Number of People

Chapter 2556: Guizijuan responded positively, and the wind came from behind

  Chapter 2556 Guizi Juan actively responds, the wind comes later

"Hmph, you should know that you are making an exception this time. It is reasonable to say that you are an official who wants to avoid citizenship, but you are from Anqing Prefecture. But this time Jiangnan Province was changed from Nanzhili. It turns out that the various prefectures are even equal. The evasion of nationality has now suddenly expanded to fourteen prefectures and four prefectures, and it is suddenly impossible to implement it, so it has not been followed for the time being. The opinion of the Ministry of Officials is to gradually implement this policy within five to ten years, otherwise no one will be able to implement it. It is impossible to rotate thousands of officials all at once.”

  North and South Zhili are not counted as provinces, that is to say, all the prefectures in the North and South Zhili are equivalent to a province directly facing the seven ministries of the imperial court. Therefore, the other provinces are based on the province, while the North and South Zhili are based on the prefecture.

  This in disguise has caused a large number of officials to serve in various prefectures in Jiangnan Province.

  This kind of situation is quite common, so it cannot be solved in a short time. We can only follow the original mode first, and then change it slowly.

"It's no wonder that Xiaguan also asked about his hometown and experience in Jiangnan when he was briefed by the Ministry of Officials. Xiaguan didn't understand it at the time. Now that I think about it, the Ministry of Officials may also be considering this aspect. There is a problem." Pan Ruzhen suddenly realized.

"There's no need to think about this for the time being, because it's too common here in the south of the Yangtze River to deal with it, so the old system will have to be continued in three to five years, but it will definitely be strictly enforced after five years." Feng Ziying nodded, "I'm afraid it's the same. Haven't been back to your hometown for a long time?"

  Pan Ruzhen raised his head and calculated silently, "Before the civil unrest in Shaanxi, I went back once a year. An elder passed away, and I was too busy with affairs in the past few years, so I didn't go back."

   "Who else is there in the family?" Feng Ziying asked again.

   "Both parents are here, and there is a brother and a younger brother, both at home." Seeing Feng Ziying's questioning so carefully, Pan Ruzhen was also a little curious.

"Well, I'm afraid you also know that Mr. Mingqing is old and has low energy. He may be resigning from office in one or two years. You, the leftist political envoy, want to help him do something, no matter who is the right minister or who is the right minister. We must do things in accordance with our original principles of doing things in Shaanxi, and strive to do something practical for the common people.” Feng Ziying did not shy away, “If Ming Qing’s official appointment is official, the chances are very high that the right minister will succeed the left minister. Wang Tu If you take over as the chief envoy to the right, I hope you can take over as the procurator for the punishment."

  Pan Ruzhen's heart was beating wildly.

   Is this the rhythm of the third grade?

   "Your Excellency loves you so much, Zhen Pu will work hard to live up to your high expectations." Pan Ruzhen stood up and bowed heavily.

"Okay, you are not doing things for me, but for the court." Feng Ziying pondered for a while, "The war in Hebei may take another year or so, and the military resources needed in Jiangnan are indispensable. You have to make preparations in advance. , This year’s harvest in the south of the Yangtze River is bumper, and grain can be purchased in advance to avoid too much price increase in the later harvest. In addition, we should also consider planting potatoes and sweet potatoes in Fengyang, Luzhou, and Anqing. I’m worried about chaos and famine in Henan. It is indispensable, maybe we will adjust the food from your side,..."

  Pan Ruzhen naturally kept Feng Ziying's confession in mind.

Now that Feng Ziying is the governor of Hebei, and the governor of the entire military affairs north of the Yellow River, once this battle is over, I am afraid that this person will really be promoted to a certain minister of the second rank. To put it bluntly, before the age of thirty It is not impossible for such a shocking thing to be staged.

"In addition, Zhenpu, Xuzhou, Guangde, Yangzhou and other state capitals, some are my classmates, some are from Shaanxi, and they are still in the familiarization stage. You have worked in the state capital for a long time and have the most practical experience. , I often mention them more,..."

   After this earnest teaching, Pan Ruzhen was also grateful. He really helped him on the horse and sent him off for a ride.

Several other people also came one after another, especially Qi Suzhen's side, Feng Ziying also specifically confessed that considering Fengyang Mansion's vast territory and close proximity to Henan, potatoes and sweet potatoes were planted in advance, just in case, Qi Suzhen can understand the importance , also fully agreed.

Although Feng Ziying arranged a lot of personnel, Zhou Jiamo and Wang Tu had no objection after they came. After all, Feng Ziying was the governor of the south of the Yangtze River, and this time he went back to the battlefield. No one wanted to offend a prosperous new political star.

Especially people like Zhou Jiamo who are in their sixties, who are Huguang scholars themselves, and are quite familiar with Ying Zhen, Feng Ziying's teacher. It can be arranged by forging an incense and love.

  So when everything was almost arranged, Feng Ziying was ready to leave for Beijing.

  The only things that gave Feng Ziying a headache were Yingchun, Xichun and Yuanyang.

  It is not suitable for the three daughters to go back with him now, especially since Yingchun's expected date of delivery is within 20 days, it is even more impossible, and Xichun is only more than a month away.

  Mandarin ducks are fine, but it's also impossible to go to Bumpy.

  So after much deliberation, all three girls can only stay in Nanjing temporarily, let Yu Chuaner follow Yuanyang, and Jin Chuaner returns to Beijing with Tanchun and Xiangyun.

   As Feng Ziying expected, Xiangyun was about to return to Beijing, and Tiangui was out of date, so he asked the doctor to come and see, and sure enough, he was hit.

  The ecstatic Xiangyun is in stark contrast to Tanchun who is trying to put on a happy face.

   This trip to the south of the Yangtze River, everyone has "gained", but she has nothing. The only way to confide this pain is to hold Feng Ziying at night with tears in her eyes.

   Fortunately, Xiangyun is just pregnant, so the impact is not too big, and they can go back to Beijing together.

  Feng Ziying felt that this trip to the south of the Yangtze River was full of firepower, and she got four women pregnant in one year. This ability is enough to be praised by anyone.

   I rented an official ship from Nanjing and headed north, and I naturally had to stay in Yangzhou for a day.

Inevitably, while being happy with Zhen Baochen, you have to bear some complaints. Zhen Baochen is pregnant, and now she and Zhen Baochen are born together, which is an extra companion for Zhen Baochen, but Zhen Baochen sees that Zhen Baochen is pregnant, so naturally I had some thoughts.

  Feng Ziying inevitably had to make another promise before she got up and went north amidst the tearful eyes of the second daughter.

   All the way north, you can feel the changes in Shandong along both sides of the canal. After the war, Shandong recovered very quickly.

  But the ravages of the White Lotus Sect caused another catastrophe in Shandong, but even so, the tenacious Shandong people still used their own hands to make the situation on both sides of the canal look less bad.

  Feng Ziying did not stop, and traveled northward all the way until Hejianfu, which was regarded as slowing down.

This is the land of Hebei. In theory, Hejian Mansion will also be under the jurisdiction of the governor of Hebei, but the situation in Hejian Mansion is much better than that of Zhending and Baoding in the west. Feng Ziying met in Hejian Mansion to succeed Yuan Yingtai as Hebei Wang Zhicai of the prefect.

  Wang Zhicai was appointed as the magistrate of Hejian from the head of Qingtan Academy.

  He is from Dali, Shaanxi, and he is a scholar from the North, and he has the background of Qingtan Academy, so he doesn't have so many restraints when he speaks.

"Xinyi, I won't hide it from you. I will be the governor of Hebei immediately, and I will be responsible for solving the Bailian chaos in Beizhi and several prefectures in Henan. Although Hejian has calmed down now, to be honest, I am in Jingzhou and Dongguang. Take a look, the situation in Cangzhou is not very good, so you can't take it lightly,..."

  Wang Zhicai came from Hejian Fuzhi Hejian.

The canal runs through the entire Hejian Prefecture, and most of the important prefectures and counties of Hejian Prefecture are on the edge of the canal. At the junction of the government, it is far from the canal.

"Ziying, I am also aware of this. The situation along the canal is a little better, while Cangzhou is a little worse. The main reason is that the folk customs are too tough. The White Lotus Sect has a deep foundation here, and the situation in Xianxian County and Suning is even worse. Well, I'm all focused on Xianxian and Suning now, so I put these two places next to Baoding and Zhending too close, and accidents are easy to happen."

   "Isn't Ren Qiu optimistic?" Feng Ziying asked.

  Wang Zhicai smiled wryly, "Can it be good? Wuguandian and Baiyangdian are all over there. Originally, the water bandits and lake bandits had been wiped out long ago, but when the White Lotus Sect interfered, they immediately revived."

   "What is the situation of the guards in Shenyang Zhongtunwei and Datong Zhongtunwei?"

Shenyang Zhongtunwei and Datong Zhongtunwei sound like they have nothing to do with Hejian, but in fact, they follow the pre-Ming Dynasty. During the Yongle period, Hejian Mansion was brought in. They are two miscellaneous guards, mainly Tuntian Weisuo. On the one hand, it cultivates the land, on the other hand, it provides some guards similar to the master.

"Hey, Ziying, what do you think? These two broken village guards who moved inland, what good can they have?" Wang Zhicai looked disgusted, "Fake airs, empty shells, nothing, one or two thousand The old, the weak, the sick, and the disabled should have been abolished long ago to avoid taking up such a large piece of land."

  Feng Ziying couldn't help frowning, feeling more and more heavy in her heart.

It seems that I was still optimistic before, thinking that even if Yuan Yingtai couldn't solve the difficult situation, he could at least handle it. I didn't expect that even a prefecture like Hejian, which should be regarded as a good one in his impression, would be so difficult now. What happened to Ding and Nan Sanfu and several Henan provinces?

  Could it be that everyone is hiding it from the court, and the actual situation is already out of control?

  If this is the case, then I really jumped into the fire pit.

   No, no, Feng Ziying said silently, thinking that the situation is worse, yes, a little better would be a surprise.

   And Wang Zhicai really complained, so as not to put pressure on him to help other houses?

  Feng Ziying thought about it, and reckoned that this possibility was even greater.

"Xinyi, let's not talk about other things. Baoding is definitely much worse than your side. Once you use troops, you have to help me." Feng Ziying said bluntly: "Shenyang Zhongtunwei and Datong Zhongtunwei The two guards are in your river, I don't want you to send out soldiers, you have to prepare five thousand masters and related mules and horses for me."

  One sentence made Wang Zhicai jump up anxiously, "Ziying, where can I get you five thousand husbands, and return mules and horses, and I will turn cows into horses for you to use, okay?"

One sentence made Feng Ziying laugh again, "Xinyi, are you kidding me? How much food and grass can you carry alone? You don't want the flames of war to spread to your Hejian Mansion, do you? How can you improve in the future if you don’t talk about the overall situation and the structure is so small?”

"Ziying, don't do this to me. If the war is raging in my Hejian Mansion, you, the governor of Hebei, will not be able to escape responsibility. I can't do it if I have to send so many wives and mules!" Wang Zhicaiqi Hum authentic.

   "Then tell me, how much can you provide?" Feng Ziying, who was originally a lion, opened her mouth.

He still doesn't know how many family backgrounds the Shenyang Zhongtunwei and Datong Zhongtunwei have. It's just asking for prices and bargaining on the ground, but Hejian Mansion must send people and animals, which is a must. .

Only then did Wang Zhicai come to realize that he had fallen for the other party's "trick" and trapped himself in it. After a long time of talking, he hummed and said: "Two thousand masters, five hundred mules and horses, at most they can get out of this many."

"There are three thousand masters and eight hundred mules and horses. I don't know how long this battle will last. You can't watch it drag on forever. I also hope that the battle will be resolved quickly and the battle will be resolved within a year." Feng Ziying bargained: "Shun Tianfu is at least twice as rich as you."

   "Can Hejian Mansion compare with Shuntian Mansion?" Wang Zhicai said angrily, "600 mules and horses, 2500 masters, no more."

   "Deal." Feng Ziying agreed straight away, "Don't worry, I will not swallow up the credit of your Hejian Mansion. It must be reported to the Ministry of Accounts and the cabinet, and the deduction will be deducted at that time."

   "Hmph, this is what it should be. Our Hejian Mansion is already in a terrible war, and we have to take the lead in setting an example for you. If Jiahua can't produce tens of thousands of masters and five thousand mules and horses, you will be biased."

  Wang Zhicai also knew that Yin Jiahua of Shuntian Mansion had a close relationship with Feng Ziying, and Feng Ziying would definitely make a fortune with Jia Hua.

   "More than that, Shuntian Mansion has to put in a lot of effort. He has to prepare a lot of supplies. Of course, everyone is treated the same, and all deductions should be deducted." Feng Ziying stated.

After finishing the business, Feng Ziying talked to Wang Zhicai about the Qingtan Academy. After Wang Zhicai left, Wang Ji, a veteran scholar from Ruicheng, Shaanxi, was recommended by Qiao Yingjia to take over the Qingtan Academy. .

  Qi Shijiao still serves as the head of the mountain, but he is also seeking to become an official as soon as possible, but there is no suitable position, and his qualifications are there, and it is impossible to arrange it casually, so he can only wait.

"The situation in the academy is getting better and better. Not only scholars from the north, but also many scholars from Jiangnan, Huguang, and Jiangnan are willing to come to the academy. Young scholars in the southwest region even regard Qingtan Academy as their first choice. Relax a bit." This is what Wang Zhicai is most proud of.

"So I suggest that the next head of the mountain and the head of the academy do not necessarily have to be scholars from the North or Huguang, but scholars from the south of the Yangtze River, or even the scholars from the Southwest and Lingnan. As long as the qualifications and reputation are enough, this also shows that our academy Open-minded, not limited to regions." Feng Ziying also agreed, "When I return to Beijing, I will advise Mr. Qi Ge and the others."

Now the scale of Qingtan Academy is expanding day by day. Up to now, it has formed two gardens in the east and west, which can accommodate thousands of people. Compared with when Feng Ziying went there, it has more than doubled, and the three south of the Yangtze River, Southwest, and Lingnan The proportion of scholars has also increased significantly, and the proportion of scholars in the north has gradually decreased, tending to be more evenly balanced.

   "Hey, I'm afraid Mr. Qi Ge and the others don't have much time to think about these things for the time being. These years, there is hardly a year of peace. You can talk about it after this battle is over." Wang Zhicai is also not without emotion.

  Feng Ziying also felt the same way. The governor of Jiangnan had only been here for a year, and then he came again. Every movement was a big movement, and he couldn't hide. Of course, he didn't necessarily want to hide.

  When I returned to Tianjin Wei, it was already the beginning of August.

  Clearly knowing that it is not appropriate to go to Wang Xifeng's side at this time, but Feng Ziying still has to go.

  Busia Mara and Zhe Zhe went to Jiangnan with him, but returned to Tianjin Wei after three months. Now they all live with Wang Xifeng, and now Li Wan is added.

  Several women were there, passing through the door and refusing to enter. I still couldn't do it myself.

Seeing several women standing side by side in the middle gate, Feng Ziying couldn't help sighing in satisfaction. No matter how much trouble there was, it was such a pride to see such a beautiful woman belonged to him, so beautiful and beautiful, all of them were in his arms. Satisfaction, which man can refuse?

Wang Xifeng was still the same, with emotions of joy, anger, hatred and love in his eyes mixed together, complex, but his longing was overwhelming, Li Wan was shy and shy, Busia Mara was generous, but Zhe Zhe was full of joy without hiding it , and even ran forward directly, Feng Ziying could only embrace Wang Xifeng in front of her displeasure.

  As soon as they entered the middle court, irrelevant people were excluded, even Feng Ziying's bodyguards.

   Several women came forward one by one, and Feng Ziying had to hold hands and say a few words to comfort the lovesickness.

   It was night, and Feng Ziying slept in Wang Xifeng's house.

  After several times of love and lingering love, Wang Xifeng's plump body like a white snake entangled Feng Ziying so hard that she was in the age of a tiger and wolf.


   "Uncle came to Tianjin Wei for a visit."

   "Oh? What are you here for?" Feng Ziying froze, and this Prince Teng's sense of smell did not diminish at all.

   "It's not about you, he thinks you have a rare chance this time." Wang Xifeng's nasal voice still has an orgasm, and it seems that she hasn't fully come out yet.

   "Hmph, what is a rare opportunity? What kind of opportunity do I have?" Feng Ziying dismissed it.

   "It's not that I want you to do something, but that you can take this opportunity to further consolidate your foundation in the army. Your father is also in the five-army governor's mansion. They often meet,..."

Feng Ziying said impatiently: "Don't listen to their nonsense, I have my own measure, the situation in the army is too complicated, I am the governor of Hebei, and I am a civil servant, the command and arrangement of which general and which army should be based on the actual situation. Sure, why do outsiders like them have to point fingers?"

"It's also kind of them to remind you what's wrong?" Wang Xifeng was a little annoyed, "Uncle has been here for so many years, don't you see any clues? You go higher, whether you are a cabinet minister or a chief assistant, Don't you need the support of the army, then you, the chief minister of the cabinet, are still stuck in your hands, it is difficult to let go of your hands and feet, and you may even be taken advantage of by the emperor. You don't think this situation will continue forever? Now that the cabinet is strong, What about the future? Will a more wise and virtuous emperor come to power?"

Feng Ziying laughed out loud, "Is this what Wang Ziteng and Niu Jizong think? If civil servants are so easily suppressed, then the saying of sharing the world with scholar-bureaucrats should be discarded. Do you think civil servants don't have this aspect?" preparations? Wise and wise, hehe, then you have to have a chance to be enthroned."

"Then what do you mean?" Wang Xifeng turned over and got up all at once, her snow-white and plump carcass looked very seductive under the light of fish candles, Feng Ziying couldn't help but slapped **** the buttocks that looked like a silver basin , the buttocks trembled, full of sensuality.

"It's nothing interesting. Let them stop messing around all day long. I'm now the left deputy of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, the right servant of the Ministry of War, and the governor of Hebei's military and political affairs. Then do my job well. Don't think about other things. There are many things , the work will come naturally, if the effort is not enough, it will be useless to think about it.”

  Feng Ziying was really a little disgusted with these old guys who pinned their hopes on him. They seemed to be looking forward to his entry into the cabinet as soon as possible, and he could treat them as veteran generals more fairly. He could understand this.

  But understanding is understanding. I can only go my own way, and it is impossible to act according to their ideas.

"But Ziying, after you go back and fight this time, what position will the court arrange for you?" Wang Xifeng is more concerned about this point, "I'm afraid the left deputy governor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate can't stop here? I won't let you do anything." Minister of the Ministry of War, then you should be the censor of Zuodu."

   "You have calculated these things clearly, can I let this go?" Feng Ziying couldn't help but laugh.

  He knows that many people are actually calculating where they should go after the First World War in Hebei.

  I'm afraid that either he is the censor of the right capital, or the minister of the Ministry of punishment and industry. The position is extremely high, but the power is still a bit inferior, and he is still one step away from joining the cabinet.

  If it were not so difficult to arrange, the imperial court would not be so entangled in its position as Governor of Hebei.

  If there is a suitable candidate, they are absolutely unwilling to release themselves from Jiangnan.

   Don’t let him go back, Yuan Yingtai is so disappointing, the situation continues to deteriorate, and the cabinet can no longer bear this responsibility.

  For Feng Ziying, he hasn't thought about it that much for the time being, and he can only talk about other things after the battle in Hebei.

  The Lotus Sect is no longer a mob, but the total number of White Lotus Sect members in Hebei and Henan is at least three to five million.

  Although not all of them may be able to fight, these people can get a lot of support and support in the local area.

  If the government wants to suppress and quell these rebellions, it will be quite difficult to get enough support from the people. It is similar to trying to win the support of the people.

"It's not that I figured it out, but since the governor of Shaanxi, you have been a high-ranking minister. It doesn't make sense for you to go to Shaanxi to turn the tide, and when you come back, you will be the mainstay in Liaodong to withstand the attack of the Jianzhou Jurchen. In the end, you were in the Jiangnan Incident Working for the cabinet at the risk of shouldering the responsibility alone, any one of these three merits is enough to make you a minister. It doesn't make sense that you made all three merits, but in the end, you were dismissed by the censor of the right capital right?"

  (end of this chapter)

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