Number of People

Chapter 2561: Guizijuan unscrupulous, aggressive

  Chapter 2561 Guizijuan unscrupulous, aggressive

   "My lord, do you want to go south first and then go north?" Yang Yuan murmured.

"I think so, but the Mongols may not let me do what I want. Nurhachi finally provoked this war. It was because of the opportunity of the chaos here in Beizhi that he deliberately provoked the Mongols. , I can’t even imagine how much Nurhachi paid to convince both Bushitu and Neikalka people.”

  Feng Ziying was quite emotional, "Just because of Nurhachi's hard work, I don't think they will easily let me get what I want."

  Yang Yuan and You Shigong's hearts sank.

  This means that I am afraid that the Mongols' invasion this time will not be weaker than the previous one.

That invasion had a great impact on the entire Shuntian Mansion and even Yongping Mansion, especially the Jingying Santunying suffered a disastrous defeat in the First World War. Tens of thousands of people were captured and plundered, and it took a lot of money to redeem these people. , also in the north of Shuntian Prefecture, such as Huairou, Shunyi, Pinggu, etc., caused quite tragic losses.

  If all the Mongolian ministries want to join in this time, the pressure on the north will be great, especially in Ji Town of Xuanfu, which has to mobilize troops to deal with the counter-insurgency in the south.

"This is how I think about it. I try not to transfer the main force of Xuanfu and Ji Town to the war in the south, but each of your two towns needs to draw an elite team for me to use as a reserve team. I'm considering putting them in for now." Zhuozhou." Feng Ziying introduced her own thoughts, "Zhuozhou is moderately far away, not too far from the east and west side walls, and it is closer to Baoding Mansion, so it can be thrown into battle at any time if necessary."

Yang Yuan and You Shigong breathed a sigh of relief when they heard that Feng Ziying didn't plan to transfer the main force of the Second Town. Ten or twenty thousand elites can afford it.

   "Then what does your lord mean, how many elites should be drawn as a reserve team?" You Shigong pondered.

   "Xuanfu Town will be adjusted soon, and there will be only one battalion. Although Ji Town will support Liaodong, the assistant from Denglai Town will come over. Brother Shigong, you prepare two battalions."

  Yang Yuan and You Shigong were shocked when Feng Ziying said the words, not too much, but too little!

  A battalion of 3,000 people is a drop in the bucket for a border town. These are Dabian towns with 30 battalions. It is normal for a border town to transfer three or five battalions. I did not expect that there were only three battalions in total.

   "My lord..." Yang Yuan and You Shigong were both a little embarrassed and puzzled.

   "I said that although there are three battalions, I only need cavalry, and they are all elites. Can one man have three horses?" Feng Ziying said every word.

  The two immediately understood that this was to use the assault cavalry as a trump card to carry out a fatal blow, and this mobility must be fully guaranteed.

But in any case, this also relieved the huge pressure on the two border towns. Before, they were all determined to have three to five battalions of troops in one town. Horses, but Jiubian Border Town, that border town will not be short of 10,000 to 20,000 mules and horses, no problem.

   "Sir, do you dare to disobey?" Yang Yuan and You Shigong replied in unison.

"Okay, although I have drawn fewer soldiers from you, and my focus is on the south, trying to solve the chaos in the south as soon as possible, but the north is related to whether I can devote myself to the war in the south. Once the Mongols really invade Like the situation last time, I'm afraid I can't go south and then go north, but I can only shift the center of gravity to the north. Then the offensive from the south may fall short. I don't want to see that scene, so the north, you two You must work together, and you must help me stabilize the situation. My principle is to stick to it, but pay attention to strategy. You can lose, you can retreat, but you can't be chaotic, and you can't retreat blindly. Instead, you must have a level and a plan Before retreating, we must do a good job of counterattacking at the next level to avoid retreat from retreat, and we must draw a bottom line, push the bottom line, and fight to the end."

  Feng Ziying expected that the Mongols would not easily let go of this battle.

  Even Fengzhou Bailian, which had already retreated, was re-armed and wanted to attack again, which shows how determined Nurhachi and these people on the grassland are this time.

But now I can't put my mind on the north first, I have to solve the south first, otherwise wait until the south is smashed and dragged to the end of the year, it will be a drought in itself, and then there will be a military disaster, and the relief will not be able to keep up. believers, then it will really become the vicious circle state of the late Ming Dynasty.

  So he would rather draw as few troops as possible from Jizhen, Xuanfu, and let it maintain a relatively sound organizational system, so as to organize a defense system and win time and opportunities for his side as much as possible.

The bottom line Feng Ziying drew for the two was along the north line of the capital city, starting from the border town in the west, and following Baiyangkou-Changping-Shunyi-Sanhe-Baodi. It should be said that this line is quite loose, which is what Feng Ziying hopes to win more Much time to think about it.

  Hearing Feng Ziying's introduction, both Yang Yuan and You Shigong patted their chests and expressed their willingness to guarantee the completion of the task.

Naturally, Feng Ziying would not want their heads, but she still warned the two of them to be prepared to fight tough battles and never underestimate the courage and determination of the Mongols this time. They knew very well that maybe this battle would not succeed. I'm afraid there will be no chances in the future, and the rest should be passive beatings.

Beginning with Yang Yuan and You Shigong, Feng Ziying's main job in the past few days has been to meet military generals from all sides, many of whom are veterans of her own, so naturally she encouraged and encouraged them so that they could prepare with peace of mind and make great contributions. Get ready for the reward.

   This naturally made the group of people smile, and everyone was ready to fight a big battle.

  Contacts with the Criminal Ministry are also in full swing.

  The person from the Ministry of Criminal Justice came to contact him, of course, the old acquaintance Han Yu, who brought the secretary of the Department of Siwu and four Yuanwailang from the Department of Cleaning Officials to meet him.

Obviously, this round of white lotus storm has greatly affected the Ministry of Justice. Otherwise, as a minister to extract juice, he, the left servant, has also been under a lot of pressure. Although he mentioned it to Liu Yixiu several times, he failed to attract enough attention in the end. , has evolved into what it is now.

"Yu Chengong, you are my teacher. Hebei needs the full support of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, so as to understand the war situation in Hebei as soon as possible." Feng Ziying said sincerely, "You know that in Hebei, I am familiar with other prefectures except Shuntian Prefecture. It’s a bit unfamiliar, especially the three southern prefectures and the three prefectures in Henan. I haven’t had much contact with them. From officials to gentry merchants, they are all too unfamiliar. Strong people like tyrants, clan leaders, rangers, and salt lords are the leaders, and to quickly open up the situation, I plan to take military action on the one hand and take special measures to solve it on the other hand."

  Feng Ziying's openness also shocked Han Yu.

This guy is becoming more and more heroic now. He will use any means to achieve his goals. What is the special means? It is said that this method may be the fastest to receive miraculous effects.

  Of course, as the governor of Hebei, his only goal is to speed up the chaos of the White Lotus Religion in Hebei, and other issues are not his consideration.

Han Yu nodded: "Ziying, Ru Jun has already explained to me that the Criminal Department will go all out to cooperate with the governor's office. We will provide support without reservation if we need anything. Considering the complexity of Beizhi and Henan, I will Bring all the people from the Cleaning Department and the Department of Affairs Department involved."

Beizhi is a very complicated area. To be precise, it is a regional concept that only belongs to the central government, not an administrative region. Therefore, the relevant affairs of the Beizhi area have always continued the system of the previous Ming Dynasty in the various ministries of the central government. Tube.

For example, the affairs of the three prefectures of Shuntian, Yongping, and Guangping in the Beizhi area are managed by the Department of Cleaning Officials of Yunnan Province, and the affairs of the five prefectures of Baoding, Hejian, Zhending, Shunde, and Baoan are managed by the Department of Cleaning Officials of Guizhou Province of the Ministry of Punishment. In addition, the affairs of the Daming Mansion were under the management of the Sichuan Qing Officials Department of the Criminal Ministry, and there was another Yanqing Prefecture under the management of the Guangdong Qing Officials Department. In addition, the three prefectures in Henan were managed by the Henan Qing Officials Department, and this area was divided into several Qing officials.

   Han Yu left Yanqing Prefecture where the situation was stable and did not let the people from the Guangdong Clean-up Department come. Several other people from the Clean-up Department and the Department of Affairs Office brought them, so it can be said that they did not pay attention.

Feng Ziying was also somewhat aware of this situation, so she was not surprised, and directly put forward her own request: "..., the situation is like this. Although many of these people have gathered in chaos, most of them are still operating in this area. The size of the chaos varies. From one to two thousand to tens of thousands of people, they all have close ties with family members, relatives, old friends, and some stakeholders, and I don’t think they can imagine that we will take action from this angle, so I ask you to immediately Use your informant network, no matter which level, as long as it can play a role, you must use them to grasp the activities and whereabouts of these chaos leaders, think tanks, etc., and make full preparations for our next move... "

Several Yuanwailang from the Cleaning Department looked at each other, and it was the Yuanwailang from the Guizhou Department who answered first: "Master Feng, Shangfeng's arrangement, I will naturally follow my orders, but the place is very chaotic now, and it will take time for our people to contact each other." Second, I am afraid that these people have never experienced such a task before. There may be a process. Third, you need to give us a general list so that we can find out what to do. In addition, please be a little more patient, I am afraid that this kind of thing will not be done overnight. of,…"

   Seeing the other party speak cautiously, Feng Ziying also smiled.

  (end of this chapter)

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