Number of People

Chapter 2559: Juan Juan in Guizi, Ministry of Punishments

  Chapter 2559 Juan Juan Juan, Ministry of Punishments

Zhang Huaichang coughed dryly, and continued: "Ziying, the imperial court has considered this way. In view of the changes in the situation in Shanxi and Shaanxi, Zhisheng may have to deal with the possible instability of the Tumed people and Taiyuan and Weizhou in Shanxi. In addition, if you want to pacify Hebei, you mainly have to rely on Xuanfu and Jizhen Army, so we consider that you should take over Jizhen and Xuanfu,..."

Feng Ziying became angry, "Mr. Huaichang, I don't have superhuman powers. I have to take care of the Chahar people's invasion of the south, and I have to take care of the white lotus sect chaos in the south. So you think so highly of me? Then where should I stay?" ? You gentlemen are not afraid that I will lose sight of the other?"

  Feng Ziying's words are also correct. The White Lotus Rebellion in Hebei and Henan is already quite critical, and Feng Ziying urgently needs to take over.

  Yuan Yingtai's inability to respond has become more and more embarrassing during this period of time, especially the sharp deterioration of the situation in Henan, which is already spreading to Luoyang to the east, which adds to the worry and fear in the court.

   But the situation on the Tumot side is also getting weirder, especially the Bushitu tribe, who has always been very respectful to Da Zhou, is now starting to move around.

   You must know that for so many years, the Bu Shi Tu Department has always been an ally of Da Zhou, helping Da Zhou suppress Su Nang, and Da Zhou has always been inclined to Bu Shi Tu.

   Originally, Su Nang was aggressive towards Da Zhou, and even Bu Shitu wanted to take a bite. Now that Yulin Town has replaced Chai Guozhu, can he stand it?

  If you can’t stand it, you have to use Shanxi Town and Datong Town. These two towns are to deal with Fengzhou Bailian, and there is also a risk of Fengzhou Bailian.

   It can be said that in the blink of an eye, the situation in Shanxi and Shaanxi began to tighten again, which completely overturned Feng Ziying's original view.

"Ziying, there is no other way. After all, Xuanfu and Jizhen are the main forces going south to deal with the Bailian Rebellion. At the same time, they have to deal with the Chahar people. How to allocate the troops among them is best to be coordinated by one person, otherwise If you and Zhisheng are really in charge, it will easily lead to conflicts and disputes, so the court still considers that it is more appropriate for you to control it alone. As for the north and south, whether you are in Shuntian Mansion or Baoding Mansion, you can only use it when fighting General, if necessary..."

Feng Ziying coldly followed Zhang Huaichang's words: "I'm afraid I will use the Beijing camp if necessary. If the Chahar people really want to invade the south on a large scale, I dare not use too many Xuanfu and Jizhen troops. The Beijing camp has undergone this round of major adjustments. , The Northwest Army has been enriched a lot, and it can still fight. If it stays in Beijing for three to five years, it may be useless. Just go to fight a few battles like this, and maybe it can maintain some combat effectiveness."

  Zhang Huaichang glanced at the cabinet ministers, Ye Fangqi, Li and others nodded slightly, thinking it was acceptable.

They also know that no matter where the soldiers come from, as long as they stay in the Beijing camp for three to five years without fighting, they will definitely die again and become a bunch of wine bags and rice bags. Slow down the degeneration speed of this group of people.

   "Okay, I will do it according to your opinion. Dalai is already on his way back from Baoding, so you can hand over to him in Beijing." Zhang Huaichang nodded.

  Here, Qi Yongtai also discussed with Ye Fang, and finally said: "Ziying, when Dalai comes back to take over the handover, the imperial court intends to appoint you as the censor of the right capital of the Metropolitan Procuratorate and the governor of Hebei."

   Without the title of Minister of the Ministry of War, but directly promoted to the second-rank Youdu Yushi, this is already the best civil servant.

   Seemingly seeing Feng Ziying's surprise, Qi Yongtai explained: "Ru Jun took over as Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishment, and Ji Hui became official due to illness, so he went home temporarily to recuperate."

It is true that it is due to illness, Liu Yixiu is indeed in poor health during this period, but more importantly, the sitting of the White Lotus Sect has a lot to do with the Ministry of Punishment, especially his Minister of the Ministry of Punishment, because of his negligence and slackness , which led to the delay in the investigation of some clues, and the White Lotus Sect perceived the danger, so they launched a rebellion in the Northland ahead of time.

  So in order to avoid the limelight, Liu Yixiu went to the field and went home to recuperate.

  After coming out of the cabinet, Feng Ziying didn't go home first, but went to the Ministry of Punishment. He had to go to congratulate Master Qiao.

I have to say that people are in good spirits on happy occasions. Although the transfer from Youdu Yushi to Xingbu Shangshu is nominally flat, but Youdu Yushi is the second in command of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, and Xingbu Shangshu is the number one in the Xingbu. This status is different. , Qiao Yingjia's mental state has improved a lot.

   "Meet Master Qiao."

   "Are you back? Did you go to the cabinet?" Qiao Yingjia was also very happy to see Feng Ziying coming, so she led him directly into the inner study, and told the idlers not to disturb her.

  The long followers are familiar with each other, knowing the special relationship between this newly promoted character who is about to take over as the Yushi of Youdu and his master.

   "I went, and only then did I know that Master Qiao was promoted to Minister of the Ministry of Justice, so the students came to congratulate him, but they didn't have time to prepare the gift." Feng Ziying said with a smile.

  Qiao Yingjia didn't care either, and there was no need for these formalities between him and Feng Ziying.

"It's almost the same. There are more trivial matters in the Ministry of Criminal Affairs, especially the matter of Ji Hui leaving the White Lotus Sect. The cabinet is very dissatisfied. When you come back this time, you will be appointed as the governor of Hebei. The governor of Beizhi directs military affairs in Henan. Do you have a plan? "Qiao Yingjia doesn't think there is any difficulty in the post of Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishment.

   Liu Yixuan's accident was due to negligence, and he was a little dissatisfied with Feng Ziying's reaching out too far, so he did the opposite, and the result was a bitter fruit for himself. Of course, Qiao Yingjia would not be so stupid.

  Qiao Yingjia is more concerned about Feng Ziying's peace. As long as the chaos is settled, the affairs of the White Lotus Sect will naturally be resolved.

"Master Qiao, this disciple just came back. I don't know much about the situation. How can there be any strategy? However, I have heard some situations in the south of the Yangtze River and made some preparations. After all, it's just a war. I still have some confidence in dealing with these chaotic disciples. " Feng Ziying is not polite: "At that time, the disciple may still need some support from the Ministry of Punishment."

   "Which aspect?" Qiao Yingjia asked directly. Feng Ziying needed support, and of course he would do his best to help.

"I have a general understanding. The situation of the White Lotus Sect in the three prefectures from the north to the south and several prefectures in Henan is already very serious. What's more important is that the White Lotus Sect in these places has more or less famous people in the local area, or Whether it’s a gentry or a wealthy family, or a hero, or a leader of a big family, they are grouped together, with these people as the backbone, if I want to solve this battle quickly, I want to use some extraordinary means.”

  Feng Ziying's words made Qiao Yingjia understand immediately, "You want to capture the thief and the king? What do you need the Ministry of Punishment to do?"

"On the one hand, the informants of the Ministry of Punishment in Beizhi and Henan, especially the senior informants, I need to master, so that they can get in touch with these leaders and understand the activities of these people. It will be of great use to me to recruit some masters of the rivers and lakes."

  Feng Ziying is no stranger to the Ministry of Punishment. Han Yu and Fang Youdu often mentioned it to him when communicating with him, especially Fang Youdu.

Only then did Feng Ziying know that the Ministry of Punishment's network of informants in various places is an extremely huge resource. It originated from the pre-Ming Dynasty and even began to exist in the Beiyuan era. The form continues, and of course it is also constantly developing and Feng Mansion.

   These people have the status of scholars, farmers, businessmen, and of course there are more low-level ones.

But some high-level informants are quite secretive, and they cannot be used at will unless it is a critical moment. According to Fang Youdu, even the doctors of various divisions only know the list of such high-level informants and cannot read them at will. If you want to read it, you need to go through the Office of Secretary Affairs and get the approval of the minister or the minister before you can look it up, and to use it requires strict procedures.

  In the Ministry of Criminal Justice, the Departments of Cleaning Up Officials and the Office of Siwu each have a group of Jianghu people who are similar to the worship status of various Jianghu sects.

  Among these people, there are not only masters in investigating cases, but also professionals in arresting and arresting people, and even assassins who stop and kill them.

   It’s just that these people are not usually in the Ministry of Punishment, but live in the capital or other places like ordinary people, and they will only be recruited when there are special tasks.

  These people's origins are also quite complicated. There are not only former death row prisoners, but also desperate criminals, and most of them are masters in the Jianghu martial arts who voluntarily joined the Ministry of Criminal Justice for various reasons.

Most of these people have been anonymized and concealed their original identities. The Ministry of Criminal Justice has reapplied their identity certificates for them, and they live in a new identity. They are usually farmers, merchants, gentry, and even scholars. Only then can they unleash their power.

"Ziying, you have inquired about our property of the Ministry of Punishment clearly enough. As a minister, I only know a little bit about it, but you understand it better than me. I wonder if Yu Chen gave it to you. A leaked secret."

  Yuchen is the name of Han Yu, the left servant of the Ministry of War. He and Qiao Yingjia are both from Shanxi and have a close relationship. According to the usual practice, Qiao Yingjia took over as Minister of the Ministry of Punishment.

Feng Ziying naturally didn't care about Qiao Yingjia's joke, "Master Qiao, it's an extraordinary thing to do. There's nothing you can do about it. There are many martial arts masters in the White Lotus Sect, and I've suffered a lot before, so I have to use fire to fight fire. Then Once the thieves are captured or killed, they will definitely cause chaos, and we can save a lot of energy and lives when countering the rebellion."

  Qiao Yingjia had no objection to this, and he also mentioned the matter of Long Jinwei incidentally.

"You can ask Yu Chen to handle this matter. I agree. You can use all the resources of the Ministry of Punishment. In addition, you can also ask Lu Song and Captain Long to move. This guy has been restless these days. You You should talk to him, insist that Qingshan will not relax, and don't think about those useless things all day long."

  (end of this chapter)

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