Number of People

Chapter 2691: Guizi volume Feng Department, Feng Dang

  Chapter 2691 Guizi Juan Feng Department, Feng Party

  Even Feng Ziying had to admire Qin Keqing's keen sense of smell and quick mind, and she was able to grasp the key points at once.

  The current situation that the chief assistant is weak and the cabinet ministers are strong is actually beneficial to him.

  Gu Bingqian had to rely more on himself to reduce and defuse the pressure brought by Guan and Huang. Similarly, Guan and Huang were not sure who would benefit the most once Gu Bingqian was overthrown.

  Neither of the two of them is sure that they will be able to take the position of chief assistant after Gu Bingqian steps down. This kind of mentality of beating wolves with hemp stalks and being afraid at both ends will make no one angry, but no one dares to act rashly.

   "It's just that the prestige of the cabinet will continue to be damaged, and the executive power below will also be affected, which is not beneficial to the country." Feng Ziying sighed.

"If you can resolve this deadlock, that's of course great, but if you can't, then you can only choose the lesser of two evils and find a situation that is more beneficial to you." Qin Keqing smiled, "Maybe this is One of the ills of the cabinet system. Without a strong emperor to control it, the cabinet is full of chaos, so it can only become this kind of procrastination and sluggish behavior. And the local power will also be enlarged. "

Feng Ziying shook her head, "Liu Jigong is indeed not very popular, but the officials and Ming Qigong also have their own plans, and everyone is bound to have selfish thoughts, even myself, so I can't criticize them, it's just that time doesn't wait , Spending a few years like this is not what I want, even if I can benefit from it, I still feel a little uncomfortable in my heart."

"Ziying, you are not a saint, why do you have to act like a saint? What's more, a saint can only bow down. You are a capable minister, and you can do things according to your own wishes. It is enough to be worthy of your heart and your country." Qin Keqing encouraged Said: "With greater ability, comes greater responsibility. I feel that you don't have to be courteous to anyone. If it is true that Gu Bingqian can't sit in the position of chief assistant, why can't you sit there? This is not the time to rank seniority, as long as When the opportunity comes, and you have the ability to sit down, why can’t you give it a try?”

  Feng Ziying moved slightly, "I'm afraid the time is not yet ripe,..."

"Mature or not depends on your own efforts. You have mastered the military power in the army and are already invincible. As for civil servants and scholars, you are a little less experienced, but the power of merchants in the north and south of the Yangtze River should not be underestimated. I I heard from Sister Feng that the merchants from Shanshan and Shanxi are all supportive of you, and the merchants from Jiangnan are also mostly inclined to you. They also have considerable influence on the folk gentry. Maybe the time is not ripe now. What about next year? What about the year after? You still have Time can do many things to strengthen,  …”

  Qin Keqing's words were full of temptation. Of course, Feng Ziying understood that this woman was more interested than himself. It seemed that she could satisfy her special desire through himself, and the sense of substitution was too strong.

But I have to say that what Qin Keqing said is very reasonable. I can make up for my shortcomings in the past two years, but my influence in the army is difficult for others to replace. Why can't we go one step further instead of waiting?

  On the eighth day of September in the fifth year of Wantong, the cabinet issued a document, and the Secretary of the General Administration passed the news to the residence. Geng Ruqi was promoted to the right servant of the newly established Ministry of Agriculture, Lian Guoshi was promoted to the right servant of the Ministry of Officials, and Pan Ruzhen was transferred to the right servant of the Ministry of Industry.

  The promotion and transfer of Geng Ruqi and Pan Ruzhen are not too controversial. The Ministry of Industry and Agriculture does not have any particularly tight positions, but the Ministry of Officials is different. Countless people are staring at this position.

But Feng Ziying also knew that she must have a capable person in the official department, even Cui Jingrong had a good relationship with her, but when it came to the transfer of some officials below the fourth rank, it was impossible for her to negotiate with Cui Jingrong on everything, that would be too much. It is easy to cause Cui Jingrong's dissatisfaction, and it will also attract the suspicion of the official Yingzhen, so it is most appropriate to arrange Lian Guo's affairs into the Ministry of Officials.

   Lian Guoshi's promotion from the magistrate of Xi'an Prefecture to the right servant of the Ministry of Officials is an extremely unusual promotion, which will naturally cause controversy.

However, Lian Guoshi was the number one scholar in the fifth year of Yonglong. Yang Sichang, who was Tanhua, had already become a doctor of the fourth rank in the Ministry of War. , also makes sense.

  Gu Bingqian, Guan Yingzhen and Cui Jingrong had no objection, so it passed.

  Geng Ruqi's promotion to the right minister of the Ministry of Agriculture was also Feng Ziying's consideration.

  Geng Ruqi has been in the local area for six or seven years. From Chongqing to Yan'an, he has rich experience. Especially in Yan'an in the past few years, he has vigorously promoted the cultivation of potatoes and corn sweet potatoes, which has played a great role in stabilizing the refugees in Yan'an.

Although the drought in Shaanxi has eased in the past few years, it is still not a smooth weather in terms of facts. However, thanks to Geng Ruqi and Lian Guoshi's efforts to promote new crops such as potatoes and sweet potatoes, these problems have been greatly alleviated. The problem of food for the peasants in the area did not lead to large-scale civil uprisings and refugees. On this point, the cabinet and the ministries of the DPRK and Central Committee are also clear.

  In the future, the population growth will show a surge. Without the impact of war caused by internal and external troubles, once the people settle down, the birth rate will definitely rise. It is not a joke to double the population in 30 to 50 years.

  Because of this, Feng Ziying believes that the Ministry of Agriculture will have a heavy task in the future, and there is a lot to do in it, so Geng Ruqi can display his abilities in this position.

Pan Ruzhen's transfer to the Ministry of Industry was also uneventful. After all, he came from the third grade, so it was considered a promotion, and a single page was not too much. In addition, Pan Ruzhen was smooth and experienced in handling things, so the Ministry of Officials had a good impression of him, and he was quite well-known in Shaanxi. , Promotion can be considered a matter of course.

   It can be said that the transfer of these three people to the central government should be a more important adjustment of Feng Ziying's basic situation, and it also marks that Feng Ziying, as a member of the cabinet, has begun to have his own voice.

It turns out that although he has a good relationship with Cui Jingrong, Chai Ke, Han Yu, etc., they can't be counted as him, and they don't bother counting him. On the side of Qiao Yingjia or Guan Yingzhen.

  But now that these three have become important ministers, it is different. Everyone knows who pushed them up, so naturally they should be regarded as the Feng family, and they cannot be drawn by region.

Especially Pan Ruzhen, who was originally from Tongcheng, South Zhili. It is reasonable to say that he should be regarded as a scholar in the south of the Yangtze River where Gu Bingqian and Huang Ruliang lived, but he has never been in the sight of these two people. He has always followed Feng Ziying. Stepping into the ranks of important ministers, even the right servant of the Ministry of Industry is not a tight position, but after all, he is still a third-rank important minister, and he can speak out at critical times.

  That is different.

  (end of this chapter)

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