Number of People

Chapter 2544: The heirs of the gui character scroll, with luxuriant branches and leaves

  Chapter 2544 The heir of the gui character scroll, with luxuriant branches

  Shen Yixiu and Daiyu gave birth to children one after another, followed by Baoqin and Second Sister You each giving birth to a daughter, which caused a sudden increase in the number of children in Feng Ziying's house.

  Because it was the second child, Shen Yixiu gave birth smoothly. She had abdominal pain in the morning and gave birth in the afternoon, but it was a bit difficult for Daiyu. She was delayed from the afternoon of the first day until the evening of the second day, and she almost had a dystocia.

   Fortunately, it was Feng Ziying who asked her, Zijuan, Xueyan and others to persevere in maintaining a certain amount of physical exercise after pregnancy, and she had made sufficient preparations in the early stage, otherwise something would really happen.

  Bao Qin also had a difficult birth, but she was much better than Daiyu. Although the second sister You was the first child, she was almost as smooth as Shen Yixiu's second child.

  Now Feng’s parents have one son and two daughters, two sons and a daughter in the second house, two sons and a daughter in the third house, and Wang Xifeng and Busia Mara’s two sons and one daughter. Feng Ziying made a rough calculation and found that she already has seven sons and five daughters.

   Before I knew it, I had twelve children. Even if Wang Xifeng and Busia Mara were not counted, I would have nine children.

  Before, my father and mother were still talking about the weak heirs of the Feng family, and it was difficult to continue the incense. Now I have five sons in the mansion alone, and every house has children.

Although the old lady is still talking about three families and five children, it is still not safe, at least one house needs three to be at ease, but now Yingchun has another one in her belly, and Xichun and Yuanyang have one each in their stomachs. Come down, even if there is only one male heir, it means that the three families can have two heirs on average, which can reach the basic number.

   As for the three sons in each room, Feng Ziying was not in a hurry. The climate in the south of the Yangtze River was suitable, and the affairs were not too busy.

Tanchun, Xiangyun, sisters Jin Chuan'er and Yu Chuan'er, and even Yingchun's personal maids Siqi and Xiuju, Tanchun's personal maids Shi Shu, Cui Mo, Xiangyun's personal maids Cui Ling, Yu Lu, etc. With equal exposure, maybe that piece of fertile soil can take root and sprout.

  Feng Ziying is confident that before returning to the capital, she can fulfill her mother's wish of having three children in three bedrooms.

   "Master, Grandma Zhu is here."

  The yamen of the governor of the south of the Yangtze River chose the location of the Nanjing Garrison Mansion.

  This place is not in the same place as the original Six Divisions of Nanjing, but in the so-called imperial city, not far from Chengtian Gate and Xi'an Gate.

  The Nanjing Six Ministries and the long-abandoned Nanjing Imperial Academy and Zhan Shifu are located outside Chengtianmen, similar to the situation in the capital city.

  In the imperial city, the security protection is much better anyway. The city wall of the imperial city can keep many Xiaoxiao out, plus their own guards, so it is much safer.

  Li Wan followed to Nanjing, and he came on the same boat as Tanchun and Xiangyun.

   It has been ten months since I came here, and I have no intention of returning to Beijing, which makes Feng Ziying very speechless.

  Based on Li Wan’s own words, it would be better to stay in Nanjing after going back. There are not many people in Jia’s mansion who can speak for themselves.

At least Yingchun, Tanchun, Xiangyun, Xichun, Yuanyang, Jin Chuan'er, and Yu Chuan'er are here. They are all acquaintances. If you have nothing to do, come and sit in the back house, talk, play cards, embroider women's red, Sometimes I go out with everyone to watch plays and listen to music, and the day is gone.

  Although the two cousins ​​Li Coco and Li Qi are in Beijing, Li Wan is actually not very close to them, not as close as Yingchun, Tanchun, and Xiangyun.

Of course, the more critical factor is that Jia Lan is now grown up, and she doesn't need her mother to be by her side at all times. Qingtan Academy is enough to take care of everything. When I go home every two or three months, I will naturally have Wang's help to take care of it. , no matter how she is a grandmother, this matter can still help.

   When the lover came to Nanjing, Li Wan was of course looking forward to it.

  In Beijing, even looking for a good place to have fun is also worrying. Although it is exciting to go to the Grand View Garden, it always feels like a thorn in my back.

  The situation is much better when he comes to Nanjing. Li Wan grew up here before the age of fourteen, so he is very familiar with the situation in Nanjing.

  Now I go back to my hometown to visit my old father who lives in seclusion at home, and help take care of it. When I have free time, I go to Feng's mansion to sit, which is considered leisurely.

  The Garrison Mansion is very large, but it is far less refined and comfortable than Feng Mansion in Beijing.

They are all open and closed houses. At first glance, they look like military residences. They were left over from the Ming Dynasty and have a history of hundreds of years. After the capital, this place has been abandoned. Fortunately, it is an imperial city after all, and it has been repaired and maintained well.

   Gu Bingqian chose this place as the governor's office, and Feng Ziying, of course, Xiao Gui Cao Sui, is still the backyard of the front mansion.

   Specially reserved a single courtyard as an office and residence, and also reserved a small courtyard as a place to study and meet guests in private.

  Li Wan came, Baoxiang and others left early, leaving Li Wan alone.

"Sister Wan, what's the matter, look at your restlessness." Feng Ziying joked with a smile, "didn't sleep well last night? Your father is okay, the court only let him live in seclusion to read the sage books, to understand the meaning of the word loyalty , and there is no restriction on him not being able to go out, he can also go for a stroll along the Qinhuai River, isn't he satisfied?"

  Hearing Feng Ziying say that her father was going to Qinhuai River, Li Wan rolled her eyes at her lover, "Do you treat me like my father?"

"I went to the Qinhuai River, which is a kind of improvement of the image of the Qinhuai River. Xiao Feng's assistant, who is famous in the capital, no, he is the governor of Xiaofeng now. Come to the Qinhuai River for a visit, and then comment a few words about those bustards and turtles. Are you going crazy?"

Feng Ziying's words made Li Wan couldn't help but let out a "bah", he had let go of a lot of his worries, maybe it was such a man who could deal with everything calmly, that was the reason why he dared to entrust his life to him, otherwise, he would have delivered his chastity for more than ten years. on this man.

   "I haven't slept well for several days." Li Wan said calmly.

  Feng Ziying said "oh" in surprise, looked up and down Li Wan, thoughtfully, with her right thumb and index finger stuck under her chin, she nodded, with a half-smile: "Could it be that Tiangui didn't come?"

  Li Wan's face turned pale, and his lips trembled: "How do you know?"

   "Guess, apart from this, what else can make you look out of your mind?"

  Feng Ziying actually had a premonition that there were very few good times with Li Wan, so it was impossible to choose a date, and just let the clouds spread the rain when they were in a hurry.

   Li Wan herself didn't seem to care too much about it, and since she was only thirty years old, it was normal for her to get pregnant again and again.

   "Then what should I do?" Li Wan stood up nervously, twisting the sweat towel with his hands, biting his lip with his white teeth, and looked straight at Feng Ziying.

  Feng Ziying thought about it, and since he had thought about it, he would not have no countermeasures.

"Brother Lang is getting older too. No matter whether he can pass the big exams in autumn this year and spring next year, he will be fifteen or sixteen years old no matter whether he can pass the exam or not. You, as a mother, can't keep watching By his side, so you can give birth to the child now, and I will do everything."

  Hearing Feng Ziying's explanation and taking care of everything, Li Wan let go of the stone in his heart, and his eyes became entangled: "But..."

   "Why, do you not want to have this child or do you not want this child?" Feng Ziying asked rhetorically.

   "No,..." Li Wan shook his head, bit his lip and said softly, "But I, a widow, came to Nanjing and was pregnant. If someone finds out, how can I meet people?"

"That's not a problem. If you want to have a baby, I can arrange for you to go to Suzhou or Yangzhou. The environment in Suzhou is good and the distance is not far. If you go to Yangzhou, there is Zhen Baochen who can take care of each other." Feng Ziying paused, her face There was a weird smile on his face, "Also, if you don't care, you can go to Tianjin Wei and be with Sister Feng,..."

  The last sentence broke Li Wan's defenses, stood up and said tremblingly: "Madam Feng really gave birth to a child for you?!"

   Li Wan had long suspected that Feng Ziying and Wang Xifeng had an affair, and became more certain later on.

  Especially, Wang Xifeng's business is getting bigger and bigger. Without Feng Ziying's support, it would be impossible. In addition to Wang Xifeng's bizarre performance during that period, one can guess that Wang Xifeng must be Feng Ziying's concubine.

  Later, I heard that Wang Xifeng had a child by her side, which she claimed was adopted, but Li Wan was sure that Wang Xifeng gave birth to Feng Ziying.

"So what if you give birth?" Feng Ziying asked calmly: "She and her divorced, what's wrong with wanting a child? Sister Qiao is going to get married after all, and now she has a child by her side, so she feels at ease. Aren't you the same? Lang Geer will eventually fly independently, and you can rest assured that you have a child next to you. "

   "Then tell the outside world..." Li Wan was moved, but also a little tangled.

"It's the same, let's say that the one adopted here in the south of the Yangtze River is also called your mother. We can know whether it is our own. After decades, who cares about this?" Feng Ziying said with a smile: "So you only need to consider now. Choose where to give birth, Zhen Baochen's place or Fengjieer's place."

   "Then the eldest daughter of the Zhen family is also your concubine?" Li Wan also knew it a long time ago, after staying in Yangzhou for a few days.

   Moreover, even Tanchun and Xiangyun knew that it was possible for the sisters of the Zhen family back then, but Zhen Baochen and Wang Xifeng also divorced and could not marry into the Feng family.

   "Well, so you don't have to worry about these things. If you don't mind being with Sister Feng, that's the best. If you don't, then Baochen's is the most suitable place." Feng Ziying didn't choose for Li Wan, it was up to her to decide.

  After thinking for a long time, Li Wan still couldn't make up her mind. Of course, she wanted to be with Wang Xifeng, a well-known sister, but she felt a little ashamed and embarrassed when facing her former best friend and sister-in-law.

  This psychological barrier has to be passed first.

  (end of this chapter)

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