Number of People

Chapter 2549: There are hidden worries looming in the Guizi scroll, and I have to

  Chapter 2549 Guizi scroll has hidden worries looming, and I have to

  Zhang Jingqiu has become much quieter since the Shangshu of the Ministry of War was transferred to the Zuodu Censor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate.

He was branded as Emperor Yonglong's "imperial party" early on, and his character is not like Gu Bingqian's, who can be low-key and small-minded, but also able to follow the wind at any time, and his colleagues treat him coldly, so Although his qualifications are deep, life in the Metropolitan Procuratorate is not easy, especially when there is a very powerful right capital censor, Qiao Yingjia.

  Like this kind of court meeting, Zhang Jingqiu most of the time is holding the mentality of having nothing to do with himself, and watching with cold eyes.

   Zhang Jingqiu couldn't help interjecting until the situation in Shaanxi was mentioned.

It turned out that Zhang Nai, the procurator of Shaanxi's criminal punishment, was from the same family as him, and both were from Southern Zhili, but Zhang Jingqiu was from Yingtianfu, and Zhang Nai was from Songjiang. The relationship between the two has always been good, even if Zhang Jingqiu was recruited by Emperor Yonglong, Nor did it affect the personal friendship between the two.

  The two had been exchanging letters. Zhang Nai often mentioned in the letters that the conditions in Shaanxi were harsh and dangerous.

  He also talked about Feng Keng, full of praise in his words.

It is said that during Feng Keng's tenure as the governor of Shaanxi, on the one hand, he suppressed the rebellion forcefully, on the other hand, he also did a lot of good deeds. In particular, he vigorously promoted the two types of potatoes and sweet potatoes in Shaanxi, which greatly improved Shaanxi, especially northern Shaanxi. The problem of food for the poor peasants has made the situation in Shaanxi slightly stabilized in the past two years.

  However, he also mentioned that the people in Shaanxi are tough and like to be brave and fierce. Once there is a natural disaster and cannot afford food, there will always be people who like to climb high and cause turmoil.

   Now that the two towns of Ganning and Ningxia have been merged into Ganning Town, the main energy has been put down on the defense line of the two towns of Ningxia, Gansu. If something happens in Shaanxi, they can only rely on Yulin Town.

   Now there is no strong governor like Feng Keng who can hold back. Although Li Tengfang does a good job, compared with Feng Keng, he is far behind in every aspect.

  Because Zhang Jingqiu talked about the situation in Shaanxi with Zhang Nai many times in letters, Zhang Jingqiu also knew that the current situation in Shaanxi was quite fragile.

  After experiencing the chaos, it would not be possible to recover without three to five years of recuperation, and there would be disturbances if there was any disturbance, so Yulin Town had to sit here.

   That's why he rarely speaks out.

  Zhang Jingqiu's voice made the hall quiet for a while. Firstly, Zhang Jingqiu is the former minister of the Ministry of War. Second, Zhang Jingqiu has kept silent for so many years. This rare voice is still enough to make people take it seriously.

   "Jing Qiu, are you worried about something happening in Shaanxi?" Ye Xianggao looked at Zhang Jingqiu.

"The Su Nang Department of the Tumote people is ready to move. The Bushi rabbit does not scatter the eagle when it sees the rabbit. The situation in Shanxi may not be reassuring. The immature rope may not be easily moved there. Shaanxi is suffering from severe drought and the people are poor. There are many people who take risks. With people around, who dares to say that there won’t be another catastrophe? If you don’t rest for a few years, the risk cannot be reduced, so the force option of Yulin Town must be retained.”

  Zhang Jingqiu suggested calmly.

   "Shanxi Town is afraid that it will not be easy to move. The situation in Shanxi will be stable. If it is withdrawn, it will cause turmoil." Li Sancai said every word: "If something really happens in Liaodong, we can only look at Denglai Town."

   Such an answer made everyone feel heavy.

  Shanxi and Shaanxi dare not move lightly, really dare not.

   After finally settling down, I don’t know how much energy it will take to settle down again.

   What we need to do now is to stabilize the area that has gradually settled down as much as possible, and then concentrate on calming down the most difficult area of ​​Beizhi.

  As for Liaodong, now I just suspect, or highly suspect that something will happen, but after all, it hasn't shown up yet. What if it doesn't?

"Henan is in danger now, I'm afraid we have to take action. Wei Guangwei has sent letters twice to remind him that the chaos in Zhangde, Weihui and Guide is becoming more and more apparent, and it must be resolved immediately, otherwise it may affect Luoyang in the south of the river. Kaifeng." Zhang Huaichang said in a muffled voice.

   "Huaichang, what do you mean?" Ye Xianggao became more and more anxious.

   This chief assistant has only been quiet for a few days, and all kinds of things will pop up almost every five days, making him exhausted physically and mentally.

  Now even when he is sleeping, he often wakes up in the middle of the night, and then he can't fall asleep. He only feels that his hair has suddenly turned gray. Not to mention, his wife and concubine at home said that the skin is also loose, and the old scars on his face are growing rapidly.

Sometimes Ye Xianggao also felt that he should take a rest after being the chief assistant for more than ten years, but at this time, he still couldn't let go of the burden easily, even if he wanted to let go, he had to deal with the difficulties for a while. Just spend it.

   "Jiangbei Town should be used, but the three prefectures north of the Yellow River in Henan are actually connected to the north and the south. If it is to be solved, it is best to have a unified command." Zhang Huaichang frowned.

  Yuan Yingtai's performance was really disappointing, and now all the towns are full of complaints and resentment.

  He suggested that Yuan Yingtai be adjusted and replaced to preside over the military affairs of Beizhili, but the cabinet has not responded for a long time.

Yuan Yingtai has some contacts, Li Sancai is supportive, Ye Xianggao has a good impression of him, and even Qi Yongtai recognized him very much, but he messed up the matter of Beizhili, and now he has to change people , that really can only be dismissed and investigated.

  The intention of the imperial court is to let him persevere, wait until the situation is better, and then replace him.

  This is a good idea, but who would have thought that the Mongols would move? Could it be that Nurhachi was behind this?

  If it is, then Beizhili has really become a confidant's trouble. If it is not resolved quickly, the confidant's trouble will combine with the elbow and armpit troubles, leading to an unmanageable situation.

"The Liaodong side has also made preparations early. Brother Chengfeng is right. This kind of movement is not a coincidence. Someone must be threading the needle in it. The possibility of Jianzhou Jurchen is the greatest. We have to make preparations as soon as possible." Zhang Huaichang also suggested. .

   "Then Huaichang means..." In fact, Ye Xianggao also heard what Zhang Huaichang meant, but he didn't want to touch Feng Ziying very much.

  It's only been a year, and Feng Ziying has to come back again. I feel like I can't do things without Feng Ziying, which is too unpleasant.

"Liaodong should be laid out as soon as possible to prevent accidents. Denglai Town should be prepared in advance. If it is unfavorable, immediately rush to Liaodong. Dongjiang Town has not yet been completed. Liu Ting was transferred away. The performance of Zhao led the teaching is not satisfactory. In my opinion, It is more appropriate for Denglai Town to enter Liaodong now."

  Zhang Huaichang hesitated for a moment, "However, Cao Wenzhao and Zhao Ledjiao have always been at odds. I mean, can Yang Yuan lead a part of Ji Town to enter Liao first, and Denglai Town take over the task of Ji Town in Beizhi?"

   It would be a bit of a mess to do this, but everyone knows that Cao Wenzhao and Zhao rate are in the same situation. If Cao Wenzhao is really asked to go to Liaodong, I am afraid that it will make a mess again.

Qi Yongtai pondered for a while, and suggested: "Cao Wenzhao can arrange He Renlong's group to go to Dongjiang to strengthen Mao Wenlong's strength and increase the pressure from Jiulian City. In addition, we can let Jizhen's group enter Liao first and board The main force of Lai Town will take over the military affairs of Ji Town in Beizhili."

  Ye Xianggao doesn't care about these things, he cares more about who will succeed Yuan Yingtai, and who will be in charge of Liaodong?

"It's not suitable for Dalai to preside over the military affairs of Beizhili. If this drags on, the situation will get worse and worse, and there are signs of chaos in Henan." Gu Bingqian continued: "If Dalai is allowed to govern Shandong, Fei Bai went to Beizhi to preside over military affairs, and Feng Ziying went to Liaodong?"

  Fang Congzhe understood Ye Xianggao's worry, and shook his head slightly: "Ziying has only been to Jiangnan for a year, and now it's not appropriate to transfer him?"

"Why are you still worrying about these things now? Jiangnan is a good place to be pampered and pampered. Young people like Feng Keng will not let them take on big responsibilities, let him enjoy the blessings in Jiangnan, and let people like Zhisheng and Feibai go to the battlefield. Going up to fight, is it appropriate?" Tang Binyin couldn't help but interjected.

  Mingming knows that his words in the cabinet are not enough, but Tang Binyin also wants to make his own voice.

  Feng Ziying lived in Jiangnan this year like a fish in water. He got news that he had traveled to almost all the prefectures and prefectures in one year, and had close contacts with local gentry and merchants, which made him extremely worried.

This guy actually has so many fans in Jiangnan, even businessmen are fine, but many gentry seem to be gradually moving closer to him, which can't help but make Tang Binyin and Miao Changqi feel scared, even Jiangnan's old lair has been censored. This guy has been hollowed out, how can these scholars who rely on Jiangnan as their foundation get along?

"Brother Jiabin said that, Feng Keng is young and cutting-edge, especially good at military affairs, and it is right to let him take on the big responsibility. He has performed outstandingly in Liaodong and Shaanxi. "Miao Changqi also answered.

  The voices of Tang and Miu also forced Ye Fang and Li to consider the feasibility of this proposal.

  After all, people say that the righteousness is awe-inspiring and the situation is rational. If you disagree, Fang Congzhe's reason just now is too far-fetched. Everything must obey the overall situation. This is the most basic rule for politicians.

Ye Xianggao thought for a while, Dongjiang Town was originally planned by Feng Ziying, and Liaodong Town was Feng Tang's old subordinate. Feng Ziying's reputation in Liaodong has been increasing since the last victory in Liaodong. To become a Li Chengliang, even if Feng Ziying is a civil servant, Ye Xianggao does not want the Feng family to be too strong in the border town.

   "The juvenile rope cannot be moved for the time being, and the situation in Shanxi must be stabilized. If it is possible, let Ziying succeed Dalai, Dalai succeed Feibai, and Feibai go to Liaodong. What do you think?"

Ye Xianggao also knew that it was time to pay attention, and asked Feng Ziying to take charge of military affairs in Beizhi for the time being. When the situation in Shanxi stabilized, he asked Sun Chengzong to replace Feng Ziying. bigger and bigger.

  Ye Xianggao always had a feeling that this Feng Ziying didn't look like a pure civil servant, even though he was also from the Imperial Academy, and his status as a civil servant was much higher than that of a warrior.

  But this guy always likes to get too close to warriors. This is not a good sign, maybe it has something to do with his background in martial arts.

  (end of this chapter)

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