Number of People

Chapter 2571: Guizi Juan fled south, plugging the leak

  As the Beijing camp moved southward on a large scale, tens of thousands of troops gathered in Xincheng, Rongcheng, Anzhou, and Xiongxian County, especially around the important pass of Waqiao Pass, and the war was imminent.

In fact, Feng Ziying was very relaxed at this time. Jizhen and Xuanfu honored the 10,000 horsemen and three horses they had given them. Lidi launched a fighting battle.

   If this channel is not opened, if the more than 10,000 rebels want to enter Xiongxian County from Waqiaoguan, it will become a road to death.

The iron cavalry running back and forth can easily tear apart the rebellious army trying to flee north from any section of the road. Once they stop, the infantry who follow will use firecrackers and artillery to wash the ground to let them understand what is wrong. Is a professional infantry.

After the 3,000 people who tried to break through the siege first were besieged within less than ten miles of crossing the Juma River (Yishui), and it took less than a day to completely encircle and wipe out the chaotic army, Wang Haoyi and Zhou Yin I dare not try this pure way of death.

  Unless Zhou Yin used his own cavalry to open this passage for Wang Haoyi, such a breakout would mean death.

However, Zhou Yin, who came out of the Xuanfu army, knew very well that the cavalry of the Rebel Army was far different from the professional cavalry of Xuanfu and Jizhen in strength. Whether it was the quality of individual soldiers, the number or the degree of organization, they were not at the same level. superior.

  Even if you have the courage of a million men, you can't single out thousands of cavalry.

   But if there is a stalemate like this, the food in Waqiao Pass can only be supplied for less than seven days.

   To save or not to save?

  How to save?

   are all questions.

  Adding a bridge for more than 20 miles seems to be close at hand, but the cavalry cavalry of Xuanfu and Jizhen, who are watching and wandering, make this 20 miles of road a natural barrier.

  Zhou Yin was even sure that the officers and soldiers forced him to go out from Xiong County to rescue Wang Haoyi, and then made a precise block, gathering and annihilating his rescuers outside Xiong County.

   And if they want to attack Xiongxian County, the price they will pay is at least three times higher.

   Zhou Yin found himself helpless for the first time, in a dilemma.

   What troubled Zhou Yin even more was the news from Mi Heng in Bazhou.

   The proposal to send troops to rescue Wang Haoyi was rejected on the grounds that there were also Hejian Guards around Bazhou, Baoding (county), and Wen'an, and they needed to be well defended.

  Zhou Yin was speechless, even a little Hejian Guard frightened you, so why are you still fighting?

   Also, how long can you last in the three counties? If you don’t have yourself and Wang Haoyi’s army standing in front, the Xuanfu army, Jizhen army and even the Jingying army have already approached Bazhou city.

Seeing the general pacing back and forth on the top of the city, his face full of anxiety, the staff next to him also knew Dong Weng's difficulties and entanglements, but he had to remind the other party, and couldn't help whispering: "Master Zhou, you can't save it, and you can't help it. There is no way to save it."

   "Well, there is no way to save it?" Zhou Yin sighed, "If we don't save it, Xiongxian County will be able to defend it. Do you think we will be the ones when Mi Heng comes back?"

"If we can't keep it, Mi Heng won't come to save us." The staff said softly: "Actually, at this point, I'm afraid the second young master, us, and Mi Bodhisattva will not be able to leave or escape. dead."

  Zhou Yin's tiger eyes flashed strangely, subconsciously pressed the blade on his waist, and said in a low voice: "In your opinion, should we ask the officers and soldiers to surrender?"

   How could the staff still not understand Dong Weng's thoughts, and their belief in the holy religion was deeply rooted in their bones, so how could they be willing to surrender? If you want to surrender, you have already surrendered.

"What good result can we get by surrendering? How can the light of our holy religion be easily extinguished in the Central Plains?" The staff shook his head, "Since we can't leave, and we may even be surrounded by the army, then we must find a way to preserve our strength. Stay tuned for the next opportunity.”

   Zhou Yin glanced suspiciously at his staff member. If he hadn't been with him for so many years, he would suspect that this guy came here on purpose to lower his morale.

   "Then how do you preserve your strength?"

"Two ways, it depends on how you choose Dongweng." The staff said in a deep voice: "One is to immediately lead most of the east, and a small part to block the cavalry of the officers and soldiers. At the same time, let Mi Heng send troops to support us. 'Take refuge in' the Mi family."

   "Take refuge?" A flash of anger flashed in Zhou Yin's eyes, "Shall we go to Mi Heng?"

"Dong Weng, it's not that the second young master at Waqiaoguan is in danger. He is dead, dead, and cannot be saved, but our Xiong County is also in danger. If we don't leave, our Xiong County will also be dead. Now, if we go to Bazhou to hold a group with Mi's family, there may be a chance of survival, but even so, the possibility of surviving is very small."

   "Then what's the point of us going to 'seek refuge' in Bazhou?" Zhou Yin said in a deep voice, "I'd rather die in a single battle!"

   "But Dong Weng is willing to watch thousands of sons reduced to corpses on the side of the road and built into a Beijing temple?" the staff urged.

   "Is there another way?" Zhou Yin gritted his teeth and asked viciously.

   "There is another path that is also cruel." The staff whispered.

  Zhou Yin's heart sank, as if thinking of something, "Say it."

   "Walk through the swamp area, pass through Wuguan Lake and Baiyang Lake, bypass Renqiu, and walk down Raoyang Shenzhou between Lixian County and Suning, to join the young master and the others."

Zhou Yin stared at the staff, "Who dares to go over there this season? How many people will die? Also, once we leave, the second young master will be completely finished. It’s just waiting to die.”

"Dong Weng, if we don't leave, then we will die together. This time, Governor Xiaofeng is determined to encircle us and bring out all the Beijing camps. And these Beijing camps are different from the previous Beijing camps. They are almost all from the Northwest. The army is all direct descendants of their Feng family, and their combat effectiveness is very strong. We can't beat them, that is, we have to take the swamp area by surprise, otherwise they only need to strengthen their defenses at Renqiu's side, and we will only be caught in the urn."

   What the staff said made Zhou Yin think hard, holding his head tightly with his hands, feeling like it was going to explode.

   Reason told him that this was probably the only way for his army to escape, and even so, he would have to pay a heavy price.

   It is necessary to cross the swamp area, and it is now the high water season. The water surface of Wuguan Lake and Baiyang Lake is expanding, and there are continuous ditches around it.

   But there is no way to go without this road.

   Going to Bazhou is just a matter of lingering, and it will be a matter of time before they are surrounded by iron walls and finally wiped out.

   But if you want to go this way, it means that you need to completely give up on the Second Young Master and Bazhou, and surprise is the opportunity for this way of life.

   "Can I go that way?" Zhou Yin asked sullenly.

"It's difficult, but we have a guide who is most familiar with the terrain here, so we should be able to go there and walk along the Zhulong River to avoid encountering the officers and soldiers. As long as we get to Li County and Suning, we will be considered alive. "

Before Zhou Yin had time to respond, the staff member said again: "Time is tight, Dong Weng may need to make a decision immediately, we still need to give some encouragement to the Second Young Master, let them hold back the officers and soldiers, the officers and soldiers may also I hope we will help, so we will not launch a large-scale attack for the time being, this is our opportunity, immediately pack our bags, pretend to go to reinforce Waqiaoguan, but in fact we go south to break through the swamp area."

  Zhou Yin pressed his hands on the crenel of the city wall, looking at the direction of Waqiaoguan in the west, unable to make a decision for a long time.

This is a difficult choice, perhaps this way can allow some of the more than 10,000 people under him to escape, but it will cause the rebels on both sides of the east and west to be wiped out, and even if it is my own, there will be A considerable part was buried in the swamp area and during the pursuit of the officers and soldiers.


"Large-scale mobilization is going on in Xiongxian County. Are you going to go all out to reinforce Waqiaoguan?" Feng Ziying was a little surprised. "Zhou Yin is so determined to break our siege and harassment? Then he doesn't know what cavalry is. , dare to confront the Xuanfu Ji Town cavalry?"

   "The news from the city is indeed true. Only a small number of troops are left behind, and the rest are all ready for battle. It seems that Zhou Yin is really going to fight to the death." Wu Yaoqing said

  Wang Wenyan also frowned, logically saying that Zhou Yin should not be so irrational, such a forced rescue would only trap him himself, of course he wished for it, but I always felt that it was not that simple.

"A battle without leaving room, no matter how you look at it, it feels like a violent tiger Feng He. A wise man will not do it. Zhou Yin should not be so reckless if he can get to this point. Even if he really wants to save Wang Haoyi, he shouldn't be so hasty. It's the right thing to do, we surround and don't fight, the formation is very clear, we just want him to come, so he came like that?"

  Feng Ziying walked around the room with her hands behind her back, "What do you think of the staff?"

   "The staff department still feels that Zhou Yin may be loyal to Wang Haoyi, and may feel that it is difficult to explain to Wang Sen if Wang Haoyi is not rescued..."

  A staff officer explained hesitantly: "In addition, we doubt whether Zhou Yin will take the opportunity to escape. There are also some movements in Bazhou. The cavalry is gathering..."

   "Run away and go to Bazhou?" Feng Ziying felt incredible, "How did Zhou Yin become so cowardly? He can succumb to Mi Bodhisattva, so he can't just leave."

   "What else is suspicious?" Feng Ziying couldn't figure it out, but apart from these two paths, where else could Zhou Yin go? You can't fly out of your encirclement, can you?

   "It seems that the rebellious army in the city is collecting a large number of planks and ropes, as well as some guides who are familiar with the situation..."

  Feng Ziying suddenly had an epiphany, and suddenly walked to the sand table, looked down, and instantly understood, "Is it possible that Zhou Yin is going south to escape through the swamp area?"

   "How is this possible? With this kind of weather, the swamp area can't survive at all." The staff members said in unison.

   "That's what you imagined sitting in the room, find someone to ask immediately..." Feng Ziying became anxious.

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