Number of People

Chapter 2557: The Three Views of Guizi Juan Brainwashing and Growth

  Chapter 2557 Brainwashing and growing up

Feng Ziying couldn't help but laugh at Wang Xifeng's words: "Sister Feng, according to what you say, there is no regulation in this imperial court. People have worked hard for dozens of years from Jinshi to officials, and they have worked hard without credit. They are not as good as you. How many years of hard work has the little brat done? What do you make these bigwigs in the court think, how embarrassing are you?"

   Choked by Feng Ziying's words for a while, he didn't know how to refute. After a while, Wang Xifeng said indignantly: "Then if you just blindly discuss seniority, wouldn't this person who is a vegetarian be able to make it to the old man?"

"That's not to say that. Generally speaking, the people who are vegetarians will show their true colors within a few years. More people are rising to a certain level. His knowledge and vision and even the 'Three Views' can't keep up with the times, or It is a normal phenomenon to say that he cannot adapt to his position and gradually stagnates, and eventually falls behind. Therefore, the continuous improvement of his knowledge horizon, which is what I call the "three views", coupled with the credit you have made in doing things, can this It will become the basis and basis for your promotion, and it will take time to accumulate, but your man is extraordinary, and this process can be realized in a very short time, but you need to follow a process anyway, otherwise it will easily cause restlessness in the entire system. "

  Feng Ziying seldom expounded his views on his position and political achievements in such a "comprehensive" way, especially in front of a woman like Wang Xifeng.

   "What do you mean by 'Three Views'?" Wang Xifeng also became a curious baby.

"The so-called 'Three Views' are the world outlook, outlook on life, and values. You can understand it this way. The world outlook is your view of the social environment around you. The outlook on life is what kind of life you want in your life. The evaluation of your inner hope, the value, is a clear positioning of what you pursue and want."

  Feng Ziying tried to describe this modern term "Three Views" in simple and easy-to-understand words, but this undoubtedly had a great impact on Wang Xifeng.

"The world view, which can determine the root of your position, is a basic view of good and bad, good and evil, and ugly and beautiful in your own mind. You will do what you think is good, good, and beautiful, and reject and reject bad things. , evil, ugly, or make a choice between big and small, which is more important; outlook on life is to have a clear plan for your life that you think is correct, and how to live; values ​​are to give yourself life Struggle to determine a value goal that you think should be achieved, and strive for it. The first is the fundamental foundation, and the latter two are closely related.”

  After explaining such a profound philosophy of life to Wang Xifeng, Wang Xifeng fell into deep thought.

  Wang Xifeng is not a brainless woman.

   It's just that her own background and the environment she lived in later created her character and style of life, but after following Feng Ziying, her vision has improved a lot, and her pattern has also expanded a lot.

  So there has been a lot of changes in thinking, and I can also concentrate on thinking about this kind of philosophical issues.

  Feng Ziying was happy to have a leisurely time, and simply left Wang Xifeng who was still in deep thought and fell asleep.

  During the lunch break, I took care of Lin Hongyu, who had been hungry and thirsty for too long, and had a heart-to-heart battle with Wang Xifeng this night. I was really tired and just had a good sleep.

   This sleep lasted until dawn. When Feng Ziying woke up, she found that Wang Xifeng hadn't slept. She was just staring at her naked with her chin on her chin, which shocked him a lot.

   "What's wrong, Sister Feng?"

   "Ziying, do you think that you scholars are particularly able to think about these issues? Any idea you just throw out can make me crazy all night..."

  Wang Xifeng said faintly.

"Don't, Hu Zi still wants you, my mother, to take care of her. You can't do without. Don't go crazy, pretend to be crazy, and make the house restless." Feng Ziying hurriedly patted Wang Xifeng's naked fat buttocks , "Take a nap quickly and see that your eyeballs are bloodshot."

"No, I can't sleep right now, and I've been thinking about it. This world view is nothing more than ignorant. You scholars have explained it thoroughly. We women and Taoists see it plainly, but our outlook on life, Brother Keng You said how should I live in my life to be meaningful?"

  Bringing a dead end, Feng Ziying sighed inwardly, all smart women like to dig into a dead end, and it is difficult to pull out once they are drilled, you need the person who tied the bell to untie the bell.

"Sister Feng, listen carefully, your outlook on life has been fixed, why? Because you have been like this for the first half of your life, and there is no way to change it, so what should you do now? Live what you want, in fact, this is and value It is closely related, for you now, you have a child, sister Qiao is going to get married, you and Jia Lian discuss to find a good family, of course I can help you, for Huzi, you raise him well, he is you Relying on the rest of your life, for your current life, don’t you feel that making a living with this cement is very satisfying and fulfilling? Buckets and bags of cement are produced and sold everywhere, and people use them to build bridges, build houses, and pave roads Everyone likes to use things like this to build walls, and seeing what you make is so popular, and you can make a lot of money, isn't that what you want?"

  A series of words made Wang Xifeng in a trance, and suddenly she seemed to have realized it, yes, isn't this the life she has always wanted?

   Live like a human being, everyone admires and respects himself, and he can make decisions in the workshop in this house. Isn't everything like this?

  Then what are you still struggling with?

All of a sudden, she became clear and white, her spirit suddenly relaxed, and she became tired all of a sudden. Feng Ziying thoughtfully helped her down and covered her with a thin quilt, and soon there were soft snoring sounds, and she didn't even bother to toss her body all night. cleaned up.

  Feng Ziying got up quietly and let Sister Shan and Feng Er wash herself, and then went to Busia Mara.

   "Are you still in contact with your Yehe tribe?" Feng Ziying was terrified when she heard Busia Mara mentioning that there must be chaos in Liaodong this year, "There is a lot of movement in Jianzhou Jurchens?"

   "Brother, they have contacts in the capital city. They need to exchange information and buy supplies, so I will go to the capital city to meet every one or two months to inquire about the situation."

  Busia Mara asked Zhe Zhe to sit down too.

   Zhezhe came in with a cup of tea, Feng Ziying took it and sized up the woman.

   This girl has been around for a year, and her youthful aura gradually faded away, and she became a little bit more of a young woman's femininity. It's just a fifteen-year-old young woman, and she feels a little dizzy no matter what.

  But the innocence of a young girl and the beauty of a young woman are mixed together, which does not have a special charm.

"Don't look there, Wang Xifeng tormented you all night, she is in a long drought and rain, and she can't torment you enough? If Zhezhe misses you again, don't touch her, unless you are staying overnight today,... "Busia Mara naturally understood Zhe Zhe's thoughts.

   "I can't stay anymore." Feng Ziying sighed, "I'm pressing you so hard, I can't help it."

"There must be something wrong with Zai Sai." Busia Mara murmured, "I guess it was Nurhachi who found Zai Sai and made some promises or poured him some ecstasy soup. It seems to be very quiet for a while. It is reasonable to say that it is time for the Nekhka people to have another dispute with the Chahar people. I remember that you had this agreement with them at the beginning. When summer and autumn come, it depends on what happens to prevent Chahar people. You people have the ambition to go south,..."

  Growing up, Feng Ziying is also quite touched by Busia Mara's performance, the women around her are all growing up, maybe this is the huge change brought about by the aura of the protagonist.

According to the historical trajectory of the previous life, Busia Mara will be lonely all her life, and she should die of illness next year, but now, look at Busia Mara's red lips, white teeth, and grand appearance, and she has given birth to a son and a daughter for herself. ?

Everything has changed. The emergence of the Great Zhou Dynasty was an accident, plus the appearance of itself, so history is the inevitable collision of countless accidents, but when you are constantly changing the accidents, then the inevitable direction will also change. same will change.

   "It seems that Nurhachi is determined to start a war this year. The lessons from the year before have not been taught enough. He will only be reconciled if he has a bruised nose, a bruised face, a swollen head and a **** head."

  Feng Ziying actually had a hunch.

   Both the Chahar people and the Tumet people moved, and I asked my father to write a letter to Bu Shitu asking him to restrain Su Nang, but there was still no reply.

  This shows that someone spent a lot of effort in threading the needle, who else but Nurhachi? And it was because of the dire situation in Hebei that he made up his mind to take this gamble.

"Ziying, I don't think the situation is going to be good this year, especially since you are confined to Beizhili. I don't know about the Mr. Xiong you mentioned, but he has never been to Liaodong, and he is in Shandong. To tell the truth, the First World War was very mediocre. Zhao Ledjiao was also a brave general without much strategy, but to deal with Nurhachi, relying on bravery alone may not be able to do it. Dongjiang Town has not yet been built, and the relationship between Mao Wenlong and Zhao Ledjiao is not good. If it breaks out, Dongjiang Town has enough reasons not to send reinforcements, I think this battle will be difficult."

  Busia Mara's analysis was neither accurate nor far away, and Feng Ziying also felt this way in his heart, but he couldn't say it.

  Xiong Tingbi’s performance in Liaodong in his previous life is still remarkable, but the history is already different now, can he still do it?

Seeing Feng Ziying groaning silently, Zhe Zhe, who kept silent while serving tea, said at this time: "We from Horqin people, and people from Jianzhou also came to contact us. If you miss this opportunity, you will never have another opportunity.”

  (end of this chapter)

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