Number of People

Chapter 2555: The layout of the backhand of the Guizi scroll, the strength is hidden

  Chapter 2555 The layout of the backhand of the Guizi scroll, the strength is hidden

   Zhou Jiamo and Wang Tu finally arrived.

  Certainly not only two people came, but a large number of entourages, including relevant officials and their own private staff.

  Because Jiangnan is a new province, Feng Ziying just helped them choose the address of the yamen, and at the same time recommended some officials. In addition, Zhou Jiamo and Wang Tu operated in Beijing.

  It is the same in any dynasty and generation, and it is the same in any place. When you take office, especially this kind of new government office, it is inevitable to stuff your own people.

  During this period, Feng Ziying was not idle either, she also used all kinds of network resources and worked hard everywhere.

  Pan Ruzhen from Shaanxi was transferred over, and was officially promoted to Jiangnan. He announced that the political envoy, Zuo, participated in politics.

Originally, Feng Ziying wanted to help Pan Ruzhen run the right political envoy, but she couldn't do it. We still have to make great efforts, not to mention that this is from Shaanxi to Jiangnan. Feng Ziying has also tried his best to achieve this step.

  Pan Ruzhen was also extremely grateful in the letter, and personally visited the three of Shen Xuelin in Beijing.

   Shen Xuelin and the three of them, who usually don't see outsiders, had to show up. After all, they are all senior officials from the third rank, so if they come to the door like this, it's not good to meet the host.

  Pan Ruzhen also specially prepared valuable gifts for several children of Sanfang, and truly regarded Feng Ziying as a benefactor.

  In particular, a pony from the Western Regions was specially prepared for Tongniang. It is only four feet tall and has a docile personality.

   These are all mentioned in the letter from Jingzhong’s family.

  In addition to Pan Ruzhen, Feng Ziying also transferred Qi Suzhen, the magistrate of Gu County, Shaanxi Province, to serve as the co-prefect of Fengyang Prefecture.

   Qi Suzhen was quite effective in promoting potato, sweet potato, and corn planting in Fugu, and Feng Ziying also intended to let Fengyang, a city with a large population and land, do something in this.

   Originally, it was intentional for Qi Suzhen to go to Chuzhou or Hezhou, a small prefecture, to become a prefect, but Qi Suzhen was not from a Jinshi background, but from a Juren background. This is a major flaw.

  In the south of the Yangtze River, it is difficult to convince the public if you want to be a chief official, so you can only serve as a co-prefect.

In addition, Geng Ruqi also recommended to Feng Ziying his subordinate when he was the magistrate in the Chongqing government. Xu Guoshou, who had the experience of the eighth rank, was also from a family background, but he was very young. .

   Lian Guoshi also recommended his subordinate Tong San Xiang Wenzhong in Xi'an Mansion. He was a top-ranked Jinshi in the second year of Yonglong and was quite capable. Feng Ziying was also assigned to the prefect of Chuzhou.

When Zheng Chongjian returned to Beijing before, he talked with Feng Ziying that he had benefited from two very powerful helpers in Fengxiang Mansion, but their positions were somewhat low. They are all just Juren.

   This time Feng Ziying also solved it together. Yu Yongping arranged to go to Ningguo Mansion as a co-prefect, and He Tongsheng went to the Lianghuai capital to transfer the salt envoy Siyamen to serve as an experiencer.

  Theoretically, the governor of Jiangnan does not have much jurisdiction over the salt affairs, but who let Feng Ziying hang the name of the left deputy capital censor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate?

The current transfer of salt envoys in the two Huaihe Rivers is no longer what it used to be. With Emperor Yonglong's illness and Emperor Wantong's succession, the emperor's small treasury was also quietly brought under the direct control of the Ministry of Household Affairs. Well, at most it was a symbolic payment to the palace.

   Taking advantage of this round of major changes in personnel, Feng Ziying also participated in the establishment of the new Yamen.

Of course, the most important thing is Pan Ruzhen's appointment as the left political envoy of Chengxuan. Once Zhou Jiamo has been in office for two years, the right envoy still does not know who it is. It is estimated that he will choose a young and vigorous role to succeed Zhou Jiamo in the future. Wang Tu may take over as the right chief envoy, and Pan Ruzhen has the opportunity to take over from Wang Tu's promotion and vacancy.

  Of course, this is just an ideal wish, and Feng Ziying can only say that he is working hard in this direction.

   "Zhen Pu, you came very quickly." After Feng Ziying attended the welcome banquet specially prepared for Zhou Jiamo and Wang Tu, when she returned to the mansion, Pan Ruzhen was already waiting in the mansion.

   "I left Beijing one day later than Mr. Zhou and Mr. Wang, because I had to report to the Ministry of Officials." Pan Ruzhen was not as sincere and frightened as others, of course, he must have done enough respect.

This person is my true benefactor. Whoever wanted to come here and worked as a governor for more than a year can get this high branch by himself, and in the eyes of others, he has been a bit of a blue sky in the past few years. feeling.

  He even felt that Jiangnan Cheng's left participation in politics was just a step, and maybe he would have a higher fortune in two or three years.

   "Well, how is the situation in Shaanxi, what does the Ministry of Officials say?" Feng Ziying still cared about Shaanxi very much, and often corresponded with people like Lian Guoshi, Xu Junyang, and Xia Zhiling.

"Shaanxi has been okay in the past two years. Although the weather is not good, it is much stronger than in previous years. At least one year of rain can make do with it. In addition, the potatoes and sweet potatoes you vigorously promote are very popular in the northern Shaanxi provinces. Welcome, in the words of those gentry, it has become the best food for bitter people to survive the famine, even the price of grain in the grain shop can no longer support it, and the taste is not right, but the output of that stuff It's big, cheap, and the sweet potato kids like to eat it, but they're not hungry,..."

  Pan Ruzhen can't stop talking about these things, and he also knows that Feng Ziying especially likes to hear this.

   "Has the fortress in the north of northern Shaanxi been cleared?" This is also a question that Feng Ziying is concerned about. This is a major source of civil unrest and must be resolutely removed.

"They have all been incorporated or wiped out. I dare not say that there is no one left, but even small groups of bandits and local bandits are rare, and they can be dealt with locally." Pan Ruzhen said solemnly: "This point Li The adults still spare no effort."

   "One food problem solves the problem of fullness of refugees and victims, and the other is the problem of chaos and chaos. If these two points are solved, Shaanxi will not be able to turn around." Feng Ziying sighed.

   "Your Excellency, you are worried that the situation in Henan is not stable, and it will endanger Shaanxi?" Pan Ruzhen is still very concerned about the current affairs of the DPRK and China, and he can basically guess Feng Ziying's worries.

"Well, I'm worried." Feng Ziying nodded: "In the past two years, the situation in Shanshan and Shaanxi has been slightly better, but the drought in Beizhi, Henan and Shandong has worsened. It is true that no year is smooth and the weather is good. The White Lotus Sect took the opportunity to make trouble , Now maybe the Jianzhou Jurchen and Mongols outside the border wall have their thoughts again, so I will resign early and go to the north."

   "I heard that my lord is going to pay homage to the governor of Hebei, and my subordinates are here to congratulate you in advance." Pan Ruzhen got up and saluted.

  Feng Ziying waved her hand with a calm face.

"The two of us don't need to wait for such vain gifts. Governor of Hebei, that's a good name. He's not the governor of Beizhi. Do you understand the implication of Zhenpu? This means that everything north of the Yellow River must be entrusted to me, including The three prefectures of Zhangde, Weihui, and Huaiqing, which have already begun to become chaotic, even include Kaifeng prefecture in the area north of the Yellow River. Huaichang Gongxin simply stated directly that the Guide prefecture in the south of the river was involved in the rebellion of the White Lotus Sect Let me handle the same thing, this is using my donkey to death."

Pan Ruzhen also laughed, but then said: "Those who can do more work, who told you to do a good job in military affairs, but you still have to be careful, Beizhi and Henan are even a piece of white lotus sect. Rampant, my subordinates have been talking about it all the way, even on board, those Beizhi businessmen have said inside and out that the officers and soldiers are exhausted, and basically they have not achieved many decent victories."

"Well, if that wasn't the case, why did you ask me to take orders in the face of danger? Brother Dalai didn't fight well, and he seldom held his breath. He also wrote to me and talked about some things. It's a little embarrassing, after all, he was given the status of the right servant of the Ministry of War, and he was not given the status of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, so the local officials are a little bit self-conscious, regardless of the overall situation, which made him very resentful."

  Of course Feng Ziying knew that this was not just as simple as what Yuan Yingtai said.

  Your own command is wrong, so it is naturally difficult to get the support of the generals in the army.

   And once they lose two more games, the local officials will definitely feel insecure, unwilling to let themselves be used as scapegoats, and think of themselves first when doing things.

  In addition, Yuan Yingtai's responsibility is not enough. Of course, this also has something to do with his status and qualifications. All in all, various factors came together to become such a mess.

   Fortunately, Yuan Yingtai has no suspicions against Feng Ziying, and knows that Feng Ziying was also pushed out of the shelves, so he also truthfully introduced a lot of the situation in the letter. After returning to Beijing, he will definitely have to explain the situation in detail.

   "My lord and Yuan lord have a good relationship?" Pan Ruzhen was very surprised that this predecessor almost walked away in despair, but he could still have such a tacit harmony with his successor.

"Zhen Pu, you are narrow-minded. Could it be that you are not familiar with each other, and brother Dalai will just drop the pick? I used to work with him and deal with him. At that time, when he was an acquaintance in Yongping, he was a member of the Ministry of War. Doctor, and I was kicked out for this matter, can you blame me? Without me, there will be someone else to take his place, so what can he complain about?"

  Feng Ziying smiled, "Although the situation is dangerous, it is not impossible to open it up. Killing pigs and butts, each has its own way. Let's see after you take office. By the way, Zhenpu, are you from Tongcheng?"

   "Yes, my lord still remembers my subordinate's hometown." Pan Ruzhen was also a little moved.

  (end of this chapter)

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