Number of People

Chapter 2562: Guizijuan beheading action, ready to go

  Chapter 2562 Guizijuan beheading operation, ready to go

"This surname is Shi, Mr. Shi. I haven't taken up the post yet, so I made arrangements in advance to give you enough time. The conditions you mentioned are all right. I don't want to be quick and many, but Be accurate and feasible, once we need it, we must kill with one blow!"

  Feng Ziying's temperament is very peaceful, but the domineering spirit revealed in his words is unquestionable.

Yuanwailang, surnamed Shi, nodded: "This point, we will definitely try our best to be as detailed, meticulous and safe as possible, but please be aware, after all, there are still many uncertain factors in some things. This possibility still exists, adults please understand this."

Of course Feng Ziying is not an unreasonable person. During the war, the leaders of these Bailian sect bandits must still be protected and worried. It is possible to change their appearance and activity rules from time to time, but Feng Ziying believes that these lines from the Ministry of Criminal Justice With the ability of people and the fact that the local government also has its own intelligence system, it is not difficult to obtain the movements of these people.

  Even if there are mistakes, they are very few and have nothing to do with the overall situation.

  Besides, this is not the only way to rely on one's own fighting, it is just a booster catalyst.

Soon Wang Wenyan took out the first batch of lists. This is only a rough list of the first batch, and there will be a second and third batch, and specifically whether "special military operations" or "beheading operations" can be taken. , It still needs to be comprehensively evaluated after the intelligence is sent back, and how prepared the sniper team on its side is to take action.

   When the list is handed over to the Ministry of Criminal Justice, another matter will be discussed. This is some so-called "enshrined" or "staff members" within the Ministry of Criminal Justice who have never shown their faces.

   These people are highly classified, and the list is in the hands of the Secretary of the Ministry of Finance.

  Si Wu is a lowly and powerful role, and a non-shangshu's confidant can't take it.

  Liu Yixiu left, obviously the Secretary of the Office of Secretary Affairs is also the absolute confidant of the new Shangshu Qiao Yingjia.

   This person is naturally aware of the close relationship between Feng Ziying and her boss, so she also confessed everything.

  Feng Ziying will not ask too much about specific personnel. What Feng Ziying wants to ask is whether these people can play the role they want and achieve the desired effect.

  No one can give a certainty about this.

  But the tone revealed in the secretary's words clearly shows that he has deep confidence in these people.

   This also made Feng Ziying feel more at ease.

  Communication with the Ministry of Punishment was very smooth and basically achieved their own goals. Then Feng Ziying had a special conversation with Lu Song.

   It should be said that Feng Ziying can understand Lu Song's concerns, but Feng Ziying is puzzled by the fact that he is still looking around at this moment.

  You have boarded the boat, and even the boat has reached the center of the river. Is there any room for you to turn back?

  Getting off the boat at this time has no result except drowning yourself. No one can save you, and no one will sympathize with you.

  In order to dispel Lu Song's unrealistic fantasies, Feng Ziying also encouraged him to use his three-inch tongue, and it took a lot of effort to dispel the other party's doubts.

  One of the most important points, Feng Ziying also told him that the times change and the situation changes, so you have to move according to the times.

   "I'm really tired." Feng Ziying leaned on the easy chair of the new work, and couldn't help muttering.

  Yuan Yingtai has already arrived in Beijing, and he still needs to rest for a day before handing over to himself, which means that he is about to go to the front line of Baoding.

  The Beijing camp was ready to go, Feng Ziying did not vacate the Beijing camp, but left some troops for King Zhonghui and Xiao Ruxun.

  But the elite from the Northwest, as well as Yang Zhaoji, He Huchen and other ministries, it is impossible to stay.

  The Jiangbei Town of Liu Baichuan in the south has already set out on the road. It went straight from Xuzhou and arrived at Dangshan.

  Guide Mansion belongs to Henan, but it does not belong to the three prefectures in Henan north of the Yellow River.

Because of the influence of the White Lotus Sect here in Shandong, it was actually named Wenxiang Sect, which is inextricably linked with the original sect of Xu Hongru, Gao Yingchen and others. The three prefectures in Zhinan - Daming Mansion, Guangping Mansion, and Shunde Mansion are more closely connected, just separated by the Yellow River.

   "Master, the military newspaper from Xuzhou." Baoxiang came in and whispered.

   "Read it." Feng Ziying closed his eyes, and Ping'er next to him held his shoulders for him, massaging his temples, and Jin Chuaner shook his fan.

  At this moment, I feel a little bit like some movie clips in my previous life, when a certain officer in the national army was pampered and listened to his subordinates’ report on the military aircraft with his concubine as his companion.

   "It was initially determined on the tenth day of the eighth month that the headquarters would leave Xuzhou and arrive at Dangshan on the twelfth. It is planned to launch an offensive against Yucheng and Xiayi within ten days."

  Guide's Wenxiangjiao rebellion was mainly concentrated in the east, that is, Yucheng, Xiayi, Yongcheng, and even Bozhou in Fengyang was affected.

  This is also the reason why Feng Ziying insisted on asking He Fengsheng to transfer a battalion of guards to Wupingwei in Bozhou.

Once Jiangbei Town launches a fierce attack in the east of Guide Mansion, the fleeing army will not care where you belong to Bozhou. This piece is messed up.

  This can be regarded as the last good thing Feng Ziying did when he was the governor of the south of the Yangtze River in Nanzhili.

If you want to say that you should not take care of the subsequent affairs of Jiangnan Province after you leave office, and the governor of Hebei can't take care of Jiangnan, but it does not rule out that the imperial court must entrust all the tasks of clearing up the bandits in this area to yourself, so in advance There’s nothing wrong with doing some preparation.

  Feng Ziying gave Liu Baichuan an order to act cheaply. Of course, this mainly refers to the area south of the Yellow River in Henan, which is part of Guide Mansion and Kaifeng Mansion.

  The three prefectures in Henan to the north of the Yellow River still need to be coordinated and arranged to prevent these bandits from running around once they are defeated, disrupting the situation in the entire Beizhi prefectures and disrupting their own arrangements.

"Today is the 14th. It is estimated that Bai Chuan has already started to act in Guide. It seems that my leisurely life should also be over." When Baoxiang withdrew, Feng Ziying put a hand into the belly pocket of Jin Chuaner who was fanning beside her. and rubbed it, making Jin Chuan'er wink and panting, but the other hand had already penetrated into Ping'er's lapel and pulled Ping'er's sweat towel belt. It's a study,..."

   "What's the matter with the study? Baoxiang doesn't even wink at him, so he should be kicked out."

Feng Ziying ignored it, and Ping'er glanced at Jin Chuan'er, who was also very excited, lowered her head and blushed, her usual high-cold expression had long since disappeared, and after a moment of coyness, she whispered: "Wait for the servant girl!" Close the door, Jin Chuaner will come first."

  As soon as these words came out, Feng Ziying was overjoyed, knowing that her licentiousness had finally succeeded.

   But seeing Ping'er twisting her buttocks and holding the trouser belt in one hand, the white skirt with red polka dots swayed with a wave of buttocks, and walked quickly to close the study door.

   But Jin Chuan'er had been taken over by Feng Ziying long ago, and she took off her skirt and underwear in twos and fives, and asked her to sit astride her...

The second daughter also knew that Feng Ziying was about to go to the front line in Baoding, and she had only been back for a few days, and she was leaving again and this time it was the front line. I can't follow, and I don't know how long it will take to come back after this trip.

  So since King Xiang is affectionate, how can they bear to refuse?

   Let him do whatever he wants.

When    was finally pulled out of Ping'er's body, Feng Ziying sighed contentedly, "Who will follow me to Baoding, have you settled down later?"

  As the governor, he is not a general, and theoretically he can bring a personal servant.

  Many civil servants these days like to bring servants, which are actually child molesters, but Feng Ziying is most tired of this.

  The whole family knew that their father was the most unaccustomed to masculinity, and even Bao Erye, Qin Zhong and Jia Rong were not very popular, so it was no big deal to bring a couple of maids and maids to disguise themselves as men.

  If you really want that censor to be blind and chew his tongue, you have to look at Feng Ziying's current title - the right capital censor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, the immediate boss of the censors.

  However, whoever follows in this mansion has to be particular.

  Mandarin Duck was pregnant and stayed in Nanjing. It should have been Yu Chuan'er's chance, but Yu Chuan'er also stayed in Nanjing to help Yuanyang and did not come back.

  Now there are several children in Feng's mansion, and everyone has to take care of them. Ping'er and Jin Chuan'er can't do without, so they can only choose among the big maids in each mansion.

  Shen Yixiu just gave birth, Qingwen Yunshang can't go, the same goes for Baochai and Baoqin, Yinger and Lingguan can only stay, Xiangling got the chance.

  Daiyu in the third room is also Zijuan and Xueyan, so she can't leave, but Cuimo, the servant next to Tanchun, can choose one to follow.

   "First, Xiangling is decided to go with the master, and the other one has not been decided yet. Miss Lin wants Xueyan to go with the master. The third girl thinks that Cuimo can also go, and the second grandma Qin thinks that Lingguan can actually go, too..."

  Feng Ziying couldn't help but laugh, "Baoqin just gave birth to a child, Ling Guan will follow me, who will serve her?"

"Master, I don't know that many people have come in this year. It turned out that Qianxue, who was kicked out of Yihongyuan, the second master of Bao, asked me to come here, so I let her in. Grandma Qin took a fancy to her. She is very familiar, so I let her go and follow." Ping'er sat up and tied her bra, which was not enough for her hands, and said, "Jin Chuan'er, help me tie it."

  Feng Ziying couldn't help playing with it for a while, making Ping'er roll her eyes, "It seems that I have heard the name of this Qianxue before, and was kicked out by Baoyu? What happened?"

   Not to mention, Feng Ziying still has a vague impression that there seems to be a mention in the book "A Dream of Red Mansions", but he can't remember the specifics.

  (end of this chapter)

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