decadent and indulging, and I don't want to make progress. I just want to live like this forever. If I am forty years old , that's fine, but I'm only twenty-five years old."

   "Master is still thinking about the battle in the north?" Among the few women who went south, the one who understood Feng Ziying best was Tanchun.

In the eyes of anyone, the governor of Jiangnan may be a supremely beautiful post, with a respected status and great power in his hands. In the fourteen prefectures and four prefectures of Nanzhili, all matters, big or small, can be settled with one word, but for the husband , These daily affairs are not too challenging, but they are not what the husband wants.

  From arriving in Xuzhou in July last year, to Jinling in August, ten months have passed in a blink of an eye. Seeing that the Dragon Boat Festival is approaching, this Nanzhili has been sorted out by her husband in an orderly manner.

Even the flames of war that spread across the entire Northland were only affected in Xuzhou and Fengyang, and there was not much impact on other places. This year, Jiangnan has another bumper harvest, and the household department has come to the governor's office to check. Taxes and tariffs skyrocketed, and the Ministry of Household Affairs was overjoyed, bluntly saying that the assessment of Jiangnan by the Ministry of Officials must be excellent.

   But for the husband, this seems very boring and not challenging at all. In the words of the husband, he can only vent his energy by tossing on the woman.

  Yingchun and Xichun are both pregnant.

Yingchun's body is really a piece of fertile soil, less than three months after coming to Nanjing, she became pregnant again, and Xichun was not bad, she became pregnant less than a month after Yingchun became pregnant, which made Tanchun and Xiangyun extremely sour What's more, even the mandarin ducks are pregnant.

   Tanchun knew about it. Although the mandarin duck had been confiscated early, she didn't spend much time serving her bed.

  All three rooms are arranged for this night, or is it only on the night when the maids rest on every tenth that it is the turn of the maids, or it is because of the excitement at noon.

   But just like this, the mandarin duck and Jin Chuaner have to share equally.

  Under such circumstances, Yuanyang was able to get pregnant before herself and Xiangyun. I have to say that God is unfair.

Fortunately, these people got pregnant one after another, but they also gave me and Xiangyun more opportunities. For example, Xichun in the long house got pregnant and basically quit. , the opportunities are much more.

Now Tanchun is looking forward to being able to conceive before returning to Beijing. It is best to give birth to a boy and a half girl. If the husband gives birth to a daughter, he can hurry up and conceive again. After all, according to the three-year term, the husband still has a year or two to stay here. side.

   "Well, can you not miss it?" Feng Ziying held the plump pair for a while, and then reluctantly let go, "It's time to get up, there is news from Xuzhou today, I want to hear it too,..."

  The situation has changed dramatically in the past ten months, but Feng Ziying can only stand aside and watch as a bystander.

  Cao Wenzhao and He Renlong's Denglai Army showed their prowess in Feicheng, Jinan and Dongping, Yanzhou. They defeated the enemy in the first battle and killed more than 20,000 Bailian troops.

Later, He Renlong became even more crazy. He led the army to rush forward and drove the Bailian rebellion army to Yuncheng. Gao Yingchen.

Xu Hongru, the leader of Shandong Bailian, led the main force of Bailian to retreat to Jining in order to stabilize his position. However, Liu Baichuan on the south line was invincible all the way from Xuzhou, and then broke Xu Hongru's troops in Jining, forcing Xu Hongru to flee to Juye. After making peace with the remnant of Gao Yingchen, he fled to Puzhou, and finally fled to the Daming Mansion, and made peace with the Beizhi Bailian Rebellion Army, only to avoid the fate of being wiped out.

  Although the situation in Shandong is very good, the situation in Beizhili is full of ups and downs. The situation is chaotic and there are even signs of deterioration.

  Yuan Yingtai's unknown soldiers were most vividly displayed in the First Battle of Beizhili.

  (end of this chapter)

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