Number of People

Chapter 2577: The handover of the Guizi scroll, the general trend has been set

  Chapter 2577 The handover of the Guizi scroll, the general trend is set

  In the late autumn season, I sweated through my heavy clothes.

   Ma Kongying personally led the army from the south of Gaocheng, along the Hutuo River, and went straight to Shulu.

   This road is nearly 200 miles long, and it is also an area where Bailian's roots are quite deep. With such a large army marching, it is difficult to keep it secret.

  However, using the Jizhen army and the Beijing camp to launch a fierce offensive against the rebellious army in the central Bailian on the east and west wings at the same time, it did cause huge chaos and influence on the entire central Bailian.

   Ma Kong took the opportunity to lead 6,000 elite soldiers, including 2,000 cavalry and 4,000 horse-riding infantry, and ran all the way from the south bank of the Hutuo River.

  For more than 180 miles, if it is a pure infantry march, it will take three days, but the cavalry plus mounted infantry will greatly increase the speed.

   Moreover, Ma Kongying also went all out, mobilizing all the mules and horses of the Xuanfu army, and Feng Ziying also helped to requisition some of them in the local area, just to use this mobility to catch the Bailian rebellious army by surprise.

  The south bank of the Hutuo River is also relatively densely populated. Since it is impossible to keep secret operations, then simply ignore it and just bury your head and rush according to your own marching progress.

  As long as he is fast enough, even if Bailian's eyeliner along the way finds something abnormal, it will be too late to react, and he can still be caught off guard.

   It has to be said that Feng Ziying's strategy of attacking the west was just right, and the early onslaught of the Jingying and Jizhen troops also greatly attracted Wang Haoli's attention.

  The high-intensity firepower output of the Beijing camp, and in order to justify the name of the Beijing camp and gain credit for this battle, they fought extraordinarily hard in this battle.

  Whether it was Yang Zhaoji, He Huchen, Tu Wenxiu, or Ma Chengxun, they all went all out and took the absolute initiative from the very beginning, launching fierce offensives in Gaocheng and Wuji.

  Gaocheng took only one day to capture, and Wuji only took three days, but in Jinzhou, Ma Chengxun encountered tenacious resistance.

  Zhou Yin shouldered a heavy responsibility and organized chaotic troops to continuously harass the Beijing camp from the surrounding area. The Beijing camp had obviously not quite adapted to this kind of tactics similar to guerrilla warfare and sparrow warfare.

  He Huchen and Yang Zhaoji's second unit also encountered setbacks in Fukasawa. Although the rebel army suffered repeated setbacks, they grew larger and more numerous like locusts.

  The combat effectiveness of the rebellious army is certainly not good, but its blocking by using the terrain has achieved results, making it difficult for the officers and soldiers to open up the situation.

  The Jizhen army also achieved good results in Raoyang, but also encountered desperate resistance from the rebel army in Anping, and the battle situation reached a stalemate.

Until the 6,000 people from Ma Kongying flew to the foot of Shulu City like magic soldiers, this sudden killing move made the rebel army completely unprepared. How could the officers and soldiers suddenly abandon the front line that was still fighting fiercely and shoot out from the waist and abdomen? Such a sharp uppercut.

   This punch directly hit the vital point, Shulu City was captured overnight, and the entire food and grass gathered by the rebel army gathered in Shulu City was looted by the officers and soldiers.

   Those who can’t be used are simply burned. The fire ignited half of Shulu County, and also made the Bailian army in front of them confused.

   The loss of Shulu will bring two major consequences.

One is that the food and supplies originally supplied to Shenzhou, Wuqiang, and Anping were all lost, and the other was that this knife was inserted in the waists of Shenzhou, Wuqiang, Hengshui, and Wuyi, making Shenzhou and Wuqiang directly face the possibility of being cut off. The back road, and Hengshui and Wuyi were originally in the rear, and they were immediately facing the attack of the official army.

  The chaos in the rear, which was not mentally prepared at all, suddenly became chaotic.

The capture of Shulu also brought another consequence, that is, the armed forces of the local clans and clans that had been suppressed and dormant for a long time began to become active quickly, and dozens of clans and clansmen of different sizes quickly appeared in Hengshui Wuyi Armed forces began to attack the Bailian Rebel Army, which exacerbated the rapid decline of the Bailian Rebellion's power in this area.

  The reason why these local clan armed forces dare not take the lead is because they are worried that the official army will not arrive.

   Now that the government army has captured Shulu, it has a great impact on the entire Shenzhou, Wuqiang, Hengshui, and Wuyi lines. The local clan armed forces naturally began to move.

  The dramatic changes in Hengshui Wuyi also immediately affected Shenzhou Wuqiang in the north, and also had a huge impact on the inevitable Jizhou, Zaoqiang, Xinhe, Nangong and other places.

  The county seat in this area has always been under the control of the government, but various white lotus armed forces in the countryside have been quite active, constantly attacking and looting large gentry families and robbing businessmen, and the situation is turning out of hand.

   However, many big households dare not directly resist, because they are worried that they will attract a direct attack from the Bailian army and get burned.

  But seeing the change in the situation in Wuyi, Hengshui, immediately gave them great encouragement and courage, so soon the clan armed forces in these places developed, and began to compete with the Bailian rebellion for control of the countryside again.

  After receiving the support of the government, they also quickly took advantage and regained control of this piece of land.

  After Ma Kongying led the cavalry to raid Shulu, the 10,000 infantry who followed it also arrived in Shulu two days later, and began to storm the crumbling Shenzhou to the north.

Shenzhou has not yet been captured, but Anping, whose military morale has been disturbed, has already been captured by the Jizhen army going south. Immediately after Shenzhou was captured, the Wuqiang Bailian rebel army took the initiative to retreat southward, but encountered multiple local clan armed attacks on the Jiahe line. , soon collapsed.

  October 23rd, the entire central Bailian rebellion was completely wiped out, Wang Haoli fled to Lincheng in the south, but the entire southern Bailian rebellion was actually in a precarious situation, unable to resist the mighty official army at all.

"Ziying, I'm here to pick peaches. Don't have any objections. I want to go to Liaodong, but you are more familiar with Liaodong, and you are more suitable than me. The court also took this into consideration before letting you go. Go to Liaodong to take on the big responsibility."

  Sun Chengzong was handing over to Feng Ziying in the Yamen of Zhending Mansion with a smile.

"Hehe, it's the same for anyone, just like what you said, brother Shengsheng, maybe it's because I'm more familiar with you. I only went to fight a battle two years ago. I'm afraid Nurhachi has long been thinking about fighting with me again." It's gone." Feng Ziying also smiled happily.

"It doesn't matter, there are wars on either side. We were born to fight. By the way, brother Zhisheng, Luancheng, Zhaozhou, Yuanshi, and the Bailian rebellion have all given up on their own initiative. Just take over. I guess they are planning to fight in Gaoyi. If we want to fight head-on with us, as long as Gaoyi is involved, the southern rebellious army can almost be solved, and the rest has to deal with the three southern prefectures. In addition, the three prefectures in Henan are north of the Yellow River. Let's fight Bai Chuan across the river, this guy has long wanted to prove that his Jiangbei Town should not be a second-rate military town."

Faced with Feng Ziying's good mentality, Sun Chengzong also admired it very much. Whoever saw that he could win the great achievement of quelling the Bailian Rebellion in one fell swoop, I am afraid that it would be difficult for him to suddenly give up halfway and go to Liaodong to face a dangerous situation at this time. The guy seemed indifferent, even a little eager to try, but with this mentality, he felt ashamed.

  Perhaps this guy is born with the temperament of fighting. As a civil servant, this is even more rare. In the current Great Zhou Dynasty, he can be called the first civil servant to know the army, and he has no dissatisfaction under him.

"Don't worry, Ziying, you have fought the battle for this. I just come here to pick up the peaches. This kind of good thing can be easily captured by other people. I am worthy of it." Sun Chengzong and Feng Ziying The relationship is actually very good, and the two get along well, so they are not so polite when speaking.

"You can't say that, brother Zhisheng, your achievements in Shanxi have been witnessed by the imperial court. In the Central Plains of the capital, there must be a minister to sit in charge. The Bailian army is easy to destroy, but the root of Bailian is hard to get rid of. This reason is naive. Brother must understand that the most important thing is to get rid of these roots because of the imperial court, otherwise, if there is a disturbance, what should the Northland do?"

Feng Ziying's words also made Sun Chengzong deeply think, "I have also considered this matter. It requires the concerted efforts of many parties. It is necessary to cut the grass and root, and the root is not as simple as killing people. It is necessary to cut the soil and give relief. At the same time, there must be a countermeasure against the exploitation of these powerful families in the local area and the harshness of the government's harsh taxes. Otherwise, the common people will not be able to survive, and they will have to find help and sustenance. Our northern land is not as rich as Jiangnan. If there is a slight deviation, it will lead to serious troubles, and this is what I have been thinking about."

  Sun Chengzong's words reassured Feng Ziying. This kind of thinking is enough to prove that the court did not choose the wrong person.

"Brother Zhisheng thinks so much, so I feel relieved. After today's handover, I will return to Beijing to make preparations." Feng Ziying was not without emotion, "In fact, I haven't had much fun fighting these few battles. This official The bigger the bigger, the fewer and fewer opportunities to take command in person, you can only enjoy yourself on the sand table of the map,..."

Sun Chengzong also laughed, "You, you, you are the second-rank official, and you still expect to go to the battle in person? The court doesn't allow it. We civil servants are originally commanders, sitting in the middle army, planning strategies, foresight, and giving orders. It is our duty, and the generals charge forward, this is what they should do, complement each other."

  Feng Ziying also nodded in response, "Brother Zhisheng, there may be changes in the situation between the DPRK and China, have you heard of it?"

Sun Chengzong is also not a person who is not ignorant of world affairs. He is from Northern Zhili and Qi Yongtai is from the same village. Although the friendship between teachers and students is not as deep as that between Qi Yongtai and Feng Ziying, it is also very close. dawn.

"I heard that Ye Xiang and Fang Xiang are going to retire temporarily, and Qi Xiang will take over as the first assistant, but the second assistant has not yet been finalized. Gu Ge and Li Ge probably still have some concerns, but it is estimated that there will be no major changes. As for Tang and Miu, I heard that Miao Changqi will succeed the Minister of Rites, heh heh, it is quite interesting that he succeeds the Minister of Rites."

  Feng Ziying and Sun Chengzong both looked at each other and smiled.

  (end of this chapter)

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