Number of People

Chapter 2573: The bad news of the Guizi scroll, the situation is reversed

  Chapter 2573 The bad news of the Guizi scroll, the situation is reversed

  At this time, Zhang Huaichang's face was pale, listening to a series of urgent reports from the messenger from Liaodong.

   "Why are so many news gathered together and sent back?" Zhang Huaichang watched and listened, his face extremely ugly.

   "At that time, a series of attacks were encountered, which were very sudden and chaotic. From Yahu Pass to Hoi'an Fort, as well as Songjiabo and Dingzibo Forts, they were all attacked by Jianzhou Jurchen one after another. The commander-in-chief personally went into battle..."

  The messenger who sent the letter was a close friend of Zhao Liaojiao. Zhang Huaichang had seen it before.

   "That's enough, does the commander-in-chief of his town need her to fight in person? What should he do? Where's Xiong Tingbi?" Zhang Huaichang lost his composure, and called Xiong Tingbi's name directly.

Xiong Tingbi has not been going well since he went to Liaodong. First, he caught the epidemic and had a high fever. After finally recovering, he started to inspect the frontier fortress. In the end, he accidentally fell off because of the horse and injured his head. Be careful of catching a cold, and have a fever again, and I am not used to the diet, so I have been recuperating in Liaoyang.

  The messenger did not answer this question, and it is not easy to answer this question.

   "I'm asking you, where is Xiong Tingbi?" Zhang Huaichang roared angrily, almost breaking the doors and windows of the office.

   "Master Xiong has been ill all the time, and he dragged his sick body to Shenyang after the incident, but the humble officer saw that Mr. Xiong was skinny and had a fever, so he couldn't bear it..." the messenger couldn't help but justify.

  Zhang Huaichang couldn't help but let out a foul breath, this is bad luck, who is to blame?

  Everyone is so sick, what can I do if I don’t ask to come back to recuperate?

   But at this critical moment, if the commander-in-chief falls ill, something big will happen.

  As soon as Xiong Tingbi went to Liaodong, Zhang Huaichang had a bad feeling.

  He actually supported Feng Ziying the most in going to Liaodong.

After all, Feng Tang was the governor of Liaodong, and Feng Ziying gained power in the last battle in Liaodong, winning whether it was the old Liaodong generals like Zhao Lengjiao, Juniper, Liu Ting, and the Zu brothers, or Cao Wenzhao and He Renlong. , Mao Wenlong, these non-Liaodong generals unanimously recognized.

   Let Feng Ziying control the situation in Liaodong again, it can be said that he is very familiar with it, and it is a pity!

  Xiong Tingbi played mediocre in both Southwest and Shandong battles. Of course, he is considered good among civil servants, but the gap with Feng Ziying is still quite obvious.

  The most important thing is that Xiong Tingbi has never been to Liaodong before and is very unfamiliar with Liaodong.

This time I went to quickly familiarize myself with the situation, but I also caught up with the acclimatization and sickness and was bedridden. This delay was two or three months, and I lost the best time to get acquainted with the generals. Understand, this situation is a bit dangerous.

   It is not enough to rely on Liaodong Town alone to fight Jianzhou Jurchen. It needs the support of reinforcements from Dongjiang Town and Ji Town. To coordinate the reinforcements from Dongjiang Town and Ji Town is not what Zhao Ledao, a warrior, can do.

  Mao Wenlong had a very cold relationship with Zhao Ratejiao, and You Shilu had no friendship with Zhao Ratejiao. It is difficult for these warriors to help each other just by saying that they are concerned with the overall situation.

   What's more, once this battle is fought, it will involve the life and death of their respective troops. Who will be the vanguard, who will be the central army, and who will be the rear. Why should I listen to you?

   Only civil servants can make this decision, balance the relationship between all parties, and make them bow their heads and obey orders.

  When Xiong Tingbi fell ill, he lost the pillar of balancing the entire battle situation. Before the battle was fought, half of it was lost.

   "What's the situation now? Tell me in detail, the ins and outs, the cause and effect, and the current situation, and you can explain it to me!" Zhang Huaichang almost gritted his teeth.

   Just briefly glanced at the few letters submitted, his heart tightened.

  Each one is extremely bad news, and the most shocking and frightening thing for him is that there has been a large-scale rebellion and internal response, which directly led to the overwhelming momentum of many passes, or internal and external cooperation.

   There is no need to guess, everyone knows that it is Li Yongfang's method again.

Of course, the messenger could understand Lord Shangshu's fury, but no matter how bad the situation was at this time, he dared not hide it. In fact, he came all the way from Liaodong to Jingshi City, changing horses without changing people, just to come to the Ministry of War The report clearly shows how dangerous the situation in Liaodong is now, and I request the imperial court to provide immediate reinforcements.

   "My lord, it has been ten days since I came here from Shenyang. I don't know what happened during this period. I can only report some of the situation that the commander-in-chief told me before I left..."

  Zhang Huaichang tried his best to suppress his inner anger and tension, and calm down his inner resentment.

  At any rate, I was bumped by strong winds and waves. It’s not that I haven’t seen these scenes before, but it’s really not the right time for these **** things to happen.

It’s just that it’s hard to bring some good news to the cabinet princes. Now the princes are still waiting to study military affairs, hoping to resolve Hebei affairs as soon as possible, and then deal with the war in northern Xinjiang. It’s good now, there are only changes on the Mongol side. Liaodong has already had an accident.

   It took half an hour to say this, during which time the cabinet had sent someone to remind him, but Zhang Huaichang ignored it.

   "So, from the known and perceived rebel generals, there are at least seven people, um, all of them are above the defense. Zhao led the good soldiers, Li Chengliang!"

  Zhang Huaichang has lost his composure.

  If you think about it, it can't be entirely the fault of Zhao Lengjiao. He has only been the general soldier for two years.

  Before it was Cao Wenzhao, and before that it was Feng Tang, but the time was not long, and there were slight adjustments, but most of them followed the legacy of the predecessor.

   And moving forward is Li Chengliang. It can be said that the basic structure of the generals in Liaodong Town was established in the Li Chengliang era.

   After all, it is still the court's fault!

  If Feng Tang was allowed to serve as the governor and commander-in-chief during his tenure in Liaodong, how could there be a disaster like today, or even the last Liaodong change?

  At that time, Feng Tang actually started to adjust again. For example, Cao Wenzhao and He Renlong were brought over by him, and Mao Wenlong was also discovered by Feng Tang.

If people like Zhao Liaojiao, Juniper, Liu Ting, Zushi brothers, and the military officers below were gradually exchanged to Jizhen, Datong, and Xuanfu to serve in Jizhen, Datong, and Xuanfu one after another, such incidents would never happen, but like Such a large-scale rebellion is absolutely impossible now.

   What a Li Yongfang!

  Nurhachi really used this fellow to the extreme!

  Feng Ziying actually mentioned to herself her worries about Li Yongfang's rebellion long ago, even after Feng Tang left the governor of Jiliao.

  After the last Liaodong change, Feng Ziying also talked with Zhang Huaichang.

   But easier said than done, Liaodong has hundreds of people from garrison to guerrilla to general and deputy commander in chief. Who can you doubt?

   If you say adjustment, you can adjust it. Wouldn’t it affect the defense of the entire Liaodong War?

   Zhao Ledjiao, the commander-in-chief, didn't take the initiative to mention it. It should be said that he also took some measures, but it doesn't seem to have much effect now.

  A lot of things are hidden deep in themselves. You can feel them through a few conversations or contact with them for decades of friendship?

   They are all old thieves who have been scheming and battle-tested. How could you be able to get a clue because you just tried a few times?

  Zhang Huaichang gritted his teeth while holding his forehead.

  What should I do if I encounter this kind of thing?

   This is not a military defeat, nor is it an incompetent general, nor is it a discord between the generals. They are all unexpected counterattacks. How do you prevent them?

  Perhaps Xiong Tingbi still has some responsibilities. Of course, this cannot be entirely blamed on Xiong Tingbi. It is a fact that he cannot afford to be ill, but it is also a fact that he failed to fully perform his duties.

  He lacks the understanding of Liaodong military generals, his temperament is a bit stubborn, and he lacks gentle means. It is inevitable that it will be difficult to achieve the effect the court hopes to achieve in such a short period of time.

  Thinking of this, Zhang Huaichang regretted that he insisted on letting Feng Ziying go to Liaodong when he did not discuss in the cabinet, which led to such a big mistake.

  As for the small thoughts in the hearts of the cabinet ministers, he is not ignorant, but when it comes to the success or failure of the entire Liaodong war, anything can be left aside.

  He is from Liaodong!

   "I see." Zhang Huaichang could only put away his infinite regret and sentimental feelings, and waved his hands, "Go to the post house to rest first, don't go far, I will report to the cabinet immediately, and I may call you again if there is any situation."

  The messenger hurriedly got up and went down to rest.

   During the bumpy journey, I really needed a rest, so I let the post station pull me in a carriage to take a nap.

  The speed of the carriage is definitely not as fast as riding a horse, but at least I can sleep for a while, and I will switch to riding a horse after a little recovery.

   Fortunately, the post roads on the line from Shenyang-Liaoyang-Guangning-Shanhaiguan-Jingshi have been renovated, and the road conditions are very good. Whether you are riding a horse or a carriage, you will basically not be affected by any road delays.

  It wasn’t until the messenger left that Zhang Huaichang settled down to review the whole situation. He needed to carefully evaluate and think about it before going to the cabinet, and then he had to come up with a rough idea.

  As Minister of the Ministry of War, he certainly couldn't repeat the situation to the cabinet ministers like the messenger just now. He had to come up with his own opinions and put forward his own countermeasures.


   I'm afraid this is inevitable.

  Not to mention how many mistakes Xiong Tingbi made during this period, his body alone could no longer handle this kind of high-intensity war under the acclimatization of the weather and the epidemic.

   But who will replace it? Sun Chengzong?

  Theoretically, Sun Chengzong is the most suitable.

  Now the situation in Shanxi has gradually stabilized, especially after the battle in eastern Hebei wiped out the Bailian rebel army in the east, the impact on the surrounding situation is still obvious, and the situation in Shanxi will also be affected.

  (end of this chapter)

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