Number of People

Chapter 2568: The guizi scroll was shot, broken!

  Chapter 2568 Guizi scroll sniper kill, broken!

   "Keep Gaoyang first. As long as Gaoyang is stuck, Anzhou and Renqiu will become isolated islands. Anzhou can still get support from the rebel army from Xiong County in the east. What about Renqiu?"

   After the introduction by the staff officer, Feng Ziying began to talk about her intentions.

"The siege of Renqiu completely solved Wang Haoyi's foothold in the Hejian Mansion. I asked the Hejian Mansion to send troops to support it, but it was not enough. Mi Heng on Renqiu's side would not reinforce him, but on the Anzhou side, we It is estimated that Zhou Yin will definitely go to reinforce Anzhou. This is the best way. We can come to a siege and ambush Zhou Yin’s reinforcements outside Anzhou city. "

  The generals all looked at the sand table, silently thinking about how to fight this battle if it were themselves.

  The number of the three rebellious troops is not small, and the total number is more than 40,000 to nearly 50,000. It is not impossible to completely wipe out, but the key is how to win in the shortest time.

  The governor issued a military order, the battle of Laishui is not considered at all, the war of annihilating the chaos in the east is the real first battle.

"My lord, this is going to be a two-pronged attack." Ma Chengxun groped his jaw, his eyes dark, "But my lord, it is easy to fight Renqiu, but it is not easy to take down Anzhou. Although the number of Mi Heng's chaos is large, But the fighting power is average, but Zhou Yin's chaotic army is different,..."

   "What's the difference?" Feng Ziying asked calmly.

   "Do you ever know the origin of Zhou Yin?" Ma Chengxun obviously put a lot of effort into it.

   Originally thought it would be glamorous to be transferred back to Beijing from the general of the Xuan Mansion, but for those who have been fighting in border towns for a long time, this is a bit boring.

  A general of the Fifth Army Battalion is what he wants, but if he wants to be trapped in this capital city for the rest of his life, it would be too boring. Ma Chengxun doesn't like this kind of life.

   "Looks like he was a fugitive?" Feng Ziying hesitated after thinking about it.

   "It's not a fugitive soldier, but a fugitive official." Ma Chengxun chuckled and said, "Speaking of which, he's an acquaintance of the general."

   What Ma Chengxun said aroused everyone's interest, even Feng Ziying became interested, "Chengxun, tell me, what's going on?"

"It's a long story. Zhou Yin is also a child of the Wu family, but his father is a small official. I think he should be a member of a hundred families. He has practiced martial arts since he was a child and is familiar with military books. Yuanxi participated in the 29th year. Wu Kao, he passed the Wu Jinshi exam in Xuanfu Town, if it wasn't for some tricks inside, he should be number one in Xuanfu Town..."

"In the 30th year of Yuanxi, the Ministry of War held a nine-sided martial arts competition. He represented Xuanfu Town in the battle. At that time, he should have been a hundred households. He shocked the audience with his arrows. People, everyone thought that if he was not the No. 1 Scholar, he should be the No. 2 in the Wu Bang or Wu Tan, but he disappeared quietly in the end. Everyone was very surprised, but the Ministry of War did not have an explanation. In addition, there were indeed many talents in that big competition , At the end of that year, the general also tried it. I am ashamed to say that I ranked forty-sixth in the Nine Sides Army,..."

   Having said that, Ma Kongying, You Shiwei, Ma Jinbao, and Tu Wenxiu all know that this is not easy.

   This is a pure competition of martial arts, without any tricks, and your martial arts skills may not necessarily mean that you are good at fighting, and you may not necessarily be effective in command, so there is no comparison.

   But as a martial artist, his martial arts skills are definitely worthy of admiration.

Tu Wenxiu grinned, "I didn't expect that Master Ma also participated in the Nine Sides Competition that year, and the last general also went that year, representing Ningxia Town. When I went, I was full of confidence. One of the top ten came to play, the result ranked ninety-nine, Dong Yang also went, conceited, told me that he could not escape the top three, and the result ranked eighteenth,..."

  In a flash, more than twenty years have passed. At the beginning, these people were only in their teens and twenties, but now they are all in the middle age.

"It was only later that I heard that Zhou Yin's mother had always believed in the Wenxiang religion, so she was affected by it since she was a child. The army had already noticed it, and later she deliberately restrained her. Later, she became more and more angry, so she naturally refused to obey the discipline, and eventually became a deserter. He was also wanted for a few years, but later the White Lotus Sect became more and more widespread, and no one would pursue this matter. If this Zhou Yin was not specifically mentioned today, and I asked him about his hometown and background, I would not be sure. "

   "How is this person's tactical command ability?" Feng Ziying asked.

Ma Chengxun shook his head, "I don't know. He probably escaped for more than ten years, wandering around, and when he escaped, he didn't even serve as the captain. Maybe he didn't let go of his martial arts skills, but when it comes to commanding tactics, his subordinates think Not necessarily, of course, this is just a subordinate's personal opinion and has no basis."

  Ma Chengxun's words are to the point.

  In the White Lotus Sect, you may be able to stand out by relying on martial arts, but commanding the army to organize marches and fights is another matter, and it is impossible to judge.

"If this is the case, it should not be underestimated. There are many fugitives from our Nine Frontier Army in the White Lotus Sect. I checked it when I was a magistrate in Yongping Mansion. Shiwei, Shigong was The commander-in-chief arranged for Shilu to assist me in the investigation. In my impression, Panguanying, Jianchangying, Taitouying, Xuliuying, and several camps around Shimenzhai were found, and they escaped a lot. Later, when I was in Fengrun Assassinated by the river, he should have something to do with these fugitives."

Feng Ziying continued: "It is also the responsibility of the imperial court that so many fugitives have entered the White Lotus Sect. After the war, the imperial court should also rectify the education and laws to prevent such sects from breeding in the future. Soil."

  Feng Ziying then turned to Wang Wenyan: "Wen Yan, what about the actions of the Ministry of Punishment?"

   "The news from over there is that urgent action has been taken, but it will take time for the urgent one-hit kill, so there is a slight delay of two days."

  Wang Wenyan's answer was nonsensical, and the rest of the people couldn't understand it, but Feng Ziying didn't explain it. It doesn't make sense to know about this kind of thing if there are too many people, just seek the effect.


  Ren Qiu.

  Dig the Tiedenggan village next to Lidian.

Die Li Lake is actually an overflow site of Wuguan Lake. Whenever Wuguan Lake swells, it will overflow and turn into Di Li Lake along the second stream and ten miles to the northeast. It is said that there is a dry land golden carp in this place. In Tang Dynasty Some farmers dug up the ground and dedicated it to the imperial court.

  Bai Tai leaned firmly on the tree trunk, but kept his eyes fixed on the road beside the grove, chewing the grass root in his mouth.

  Chew very finely and slowly, as if to taste the taste of grass roots thoroughly.

   "Are you sure you've been in Zhuangzi for two hours?"

"Sure." The subordinate half squatting under the tree replied with certainty: "Liao Xiaoer has been pretending to be a shopkeeper since yesterday, and the Zhuangzi who entered this morning, if there is no news from the online, I really don't know that this guy is still a dutiful son. And afraid of death, going out of the city in the middle of the night, who would think of ordinary people?"

   "Little Er, don't make mistakes for me, right?" Bai Tai took a deep breath, and touched the big bow on his back.

"Don't worry, I've already done things like getting old, besides, Xiaoer is from Gaoyang, with a similar accent, and I've been here many times, but this is the first time I've been back to Tiedengganzhuang. He sent a letter back to tell me what's unusual. , the black head is watching at Zhuangkou, and will send a signal."

   I haven't been on a mission for three years, but this time it's Bailian Sect.

   It's not surprising, after such a toss, the court has been devastated, so naturally all kinds of methods have to be used.

   But even if this guy was shot by himself, so what?

   It is impossible for the team of more than 3,000 people to just break up like this, but considering how many brothers he still has, it is estimated that who will be the leader will have to fight a lot. Maybe this is the purpose of the court?

  Bai Tai didn't know how many such reclusive people were used by the imperial court this time, but he knew that two of his acquaintances and old friends had been recruited, and it seemed that the action would not be small.

   Everyone has different mission goals, so he doesn't ask, this is the rule, even if everyone is an official in the Ministry of Criminal Justice.

  He is good at using arrows, another acquaintance is good at disguising and using poison, and another is fond of setting traps.

  Each has their own abilities and chooses different scenes, and everyone goes their own way.

  The sky is already bright, and this season, it dawns very early.

"Brother Tai, the black hair signaled, it should have come out, it came out from Zhuangnan, as expected." The man under the tree was watching excitedly with a binoculars: "This thing is really powerful. It's the same as before, I don't know if this thing is broken, will the doctor peel our skin?"

Bai Tai ignored the nonsense of the younger brother under the tree. At this moment, his whole body was mobilized, his ape arms were lightly stretched, his legs were firmly crossed on the branches of the tree, and his gaze was like a falcon. on the way.

   Soon a few riders appeared at the turning of the road, rolling up the sky with yellow dust, and the speed was very fast.

  Bai Tai no longer has any distracting thoughts in his mind at this time, and has entered the stage of having arrows but not self.

   When the first three riders passed by, Bai Tai ignored it. Although he could shoot seven arrows in a few breaths, which was his limit, it was meaningless to use it on these people. He had only one goal.

  The seven or eight riders in the middle have different speeds, and the burly man in the yellow-brown smock looms among them.

  According to the internal news that came out, it was the target.

  Bai Tai's eyes were calm, his body was leaning against the tree trunk, and the big bow in his hand moved slightly along the target.

  The other riders who were fast and slow seriously interfered with his aiming, but he was not in a hurry. As long as he didn't get the news to specifically target him, there would always be a chance, so he wasn't worried.

  A group of more than ten riders quickly passed the best shooting section. The observation post under the tree was a little anxious, but they dared not make a sound, fearing that it would affect Tai's performance.

   After following Taige on missions for so many years, Taige never missed a shot. Although he was anxious, he never said much.

  Until the cavalry team was about to disappear into the yellow dust, a slight turn was made, and a gap was exposed. Bai Tai firmly drew his strings and drew his bow, "Boom!"

  On the seventh day of September, Zhao Gongquan, the head lamp of the Bailian Sect, was shot and killed five miles outside Tiedenggan Village in Julidian.

  On the eighth day of September, two sworn brothers of Zhao Gongquan fought for the leadership of the rebel army.

  September 14th, Ren Qiuxia, beheaded more than 2,700 people from the rebel army, and the rest surrendered.

  (end of this chapter)

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