Number of People

Chapter 822: Conquer

  Chapter 822 Conquest

"Grandma!" Ping'er's feet were limp. Seeing Feng Ziying's hot and presumptuous eyes turn and fall on her, especially cruising between her chest and abdomen, Ping'er could only lean against the door frame, how could he move forward? Open your legs?

"Little Hoof, why don't you come here soon?!" Seeing Feng Ziying approaching step by step, but his hands were stroking her shoulders, even showing signs of exploring downwards, she panicked and curled up, covering her green tube top tightly with her hands , tremblingly said: "Brother Keng, you can't do it!"

"What can't be done? You are a married woman in Luofu? You are a lonely family now." Feng Ziying simply sat down on the edge of the kang, stretched out her hand to hook Wang Xifeng's waist, and pulled her over, her tone was quite loud. Playful.

  Wang Xifeng seemed to be struck by lightning, half of her body was paralyzed, her cheeks were flushed, and she said anxiously: "No, brother Keng, no!"

   "Is it up to you to do it or not?" Feng Ziying felt more and more funny, he really liked the current situation, like a civet cat playing a mouse, this feeling of controlling the other party's everything under his own palm.

"Brother Keng, you can't do it!" Seeing that Feng Ziying's hand had already passed through the tube top and grasped a certain place, Wang Xifeng suddenly went limp, while the other hand reached into the crowd to untie her belt , Wang Xifeng was like a lamb shivering under the claws of a ferocious beast, with pleading eyes in his eyes, "In broad daylight, there are still people outside. If people know about it, then I have no choice but to die."

In fact, how could Feng Ziying have such a big lust, not to mention that Ping'er was still on the sidelines, no matter how lustful he was, he would not dare to engage in prostitution in the daytime at such a time, at least Wang Xifeng did not have Second Mistress Lian However, everyone subconsciously regards her as Lian's second grandmother. If they find out about her behavior, the world will really be in an uproar.

  He is just pretending to be a tiger catching a sheep, first destroying Wang Xifeng's determination and courage, and as for the future, he is not in a hurry at this moment.

  But the posture must be sufficient, lest the woman Wang Xifeng pry into the falsehood.

"Who will let you die? Sister Feng, my master said that no one can decide your life or death except you!" Sitting on the edge of the kang, one hand wrapped around the other's waist, but the hand did not go away. Untiing the other party's belt, Feng Ziying embraced him with great momentum, "You really can't stay in this Jia's house anymore, or if you don't want to stay in this Jia's house, I will arrange a place for you. The world is so big. Where can I go? Suzhou, Yangzhou, Jinling, Linqing, Datong,..."

   There is no need to make drafts to brag, anyway, it is not a big deal. If Wang Xifeng can really give up her obsession with the power in Jia's mansion, it is no big deal for Feng Ziying to arrange a place for her.

  Although it was just a few words, it made Wang Xifeng, who was tense and almost collapsed, feel relieved.

This shows that this man is not the kind of person who refuses to accept his account when he lifts his pants. He said that although Yangzhou, Linqing, and Datong are not comparable to the capital city, Suzhou and Yangzhou are prosperous places in the world, and Linqing is also a place on the canal. Waiting for a port, and Datong is an important town in the north, which is within the reach of their Feng family. If I really can't stay in Jia's house, I can have a shelter.

  Of course Wang Xifeng hadn't thought about leaving Jia's mansion and the capital, but it was true that these words made her feel at ease in the current situation.

   "Brother Keng,..."

Wang Xifeng was choked up and speechless, just weeping, Feng Ziying just patted the opponent's fat buttocks with the hand that reached into the skirt and put it on the waist, "Don't worry, there is nothing difficult to overcome, and it is not too far to go to such a field , the Rongguo Mansion can't do without you now, and in a few days, your mansion will realize that..."

After Wang Xifeng was stunned, she suddenly regained consciousness and struggled, and pulled Feng Ziying's hands out from under her skirt. Feng Ziying didn't take it personally, but just lingered on the opponent's bare feet, which made Wang Xifeng ashamed. He was about to get annoyed, so he withdrew his hand.

   "Brother Keng, what do you mean by what you just said?" Wang Xifeng asked Feng Ziying while biting her tongue.

"Speaking of which, the reconciliation between Lian's second brother and you is actually not a big deal. I'm afraid the current difficulties facing the Jia family are due to your mental and physical distress?" Feng Ziying said with a smile: "Lian's second brother Now there are several thousand taels of silver income every year, and the bonus at the end of the year, otherwise why would Longer, Zhaoer, Qinger and Laixi all rush to him?"

   In one sentence, Wang Xifeng was determined there.

"Why don't people go with the second brother Lian? The second brother Lian's annual income is not low now, and the bonus can reach tens of thousands of taels. Not to mention opening a house in this capital city, who can control him when he goes to Yangzhou?" Got him? Laixi may be able to become a housekeeper if he follows him. In your Jia mansion, there are nearly a thousand people up and down. There are countless people in charge, big and small, when will people like Wang Xin, Laixi, and Laiwang be able to get ahead?"

  Feng Ziying simply sat on this side and began to point out Jiangshan. Wang Xifeng was squeezed by the other party, but she did not dare to move.

"I don't know how much the Rongguo Mansion earns in a year, but I can say for sure that it must be unable to make ends meet in recent years. Otherwise, countless old things in your Jia Mansion are being circulated in pawnshops in the capital city. I went to those pawnshops where my acquaintances came to ask if they wanted some old things. I really added a few pieces to my house. Of course, there are many nobles like your Rongning Mansion in the capital city, except for your Rongning Second Mansion. In addition, half of the four kings, eight princes and twelve lords are living in hardship,..."

  Feng Ziying's unkind words even exposed the skin of the Rongning Second House. Rao Wang Xifeng is not considered to be the Jia family now, and she also feels embarrassed.

"Now your mansion has built this Grand View Garden again, and owes countless debts. I don't know how your mansion plans to pay it back. Hehe, sister Lin's 150,000 taels of silver should be counted on me in the future, but I will not mention this matter for the time being, your public is in a lot of shortfalls, and the maintenance and repair of the garden has increased a lot. Rongning and Ning should pay attention to face anyway, and they should not be too shabby. After a year, there will be a big hole in the hole, and I don't know how long your family can stand it?"

"The old lady is old. To put it bluntly, it will pass as soon as you close your eyes. But what about the hundreds of people left? She Shibo and Zheng Shishu seem to have no insight in this business. Yes, how to maintain it in the future? Is it really going to fall and the monkeys will scatter?..."

  Hearing what Feng Ziying said, Wang Xifeng and Ping'er felt a little chilled.

The other party's analysis can be said to be sharp and sharp, and Feng Ziying still has some things that he didn't mention. For example, in the past few years, especially for garden repairs, he has sold a lot of Zhuangzi's property shops, which were originally provided for the mansion every year Some of the profits were made, but a lot of them were sold for the purpose of repairing the garden. One can imagine the in and out.

   "According to what you say, the Rongning Second Mansion will just close its doors?" Wang Xifeng asked a little disconvinced.

"It's not that there are variables. For example, the imperial concubine gave birth to a prince suddenly. No matter who ascends the throne in the future, he should show some face. It won't be too ugly. Rongguo Mansion may still be able to survive for a while." No. 2 in the list, if he can become a general in the future, he might be able to support his appearance, but he is a concubine, what should Baoyu do? If he doesn't do it well, your Rongguo Mansion will fall apart; or the second brother Lian will become prosperous in the future and come back to attack the noble , and may not be able to barely support it, but these things are too variable, it is difficult to assert, and to be honest, it is still a bit slim to rely on these things..."

  Wang Xifeng and Ping'er were silent, but Feng Ziying's words really hit the point.

Although Jia Yuanchun became a noble concubine, Emperor Yonglong was in his fifties, and his last heir was also in his teens, and there will be no new heirs in the future. not much hope.

   This has not considered whether Jia Yuanchun was favored by Emperor Yonglong, which naturally Wang Xifeng and the others don't know the details.

  Jia Huan’s Imperial Examination High School, this is possible, but so what if he wins the top prize? Not to mention whether Jia Huan can do it, even if it can do it, it will probably be several years later, can Jia's mansion support it until then?

Even if it can last until that time, Jia Huan is a concubine and Baoyu is a son, the second house of Rongguo Mansion must be inherited by Baoyu. Son?

   Besides Jia Lian, Wang Xifeng didn't believe how high Jia Lian could develop. Even if he earned some property, I'm afraid he would just come back to attack the noble. Can it still afford the expenses of hundreds of people in such a big mansion?

All in all, there is still a lack of a character in Jia's mansion who can really stand up to him. Jia Lian, Jia Baoyu, and Jia Huan all have their own flaws, and Wang Xifeng also feels that they don't seem to be able to really stand up to such a big honor. role of the state.

   "According to what you're saying, sooner or later Rongning and Ningfu will be wiped out?" Wang Xifeng said quietly, "No one can save them."

   "You don't have to be so pessimistic. I just talked about this trend and possibility. I may not have a permanent solution for the Rongguo Mansion, but there are one or two solutions for the symptoms." Feng Ziying smiled.

   "Oh?" Wang Xifeng suddenly became interested, and even forgot that Feng Ziying's body was still squeezing her, and pressed her thigh with one hand, "Quickly tell me, what is the solution?"

   "Did you know that Lai Da's son has been donated and is about to be released?" Feng Ziying said flatly.

  Wang Xifeng and Ping'er looked at each other, "I seem to have heard Nanny Lai mention it, but I don't know the specifics." Ping'er hesitated for a while.

  (end of this chapter)

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