Number of People

Chapter 2548: Guizi rolls are messy, a pot of porridge

  Chapter 2548 Guizi scroll is messy, a pot of porridge

  Feng Ziying knew that Liu Baichuan was also an ambitious person, and he would not settle for being the general of Jiangbei Town.

  In fact, although Jiangbei Town is slightly better than Jingxiang Town, it still belongs to an inland military town rather than a border town, which determines that its scale and importance cannot be compared with that of a border town.

  There are scout teams inside the military town, and Feng Ziying does not believe that Liu Baichuan will only be limited to Xiong Tingbi's jurisdiction, and will not conduct intelligence collection on the situation in the neighboring Guide, Kaifeng, and even the three southern prefectures of Beizhili.

  If this is really the case, then he will be very disappointed with Liu Baichuan.

Liu Baichuan hesitated for a moment, and finally frowned and said: "This subordinate doesn't know what the Ministry of War, Lord Xiong, and Lord Yuan know about the situation, but the scouts arranged by my subordinates went to Guide and Daming Mansion, Shunde Mansion, Guangxi Mansion, etc. According to the information obtained by Pingfu, the situation in the three prefectures in the north, the south and the surrounding areas is very bad."

   "It's bad? How bad is it?" Feng Ziying couldn't help frowning when she heard it.

"Master Yuan only controlled the situation in Shuntian Mansion, Hejian Mansion and Baoding Mansion. The situation in Zhending Mansion and even the three southern mansions is not good. What's more serious is that the chaos in Guangping Mansion and Daming Mansion has spread. Arriving at the three prefectures in Henan north of the Yellow River, Zhangde, Weihui, and even Huaiqing and Kaifeng prefectures north of the Yellow River, there is already a tendency to start a prairie fire. I don’t know if the court is aware of this. Once it spreads If it becomes a trend, I worry that Henan will also be involved, the Yellow River is not a natural barrier, and the people in Henan have always been poor, once someone instigates it, the risk of an outbreak and flooding is extremely high."

   Liu Baichuan's words made Feng Ziying think deeply. If it spreads to Henan, then there will be a serious problem. Henan has always been a battleground with a dense population. Once it is stirred up, the entire Central Plains will have no peace.

   "Have you mentioned this to Mr. Xiong?" Feng Ziying asked.

   "I mentioned it a little bit, but Mr. Xiong didn't respond." Liu Baichuan replied.

  Feng Ziying can also understand Xiong Tingbi's taboo. After all, he has just taken over as the right servant of the Ministry of War, and he has also played well in Shandong.

"It's no small matter at this time, and Guide is nothing. If Weihui and Zhangde are swept in, Henan will be in danger." Feng Ziying nodded, "I see, I will write to Mr. Zhang and the cabinet, Jiangbei Town Be prepared, if there is an order from the imperial court, I am afraid I will go out of the town to Henan to quell the chaos."

   "Henan? My lord, the key is the three prefectures from north to south." Liu Baichuan asked in surprise.

  Feng Ziying glared at Liu Baichuan: "Before the imperial court adjusts the head of the battle in Beizhi, we can only talk about things against the three prefectures of Henan, and we cannot question the three prefectures of Beizhi, so as not to cause unnecessary disputes."

  Liu Baichuan suddenly realized, and nodded again and again: "I understand."

   "What is the current strength and combat effectiveness of Jiangbei Town?"

"According to the full number of 24 battalions, in fact, the Ministry of War and the Ministry of Households only allocated food and salaries for 16 battalions. In addition to the four battalions transferred from the Northwest Army, eight battalions were transferred from Jingxiang Town. The other four battalions were recruited from Xuzhou and Yanzhou, but these four battalions have not yet been fully staffed, and there are only about 9,000 people and less than 10,000 people."

According to the establishment, there are about 3,200 to 3,300 people in the first battalion. In this way, the entire Jiangbei Town has less than 50,000 people. Compared with Denglai, Datong, and Jizhen, which are full of thirty When it comes to thirty-two battalions with more than 100,000 people, it seems too shabby.

   But it's not bad, anyway, Liu Baichuan can be regarded as the commander-in-chief of this second-class military town, and if he shows some achievements in the next step, he can move to other border towns.

"It seems to be enough now, but it may not be enough when Henan is in chaos." Feng Ziying pondered: "So we have to intervene early. Once it drags on and the situation in Henan drags on, it won't be Jiangbei. The town can take care of itself."

  Liu Baichuan didn't make a sound, but his heart was full of excitement.

  If it is really possible to go to Henan alone to suppress the rebellion, it would be perfect to have this one as the coach.

  But this is just a thought, not realistic.

   This one is still the governor of Jiangnan. The huge boundary of Jiangnan has to be guarded by a great god. Don’t worry about Henan not being suppressed, and Jiangnan is in chaos again.

Feng Ziying is not sure how the imperial court will think about it when they receive their reminder. In fact, this reminder is not suitable for me, but someone else should be better. But now Henan Cheng announced that the political envoy, Zuobu, was originally intended to be the governor of Shuntian. Zou Yuanbiao.

Zou Yuanbiao, Ye Xianggao, and Fang Congzhe have never been on good terms. Because of this, it was originally decided that Zou Yuanbiao would be the governor of Shuntian Fu, but Li Banghua rejected him. Therefore, Zou Yuanbiao had to serve as the Zuobu Political Envoy of Henan Chengxuan .

"I'll arrange this matter for Bai Chuan. You just need to replenish the strength of the fourth battalion as soon as possible, and step up the drill. I don't think this kind of thing will be able to drag on for too long, at most it will be a month or two. When the news comes back, it is estimated that the cabinet will Let’s discuss it, if it’s quick, it’ll be a month.” Feng Ziying made up her mind that since she wanted to go, she couldn’t stand out, and had to urge Henan to speak out.

  Although Zou Yuanbiao is not familiar with himself, he is no stranger to Wei Guangwei who was promoted from the prefect of Yongping Prefecture to the procuratorate of Henan Province.

  He should and should have sensed the danger of the situation in Henan. If he mentioned the situation here to the other party, he should understand what to do.

   Say goodbye to Liu Baichuan, Feng Ziying immediately wrote a letter and sent it to Wei Guangwei in Henan. As for how Wei Guangwei will do it, Feng Ziying doesn't need to worry about it.

  After returning to Nanjing from Xuzhou, Feng Ziying has been waiting for news from the imperial court.

But the Dragon Boat Festival was over, and it was already June, and there was still no movement. Until the end of June, Wei Guangwei's letter should have been sent to the Ministry of War and the cabinet. Why there was still no sound, Feng Ziying was very puzzled. .

   It doesn't make sense. The situation in Beijing has been deteriorating, and now the situation in Henan is also deteriorating. Does the court really think that it should be in Nanjing, so afraid of chaos in the south of the Yangtze River?

The news from Henan is also in line with the information Liu Baichuan received. The three prefectures south of the Yellow River, Zhangde, Weihui, and Guide, are all in chaos, so Jiangbei Town has also begun to move to the Dangshan-Suzhou line. Prevent the chaos on Guide's side from spreading to Xuzhou and Fengyang.

  In this situation, what is the cabinet still considering?

   Just when Feng Ziying was full of doubts, the court and China were also in chaos.

The news from various quarters that the Chahar people are sharpening their knives again and intending to invade again, which made the capital suddenly tense up, and what made the court even more worried was that the Fengzhou Bailian who had already been kicked out of the side wall It seems that they are still unwilling to fail, and they are still fighting hard outside the border wall, and they have also received strong support from the Tumet Su Nang Department.

Mongolia on the left and right flanks seems to have suddenly united to look at Da Zhou, and only the Nekalka people in the north have not moved yet, but this should be Da Zhou's ally, why has it not issued a warning to the court? And without any restraint?

"This should be a conspiracy." Qi Yongtai ignored the doubtful gazes of the other elders, "I heard from Ziying that the Tumed people have never had the habit of acting together with the Chahar people, and the left and right wings of Mongolia have never Disharmony, no matter who is in power, is the same. Also, even if Su Nang is dissatisfied because Bu Shitu took over as King Shunyi, the court also gave him the status of General Dragon and Tiger as a compensation. It should suddenly explode at this time,..."

"Chengfeng, it's not exactly at this time. In fact, Fengzhou Bailian is supported by Su Nang. Su Nang was actually involved last year, but Bu Shitu's performance was very disappointing. Originally, the court hoped that he would do something. As a matter of fact, at least Su Nang's cavalry should be restrained, but he didn't move at all." Li Sancai said very dissatisfied.

"How can you convince these people on the grassland with your empty teeth?" Qi Yongtai shook his head: "I think Neikarkha people are pretending to be crazy, and Bu Shitu is silent because they haven't received enough benefits. , just to send a letter, to persuade, and let someone send someone out to work for you, how can there be such a good thing in the world?"

   "Chengfeng, do you mean to send people to go to the grassland immediately?" Fang Congzhe asked hesitantly: "Promise some benefits? Or bring some money, silver, food and fodder?"

"Maybe there are some people they can trust for their benefits. Is it time for money, silver, food and fodder now? I don't know if these people on the grassland accept the bank notes? Maybe they should accept them, after all, the bank notes have been in circulation for so long." Qi Yongtai mused. Said: "At the moment, I am more worried about who is causing trouble when these Mongolians are suddenly united. Lindanbatur has no such ability. Except for Nurhachi, I can't imagine anyone else who can do this. By the way, Pedestrian Division is also saying that there is movement in North Korea, and they are playing monsters again. I am even a little worried that something will happen to Japan at this time,..."

   "Nurhachi?" Ye Xianggao finally spoke, his voice a little low, "He's the only one. So, it's Nurhachi who wants to provoke Liaodong, and he provoked the Mongols to contain us?"

"Without the Mongols, we are already suffering enough. Xuanfu and Jizhen in Beizhili have dispatched heavy troops. Now once the Mongols move, Xuanfu and Jizhen will be under great pressure." Li Sancai suggested: " I'm afraid Shanxi Town and Denglai Town will have to be used together, or Yulin Town will have to be transferred."

   "Isn't Yulin Town too far away? Besides, Shaanxi has finally calmed down. If there is no accident, it will have to be suppressed by Yulin." Zhang Jingqiu, who has almost always been a puppet, finally couldn't help but interject.

  (end of this chapter)

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