Number of People

Chapter 2545: There is not much time left for Jianzhou for the Guizi scroll

  Chapter 2545 Guizi Juan leaves little time for Jianzhou

  After learning that Li Wan was pregnant, Feng Ziying felt more at ease.

  Xingzhizhizhi and Li Wan come to have a wild carnival from time to time, and they don't choose the time, so it is only a matter of time before this kind of "accident" happens.

   Li Wan's birth to Jia Lan proves that she can give birth, so the age of thirty is the most suitable time to give birth, so it is reasonable for Li Wan to fall into the soul.

Feng Ziying reckoned that in the end Li Wan might still choose to go to Tianjin Wei and Wang Xifeng as companions, especially after learning that Wang Xifeng also gave birth to a son for her, Li Wan's sense of shame would be at the bottom, so she wouldn't be so helpless Accepted.

   Didn't Wang Xifeng also have a sister Qiao, and didn't she also bear a son for herself? She divorced, and Li Wan could probably think that he was still a widow for many years.

  Bringing up Jia Lan is also worthy of the Jia family psychologically.

  So when Qin Keqing came to tell Shui Zhenshi that Zhen Baozhen was also pregnant, Feng Ziying was a little numb, even out of habit, so that even Qin Keqing was surprised by Feng Ziying's calmness.

   After experiencing the pregnancy of several women in the mansion, let's have a surprise and excitement of Li Wan's pregnancy, so Shui Zhen's pregnancy seems to be no big deal.

  Recalling that every time he went to Qin Keqing's side, he would be trapped consciously or unconsciously, but he couldn't remember who was the last blow.

But let alone Shui, Zhen's enchanting figure is indeed more attractive than the slightly green bodies of Shui Tang and Mu Tan, but Mu Liu's is a little too thin, and there is a high probability that she will eventually fall into it. It's Shui Zhenshi, that is, Zhen Baoyan is pregnant.

   But it doesn’t matter anymore, Shui Zhenshi (Zhen Baozhen) is pregnant, so let her go to Yangzhou and be with Zhen Baochen. It happens that Zhen Baochen feels lonely in Yangzhou alone, and has a younger sister to accompany her, which complements each other.

   As for the water-soluble side, Feng Ziying hasn't figured out what to do for a while?

Let Shui Rong and Shui Zhen's reconciliation seem to be a bit difficult, just let their husband and wife reunite, the piano and the instrument are in harmony, it seems that they are not so magnanimous, so let's do it first, anyway, Shui Rong and Mu Zheng are not thinking about family members now They still have to struggle for their own destiny.

  Xuzhou people have arrived.

   is actually Liu Baichuan's messenger.

The situation in Shandong has been basically brought under control, and Jiangbei Town is still on alert. If the situation in Beizhili still does not improve, the imperial court will probably allow Denglai Town to continue stationing in Jinan, Dongchang, and Yanzhou, and allow Liu Baichuan's Jiangbei Town to leave and enter from the west. Beizhi suppressed the rebellion.

  Henan has also been affected by the chaos in Shandong and Beizhi. Fortunately, the situation is not too bad. Only some prefectures and counties in Guide and Kaifeng have been affected.

   After listening to Liu Baichuan's messenger's report, Feng Ziying didn't have much emotion.

  The situation remains the same.

  Yuan Yingtai still hasn't opened up the situation.

  If the situation continues until August, Feng Ziying estimates that the court will consider changing people.

  The situation in Shanxi is not stable yet, and Sun Chengzong may not be able to move for the time being, so the only one who can come in handy, if not himself, is Xiong Tingbi.

  However, the situation in the court has changed slightly, and Emperor Wantong has returned to the court.

   But it looks very low-key.

  Basically, it was signed and sealed according to the cabinet's opinion, which seemed much more honest.

  However, on the position of the crown prince, Emperor Wantong still did not give in at all, and insisted on making his heir a prince, and the cabinet did not back down on this point, and it was still a stalemate.



  In the palace of the Great Khan, the smell of medicine is permeating.

Nurhachi took the medicine bowl that Abahai handed over and drank it down. Then he took a breath and handed the bowl to Abahai impatiently, "Okay, I won't take this medicine anymore, and I'm not that fragile. , My own body is clear on its own, and I can’t die yet.”

  The son on the knee was kneeling aside, and the other one was still in the swaddle. Nurhachi sighed, and hugged Dorgon who was kneeling beside him.

   "Go and tell Fei Yingdong, let him, An Feiyanggu, He Heli, Eyi, Daishan, Huang Taiji and Abai come over, and also invite Li Yongfang to come over, and discuss important matters with them."

   "Khan, your body has not fully recovered, and you will have to use weapons later..." Abahai's plump body trembled.

  At the age of twenty-five, she was at her most enchanting. She had given birth to three sons for Nurhachi, Azig was eleven years old, Dorgon was only three years old, and Duo Duo was less than one year old.

   Hearing that Da Khan was going to use troops against Da Zhou again, Abahai became anxious.

Da Khan's body is no longer as strong as it was in the past few years. He is fifty-six. The first battle of the year before last caused a lot of damage to Dajin. Although he captured Anle Prefecture and captured tens of thousands of Han people, but The elite of the Eight Banners suffered a lot of losses. It has only been two years and they have not yet recovered.

  This is the unanimous opinion of the nobles of the Eight Banners.

  Abahai eagerly hopes that the Great Khan can live a hundred years. Although it is impossible, if the Great Khan can live another twenty years, she is sure that her son will take over the position of Khan in the future.

   But now my three sons are too young, once the big sweat goes to war, there will be troubles, even if Chu Ying is now under confinement and loses power, Daishan, Huang Taiji, and even Mang Gurtai are all possible, but my three sons have no hope.

  That's why she most disapproved of Da Khan sending troops to fight Da Zhou again.

   "Hmph, if I don't want to fight again, I will have to wait for Da Zhou to come and clean up our bodies." Nurhachi waved his hand, "Go, I have a measure."

   In desperation, Abahai had no choice but to leave the bedroom and convey Nurhachi's meaning to Fei Yingdong who was outside the palace.

  The ministers and the princes came very quickly.

   Abai has been back for almost half a month. He has seen his father twice, but his father is not feeling well, so he has not been able to say much until today.

  Li Yongfang also just came back from the front lines of Sarhu and Fushun Pass. What he is doing now is not leading troops, but mainly contacting old friends and old ministries in Liaodong Town. This is the most important job assigned to him by the Great Khan.

The reason why the expected results were not achieved last time was largely because some Liaodong troops who were expected to surrender would not be able to turn back. Because of his prestige and virtue, he was worried that the soldiers below would not want to, so he hesitated, and eventually Dajin would fall short in this battle.

In the past two years, he has also put a lot of thought into it, and he is not stingy with gold, silver, pearls and jade for his support. He himself sneaked into Liaodong Town three times to meet old friends from the old department, reminiscing about old relationships, talking about benefits, and talking about treatment. Pulling them over also had good results.

  The Great Khan convened everyone to discuss this time. Li Yongfang estimated that the Great Khan was about to make a move. In Li Yongfang's opinion, it was time to do it.

  Nurhachi's face looked a little pale and haggard due to being ill for more than a month, but the narrow details were still shining brightly, which reassured the officials and his sons who participated in the plan.

   "Tell me, Abai, you have been in Handi for more than a year, and you only came back once. You must have a lot of things to report. I want to listen to what you say, not the sorted documents."

  Nurhachi's words are always so clean and straightforward, and the key is to be straightforward.

In fact, Nurhachi didn't think much of this weak and silent son. First, he was a concubine, and his mother didn't like him. Second, his personality was not as shrewd and capable as Daishan, Mang Gurtai, and Huang Taiji. In terms of intelligence, he showed a very good talent, and even Natu has been full of praise for him.

  The information brought back from the Han area several times has been confirmed, which made Nurhachi change his view of this concubine son, and valued him a lot.

"Returning to Father Khan, my son went to Baoding, Zhending, and Guangping in Beizhi successively this year, and also went to Yanzhou and Dongchang in Shandong, and also went to the eastern part of Taiyuan Prefecture in Shanxi, which is close to Beizhi. I have traveled a lot, and I have learned a little bit about the situation..."

  Abai's tone is soft, which is also an aspect that Nurhachi doesn't like very much, but it has always been like this these days, and he can't let the other party change, but the content is more interesting to him, so he doesn't care about these details.

"Dazhou used their newly formed Denglai Army and Jiangbei Army to attack from north to south. Therefore, although the people of the White Lotus Sect seemed to have a strong momentum in Shandong at the beginning, they failed to gain a foothold in Shandong and were quickly wiped out. Most of them, the rest fled into the Beizhi prefectures in the west. At present, due to the drought, the situation in Shandong is still unstable, so the Denglai Army and the Jiangbei Army are still suppressing small-scale local rebellions, and have not yet entered Beizhi. Straight signs,…”

"In Shanxi, I only walked around Fanzhi, Daizhou, and Dingxiang, and didn't go further west, so I don't know much about the situation, but from various inquiries, it has basically calmed down. Yes, Sun Chengzong is very powerful, and the frontier troops in Shanxi Town and Datong Town are not weak in combat effectiveness, so the situation was quickly opened,..."

"At present, the most difficult thing in the Great Zhou Dynasty is Beizhili. It is said that the new chief officer is a doctor from the original Ministry of War. Later, he became the magistrate in Hejian Prefecture. It’s all chaotic, without any results,…”

Abai pondered for a moment, "My minister thought that Dazhou might not tolerate this situation continuing, especially since one of their most capable civil servants has been assigned to Jiangnan as governor for a year. The situation in Beizhili But it is getting worse and worse, and the Xuanfu Army and Jizhen Army are in charge of fighting in Beizhili. They are also elite frontier troops, but they have been unable to solve the problem. Keng went to command the Northern Zhili Army to destroy the White Lotus Sect again,..."

  Nurhachi stroked his beard and asked in a deep voice: "Does that mean we don't have much time left?"

  (end of this chapter)

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