Number of People

Chapter 2563: Gui character involved in Hebei, rebuked Liwei

  Chapter 2563 Gui character involved in Hebei, denounced Liwei

  The dispute in the back house did not affect Feng Ziying's emotions at all. At this time, his mind was all on the preparations before the trip.

  The route to Baoding is very simple, take Liangshan, pass Zhuozhou, and then enter Baoding Prefecture.

Shuntian, Zhending, Hejian, and Baoding are the four major prefectures in the North Zhili area. Basically, each prefecture is equivalent to more than twice the size of the other small prefectures—Yongping, Shunde, Guangping, and Daming. Still the site.

Baoding has jurisdiction over Yizhou, Laishui, Dingxing, Xincheng, Rongcheng, Xiongxian, Ansu, Mancheng, Qingyuan, Anzhou, Gaoyang, Lixian, Qizhou, Boye, Shenze, Shulu, Qing Du, Wanxian, and Tangxian counties, nineteen prefectures and counties, are truly big cities with a population of millions. In addition, there are two guards in the jurisdiction, Zijingguan and Daomaguan, which belong to Xuanfu Town. The northeast and southwest ends of Wuhui Mountain.

Juma River, Yishui River, Bao River, Zhulong River, and Tang River are all rivers in Baoding Prefecture. They all converge in Xiongxian County, that is, Baiyang Lake and Wuguan Lake, and finally flow down to Tianjin Wei. The famous Great Lake - Triangle Lake.

  Currently, the situation in the north and northwest of Baoding Prefecture is still passable, but Yizhou has long had the White Lotus Sect, but Laishui and Dingxing are okay, and the situation in Xincheng and Rongcheng is still stable.

Danxiong County, as well as Renqiu County in Hejian Prefecture surrounding Baiyangdian Lake and Wuguan Lake, Bazhou County in Shuntian Prefecture, and Baoding County (this Baoding County and Baoding Prefecture are two different things, the former is a county under Shuntian Prefecture, and the latter is a The same prefecture as Shuntian Mansion), Wen'an County, this area is centered on Baiyang Lake and Wuguan Lake, where the White Lotus Sect and the Lake Bandits have been intertwined.

  Although there are conflicts among them, they have the same attitude when dealing with officers and soldiers.

From Dingxing to the southwest, passing through Ansu County is Baoding Prefecture governing Qingyuan County, and then going southwest, passing through Qingdu, all the way to Dingzhou of Zhending Prefecture, and then passing through Xinle County from Dingzhou to Zhending Prefecture Zhending County.

   This line is currently the most important transportation route in the north of Beizhili. Basically, the situation is not bad, and the counties along the line are firmly controlled by the government and the army.

  At present, Ma Kongying's Department controls the main traffic route from Jingshi City to Zhending Fuzhi in the Qing Dynasty, and it is also the main channel for the entire grain logistics supply, so there is no room for loss.

  Even if Ma Kongying was scolded by Yuan Yingtai or even impeached in the later stage, he did not dare to listen to Yuan Yingtai's words to gather several troops together for a battle, and let this line out.

   Just kidding, you don't even know which branch of the White Lotus Sect is the main force, where it is, and how to fight it, so you have to rush to deploy troops along the line to attack.

  Once a weak link is exposed, and the Bailian rebels seize the opportunity to cut off the main supply of food and grass, it will be really fatal.

  Any army that can fight again, once it is deprived of food and grass, it will affect morale, and it is not impossible to cause mutiny or even collapse and bomb the camp.

Therefore, a group of military generals were extremely dissatisfied with Yuan Yingtai's random command, and adopted various methods to prosper and contradict, causing the entire battlefield to be completely out of touch. The rebellious army in the Ministry has begun to take shape, and the frontier army can also fight vigorously, which also makes Ma Kongying and the others extremely anxious.

Now the situation is more like the imperial court officers and soldiers are using themselves to help Bailian train the soldiers. Every time the attack is unhurried, not itchy or painful, they are led by the nose, and in the end they just fight one or two hastily and then return to the original state , such a situation is pointless and even worsening.

   Now I finally hope that Yuan Yingtai will be transferred away, and Governor Xiao Feng will replace him, which immediately makes Xuanfu Army and Jizhen Army all smile with liking.

We all know that Governor Xiao Feng is a soldier who knows how to fight in Ningxia, Yongping Mansion, Shaanxi, Liaodong, and Jiangnan. He has been invincible and invincible in so many battles. It can be said that he has become the one who can lead soldiers to fight First person.

   Now that Governor Xiaofeng is here to oversee the army in Hebei, it means that everyone can gather under his command. Whether it is the Xuanfu Army, the Jizhen Army, or even the Jingying and Jiangbei Town in the south, there is no complaint.

  How to arrange, everyone takes it for granted, no one will question the inappropriate arrangement of Governor Xiao Feng, this is the prestige gained by fighting.

  From Zhending County to the south or west to east, the situation is a bit bad.

  West, the county towns of Huolu and Jingxing are still in the hands of the government, but the White Lotus Sect in the countryside has begun to openly challenge them.

  To the east, there are Jinzhou, Wuji, and Gaocheng. Among them, Gaocheng County has fallen, and Wuji is in danger. Because of Jinzhou's high walls and thick walls, the Bailian rebel army once besieged Jinzhou.

  The situation in Shenze and Shulu counties, which is close to these three places, is also very critical.

  Feng Ziying could feel this chaotic and chaotic atmosphere from the moment she left Zhuozhou and entered Baoding Prefecture, and her first impression was not good.

  Ma Kongying, You Shiwei and his party were waiting for Feng Ziying in Dingxing.

  The entire battle in Hebei was divided into three parts.

   Needless to say, one piece is the three prefectures of Henan to the north of the Yellow River plus the part of Guide Mansion and Kaifeng Mansion of Henan to the south of the Yellow River.

  One area is dominated by the three prefectures from the north to the south. This area is currently in a state of laissez-faire. Neither the Xuanfu army nor the Jizhen army has much power to take care of this area.

  Fortunately, the Bailian rebellious army in this area is acting independently and has failed to form a joint force. Therefore, the three prefectures seem to be the most dangerous far away from the imperial army, but they are regarded as a kind of "black under the lights".

Some counties were breached, such as Jun County and Dongming in Daming Prefecture, Wei County and Qinghe in Guangping Prefecture, and Julu and Guangzong in Shunde Prefecture, which were the lairs of the Yellow Turban Uprising in Zhangjiao and Zhangbao during the Three Kingdoms period. The county seat is still in the hands of the government, but the countryside has become chaotic.

  The other one is Baoding and Zhending, which are two big prefectures that are together for you and me. By the way, it also includes the southernmost point of Shuntian Prefecture and several counties in the northwest and southwest corners of Hejian Prefecture.

This large area is the most ravaged area of ​​the White Lotus Sect, with the strongest power, and the various rebel armies are closely connected and coordinated with each other in combat. In the hands of several senior disciples including Anbao.

As far as the current situation is concerned, more than 20 counties and counties in the entire Bao (Ding) Zhen (Ding) Shun (Shun) River (Jia) area have been captured by the Bailian Rebel Army or are about to be captured, and several large Bailian Rebellion forces have also formed. center.

For example, the eastern white lotus based on Bazhou and Xiongxian, the southern white lotus centered on Shenzhou, Shenze, Shulu, Gaocheng, Wuji, Anping, Raoyang, and Wuqiang, and the southern white lotus centered on Yuanshi, Zhaozhou, and Luancheng. , Lincheng, Gaoyi, Baixiang, Ningjin, Longping as the center of the western Bailian.

  Among the three white lotus, the southern white lotus is the strongest, the eastern white lotus is second, and the western white lotus is the weakest, but the western white lotus is the farthest, and it is already close to the three prefectures from north to south.

It stands to reason that You Shiwei is mainly in charge of the Jizhen Army in the east, and there is no need to come here, but as the governor, he will come here in person, and he still hopes to see him as soon as possible, not to mention that the You brothers have always had a relationship with the Feng family. Unusual.

   "I have a general understanding of the situation, let me tell you about the deployment of your armies."

  Feng Ziying was sitting in the carriage with a map spread out in front of her. Ma Kongying, the deputy general of the Xuanfu, You Shiwei, the general of Jizhen, Hou Shilu, another general of the Xuanfu, and Man Gui, the guerrilla, sat around it.

  Meeting Man Gui here also surprised Feng Ziying.

  At the beginning, Zhao Qianshan strongly recommended Mangui after the Jinnan War. Mangui himself was from the Xuanfu, and Feng Ziying promoted him to the Xuanfu. Unexpectedly, he has become a guerrilla in the Xuanfu army.

  Of course he didn't know that what he did by hand would definitely be regarded as his confidant in the Ministry of War. In addition, Man Gui himself had made great contributions, so he was naturally promoted.

  Hou Shilu is also an old veteran of the Xuanfu. Looking at his vigorous face, he knows that he should be a person who is used to fighting.

  Does Feng Ziying still admire Ma Kongying for this? At least he can know people and make good use of them. There is not much regional discrimination, and he does not only use people from the Northwest just because he is from the Northwest.

  Xuanfu Town went through several ups and downs, and started rebuilding after Niu Jizong left. There was no general soldier for quite a long time, and Ma Chengxun went and did not work long before Yang Yuan was replaced.

  Personnel is also adjusted one after another, and soldiers are also coming in and out.

   After finally waiting for the soldiers of the old Xuanfu to return, it will take a while to adjust, and the combat effectiveness will inevitably be greatly affected.

  So Yuan Yingtai felt that the Xuanfu Army's combat effectiveness was not strong, which led to an unfavorable battle situation, and it was not without reason that he criticized it quite a bit.

   "Currently, the Eastern Bailian is mainly based on the Jizhen Army You Daren's Department, because Jizhen sent troops to western Liaoning, and You Zongbing wanted to send some troops back, worrying about the Chahar people..."

Feng Ziying's cold voice interrupted Ma Kongying's introduction: "Why, You Shigong made the decision for me, the governor of Hebei? I don't know if the Chahar people have invaded the border, so he decided to transfer Jizhen soldiers back Did it go to the side wall?"

  One sentence made Ma Kongying break out in a cold sweat, and subconsciously glanced at You Shigong beside him.

  You Shiwei immediately turned over and knelt down in the narrow carriage compartment, "My brother dare not, and neither will the last general, but considering that there have been Chahar cavalry on the front line of Xifengkou, my brother is worried..."

   "Hmph, You Shiwei, are you deceiving me that I haven't led troops in battle or do you think I don't know the terrain along the Luanhe River?"

  Feng Ziying sat cross-legged in the center of the carriage, with four people lined up on both sides.

"You Shigong was frightened by riding a ranger. He fought against the Tumote and Chahar people in Yulin and Jizhen for so many years. Everyone said that he was daring and daring. Now he was eaten by dogs. ? The transfer of troops from the front line, such a big thing, he did it for me?"

  You Shiwei didn't dare to answer, so he could only kneel down in the carriage.

  (end of this chapter)

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