Number of People

Chapter 2569: Guizi scroll preset, unexpected

  Chapter 2569 Guizi scroll preset, unexpected

  When Renqiu broke the city, the pressure on the entire Hejian Mansion suddenly decreased, and it also opened a gap in the Bailian Rebellion forces around Baiyangdian and Wuguandian.

   For Feng Ziying, such a good start is something to be happy about, and the recovery of Renqiu City means that the strategy for Anzhou-Xiong County can start.

   "Is there any news about Zhou Yin's whereabouts? What does the Ministry of Punishment say?"

"No news, the informant of the Ministry of Punishment did not know enough about Zhou Yin's side, especially after Zhao Gongquan was killed, Zhou Yin's whereabouts were even more secretive. If he showed up publicly, he must be in the army..." Wang Wenyan introduced: " The Ministry of Punishment also has informants in the White Lotus Sect, but their rank is not high, and they cannot get close to Zhou Yin, so it is difficult to assassinate them,..."

"I didn't expect to kill a force like Zhou Yin through the assassination, but Ren Qiu was taken by us by surprise, which still shocked these rebels. I guess if we storm Wang Haoyi's troops in Anzhou, Zhou Yin will not be able to stabilize. Even persuaded Mi Heng to come to help."

  Feng Ziying never thought that all problems could be solved by assassinating such small ways. Of course, it would be best to solve the problem at the least cost, but he never held out much hope.

  Zhao Gongquan was shot and killed and caused civil strife. This plan was implemented after full research and evaluation, and it was found to be feasible, but the effect was indeed good.

  But if you think that this will be all-round, or even rely on it, you will definitely lose. Feng Ziying never dared to think so.

   "The main force in Zhuozhou..." Wang Wenyan asked.

  The main force of the Beijing camp is still mainly on the front line of Zhuozhou. It is not that they are slow to move, but they are worried that they will startle the snake. The sudden southward movement of tens of thousands of troops will definitely attract the attention of the rebels.

  The rebellious army has no other skills, but there are many spy scouts in various places in Beizhi. This is the strength of the rebellious army.

"I can't hide it at this time. It is estimated that everyone in Henan knows that the Jingying has gone south and left Beijing. It should be a normalized move for the Jingying to come out to fight in the future. Otherwise, they will all have to be raised and disabled. I haven't seen Ma Cheng. When Xun came out, he was always elated, and I kept telling him that it’s okay to take it to Liaodong to fight a dozen Jianzhou Jurchen, and he is still eager to try it.”

  Feng Ziying found that fighting is the best way to bring the relationship between the two sides closer and enhance friendship, especially if you can win a perfect battle, the effect will be even better.

"Then let the main force of the Beijing camp go south, go to Ansu and Qingyuan first, and then decide how to attack Anzhou according to the situation." Wang Wenyan paused, "The staff department has already started to make plans, and their idea is right The siege of Anzhou without fighting prompted the rebel army from Xiongxian County to come to the rescue, and ambushed the rebel army from Xiongxian County on the Yishui line,..."

"These guys are still too young. In a battle of tens of thousands of horses, how could it be possible to ambush? Zhou Yin was also from the army. How could he not understand such tricks as encirclement and rescue? It's just that we must save them when we attack them, so he can't Not coming."

  Feng Ziying's mouth curled into a smile, and she became more and more proud of her scheme.

"Anyway, he is also Wang Sen's son. Young master, Zhou Yin has always been respected. If Wang Haoyi is in danger and he doesn't come, his image will collapse. We can also make a fuss about public opinion, and we can even say that he is If he wants to usurp the leadership of the rebellious army in the east and sell Wang Haoyi on purpose, then Mi Heng's mentality will probably change. In a word, it doesn't matter if he comes or not, it's beneficial to us..."

Wang Wenyan knew very well that Dong Weng himself was good at creating public opinion. Needless to say, in the capital city, apart from "Today's News" and "Internal Reference", Qingtan Academy's "Yuedan Review" was basically controlled by Dong Weng Yes, plus Ni Er's gang is densely distributed in the city, so as long as Dong Weng wants to speak out, there will naturally be various channels to make it difficult for you to tell the truth from the fake.

For example, in Hebei, there are informants from the Criminal Ministry, insiders from the gentry, and eyeliners from the government. Naturally, this method can also be used to incite. This can just give the coveted Beijing camp a chance to catch them all.

  It would be better for him to come to the rescue, and then come out of the encirclement point to fight for help, and make dumplings for the Zhou Yin army.

   "So it's settled?" Now that it's settled, it's time to start planning the battle layout from all aspects.

  Wang Wenyan shouldered a heavy task. These staff officers and staff were all instructed by Feng Ziying. He selected them one by one. Most of them were down-and-out literati, or scholars in the army.

"Well, let's do it according to this opinion." Feng Ziying felt that her current way of commanding was very chic, and proposed a general direction. The specific plan would be made by the staff department. Complement, improve and revise, so basically a more mature tactical plan will come out.

  Once the plan is finalized, it is a matter of implementation. The generals must implement it to the letter, and Feng Ziying will also prepare a reserve team, just in case.

  In Feng Ziying’s view, this is a reasonable combat model. For me, it is particularly important to gradually promote this model. This also marks the evolution of combat from ancient traditional methods to modern scientific methods.

  In this combat mode, the staff department is the core, and everything, intelligence, logistics, and training need to revolve around the staff department, and the military commander's on-the-spot decision and execution ability are more important.

   This concept Feng Ziying has considered how to instill it in military academies.

The war is not tense all the time. After the battle of Renqiu, the situation in the entire east has changed. Whether it is Wang Haoyi, Zhou Yin, or Mibei Miheng, they have all felt different from before. pressure.

  In the past when Yuan Yingtai was in power, the armies were arguing with each other, and intelligence information leaked everywhere. Before the army set off, the rebellious army got the news and could respond in a targeted manner.

  But the situation is different now, all kinds of information can still be obtained, but the truth and falsehood are mixed together, and contradictions abound, making it difficult for several chaotic troops to judge the authenticity.

  Especially for some information, just looking at the details, I really think so. If you substitute some, it feels like something that will happen immediately, but only when you get close, you will know that you have been fooled again.

In Renqiu's battle, from killing Zhao Gongquan to the official army's rapid offensive, there were only two days in between. Even before Zhao Gongquan's body had time to be buried, the official army had already killed Zhao Gongquan, and the two sides were still fighting. Endless, encountering such an attack, one can imagine what the result will be.

  But this time, several routes of government troops began to lay a heavy siege around Anzhou, and the crisis hit us.

  Although the numbers are not overwhelming, even the rebellious army admits that for the same army, the combat effectiveness of the regular army is at least twice that of the rebellious army. Perhaps Zhou Yin's own army is slightly better.

  As the army began to increase in Gaoyang and Qingyuan, Wang Haoyi panicked.

  He didn't know why the situation suddenly became like this.

  Ren Qiu cut off one of his arms in the first battle. Originally, they were horns and could reinforce each other, but who ever thought that once Zhao Gongquan died, there would be civil strife among them, and they couldn't interfere.

  The result was that the government and the army took the opportunity to attack, and the party disappeared immediately, which made Wang Haoyi feel unbelievable, but he had to face it.

   It is not an exaggeration to describe Wang Haoyi as an ant on a hot pot. The key is that he is helpless and cannot find a solution.

  Obviously, the officers and soldiers came after him. Who made himself Wang Sen's son?

   How proud he was of being a young master before, but now he has to bear such a great risk and pressure.

  The appeal letter to Zhou Yin and Mi Heng had been sent out a long time ago, and Wang Haoyi was somewhat confident that Zhou Yin would come to reinforce him, but Wang Haoyi had no idea about Mi Heng.

   Fortunately, Wang Haoyi also knows that Zhou Yin's rebel army is more powerful than his own and Mi Heng's army, and Zhou Yin has always been loyal and brave. As long as he comes, Wang Haoyi will feel more at ease.

  The question is, in the face of an increasingly dense army, can Zhou Yin's reinforcements ensure that Anzhou will always be defended?

  For the first time, Wang Haoyi had doubts about his future.

Before the Battle of Renqiu, he was quite sure, especially the rebel army in the central region was still in full swing, and his brother had developed quite well in Zhending, almost sweeping the entire Zhending Mansion. It is said that the imperial court intends to abandon Zhending County, completely Give up Zhending Mansion, return to Baoding first, and then keep Baoding.

  Even before his father went to Quang Binh Mansion, he had been praising his elder brother's commanding ability, and he had the intention of entrusting the big position to his elder brother. This made Wang Haoyi frustrated and unconvinced.

  Is the Eastern Rebel Army not good enough?

  Bazhou, Baoding (county), Wen'an, Renqiu, Anzhou, and Xiong County are all in the hands, and Gaoyang, Dacheng and even Qing County are only one step away.

  Actually, what Wang Haoyi hopes most is to capture Qing County, which will cut off the water transportation and shake up the capital. Then the whole situation will be different, and his father will definitely have another look at the Eastern volunteers.

   What is hateful is that Mi Heng is satisfied with the status quo, does not think about making progress, and is satisfied with the current three-acre land.

I have repeatedly asked him to expand eastward and push the forces of righteous teachers into the territory of Hejian Mansion, where the foundation of Bailian Shengjiao is still there, and Xingji and Cangzhou have a good foundation. Achieve great things.

   But Mi Heng was short-sighted, and was deeply afraid that his status would be downplayed by the volunteers from Hejian, so he kept finding various reasons to shirk, and finally lost his chance in vain.

  Mi Bei couldn't control her nephew at all, and now she has become a real puppet Bodhisattva. The person who went by herself talked with her for a long time, but it didn't help at all, and she just pushed it on Mi Heng's head.

  For a while, Wang Haoyi was at a loss. He didn't know whether he should wait until Zhou Yin's army came to help, or retreat to Xiong County first?

  (end of this chapter)

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