Number of People

Chapter 2692: Guizijuan consensus, core (ask for a monthly ticket!

   Lian Guoshi should be regarded as the most core member of Feng Ziying's group, not one of them.

In addition to Lian Guoshi who agrees with many of Feng Ziying's ideas the most and has the closest relationship with Feng Ziying, what is more important is that Lian Guoshi is the number one scholar in Yonglong's five-year subject, and has a great influence among the scholars in the North and even the entire group of young scholars in the Great Zhou Dynasty. It can be said that it is second only to Feng Ziying.

   Moreover, Lian is upright and friendly in state affairs, and he is capable and down-to-earth in doing things. In some respects, he is better than Feng Ziying.

  In addition, Lianjia is also a prominent family of scholars in eastern Henan, and is very influential in Henan, so this assistance can be called God's help.

This is why Feng Ziying spared no effort to win the approval of Cui Jingrong, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, and then painstakingly convinced Gu Bingqian, and finally made some deals to win the consent of the official Yingzhen, and finally sent Lian Guoshi to the Ministry of Officials The right servant is in the key position.

It's not just as simple as being a third-rank servant. If you want to be the right servant of the Ministry of Rites or the Ministry of Punishment, you don't need to spend so much effort. But the right servant of the official department is different. Promoted quickly.

  By practicing state affairs skills and ability to deal with affairs, Feng Ziying believes that he can satisfactorily realize his ideas, and handle them quite perfectly, so as not to attract doubts from the outside world.

  The age of practicing state affairs is not very young. He was 36 years old when he was born in the 23rd year of Yuanxi.

  In comparison, Geng Ruqi is four years older than Lian Guoshi, while Pan Ruzhen is older, in his forties.

  Although the two of them are quite capable in doing things, they have neither the status of number one scholar, nor have they entered the Imperial Academy, and their reputation is far inferior to that of practicing state affairs.

  So in the end, Feng Ziying chose to practice national affairs as the core training object. First of all, the identity of practicing national affairs should be determined and let him play a key role in a key position.

"Ziying, you pushed me to this position, which is equivalent to putting me on the fire. Do you know that when I report to the official department, countless people stare at me. Several doctors, Yuanwailang and the chief executive People like that are about to burst into flames from their eyes.”

   Lian Guoshi smiled, took the teacup handed over by Feng Ziying himself, wiped it, and said while shaking his head.

"Hehe, so exaggerated? Why, if you don't become the right servant, it's their turn? I'm afraid no one will have such wishful thinking?" Feng Ziying snorted, "If you really think you have the ability, don't just stay in the department all the time, go down. Go to the state capital and work hard for me for a few years, whether it is a mule or a horse, go for a walk in the local area, and then you will see the truth."

  The doctor is only the fifth rank, no matter how they can be promoted to the fourth rank and directly promoted to the servant, unless they make great contributions.

  But what great contribution can you make as a doctor in the official department? It is not as good as in the Ministry of War. You may still have a chance. You are bumping around in assessments, evaluations and documents all day long. How can you make such a great contribution?

"It's just those people who are jealous and jealous. They think you are young, and you suddenly rose from the local area to be a servant, so they are not angry?" Feng Ziying continued: "Tell them, if you really want to be envious, don't be envious of you. Come with me! I’m only in my thirties, and I’ve joined the cabinet. I want to make a fortune. Follow me and go to other places, such as Shaanxi, Yunnan, Guizhou, and Guangxi, and work for three to five years. Upgrade two levels in a row and see if they are willing to go!"

  Feng Ziying's words amused the practice of state affairs.

   Those gangs who are used to being idle in the official department, how could they go to such a poor place, go there, and don’t know if they will come back. Is this going to force them to resign?

"Okay, I also know that they are just a little upset because I came from the place, but so what? It's still what you said, if you are not convinced, go to the north and south, and taste the wild land. Taste, taste the joys and sorrows of the people in the barren land, and if you can realize the true taste, you will not be in vain, and promotion is justified.”

   Lian could understand state affairs, "It's a pity that no one wants to go."

"So don't be unconvinced there. People have to bow their heads under the eaves. Those who are unconvinced but have no ability, sneak out as soon as possible, and don't stay in the official department to do bad things." Feng Ziying said unceremoniously: "I He and Liu Ji Gong and Zi Qiang Gong have said that the government of officials is politics, and if the government is not governed, the country will not be the country.”

  Lian state affairs also began to get to the point, and asked in a deep voice: "Ziying, in your opinion, what is government by officials?"

  Feng Ziying asked back: "Jun Yu, can you know the method of passing the test?"

"Of course I know that the imperial court has issued the reforms to various prefectures and counties, which involves considerable reforms, but each region is different. For example, can Yan'an Prefecture be the same as Ningbo Prefecture? Can Jiangning County be the same as Wubao County? Of course it is impossible, so there should be differences in the assessment and evaluation, and there should be some emphasis. This point is also mentioned in the examination method, but more power is given to the provinces, so it depends on the specific details of each province, but there are One thing I feel, and it may also arouse great repercussions, is that the influence of the evaluation of the gentry has been greatly weakened,..."

Lian Guoshi was very keenly aware that the examination method greatly weakened the influence of the local gentry on the evaluation of local officials. Three things are mainly used as evaluation criteria, one is the evaluation of the superior, the other is the evaluation of the squire, and the third is the taxation, education, and public security performance. The evaluation of the squire is not light.

  But there have been huge changes in the current examination method. Although the evaluation of Shangguan is still very important, the weight of the third category, that is, political achievements, has been greatly increased, while the evaluation of squires has been greatly weakened.

Moreover, the category of political achievements has also undergone major changes. Taxation is still important, and public security has not changed much. However, three categories of food production (including agricultural and sideline product production), industrial and commercial development, and infrastructure construction have been added, and the proportions of these three categories It is not light, and it is required to reflect the increase in the output of grain or agricultural by-products, industrial and commercial taxes and the increase in the number of industrial and commercial enterprises every year, and the infrastructure construction should be reflected in the annual investment.

This change means that local officials pay more attention to the actual situation in specific affairs, rather than some practical education and other content, such as the development of industry and commerce, the increase of agricultural and sideline products, and the investment in infrastructure construction. Reflected, from the perspective of assessment and evaluation, it is also more intuitive and simpler.

"Yes, I did put forward a lot of my views and opinions on the test method, and Master Qi generally accepted my opinions and wrote them into the test method. This is what I want to have a good talk with you today. The main content of the discussion."

  Feng Ziying did not deny it.

   "Well, Ziying, you mean that the evaluation of the Ministry of Officials in the future will also focus on reflecting the actual performance, and the same is true for the selection of officials?" Lian Guoshi stroked his beard softly.

"That's what I mean." Feng Ziying thought for a while, "But this is not the most important thing I want to talk to you today. I want to talk to you about some of the viewpoints and ideas that I have discussed with you over the years. Now that I have joined the cabinet, and you have also become the Minister of the Ministry of Officials, how should we implement many of our views and ideas into these daily routines in the future? Or to be more straightforward, how to implement our views in the court affairs in the future Ideas to make the country and the people better?"

   Lian was slightly surprised by state affairs, this statement is a bit big, and in a sense, it is a bit presumptuous

  Feng Ziying is just a cabinet minister. Even if he has some right to speak, he still has to obey the overall opinions of the cabinet in the final analysis. How can it be that he wants to implement his intention?

Feng Ziying seemed to be aware of the surprise of Lian's state affairs, and Feng Ziying didn't care, and said to herself: "Junyu, I won't hide it from you, the current situation of the cabinet is not very good, each blows its own trumpet, each sings its own tune, you go to Beijing Afterwards, I will slowly feel that some major issues have been unresolved for a long time, and many specific issues have to be pushed and run by myself, which can be said to be very disappointing.”

   "Then what are the specific aspects of the internal contradictions in the cabinet?" Lian Guoshi asked puzzled.

"There are various aspects, including differences in opinions, personal grievances, factional differences, and conflicts of interest. It is difficult to sum it up in one word. So for the past few months, I have also felt a headache, so I just I was thinking, if this is the case, why can I not only follow the path I think is correct? Who can say anything about us if we do something that is beneficial to the country and the people?"

Feng Ziying's words were sonorous, "I just want to have a good talk with you today, what should this country be like in the next three to five years or even ten years, and what should we do to achieve the goal in our minds, except for us In addition, should we invite more people to join in to achieve the good goal that everyone agrees on? This goal should be beneficial to the country and the people, and we should also determine a series of specific goals according to time, so that To achieve these goals according to the timelines, to deliver on our commitments."

  Lian Guoshi finally realized that today's conversation is not simply to exchange views, but to unify thinking, build consensus, and determine a feasible planning plan.

  Feng Ziying must have a very grand narrative plan in mind, and it involves everyone's views on the future.

  Feng Ziying's intention is also very obvious, that is to find like-minded people and gather all the strength of these people to fight and work hard for it.

But not only is he not disgusted by practicing state affairs, but he is excited. As a scholar, he came here with the purpose of self-cultivation and governance of the country, and he and Feng Ziying have communicated and discussed many things over the years, and they have reached a lot of consensus. When you can show your big picture. (end of this chapter)

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