Number of People

Chapter 2560: The Governor of Hebei Province, Double Lines in the North and South

  Chapter 2560 Guizi Scroll Governor of Hebei, North and South Double Lines

  Lu Song's restlessness stems from his old boss, Gu Cheng.

   With the support of Emperor Wantong, Gu Cheng began to recruit some marginalized people who were either deposed by Long Jinwei or swept out by Long Jinwei.

Emperor Wantong set up the East Supervisory Guard in the three houses of the former Inner Palace Supervisor, Divisional Supervisor, and Sili Supervisor behind Longevity Mountain. Gu Cheng was the commander of the Eastern Supervisory Guard. Work.

The current Long Jinwei is still a royal eagle dog in name, but gradually he is out of control and has become a thug of the cabinet. Of course, Emperor Wantong will not let it go easily, so he led by Gu Cheng and recruited a group of internal eunuchs, and recruited him from the outside. Many people set up the East Supervisory Guard.

  Even though the center of Dongjianwei is located in the imperial city, the actual office location is in a courtyard on Baimixie Street on the Shichahai Sea. In addition, there is also an office next to Xizhao Temple in Chongnanfang in the outer city.

Feng Ziying didn't quite understand why the cabinet agreed that Emperor Wantong would come up with something similar to the former Mingdong factory, so she mentioned it to Master Qi, who was noncommittal, but only mentioned implicitly that the obvious Things are always better than hidden ones, which made Feng Ziying suddenly realize.

  If Emperor Wantong is pushed too hard, maybe Emperor Wantong will tear his face apart or find another dangerous move. Now give him a hole and let him torment.

Everything is under the nose, and all forces in Beijing and China are under control. No matter what Dongjianwei wants to do, whether it is wooing, buying, spying, or gathering intelligence, they can all be aware of it. , Long Jinwei just can fight wits and courage with him.

  There are also Wucheng Bingmasi and Patrol Battalion plus Shuntian Mansion here, which can't be overturned.

  Perhaps there are also Long Jinwei, the Ministry of Justice, and people from Shuntian Mansion breaking into the East Prison Guard. Who can say clearly?

  Anyway, such a work of infiltration and reverse osmosis, if everyone continues to do it like this, how much impact will it have on the court? On the contrary, it can make Emperor Wantong calm down a bit, let him think about it, and at the same time let him understand where the limit of his power is.

  The cabinet gave Feng Ziying half a month, mainly to wait until Yuan Yingtai came back to report on the handover, and at the same time, it also allowed Feng Ziying to do some things that needed to be done first.

   There is a huge North-South war situation. The Chahar people in the north are fighting hard, while the war in the south is stalemate.

   But if the logistical material support is not in place, the relevant information is mastered, and the minds of the generals are unified, Feng Ziying does not think that she will be much better than Yuan Yingtai.

  Since it is determined to use the Beijing camp, Feng Ziying will naturally mobilize the strength of the Beijing camp.

  Jiedu Envoy of the Beijing Camp is still the King of Zhonghui, but he is only a role in name and has nothing to do with the overall situation, even Xiao Ruxun, the deputy envoy of Jiedu, Feng Ziying doesn't care much about.

The Fifth Army Battalion is now Ma Chengxun, who can be regarded as a veteran general. Feng Ziying hopes that he can live up to the famous name of the Ma family. Of the two battalions of the Ganning army brought over, one was his nephew Tu Chaofeng as the battalion officer, and the other was Tu Wenxiu's descendant Luo Guozhang as the battalion officer. Feng Ziying felt more at ease about this.

  Shenshu Battalion and Shenji Battalion have only just been adjusted. Many generals are his former subordinates or his father's subordinates, and the soldiers are mainly sergeants from the northwest. This is what Feng Ziying feels more at ease about.

The Fifth Army Battalion is the main force bearing the brunt. The second Ganning Army under Tu Wenxiu's command, and the Beijing Camp previously rebuilt by Yang Zhaoji and He Huchen are all ready-to-fight troops, which are enough to make people feel at ease. In addition, the Northwest Army that will be split up later will be added. The army of the Northwest system occupies more than half of the entire Fifth Army Battalion.

Ma Jinbao's Shenshu Camp all came from the Guyuan Army. At first, it was formed by the merger of the Guyuan Army and the Shenjiying. It's the Guyuan Army.

  The Shenji Battalion is a bit more complicated. Tu Wenxiu was transferred to be the commander of the Shenji Battalion, and some were recruited from the Northwest Army to supplement it. In addition, Wang Chengwu brought in the elite of the Shaanxi rebel army who had surrendered, so these two departments are also considered the Great Northwest System.

Because of this, Feng Ziying proposed to the cabinet to use the Beijing camp to suppress the rebellion, and was more inclined to reserve the main force of the Xuanfu Army and Jizhen Army to deal with the invasion of the Chahars in the north. has experience.

   After carefully sorting out the generals in the entire Beijing camp system, Feng Ziying felt more at ease.

Ma Jinbao, Tu Wenxiu, Tu Chaofeng, Luo Guozhang, He Huchen, Yang Zhaoji, Wang Chengwu brothers, these are all my direct descendants or my father's direct descendants. The total number of people in the capital camp is more than 60,000. With 40,000 troops and 100,000 troops in Baichuan, Feng Ziying is confident that he will win this battle.

  If you add Ma Kongying of the Xuanfu Army and the You brothers in Jizhen, Feng Ziying feels that if she still can't take down this gang of Bailian thieves, then she really should ask for military law.

  Unknowingly, the military system of the Northwest, or the Feng family, has taken shape. Although many of them are still vague, if we analyze it from the perspective of conspiracy theory, we have to worry about it.

  But now Feng Ziying doesn’t need to worry. The current court’s worries are still focused on the Bailian Sect chaos and the Liaodong situation. Until these two problems can’t be resolved, they have no time to think about other things.

  Even if there is some concern, Feng Ziying's civil servant status protection, coupled with the father's "retirement", are enough to relieve a lot of doubts.

  Unless someone believes from the very beginning, or in other words, that he will embark on the path of power minister or conspiracy, but this is too exaggerated.

  Duke Zhou was afraid of rumors, but Wang Mang was humble and not usurped. Xiangshi died at the beginning, so who knows the authenticity of his body?

  This poem also explains some truths, at least I am far from reaching the realm of Wang Mang, and those generals and officers are also loyally working for the court.

   You can’t stamp them and discard them just because they come from the Northwest or Datong Department, right?

  In just over ten days, Feng Ziying has a lot to do.

  The situation in the north has not yet endangered the state that requires immediate emergency response, but some material preparations and army deployments need to start.

  The Denglai Army has already marched to the border between Yongping and Shuntianfu, while the first part of the Jizhen Army and the He Renlong Army have already started to transfer to Niuzhuang and Dongjiang Town by sea.

   "I have seen the governor."

   Seeing two senior generals who were dozens of years older than him salute him respectfully, Feng Ziying was also a little moved.

   Not to mention Yang Yuan, he was really a fierce general who fought during the Japanese Invasion in Imchen, but now he is old, and it is estimated that after this battle, he should retire as the general of the Xuanfu.

   Needless to say, You Shigong is an old acquaintance. He is in his prime, but he is almost fifty years old. Fortunately, he is in good health.

If we follow the history of the previous life, Yang Yuan was beheaded by Magui long ago after the Battle of Namwon during the Japanese Invasion of Imjin. , Zhou Jun had the upper hand, and until later, the battle of Nanyuan was not as it was in history, but Zhou Jun won.

  Yang Yuan is already in his early sixties, but his health is still good. Feng Ziying saw from the archives of the Ministry of War that he is already sixty-seven. Although his beard and hair are white, he is still in good spirits.

"Grand Juya, brother Shigong, we are not outsiders, and today there are only three of us, so you call me Ziying. I am also a child of Wu Xun. The two of you are the governor, and the supervisor is here. I really feel ashamed." Feng Ziying bowed and invited the two to their seats.

  Yang Yuan and You Shigong looked at each other in dismay. The youngest governor in the history of the Great Zhou Dynasty was also the youngest second-rank official. They were a little surprised to treat them with such courtesy.

Not to mention that the status of the governor is their direct superior, the civil servant status of the Youdu Yushi of the Metropolitan Procuratorate alone is enough to make the two warriors respectful, but this one is still as humble and calm as before, which makes both of them admire heartbreak.

   "My lord, this is inappropriate..." Yang Yuanqi said again.

"Mr. Juya, you are older than my father in terms of age and qualifications. Brother Shigong watched me grow up. You are my senior. I am also a child of the Wu family. The blood of the Wu family, otherwise why would the imperial court ask me to clean up this mess, of course I am willing to come, I am really afraid that I will be useless if I spend a few years in the comfort zone of the governor of the south of the Yangtze River."

  Feng Ziying's words immediately made Yang You and You feel much more relaxed, and their recognition of Feng Ziying suddenly rose to an extremely high level.

The other party is a top civil servant. To this extent, with this status, most people are unwilling to mention their martial arts background, but this one doesn't care at all, and is even quite proud. This sense of identity that does not forget his roots, It was enough to break the hearts of the two of them.

   "Since your lord governor said so, then the two of us will ask you to call Ziying." Yang Yuan should be more generous. Anyway, after this battle, he will retire in two or three years, so there is nothing to be rigid about.

"It should be so." Feng Ziying sat down, "The two of you are here today to discuss the next step of the war. Maybe you both know that I am the governor of Hebei, and I am afraid that I will focus on the south. It shows that the Jianzhou Jurchens are instigating the Mongols to harass the northern Xinjiang. It may even turn out that some of our allies and quasi-allies, such as the Neikha people and the Bushitu tribe of the Tumot, were a little moved and also It is not ruled out that people from the Outer Khalkha and Horqin will be involved, of course, this is the worst plan.”

  Yang Yuan and You Shigong both nodded in agreement. Yang Yuan has not been in office for a long time and is still getting familiar with the situation, but You Shigong is the commander-in-chief of Laoji Town, and he is familiar with these situations on the grassland.

  (end of this chapter)

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