Number of People

Chapter 2576: Guizi scroll changes the situation, a hearty battle

  Chapter 2576 Guizi scroll changes, a hearty battle

  When Feng Ziying received the news from Liaodong, she was actively preparing for the First World War against the chaos in the central region.

  After eliminating the rebellious army in the east, he immediately went to the front line of Zhending in person. The two wings here are the most active areas of the rebellious army. Only Fuzhi Zhending County is still in the hands of the officials.

  As the situation in Baoding, Hejian and Shuntianfu became more and more stable, the resolution of the situation in the central region was on the table.

After a brief rest, the Beijing camp began to move to the south, which also made the rebel army nervous and took the initiative to shrink, abandoning Huolu and Jingjing counties in the west and Boye and Li counties in the north, and retreated south to Yuanshi , Luancheng and Anping, Raoyang.

The main areas of the middle road rebellion are still centered on Jinzhou, Shulu, and Shenzhou, including Gaocheng in the west, Shenze, Anping, and Raoyang in the north, Hengshui, Wuyi, Jizhou, and Xinhe in the south, and of Wu Qiang.

   This area is quite large, and the southwest is already close to the southern chaos.

  Because the scope is quite large, where to start is also a problem.

However, after the war in the east was over, Feng Ziying already had a lot of confidence in her heart. Although the Bailian Rebellion Army seemed to be very powerful and even influential in the local area, its weak combat power was self-evident. If they want to fight the frontier army head-on, they are not opponents at all. Perhaps their only chance is to fight guerrilla warfare, constantly dealing with the frontier army to wear down the frontier army.

  But it is very difficult for the White Lotus Sect to do this.

  Yes, there are indeed many people in the countryside who are inclined to the White Lotus Sect, but there are more people who oppose the White Lotus Sect, or are worried that the chaos brought about by the White Lotus Sect will affect their interests.

  For more than a year, the group of White Lotus Sect has been rushing around, but it has not brought them any benefits.

   Now that the government army has begun to move southward after annihilating the rebellious army in the east, it has also made many local gentry realize that if they don't make a decision as soon as possible, they may end up in a dead end.

  Their houses, shops, and properties are all here, and the bandits are like a comb, and the soldiers are like a grate. If the two sides fight endlessly in the local area, I am afraid that the whole place will be completely destroyed in a year.

  Received a secret letter from King Zhongshun, Feng Ziying understood that Ye Xianggao's chief assistant had entered the countdown.

When I finish solving the rebellious army in the central part, Sun Chengzong will replace me, and I may go to Liaodong to fight the most difficult and dangerous battle in a long time, destroying Jianzhou Jurchen, completely restoring Liaodong to a stable situation, and Qi Yongtai will take over as the chief assistant , I will give myself the greatest and continuous support until the threat of Jianzhou Jurchen is completely eliminated.

   This is not a goal that can be achieved in two or three years, it may be calculated in five years, but once this goal is achieved, Feng Ziying reckons that she can consider joining the cabinet.

  Not only did King Zhongshun write letters, but Shanshan-Shaanxi Chamber of Commerce and Jiangnan merchants also wrote letters one after another, as well as Guan Yingzhen, Qiao Yingjia, and Chai Ke.

  Personnel changes in the DPRK and China are always the most sensitive topic.

  Once Ye Xianggao resigns, the cabinet will definitely usher in major changes.

  Fang Congzhe may also become an official. He is not too young, he is 60, and his health is not very good.

   Gu Bingqian may serve as the second assistant, and Li Sancai will be promoted to the third person.

   It stands to reason that Li Sancai's cabinet qualifications are much higher than Gu Bingqian's.

  Gu Bingqian belonged to the "Emperor Party" in the early stage, and he didn't have a good impression among scholars. He has only been in the cabinet for more than a year, and he feels that he is not qualified to be a secondary assistant.

  Li Sancai has been in the cabinet for many years, and he has also served as the governor of water transport and the minister of the Ministry of Industry. He has deep qualifications. Compared with Gu Bingqian, he obviously has an advantage.

But Gu Bingqian is a good-natured person. After realizing that the quarrel between Emperor Yonglong and the cabinet was deepening, he began to keep a distance. After Emperor Yonglong was assassinated, he took the initiative to move closer to Ye Fang and the two. With a relatively harmonious relationship, what's more important is that Gu Bingqian is a native of Kunshan, Southern Zhili, and a scholar from the south of the Yangtze River.

  In the case of Qi Yongtai as the first assistant, if the second assistant is also from the north, it would be unacceptable to scholars in the south of the Yangtze River.

From Li Sancai's point of view, he also has a fatal flaw, that is, as a northerner, he has always been sticky with scholars in the south of the Yangtze River. Therefore, although they are appreciated by Ye Fang and the others, they are not popular among the northerners who should be their base.

In this way, the two of Ye Fang wanted to become officials, and Li Sancai wanted to be a secondary assistant, but he was not a scholar in the south of the Yangtze River, so it was in vain, and he was subordinated to Gu Bingqian. This is why Gu Bingqian returned to the capital in a hurry. Ken stayed in Nanjing for one more day.

  One of Tang and Miu may no longer serve as a cabinet minister. As a compensation, the one who resigned as a cabinet minister may serve as Minister of Officials or Minister of Rites.

  For Tom and Miu, this is not an unacceptable arrangement.

  At present, the status of the two of them in the cabinet is very marginal, there is no department they are directly in charge of, and more of them are regarded as reserve consultants, which makes Tom and Miu very uncomfortable.

  So such an exchange condition is not unacceptable. Of course, there must be a department with real power in exchange.

  Huang Ruliang and Guan Yingzhen joined the cabinet instead.

  Huang Ruliang is from Fujian, he can be regarded as Ye Xianggao's direct descendant of the township party, and at the same time he is the secretary of the household department, so it is logical to join the cabinet.

None of the scholars from Huguang has a representative among the cabinet ministers who can’t justify it. Qi Yongtai should also have some kind of tacit understanding and promise to the scholars of Huguang, saying that the official Yingzhen’s qualifications are sufficient, the qualifications of the Minister of Commerce and the Minister of Rites, plus the qualifications of him and Qi. Yongtai's ally relationship, joining the cabinet is also a matter of course.

  The cabinet may return to the state of six cabinet ministers, two scholars from the North, Qi Yongtai, Li Sancai, three scholars from the south of the Yangtze River, Gu Bingqian, Tang Binyin, Huang Ruliang, one scholar from Huguang, and Guan Yingzhen.

  Of course, all of this is Feng Ziying's judgment based on the information mentioned in the letters from various parties. There are also many variables here, and he can only make a rough assessment.

But all of this has nothing to do with him. What he needs now is to fight the immediate battle against the rebellious army in the central region. Performance.

After the hearty blow, Feng Ziying couldn't help taking a few breaths, and Xiangling next to her timidly snuggled up to her side, pulling the thin body to be covered by the half-dizzy and half-awake Lingguan curled up on her back. In the private part, he whispered: "My lord, you should be gentle, the senior official has only broken the melon for a few days,..."

Leaning at Xiangling curled up in her arms like a little woman, a little rouge mole between her eyebrows seems to be more eye-catching after being in love and rejoicing, with a soft and lovely dimple, fair and smooth skin, and a slender and delicate figure , all of which show that this girl is now in her best golden years as a woman.

   This is the first girl to follow her, and also the first to break her body, but after following Baochai, the chances of falling in love with her are much less.

  However, this girl seems to be very optimistic about her destiny. Every day, she holds a scroll and recites Tang poetry and Song poetry, or asks Shen Yixiu, Lin Daiyu, and Tanchun for advice, which is quite liked by several people.

Couldn't help but poke into the quilt and play with Xiangling's body, Xiangling didn't expect to get angry, she had been tossed enough before, and now the senior officer is obviously unable to fight again, Xiangling hurriedly said: "Master, this servant can't take it anymore, Why don't the servants go and call Xue Yan over."

"I don't care about you, why can't you bear it?" Feng Ziying moved her palm on Xiangling's greasy back and hips, "I haven't seen someone's age official who will fight for a lifetime to make you happy today? Xiangling, you are not enough Dedicated."

  Although Xiangling was dumbfounded, she also knew that Feng Ziying was joking with her, but Mr. Lang's clutches were wreaking havoc on her body, panting slightly: "My lord is like this today, but what is the happy event? Could it be that he is going back to Beijing?"

  Feng Ziying didn't expect this silly girl to have such a keen intuition, she smiled: "I've only been out for a few days, and I'm going back to Beijing? The battle is raging, so where can I go back?"

"My servant just thinks that today's master is very different, which makes the senior officials want to die, and this servant can't bear it. I should have let Xueyan wait for me if I knew it earlier..." Xiangling felt that Lang Jun's big hands were flipping her own. Body, naturally understood the meaning, could only hold back the shame and cater to...

   "Xueyan is inferior to Miss Jiao, who is inferior to her grandma, and even inferior to you, come on,..."

  Happiness is boundless, fighting fiercely all night, but Feng Ziying's spirit is still vigorous, when Xueyan came to wait for her to wake up, wash and change clothes, she was also stunned to see the second daughter sleeping soundly.

   I don't know why this master is so excited. Fortunately, I took a day off yesterday, otherwise I don't know what it would be like.

  The generals were also waiting early, and Feng Ziying also quickly took out the battle plan that had been brewing for many days based on the intelligence.

It's actually simple to say, the same is a combination of fiction and reality, and the east hits the west. The Jingying and Jizhen troops set up two attacking fronts, one on the left and one on the right. The first direction is approaching Raoyang, and the west is the Jingying, which has set up a three-way attack posture and launched an offensive against Gaocheng, Wuji, and Jinzhou.

But the real heavy blow was on the Xuanfu Army. Feng Ziying's task for Ma Kongying was to take advantage of the disunity of government orders between the Bailian Rebellion Army in the central part and the Bailian Rebellion Army in the south, and launch an offensive from five directions with the help of Jingying and Jizhen. Ma Kongying wanted to lead 6,000 elite Xuanfu troops to penetrate between Zhaozhou and Jinzhou, attack Shulu, and capture the logistics center of the rebel army in the central region.

   During the two hundred miles in between, Feng Ziying gave Ma Kongying a day and a half to arrive. At the same time, he transferred all the horses of the Xuanfu army to Ma Kongying, and asked him to control Shulu at one stroke.

  Not only did they want to destroy the logistical supplies of the central rebel army, but the following Xuanfu infantry also wanted to block the possibility of the central rebellious army fleeing south.

This may be his last battle as governor of Hebei, and Feng Ziying will not be so particular about it. He wants to use the army to death, and at the same time, he must also give a great service to the group of people he brought. It depends on their ability. Can't catch it anymore.

  (end of this chapter)

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