Number of People

Chapter 2574: Guizijuan is in a difficult situation, and people's hearts are in danger

  Chapter 2574 Guizijuan is in a difficult situation, and people's hearts are in danger

  But can Sun Chengzong turn the tide?

  That’s right, Sun Chengzong’s performance after succeeding Yuan Keli in Shanxi is remarkable, but Sun Chengzong himself is from Shanxi, and he is very familiar with the situation in Shanxi, and he is familiar with the road.

And to be honest, although Yuan Keli failed to completely reverse the situation in Shanxi, the main reason is that the inaction of Chai Guozhu and Yang Yuan is more important. There is also a factor that the strength of Shanxi Town is too weak. Yuan Keli just memorized Just a pot.

  After Sun Chengzong went, Liu Dongyang led the Northwest Army into Shanxi Town, and immediately the situation was very different.

  Especially in the Battle of Jinnan, Liu Dongyang instigated Qiu Zixiong, the main leader of the rebel army, reversed the situation in one fell swoop, and wiped out 100,000 Jinnan rebels.

  This battle can be said to be a shocking move, so Jinnan was completely pacified, and Liu Dongyang also became the most dazzling general in the entire Great Zhou army by virtue of this battle.

  Qiu Zixiong, who was born in the rebel army, was also appointed as the deputy commander. Of course, even Zhang Huaichang felt that Qiu Zixiong deserved this reward.

  Can Sun Chengzong's victory in Shanxi be replicated in Liaodong?


  Besides, Sun Chengzong is in his fifties. He went to the bitter cold land in Liaodong. What if he also fell ill like Xiong Tingbi?

Feng Ziying did not have such concerns. Firstly, he had been to Liaodong, and he was very comfortable there. Secondly, he was familiar with the generals and geographical conditions of Liaodong. Thirdly, he had a high prestige in Liaodong and was no stranger to his opponents. It can be said that he is the most suitable candidate, but is Yi Shuai suitable now? Is it too late?

Now Feng Ziying is still actively preparing for a battle against the Bailian rebel army in the central part. Those white lotuses, in Zhang Huaichang's view, are all second.

  Long sighed, Zhang Huaichang collected all kinds of emotions and was about to get up, but he heard a long voice from outside: "Master, there is another military report."

   Zhang Huaichang's heart tightened, and he quickly asked, "Where did it come from? Let them send it in."

   "It was sent by Governor Xiao Feng, it seems to be a good news from Henan." Chang Sui understood his master's mood at this time, and hurriedly reported the victory through the door to comfort Zhang Huaichang's mood.

   "Oh? From Ziying's side? Okay, send it in." Zhang Huaichang finally breathed a sigh of relief, good news, that's good, he really can't stand the shock now.

  The battle report sent in is also very brief.

"September 25th, Jiangbei Town smashed the Bailian army in Ningling, beheaded 4,000, and captured 9,000. On September 27th, Suizhou defeated the Bailian army again, killed 2,000, and captured 5,000. September 30th, Qi County was broken, more than 3,000 enemies were beheaded, and more than 8,000 were captured. On the seventh day of October, Guide and Kaifeng were all restored."

The restoration of Kaifeng and Guide means that the Bailian rebellion in Henan in the south of the Yellow River will no longer have an established system, and the rest can be handed over to the Henan Guards. Now Jiangbei Town can free up its hands to deal with the south of the Yellow River The rebellious army of Weihui, Shunde, and Huaiqing's three prefectures.

  This is really good news. It also means that the government and the army have formed a pincer attack from the south to the north, and the chaotic army can't escape.

  Hey, how wonderful it would be without the bad news about Liaodong?

  Zhang Huaichang packed up his emotions and walked quickly towards Wenyuan Pavilion. He was going to face those distorted old faces.

  The people in Wenyuan Pavilion are already on pins and needles.

   There is no doubt that it must be bad news. If it is good news, Zhang Huaichang must have come here long ago.

   Moreover, it is certain that it is quite difficult or even difficult to deal with bad news, so that Zhang Huaichang has listened to it for so long and still has to deal with it for a long time. It is hard to say whether he has dealt with it well.

  So when Zhang Huaichang stepped into Wenyuan Pavilion with heavy steps, all eyes were on Zhang Huaichang's face.

   "Huaichang, what's the matter?" Li Sancai's words revealed his inner anxiety.

  Being a cabinet minister in charge of military affairs has never been easy. The past few years have been mixed, but everyone is happy about the happy events, and the cabinet minister in charge of the bad things will have to bear the greatest pressure.

   Now the bad thing is coming again, and it's definitely not light.

   "Something happened in Liaodong." Zhang Huaichang said concisely.

  He is not going to hide it, and he can't hide it. He doesn't even report the big victory in Henan for the time being. He will tell everyone after he learns from the pain.

   "Is something wrong in Liaodong?" Everyone's heart skipped a beat. It was really Liaodong.

   "What happened?" Li Sancai was the first to ask, "Is it Shenyang, or Guangning, or Jiulian City?"

  The scope of Greater Liaodong is too large, generally referring to three directions.

  One is Little Liaodong, which includes the direction of Shenyang and Liaoyang;

  Southern Liaoning is not a big problem. The newly built Dongjiang Town is still being established. Because the Northwest Army failed to make up for it, the construction of Dongjiang Town is slow.

   But there is not the main core. Even if there is any mistake, it can be made up for. The purpose of forming Dongjiang Town is to use offense instead of defense from this direction, attack the back of Jianzhou Jurchen from south to north, and hold Jianzhou Jurchen back.

  Liaodong and Liaoxi are different. They can’t be ignored anywhere. If there is a mistake, it will be earth-shattering.

  The last time Anle Prefecture was lost, and the last time Fushun Pass was breached, both caused a major earthquake in central Beijing, and had to immediately call in reinforcements from the pass.

   This time everyone has realized that Nurhachi may have a big move, so Dongjiang Town was established, and then Jizhen reinforcements were used to go to Liaodong in advance. For this reason, Xiong Tingbi was specially appointed as the coach to sit in Liaoyang.

  Liaoxi can’t go wrong even more. If there is a problem, the entire connection between Liaodong and Guanzhong will be cut off from the land.

  Although the sea route has been opened now, the role of the Liaoxi Corridor cannot be completely replaced by the sea route, and once the Liaoxi Corridor is lost, the Liaodong may fall into a bad situation of two-sided attack.

   "An accident happened in Shenyang." Zhang Huaichang swallowed a mouthful of saliva with some difficulty. Although he had been mentally prepared for a long time, he still felt suffocated and depressed when facing the pressure of the scorching eyes of seven people.

   "Shenyang?" Li Sancai's eyes darkened and he almost fell. He took a deep breath and stabilized his mind. "What about Tielingwei, Fanhesuo and Yilusuo?"

   "Tielingwei was captured on the second day of October. Fanhesuo and Yilu were caught off guard, and they fell one after another on the sixth day of the fifth day of October." Zhang Huaichang replied sullenly.

"What's the matter? Didn't Zhao Lijiao have to defend the Tieling Guard long ago? That's the key, how could it be breached? Jianzhou Jurchen can't do it even if it's a surprise attack. Didn't the Ministry of War allocate funds to strengthen the Tieling Guard's line of defense? What's more, the garrison has been increased, and Zhao led the teaching to be executed!" Li Sancai said sharply, "Where is Pulusuo? Doesn't Pulusuo also fall?"

The last time Tieling Guard was besieged for such a long time, Juniper was not breached, and then the Ministry of War specifically urged Liaodong to strengthen the defense of Tieling Guard. At the same time, a fairly complete defense line was established on the line of Fanhesuo and Yilusuo behind Tieling Guard. , especially strengthened the protection of the cavalry on this line.

  Puhe Station is an important defense point on the right flank of Shenyang. Once it is breached, Shenyang will become a naked woman, ready to be slaughtered and ravaged.

  Zhang Huaichang was no longer playing riddles, and said directly: "Shenyang has fallen."

  After these words, an uproar in the entire lobby was immediately caused.

  If we talk about Tieling Guard, Fanhe Station, Yilu Station, and even Puhe Station fell, it is only Li Sancai’s cabinet ministers in charge of military affairs who are very familiar with the importance of these guards, and others are only half-aware.

  Especially people like Fang Congzhe, Gu Bingqian, Tang Binyin, and Miao Changqi are at a loss. They just know a name roughly, where it is located, and what function it has. They don't know anything.

The last time Tieling Guard was besieged, Juniper stood firm and would not retreat. If it wasn't for Feng Ziying personally commanding a trick to cross the sea and Mao Wenlong's troops to attack from the flank and break through the encirclement of Jianzhou Jurchen, Tieling Guard fell last time, so this time Fall, everyone is still somewhat psychologically prepared.

  But Shenyang is different.

   This is the core of Liaodong Town's defense.

It can be said that there are two defensive systems in Liaodong Town, Anle Prefecture (Liaohaiwei) in Liaodong - Tielingwei - Shenyang Zhongwei - Liaoyang (Liaodong Capital, Liaodong Town, Dongningwei, Dingliaozhong, left, front, back) - On the Haizhou Wei line, the Guangning center, left, and back in western Liaoning—Yizhou Wei, Guangning Houtunwei—Guangning Middle, Left, and Right Guards—Ningyuan Middle Left Office—Ningyuan Guard—Ningyuan Middle Right Office—Ningyuan Zhonghou Institute - Ningyuan Qiantunwei - Ningyuan Zhongqian Institute - Shanhaiwei.

The former is mainly aimed at the Jianzhou Jurchen, and the latter is aimed at the Chahar people. However, with the great increase in the power of the Jianzhou Jurchen, the center, left, and back of Guangning-Yizhou Wei, Guangning Houtunwei-Guangning Center, Left, and Right The line of Tunwei has also been exposed to the soldiers of Jianzhou Jurchen.

  Even Tang Binyin and Miao Changqi, who know the least about military affairs, know the status and importance of Shenyang. Once Shenyang is lost, how long can Liaoyang hold?

  If Liaoyang cannot be defended, the entire Liaodong Town, except for the Liaoxi Corridor, and even Dongjiang Town will have a question mark.

"How could Shenyang be lost? How is this possible?" Li Sancai roared, and couldn't help standing up and walking in front of Zhang Huaichang, "It's impossible! If Shenyang is lost, Zhao Lijiao still has the face to report? He shouldn't Apologize for suicide?"

Indeed, even Ye Xianggao, Fang Congzhe, and Qi Yongtai didn't expect Shenyang to be lost. They saw Zhang Huaichang's expression before and knew that the situation was not good, but they also thought that the Tieling Guard might be lost, and some of the surrounding pass forts might be lost. Even Shenyang may be besieged.

   But Shenyang is such a fortified city with high walls and abundant supplies, how could it be lost?

  Jianzhou Jurchens are very capable, but they are only 100,000 armored soldiers, and it is impossible to capture Shenyang in just 10 to 20 days.

  (end of this chapter)

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