Number of People

Chapter 2558: The guizi scroll is full of fighting spirit, and the fire is burning

  Chapter 2558 Guizi scroll is full of fighting spirit, burning fiercely

"Oh?" Busia Mara was startled, apparently unaware of the situation, and only now did she realize that she had underestimated the little girl who was always by her side, "Zhe Zhe, where did you know? Your father Contacted you? When?"

  Is Feng Ziying very surprised?

   Just kidding, if there were no changes in the Great Zhou Dynasty and the intervention of an outsider like myself, this person in the previous history would have been the queen of Qing Taizong Huang Taiji.

  Growing up in the Horqin Ministry since childhood, how can you not have a little political wisdom?

   It just depends on who will help her develop it, but now I have become the enlightenment teacher of her political wisdom.

"The last time I accompanied my aunt back to the capital, I went out alone to the contact point of our Horqin people in the capital city. In fact, we also learned this from Ye Hebu, Jianzhou Jurchen. There is a contact point in the capital city, but it is very secretive, and they even have contact points in Nanjing, Datong, Yangzhou, and Dengzhou."

   Zhezhe's words aroused Feng Ziying's great interest, "How do you know so much?"

"These words were said by Mang Gurtai and Huang Taiji." Zhe Zhe's beautiful and dignified face was very calm, and there was a bit of wisdom in his bright eyes, "They came to Horqin in the first place to marry me and Jiji. Nurhachi said that he wanted to marry Jiji, Mangurtai and Huang Taiji both wanted to marry me, and then Neikalkha people came,..."

"Tsk tsk, the eyes of Mang Gurtai and Huang Taiji are not bad. They both fell in love with you Zhezhe. Is it because of you or the rumors on you?" Feng Ziying was happy, "If it is because of the rumors , then I can only say that they have no eyes, if it is because of Zhezhe yourself, then I can still think highly of them."

"A prophecy rumor, but Zhezhe thinks it's not necessarily true. A prophecy is a prophecy, and a prophecy is not necessarily true. With Dong Ge and Aunt, and Zhe Zhe, Dong Ge and Aunt and Zhe Zhe are the most famous shamans on the grassland. It has been prophesied that Auntie can prosper the world, but can perish the world, Zhezhe is rich and honorable, Zhezhe thinks that maybe in the Han land, only the chief assistant and above dare to say that."

  Zhezhe's eyes became clearer, "They all said that Zhezhe has never been a bad judge of people, and Zhezhe thinks that Xianggong may be the chosen one."

  Son of the Chosen One, is there such a saying in the grasslands now? Feng Ziying felt more and more horrified. Could it be that the world is really manipulated by the hand of fate?

Seeing Feng Ziying's strange gaze vacillating between herself and Zhezhe, Busia Mara couldn't help laughing, "Ziying, haven't you said this kind of thing? If you believe it, you will succeed, and if you don't believe it, you won't get it. Zhe Zhe's words make you feel uneasy, with this spirit, you should consider what troubles will be caused if the Nekalka people shake hands with the Chahar people, or even join hands."

   Heaving a sigh of relief, Feng Ziying glared at Zhe Zhe, the little girl almost took herself into the ditch.

"It is impossible for the Neikha people and the Chahar people to form an alliance, but Nurhachi may say that Zai Sai will wait and see for the time being, and let the Chahar people invade the south. After all, this is not harmful to Zai Sai, and the Chahar people Fighting life and death with Dazhou is beneficial and harmless to him. If the Chahar people win, Dazhou will rely heavily on the Neikarkha people. If the Chahar people lose, he can take advantage of the situation to bite Chahar One mouthful,..."

  Feng Ziying's gaze became far-reaching and her tone became more certain.

"Doing this can also ease the relationship between the Kalka people and the Jianzhou Jurchen. Although Zai Sai put on a posture of being incompatible with Nurhachi, I know that he is still very afraid of Nurhachi in his heart. If it weren't for Da Zhou, he would just I am afraid that I will surrender to Nurhachi long ago."

   "If Zaisai is so strong in the outside world, then I think highly of him." Busia Mara looked disdainful, "If you can't see the general trend clearly, if you see small gains and forget your righteousness, you are not a hero."

"How can it be so easy to be a hero?" Feng Ziying shook her head, "Zai Sai is also very difficult, and I can understand it. There are quite a few in the five ministries of Neikalkha who advocate making good friends with Jianzhou Jurchen, even Zhezhe and the Horqin people are not good. Do you also want to embrace the thighs of Jianzhou Jurchen? This is the prestige of Jianzhou Jurchen and Nurhachi who started with thirteen sets of armor. Li Chengliang's indulgence caused the disaster. Now we have to correct our mistakes step by step and destroy them. His majesty."

   "But the situation in Dazhou is a bit dangerous now. If the Mongols unite and the Jurchens in Jianzhou go all out, will Liaodong Town really be able to handle it?" Busia Mara said worriedly.

"If this kind of thing is not dealt with, who can say it clearly, but Busia Mara, you don't have to worry too much. There are a lot of talents in the Great Zhou, and anyone who underestimates the Great Zhou will pay the price. Besides, no matter how bad it is, there is still a If you are a man, the sky will not fall." Feng Ziying patted Busia Mara's plump and toned thighs, and then wrapped Zhe Zhe's waist.

  After some intimacy, they almost went off the hook, but Busia Mara suppressed the flames in her heart and whispered that she would come to Beijing in a few days before Feng Ziying left Beijing to comfort her lovesickness, so the three of them gave up.

  Leaving Tianjin Wei, arrived in Beijing in one day.

   Before returning home, Feng Ziying went to Wenyuan Pavilion to pay the order.

The task of governor of Jiangnan was completed, and the position of right deputy governor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate and governor of Jiangnan was naturally removed, and the position of right servant of the Ministry of War was taken over by Xiong Tingbi. It's about to be removed.

  The current Feng Ziying suddenly became unofficial and light. Before the governor of Hebei and the titles that need to be added were not officially written, Feng Ziying really became white.

"Ye Xiang, Fang Xiang, all the elders, let alone, I really feel like lying at home for a month at this time, playing leisurely with my wives and concubines. You don't have to think about it, and you don't have to worry about someone knocking on the door in the middle of the night, how refreshing and pleasant?"

  Feng Ziying was also talking nonsense in front of the seven cabinet members. It took Feng Ziying an hour to finish talking about the situation in Jiangnan this year.

From encouraging industry and commerce to promoting new crops, from dredging rivers to building water conservancy, from preparing for the construction of various government offices in the south of the Yangtze River, to some adjustments in personnel, Feng Ziying did not hide it. Xuzhou and Hejian asked the two places to prepare their masters, mules and horses and tell them all about these situations.

Especially the latter ones made the cabinet ministers very satisfied, which shows that Feng Ziying didn't have much complaints about the court's frequent pull of him to fight fires, and dragged him out of a fertile land like Jiangnan to go to the battlefield. , and started planning early on how to assess the war in Hebei. Compared with those other officials who want to take office and need such conditions, they find various reasons at every turn. It is simply a world of difference.

  Of course, Feng Ziying didn't know that the ministers in the cabinet made a comparison between his performance and Xiong Tingbi's performance, and they decided to judge.

   But Xiong Tingbi’s conditions are also correct. Without Shang Fang’s sword, how can he, a newcomer, be able to hold back those arrogant soldiers in Liaodong?

Even brave people like Cao Wenzhao, logically speaking, were considered to be of the same kind as them, and they were equally untenable, and they were expelled from Liaodong. Facing the most vicious and cunning Jianzhou Jurchen, this burden is really not easy to bear.

  Moreover, the supplies in Liaodong are not as convenient as those in Hebei. You can either take the land route in the Liaoxi Corridor, or you have to take the sea route through Niuzhuang or Jinzhou, which is quite long.

  He didn’t raise these conditions in advance before leaving, and they were satisfied. If he really went to Liaodong and then came to fight with the people in the court, that would be fatal.

It's just that Feng Ziying didn't mention anything else when she came back this trip, but she took the initiative first, and used her contacts to start planning in places like Xuzhou and Hejian, and also made some arrangements in Shuntianfu. This series of actions and plans It is in stark contrast to Xiong Tingbi who is all looking for the Ministry of War, the Ministry of Households and the Ministry of Commerce, as well as the cabinet ministers to clamor for this and that.

   It really means that there is no harm if there is no comparison. The views of Xiong Tingbi and Feng Ziying have skyrocketed again.

"Ziying, you have done a good job in Jiangnan affairs. I heard you say that you have promoted potatoes and sweet potatoes in Xuzhou and Fengyang. This is a good way to plan ahead. The situation in Henan may be worse than what you know now. By then Daofu and Huaichang will explain to you that the situation in Shanshan and Shaanxi is slightly better this year, but the drought in Beizhi, Henan, and Shandong is still getting worse, so the situation in these three places is not optimistic, and the unrest of the refugees may even be coerced by the White Lotus Sect , its momentum may be even greater, and the situation will be even worse. The imperial court is still a little worried about whether it will affect Shanshan again, so the imperial court has appointed Zhisheng as the governor of Shanshan and Shaanxi Military Affairs,..."

  Feng Ziying was dumbfounded. Didn’t he say that Sun Chengzong was appointed Governor of Xuanda? Why was the governor of Shanshan changed again? Shanshan is in chaos?

Seeing Feng Ziying's puzzled expression, Li Sancai gave a dry cough and explained: "There are some changes in the Tumet people. Su Nang is gathering heavy troops and is very active on the front line of Biantouguan and Hangmatai, and Bu Shitu's behavior is also very suspicious. The rangers of the Tumed people on the Dusitu River line are harassing the line from Hongshanbao to Zhenyuanguan. In addition, Fengzhou Bailian has made a comeback. The line from Mituo Mountain to Fangshan is now full of turmoil. It has spread to Meng County and Ding Prefecture again, you should know that White Lotus believers have been found in the defenders of Jingjing Pass and Wei Ze Pass,..."

No wonder when I came here, this group of people had a bitter look on their faces. I thought I had done a good job in Jiangnan and spoke very vividly. This group of people should be smiling, but why did they still look bitter? This is the reason.

"So, brother Zhisheng is only responsible for the defense of Shanshan and Shanxi, who will be responsible for the attack and invasion of the Chahar people on Xuanfu and Jizhen?" Feng Ziying asked in a deep voice, this should have been Sun Chengzong's job , I am only responsible for exterminating Bailian in the south, and it is not my job to deal with the Mongols.

  (end of this chapter)

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