Number of People

Chapter 2554: Gui character scroll Zhou Zhao Ergong, Wei Wu Song Zu,

  Chapter 2554 Guizi Juan Zhou Zhao Ergong, Wei Wu Songzu, who to choose?

  Feng Ziying was a little frightened, especially seeing the ambition and utilitarianism in Qin Keqing's burning gaze, which made him rub his chin subconsciously.

   "Concubine Ying is so optimistic about me, why?"

  Feng Ziying calmed down her state of mind. After several dynasties of emperors, Concubine Ying naturally has some city power and knowledge, but he is still a little startled by being so optimistic about herself.

"She said that you have already become the top civil servant at the age of 30. If you don't commit any treasonous crimes, almost no one can stop you from entering the cabinet or even becoming the chief minister, and your status as a civil servant determines You're not likely to make that kind of mistake, or the general mistake won't touch you, unless..."

  Qin Keqing paused, Feng Ziying knew that the key lies in this unless, "Unless what?"

   "Unless you want to be the chief assistant and also have military power." Qin Keqing said every word.

   "Oh? Is there a problem with the first assistant in charge of military power? Is there a problem with the first assistant against the Seventh Ministry, and the Ministry of War is in charge of the military?" Feng Ziying asked back.

   "Ziying, you know that I am not talking about the military power in this sense. The cabinet's military power is controlled by the civil servants who command the generals to control the military power. What I am talking about is that the chief assistant directly seizes the military power by controlling the military generals."

  The corners of Qin Keqing's mouth became a little colder.

   "What's the difference?" Feng Ziying was a little nervous. This concubine Ying has a good vision, and she can see this.

"The former is normal, but the emperor can also use the Five Armies Commander's Office to command generals to seize military power, so the cabinet continues to downplay the role of the Fifth Army Commander's Office, but until now the cabinet has not abolished the Fifth Army Commander's Office. There is a special situation in the appointment of generals. Now, the emperor has the right to directly appoint generals, although a countersignature from the Ministry of War is required, but if there is no countersignature, it depends on whether the generals accept it or not."

  Qin Keqing’s words made Feng Ziying couldn’t help but sneer, “The military general dares to accept the decree without the counter-signature of the Ministry of War, that is, to cut himself off from the court, and don’t even think about getting a penny of money. A mutiny can happen at any time.”

"So she also said that this is a paradox, but you are different." Qin Keqing became more relaxed, "She said that your military background and your military experience in the past few years, coupled with your father's prestige, are enough to make generals not need The identities of the Ministry of War and the cabinet can directly command generals, and if this is crowned with the status of chief assistant, then neither the emperor nor other cabinet ministers will be able to restrain you."

"Hehehe..." Feng Ziying couldn't help laughing a few times, but even he could hear how dry and guilty his laughter was, "King, when you say that, I feel a little bit on pins and needles. If other people think the same way, I am really the target of public criticism, and I may be unforgivable at any time."

"Are you really worried?" Qin Keqing asked back: "I don't think so, otherwise you wouldn't be so eager to return to the battlefield. Do you think that with your qualifications as a civil servant, your connections in the North, and the support you get in Jiangnan? It's enough, you just need to firmly grasp the military power, and you will be invincible, she also said, the measure here depends on whether you can grasp it well in the future."

   "So what if you master it well, so what if you don't master it well?" Feng Ziying asked again.

   "Good or bad is relative, it depends on everyone's perception." Qin Keqing had put aside everything at this time, looking very casual, "Either you are Zhou Zhao Ergong, or you are..."

   "Who is it?" Feng Ziying actually guessed what he didn't say.

   "Emperor Wu of Wei or Emperor Taizu of Song Dynasty." Qin Keqing didn't shy away from it.

   "Oh?" At this time, Feng Ziying relaxed, and said, what do you care about, "Then what kind of person does Qing want me to be?"

   "Look at Ziying yourself. Of course, from my personal point of view, of course I hope you can become the two of Cao Zhao, a manly man, why should you be afraid of others' words, why should you live under others?"

   These words really did not conceal the slightest bit, which made Feng Ziying roll her eyes.

   Zhou Zhao Ergong has a high reputation and has always been a model of scholars. Unexpectedly, Qin Keqing would treat him like a poor man, and he would rather be Cao Zhao. You must know that the reputation of these two people is not too high among the people.

   "Keep, you are really right. This is not pushing me directly onto the stove, but directly into the iron smelting blast furnace, which can turn me into ashes in an instant." Feng Ziying joked.

   "You are a vajra of hundreds of refinements. True gold is not afraid of fire." Qin Keqing said in a manly voice.

   "Okay, let's stop talking nonsense here." Feng Ziying looked at Qin Keqing, "It's still the same sentence, what do you plan to do in the future?"

   "I have shown my attitude." Qin Keqing looked innocent, "Where are you going, where am I going to follow, haven't I explained clearly enough? I just want to witness your great talent, and where you can go in the end."

  The "heart-to-heart" relationship with Qin Keqing was full of ups and downs, but she finally understood what the other party was thinking, and was so optimistic about herself, Feng Ziying didn't worry that the other party would come out with anything.

  Of course, even if the other party really wants to frame her, Feng Ziying is not afraid.

  There are some things that can be judged regardless of deeds. It’s not that you can do whatever you say I want, not to mention that with the identities of Concubine Ying and Qin Keqing, if you really want to “frame” yourself, it’s hard for anyone to believe it.

  The news from the imperial court came very quickly.

  Huguang veteran scholar Zhou Jiamo served as Jiangnan Chengxuan Zuo Buzhengshi, and Shaanxi scholar Wang Tu served as Jiangnan's punishment and inspector.

  These two are considered to be the two main officials in the three divisions, and they will be in place soon.

   Zhou Jiamo is not young anymore, he is in his sixties, and he is probably here to prepare for the transition, and he will be replaced in a year or two, but Wang Tu is in his prime.

  The candidate for the commander of the capital has not yet been finalized, and it is estimated that a suitable candidate will be selected in the capital of the five armies.

   But these have nothing to do with Feng Ziying. Feng Ziying only needs to wait until Zhou Jiamo and Wang Tu arrive, and then hand over the relevant affairs to them. It is time for Feng Ziying to go to Baoding to take office.

   Everything that should be done here is almost done, Feng Ziying now has to worry about what will happen to these three pregnant women once she leaves Nanjing.

  Li Wan was just pregnant, but she didn't show it yet, and now she had already greeted her quietly and returned north by boat.

  Wang Xifeng over there was both proud and sad when he got the news.

What makes her proud is that she gave birth to a son who tiptoed around like a thief, and he still said he was adopted to the outside world. He couldn't tell his old acquaintances about the countless sufferings, but now Li Wan walked the same road as himself, and finally found someone who could confide in his bitterness. of the Confederate Army.

The sad thing is that I worked hard in Tianjin Wei, but the heartless man went to Nanjing to "flavour and drink", not only Yingchun and Xichun were pregnant, but even mandarin ducks were conceived, and now there is a Li Wan, the taste here is really impressive miscellaneous.

  However, Wang Xifeng was very happy that Li Wan was willing to go to Tianjin Wei Wang Xifeng's place. At least Li Wan still recognized Wang Xifeng. With the same illness, the two could have more common language.

"I'm afraid this is the last time I've come to Xuzhou." Feng Ziying stood at the head of Xuzhou City with her hands behind her back, "Jiangbei Town may be leaving soon, but the situation in Shandong is not stable. Once Jiangbei Town leaves, Feng County and Pei County on your side Even Dangshan must pay attention to prevent the situation in Henan and Shandong from affecting this side. I asked Liu Baichuan to keep a battalion of town troops as the seeds of your Xuzhou guards. You can supplement them with a battalion of guards in exchange. Three battalions of guards, so you use this battalion of the Northwest Army to expand the third battalion. I will give you three months. In addition, the Jiangnan Capital Division has not yet been formed, so I will act on behalf of the army. First, the funds will be allocated from the Ministry of War. Priority You Xuzhou soldier prepared,..."

  He Fengsheng looked at Feng Ziying suspiciously: "Ziying, when did you become so talkative? You even think about such good things for me. Why do I always feel that you are plotting against me?"

Feng Ziying grinned, "Do you think this battalion of the Northwest Army is so easy to get? The expansion of the first battalion into the third battalion is very time-consuming. I am very worried that the situation in Henan will deteriorate rapidly. This is also to remind you to be prepared. Fengyang is also close According to Guide, Wupingwei is in Bozhou. The land belongs to us in Jiangnan, but it is under the jurisdiction of the capital of Henan. Of course, that is because there was no capital in Jiangnan. Now Wupingwei belongs to Jiangnan, but now it exists in name only. At that time, a battalion will be moved to Bozhou. ..."

  He Fengsheng sneered, "Ziying, I said, why are you so generous to do something good? It turns out that you want to use my Xuzhou Guards to defend Fengyang. If that doesn't work, I'd rather not have this battalion of the Northwest Army..."

   "If you want something, you have to want it, if you don't want it, you have to want it. Now Wupingwei is empty, just an empty name. You Xuzhou already has a guard base. I am still the governor of the south of the Yangtze River. Ke Yao, why, are you going to disobey orders?"

Feng Ziying was also polite, "I don't take your Xuzhou guards for nothing. Fengyang Mansion sent a battalion of guards over to train in Xuzhou with the Xuzhou guards. Xuzhou serves as a training base, and I'm going to Hebei soon, I don't want to see that things haven't been settled over there, and your side is being harmed by Guide Bailian's rebellious army, otherwise I won't bother to worry about your Jiangnan affairs."

He hasn't taken office yet, but Feng Ziying realizes that Beizhili and the three prefectures north of the Yellow River in Henan may become a disaster. Once he starts squeezing and strangling, the disaster will definitely go down. Henan has a Yellow River anyway. , but Xuzhou has too close a relationship with Guide, and something might happen.

   To fight this battle well, we must first secure the fence, Xuzhou is the key, Fengyang is the weakest and most dangerous, so he will use this trick to prepare for a rainy day.

  So it is inevitable that the old classmate will suffer a little bit. Of course, he will not treat He Fengsheng badly. Naturally, the food and payment funds related to the Ministry of War must be in place, which means that Xuzhou Bingbei Road has worked hard.

  (end of this chapter)

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