Number of People

Chapter 2572: Guizi scroll sweeps, rises again

  Chapter 2572 Guizi scroll sweeps, start again

Although it was not too late, Zhou Yin was quite decisive once he made up his mind. It only took one day to prepare. Its surroundings departed at night and went straight to the swamp area between Baiyangdian and Wuguandian.

  September 29th, Zhou Yin led the main force of the rebel army in Xiongxian County to cross the swamp area after three days of trekking, 12,000 people were reduced to more than 8,000 people, and then they were attacked by the Hejian Guards near the Zhulong River in Renqiu.

After a tangled battle between the two sides, the rebel army in Xiongxian County dropped more than a thousand corpses, broke through the defense line, and finally arrived at the iron lamp between Suning and Lixian County on the fifth day of October, and met the central troops from Anping and Raoyang. The rebellious army converged.

   But he was also overtaken by the Xuanfu cavalry who came from Gaoyang.

  The two sides fought fiercely in the area around Iron Dengzhan Town.

   This battle lasted for three days. In the end, the central rebel army and the Xiongxian rebel army lost more than 5,000 troops before successfully repelling the Xuanfu cavalry, and the Xuanfu cavalry also paid a loss of more than 500 cavalry.

  The Xiongxian rebellion army that was able to reach the area controlled by the rebel army in central Raoyang in more than ten days from Xiongxian county was less than 2,000 people. Zhou Yin himself was seriously injured and was almost captured.

After learning that Zhou Yin led his troops to break through, Feng Ziying immediately ordered the Jingying army and the Xuanfu army to launch a double offensive and propaganda at Waqiaoguan. It took only half a day for some rebellious troops at Waqiaoguan to switch and surrender. The subordinates were captured alive at Feng Ziying's feet.

At the same time, the Jizhen Army and the Jingying Army also launched an offensive on the front lines of Bazhou, Baoding (county), and Wen'an. On the fifth day of October, Baoding (county) was captured, cutting off the connection between Bazhou and Wen'an. In the end, Mi Heng bound himself and his mother Mi Bodhisattva together, and asked to surrender to Feng Ziying.

  The rebellion brought about by the Eastern Bailian Rebellion has come to an end, and the next step is to appease the people and punish the culprits.


   "Why did the Bailian Rebellion become so vulnerable?" Fang Congzhe asked Li Sancai without doubt.

"Dai Lai was terribly messed up in Baoding, the local officials also filed complaints everywhere, and the generals were full of resentment against him. After all, he is also a veteran who has been in the Ministry of War for more than ten years. He is no stranger to military affairs. Why did he fight so hard? Feng Ziying had only been there for two months and achieved such a beautiful result. The rebel army captured more than 30,000 people. Even Guan Yingzhen felt that the rebellion army had too many prisoners and it was not appropriate to stay here. Song."

  Li Sancai was also speechless.

Yuan Yingtai said that he shouldn't have behaved so poorly, but he hasn't won a convincing victory in more than a year, which made the sky angry and people complained. Leaving, Xiong Tingbi picked up the trick of the Minister of the Ministry of War for nothing.

"Maybe Dalai's luck is really bad. How come the White Lotus Sect is as fierce as a wolf and a tiger when it meets Feng Ziying, and becomes a mud that anyone can beat?" Li Sancai also sighed: "But I have to say that Feng Ziying's ability to control the generals below is much stronger than that of Dalai, and Feng Ziying is also courageous enough to take responsibility. This is probably why those warriors are willing to listen to him."

Li Sancai's words made Fang Congzhe's frown deepen, "Could it be that in our Great Zhou Dynasty, only Ziying and Zhisheng were able to lead the army? Li Qing's performance was not good, and Dalai also failed. Before Xiuling did nothing in Huguang, he said To be honest, many people were dissatisfied with Fei Bai's performance in the Battle of Bozhou, and his performance in the Battle of Shandong was mediocre. I am a little worried about going to Liaodong this time,..."

"Brother Zhonghan, Fei Bai is pretty good. At least the Southwest battle and the Shandong battle can have a successful conclusion. Of course, compared with Zhisheng and Ziying, they are indeed inferior. Liaodong We focus on defense, and believe that Fei Bai can still hold on."

  The two were chatting in Wenyuan Pavilion, and the other cabinet ministers hadn't arrived yet.

  In any case, the defeat of the Bailian rebellion in the east is still pleasing, which means that the three northern prefectures of Shuntian, Hejian and Baoding, the northern Zhili, have finally eliminated the Bailian rebellion, and they can plan their business with peace of mind.

  However, Zhou Yin's rebellious army fled into Zhending, which also strengthened the power of the central rebellious army in disguise. In addition, news from the south indicated that the situation in Shunde, Guangping, and Damingfu continued to deteriorate.

  Tang and Miu came hand in hand. Fang Congzhe greeted them and handed the military report to them.

  Tang Binyin and Miao Changqi both heaved a sigh of relief after watching it.

  The White Lotus Sect is tossing around in the confidant of the capital city. Although everyone does not believe that they can break into the capital city, they are always a little worried.

  There was a turmoil at night, and I had to wonder if there was a riot in the White Lotus Sect.

  It’s all right now, Shuntian, Baoding and Hejian are stable, as for Shuozhending and Nansanfu, they are far away from Jingshi City, so they can be solved in an orderly manner.

"Feng Ziying is indeed a general. This battle was fought beautifully and almost completely annihilated the Bailian rebel army in the east. He suggested that all the tens of thousands of rebel troops be sent to Dongfan, Ezo and Luzon? This is a good idea, but What if these Bailian rebellious parties are tossing again in these places? Dongfan has already established a government, and most of the immigrants come from Shandong, Fujian, and Jiangxi. Fujian and Jiangxi are better, but Shandong immigrants are hard to say. The chaotic party is bewitched,..."

Tang Binyin's worries are not without reason. The White Lotus Sect in the north is obviously much more prevalent than in the south. Shandong is also a hard-hit area, and the government has only just been built in the east. The government is not strong enough. If something happens, I'm afraid there will be another disturbance .

"Most of the Dongfan immigrants are divided into groups. On the one hand, the number of these disorderly people can be appropriately reduced, and they are mainly divided into Jiangxi and Fujian immigrants. On the other hand, these disorderly people can be resettled in undeveloped areas to avoid further development. Harassing and bewitching other immigrants,…”

  Miao Changqi knew more about Dongfan than Tang Binyin, and Anfu businessman also had contact with him.

"If that's the case, it's okay, but the land of Ezo has just been taken over by us, isn't the Japanese Matsumae domain still entangled? It just so happens that sending these rioters there has some military training in itself, and they are organized to deal with the Japanese. , just right." Tang Binyin suggested.

   "The guest's opinion is feasible. The extremely cold weather in Ezo is the opposite of the extreme heat in Dongfan and Luzon, and it is more suitable for these rioters." Li Sancai also nodded in agreement.

Tens of thousands of rioters are hidden dangers wherever they are placed, but if they are placed in places outside the region such as Ezo and Luzon, to face the threat of the indigenous people, they must unite, and they must also obey the government's arrangements and seek local support Only in order to survive, so this method is the most suitable.

"If this is the case, I need to mention it to Ziying. I am sure that the captured rebels over there will all adopt this method and send them to Luzon and Ezo in batches. Especially Ziying is not the most respected Luzon must be controlled. In our hands, can't we let the Frangji people monopolize it? The Flangji people can become kings in Luzon with only a few thousand people. Then we can send tens of thousands of people there, and the Luzon gold, silver, copper and wood are quite large. There are many, if you manage it well, maybe it will be another Dong Fan.”

  The benefits of Dongfan have become increasingly apparent. The largest salt production is still on the west coast, and the output is close to that of the Changlu Salt Field. And judging by the situation, it will sooner or later surpass the salt production of Changlu and Lianghuai.

  The second largest output is logs. The shipyards in Ningbo, Zhangzhou, Quanzhou, Fuzhou and other places basically buy logs from Dongfan. Even Denglai also buys logs from Dongfan.

  The third largest production is gold. There are many streams in Dongfan Mountain, among which alluvial gold has been deposited for thousands of years, and there are also gold mines. This discovery greatly stimulated the desire of immigrants to develop in the mountains.

  The fourth largest production is rice. Dongfan has good water and heat resources, and the development of the northern plains is very suitable for growing rice, especially in the south of the Yangtze River. So now this development momentum is also very strong.

Therefore, when "Today's News" continuously introduced the products of Luzon, the Old Port, Manga and other places in Nanyang, Luzon quickly became a hot spot because it is the closest to Guangdong and Guangxi, and the introduction was particularly detailed. Dazzling, has also become the target of countless people's longing.

  In addition, Haitong Yinzhuang took the lead in opening an agency in Luzon, which also made it very convenient for businessmen to do business in Luzon, and also attracted more people to come to the inland area to make a fortune in Luzon.

With the arrival of Qi Yongtai and Gu Bingqian, the discussion became more and more heated, especially after knowing that the Bailian rebel army in the east had been completely wiped out, and the situation in Baoding and Hejian had stabilized, everyone became more relaxed. The Bailian rebel party in the south was wiped out, hoping to restore peace earlier.

   "Where's Huaichang?" When Ye Xianggao arrived, the cabinet ministers had already arrived, but Zhang Huaichang, Minister of the Ministry of War, who should have arrived earlier, did not arrive.

   "There is an urgent report from the Ministry of War. I asked him to go back to the Ministry of War to have a look. It is estimated that he will be here in a while."

This cabinet meeting is mainly to discuss military affairs, involving the counterinsurgency of Beizhi, and the defense of the Nine Frontiers, especially the situation in Liaodong. Judging from the information collected from various aspects, the Jianzhou Jurchen should be planning a big operation. The action also included the Mongols.

   "What urgent report? Where did you send it?" Ye Xianggao was a little sensitive, and immediately frowned.

   "I didn't say it, it may involve a lot of content, so I have to ask Huaichang to go back and read it in person." Fang Congzhe didn't realize it yet, but Li Sancai became nervous after seeing Zhang Huaichang for so long and still hasn't come back.

  The Ministry of War is not far from the cabinet. If it was an ordinary military newspaper, even if Zhang Huaichang wanted to deal with it, it should have been done by now. It is impossible for all the cabinet ministers to wait for him.

Seeing that Li Sancai's face changed slightly, Ye Xianggao didn't speak, but the atmosphere in the hall became a little tense, Li Sancai forced a smile: "Could it be to bring us bad news? We finally got good news. Can't you keep us happy for a while?"

  (end of this chapter)

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