Number of People

Chapter 2553: Guizi scroll can be intimate, shocking and inexplicable

  Chapter 2553 Guizi Juan can be intimate, shocking and inexplicable

  Is Qin Keqing also one of the thousands of reds?

   Of course it counts.

  Not to mention the charming and charming characters in the book "Dream of Red Mansions", Qin Keqing's special status in this life has determined her relationship with the Jia family to keep a distance, so since she hanged herself, it seems that she has no reason to let the other party down, right?

  Being harshly "taught" by her husband, Shi Xiangyun is also very charming and charming, and after a lot of clouds and rain, it is another world.

"Second sister is right, but sister Qing is also a poor person. She was born in that kind of family. Her parents are embarrassing people. They can't make it public, and they even have to avoid it. Now she has reconciled with Jia Rong and is alone. , no one cares, how should I live my life?"

  Shi Xiangyun is actually kind-hearted, and Feng Ziying is very clear that saying these words is actually to ease his cheeks.

   "Yun'er, in fact, Xianggong and Keqing have nothing to do with each other. You should be able to tell that she is still a girl." Feng Ziying said flatly.

   "That is to say, Ke Keqing has long hung his heart on Xianggong. Could it be that Xianggong has the heart to let him be so lonely without a name for the rest of his life?"

  Emotionally, Shi Xiangyun unconsciously brought himself into it.

I also lost my father and mother since childhood, and my two uncles and aunts don't care much about me, but at least I still have an aunt, but Qin Keqing only has an adoptive father, but in this situation, the adoptive father seems to have no ability to help her. Qin Keqing will have to struggle on her own for the rest of her life, and it is precisely because of this that Xiangyun sympathizes with Qin Keqing.

   "Or, Xianggong is not at all tempted by Keqing?"

  Shi Xiangyun's words left Feng Ziying speechless, and she seemed a little duplicity.

  Why bother to avoid this topic? Xiangyun is not an outsider either.

"Uh, Yun'er, you've made my husband feel a little ashamed when you ask me." Feng Ziying hugged Shi Xiangyun a little tighter, "It would be a lie to say that I wasn't tempted at all, but Keqing is too thoughtful. It's complicated and treacherous, so I'm not sure what she's thinking, and the people behind her, I'm also a bit taboo, you know I'm a civil servant, and the emperor behind her has a relationship with the current cabinet, hey, It's hard to say..."

"Does Xianggong like simple people or complicated people?" Shi Xiangyun raised his head with admiration in his eyes, "but I feel that no matter what difficult and difficult things are, it is nothing to Xianggong, no matter what Keqing has. Thoughts, she is equally willing to follow Xianggong, so why should Xianggong disappoint Keqing's affection? Even if it is to be Xianggong's concubine, it is better than Keqing wandering outside alone, right?"

  Feng Ziying felt that this girl Yun's eloquence had already caught up with Xue Baoqin and Tanchun, but she was so stunned by the other party that she could only nod her head.

"Then you must remember, don't disappoint a girl's admiration and admiration for you. Giving them something in return is the greatest kindness, and it will give them more hope of persevering in this world." Shi Xiangyun thinks that he also wanted to seek death at the beginning. Without Feng Ziying's promise, how could he persist in being distributed to the frontier at that time?

  For Shi Xiangyun's kindness and tolerance, Feng Ziying was even more moved and joyful in her heart, and she also felt more love and pity for Xiangyun.


   "I really didn't expect you to return to Beijing so soon. I thought you would stay in Nanjing for at least three years." Qin Keqing came over with tea, "Baoyi has decided to go to Yangzhou, but how many of them are there?"

   "This is a problem you gave me, and it's up to you to solve it." Feng Ziying felt a headache when she thought about it. Of course, she had a reason and couldn't control her lower body, but wasn't the culprit this woman?

  He also took a group of women to follow him around, and now even Tanchun and Xiangyun know that this woman has "unruly" and "conspiracy" against him.

   Tanchun and Xiangyun all know about this kind of thing, so they probably can’t hide it in Beijing.

"The concubine will solve it? That's easy. Take them back to the capital and make you a concubine." Qin Keqing said with a smile: "Anyway, you don't have one or two concubines, Wang Xifeng, Zhen Baochen, um, and Zhen Baozhen , together with Tang Mu Tan and Liu Chan'er in the water, the house flowers are not exciting enough at home, and it's not bad to go out to taste wild flowers."

   "Keep, it's already this time, so stop talking nonsense here, tell me what you want to do? What will you do in the future?"

Feng Ziying didn't want to go around Qin Keqing anymore. This woman had a treacherous mind, and he didn't have much energy to entangle with her. Even if she exposed these things, the harm to herself would be limited, but it would be of no benefit to herself. Feng Ziying believed that the other party Not so unwise.

   It's just what does this woman want, herself? Treat yourself as an outside room? or more?

But more is not what she can do. Qin Keqing should understand the rules of the court. A married woman must never be a concubine for officials above the fourth rank. Could it be that she wants to wait until she falls into a somersault and goes to the field before doing it for herself? concubine? But this chance is too slim and too incredible.

Qin Keqing saw that Feng Ziying asked such a serious matter, and she also knew that the other party came this time for a showdown, at least she had to figure out what she wanted, otherwise the higher the other party went, the more careful he would be to pay attention to these aspects, because these It is too uneconomical for him to capsize and affect things.

   "Ziying, would you believe what the concubine said today?" Qin Keqing looked at Feng Ziying leisurely, without any evasion, and even her eyes were extraordinarily clear and calm.

  Feng Ziying hesitated for a while, "I can tell if it's true or not."

"Well, let me just talk about the concubine. At the beginning, I always had doubts about my identity, because Jia Rong had been married to me for several years, but she refused to have **** with me, and even preferred to go out to hang out with women, or to have **** with me. The maids at home are messing around, and the concubine thinks she is pretty, and she is also a normal woman, why is her husband like this? Later, I gradually became aware of something strange. At that time, I had given up my heart, just wanted to figure out my identity,..."

  Qin Keqing's tone was calm, without much resentment, as if he had already accepted this reality.

"I originally wanted to open a gap here, please help me, but at that time you were very vigilant, probably busy attacking the sisters in Rongguo Mansion, and didn't want to ruin my reputation because of a married woman, but Then why did you attack Wang Xifeng and Li Wan later? The truth is revealed? But why didn’t you want to touch me later? You still think my identity is too sensitive and you don’t want to be in trouble? But you are not a person who is afraid of things.”

  Feng Ziying was at a loss for words, she hesitated for a long while before she said: "It's a coincidence, right? The matter between Sister Feng and Li Wan is hard to explain in one word, but it's done, and I don't want to explain any more. All the mistakes are my fault."

   "But you didn't make this mistake on me." Qin Keqing said quietly.

   "Keep, let's not worry about this anymore, you can continue talking." Feng Ziying could only ask to stop.

"Then let's talk about the two of us later." Qin Keqing pursed her lips in satisfaction, and it was not easy to make Feng Ziying beg for mercy. I think I can do it, but I didn't respond, I don't like him."

   "Why?" Feng Ziying asked in surprise.

"A person who was overthrown by his younger brother and ascended to the throne in an absolutely dominant situation, you can still expect him to come back to life and rise again? The matter between him and my biological mother was just a fuse. What are the important points? Even if the Supreme Emperor can't please him, how can the Supreme Emperor alone have the final say if he wants to move the crown prince? He doesn't know how to pull the cabinet ministers to his side? Blindly fighting fiercely, and even ran to the south of the Yangtze River Reserve a way out, this has already given up from the mentality, even if such a person becomes the emperor, he does not have much future."

  Feng Ziying was really shocked by Qin Keqing's words. He didn't think Qin Keqing could draw such an inference by herself.

  Seeing Feng Ziying's suspicious gaze, Qin Keqing laughed.

"I don't believe this is my own analysis and judgment. Well, you guessed it, of course I didn't figure it out alone. Although my biological mother helped my biological father and even became emperor, But she told me that she was not optimistic about it, because my biological father was a compromiser in his bones, so he couldn't fight the cabinet, and he didn't have the support of the military, let alone hope, even my biological father It's useless for my elder brother to want to be the prince, even if he does, the cabinet will not let him succeed, and will find various reasons to pull him down."

   This series of words really made Feng Ziying a little dumbfounded, it was too shocking.

  Concubine Ying contributed to the enthronement of Emperor Wantong, and Feng Ziying knew this, and even used the name of the Supreme Emperor at that time to exert pressure and communicate in various ways.

But Feng Ziying didn't expect Concubine Ying to be so disapproving of the man she once fell in love with and gave birth to a daughter to be the emperor. daughter.

"Do you think it's unbelievable, but this is the truth." Qin Keqing looked very indifferent, "Later I asked my biological mother, since you don't want me to have anything to do with him, what should I do as a woman? How can an abandoned woman live?"

"She said to choose the most promising man around you, and hold on to him persistently. I said that there are no outstanding men around me, and some of them are unattainable and unattainable to me..." Qin Keqing said: "She said, use any means , spare no effort, try my best to fight for it, choosing a reliable man as a concubine is better than marrying a mediocre wife. I said you, she said she is optimistic about you, not just what the outside world imagines, yours The goal may be higher."

   Continue to ask for 200 monthly tickets!



  (end of this chapter)

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