Number of People

Chapter 823: Settle accounts with your own scroll, butcher the pig

  Chapter 823 Settle the accounts with your own scroll, butcher the pig

"Lai Da spent 10,000 taels of silver for his son to donate to the official, and then used the same amount of money as the donated official to dredge and fill the vacancy. Well, donating officials and dredging can't be the turn of outsiders to intervene. I just don't understand. How come your Rongguo Mansion's chief steward has such a rich income, you can easily donate 10,000 to 20,000 taels of silver to fill the vacancies? Then it depends on how rich your family is? I'm afraid you can't find the bottom of a hundred thousand taels of silver, right?"

  Feng Ziying smiled and patted Wang Xifeng's round and plump legs with her hands, but what she said made Wang Xifeng and Heping'er dumbfounded, twenty thousand taels of silver?

   What a huge number is this? ! You must know that twenty taels of silver can make an ordinary farmer live in peace of mind for a year, and the monthly allowance of ordinary maids in the mansion is only five hundred copper coins!

Even the very respectable maids, such as mandarin ducks, amber, colorful clouds, colorful clouds, and charming people, are only a tael of silver. Daiyu's azalea, Yingchun's chess player, Tanchun's servant book, Xiangyun's emerald thread, and Xichun's painting are just a dime a dozen.

Xiren and Ping'er are exceptions, Xiren used to only have one tael of silver, but because of being combed by Baoyu, he raised it to two taels of silver. Taking two taels of silver was the reason why Jia Lian was very dissatisfied at the beginning. He kept talking about Ping'er's monthly routine of taking two taels of silver, but he couldn't get his hands on it.

"How many years has Da Lai worked as a housekeeper in your Rongguo Mansion? He is the son of a family, and Nanny Lai started with the old matriarch. How much is his monthly salary? Twenty taels? Including the year-end bonus, Can Lai Da get three or four hundred taels a year?" Seeing that Wang Xifeng and Heping'er were too shocked to make a sound, Feng Ziying asked again.

For example, Jin Chuan'er received one tael of silver per month in Jia's house, but after arriving at Feng's house, it doubled and got two taels of silver. Two and a half taels of silver, but after Feng Ziying combed both Jin Chuan'er and Xiangling together, Feng Ziying raised them both to a monthly rate of five taels of silver, which is the monthly rate for girls in Feng's house.

  According to the silver currency exchange of this era, one tael of silver can be exchanged for 1,200 Wen copper coins, and 200 Wen copper coins are the difference between a big girl with a card face and an ordinary big girl.

Of course, in addition to these monthly bonuses, there will definitely be bonuses at the end of the year, and the amount is not small. Basically, it is distributed according to about half of the monthly bonuses each year. Individual rewards for orders.

"How is it possible?!" Ping'er couldn't help but sneered and shook his head again and again, "My ancestor and his wife only paid twenty taels a month. Although the gentlemen don't know, the second master Lian's salary is only fifty taels a month. Pin, the first and second masters are only eighty taels at most. Although Lai Da is a housekeeper, he is not a master. How can he surpass the masters? But eighteen taels is already the limit, so we still have to wait and see. He has worked so hard all these years."

Fifteen taels is indeed not too little, one hundred and eighty taels a year, plus bonuses and rewards, at least an annual income of more than three hundred taels, but compared with 20,000 taels of silver, there is really a big difference Yes, this means that Lai Da used his sixty or seventy years of income to donate an official for his son, but how many years has Lai Da been a housekeeper?

Even the food and clothing expenses in this Jia's mansion are managed by the mansion, plus Lai's family is estimated to be able to earn a hundred taels of silver a year, four hundred taels of silver a year, and it takes nothing to save. Forty or fifty years, is this possible?

And Lai Daneng took out nearly 20,000 taels of silver to donate an official for his son, and that's definitely not the only thing in his family's fortune. According to Feng Ziying's estimate, it would at least quadruple that. More than seven or eighty thousand taels of silver.

   "Then Ping'er, where did you say that everyone has such a solid family background?" Feng Ziying looked at Ping'er with a smile and asked.

  Ping'er glanced sideways at Wang Xifeng, hesitated before saying, "Butler Lai's annual income must be more than three hundred taels of silver, but..."

"But what? It's not that he is in charge of the daily chores of the mansion. Although Sister Feng is in charge of distributing money, how to do it and how much it costs, she can only listen to the reports from the people below. Come on, as long as it's not too far-fetched, she doesn't have much energy to worry about it, right?" Feng Ziying smiled lightly, "Lai Da will make a lot of money, maybe he can make a fortune this year, right?"

  Ping'er was taken aback, subconsciously lowered his voice and said, "Master, it's impossible, right? How could he be so bold?"

"Hmph, how could he be so bold? I'm afraid he is more courageous than the sky, and he didn't pay attention to the masters of the mansion at all. He thought he could fool you casually. It seems that he has fooled you for decades. Didn’t you just come here, how else do you explain that the 20,000 silver was taken out casually? As far as I know, Lai Shangrong seems to have been raised outside the mansion as a young master since he was a child. Don't you want to spend it every year?" Feng Ziying snorted coldly.

  While Feng Ziying and Ping'er were talking, Wang Xifeng was already thinking about the mystery inside, and she was much more calculating than Ping'er.

The Lai family can take out 10,000 or 20,000 taels of silver at will, and the property is definitely more than 50,000 taels of silver. Even this bottom line is too low. The tiger's mouth snatched food and forcibly took a lot of work from Jia She and Jia Zhen. Wang Xifeng estimated that they made at least 20,000 or 20,000 taels for this job. Maybe this is where the money Lai Shangrong donated to officials to fill the vacancies came from. here.

   I won’t talk about it before, Nanny Lai has her ancestors as her support, and Rongguo Mansion is doing well, even if they are a bit greedy, everyone doesn’t care about the face of their ancestors, but this time the situation is different.

This garden of Jia Jiaxiu has tossed all his old foundations, and he still owes a **** of debts. It will be a long time to live a tight life in the future, and the Lai family also forcibly robbed Jia Amnesty and Jia Zhen of the meat in their mouths. With Jia Amnesty and Jia Zhen, the two leading figures in the Rongning Second Mansion, it can be said that the time, place and people are not in the Lai family's side now.

  The garden repairer has made so much money, and quietly spent 10,000 to 20,000 silver to donate to his son to fill the vacancy.

  Wang Xifeng has been the home of the Rongguo Mansion for so many years, and she still has some calculations in her heart.

This Rongguo Mansion has food and clothing expenses for the whole family, and the expenses of human relations, even if it is a little tighter, there is no way to live without twenty-five thousand taels of silver a year, especially after the garden is repaired, the expenses will have to go up. Going up, so if you throw it a little bit, you have to go up to more than 27,800 taels.

Now the Rongguo Mansion has to pay 30,000 to 40,000 taels of silver for the repair of the garden, except for the money borrowed from relatives such as the Lin family and the Xue family. Twelve thousand taels of silver.

  That is to say, based on a rough estimate, starting from the eighth year of Yonglong, for the next three years, the Rongguo Mansion would not be able to live without 40,000 taels of silver every year.

   But what about the income of Rongguo Mansion now? The salaries of the two masters add up to more than one thousand taels and less than two thousand taels, which is a drop in the bucket. The annual income of the Zhuangzi shop in the mansion was about 21,200 taels of silver, depending on the harvest. After selling some Zhuangzi shops, the income will probably drop sharply to only about 17,000 taels.

   Calculated in this way, the shortfall in the past three years will be 70,000 taels. Where will the 70,000 taels of silver come from? That's not even counting in case Jia Yuanchun needs to be taken care of in the palace, the number is not important.

  As for the money borrowed from relatives, Wang Xifeng didn't dare to count it, and no one knew how to pay it back.

  It’s hard for a clever woman to cook without rice. Wang Xifeng is reluctant to part with the power that can be answered by everyone in this hand. She also knows that her private money of tens of thousands of taels of silver cannot withstand much trouble, and she has to plan for her future.

  How do you plan? Now that Feng Ziying singled out the matter of Lai's family, Wang Xifeng still can't understand that it's time to kill the pig, otherwise the master's family will have nothing to eat.

"Brother Keng, the Lai family is not so active. Not to mention that Nanny Lai is very affectionate with the ancestors, Lai Da is not easy to get along with, and the relationship in the mansion is deeply rooted. Even the two masters are not willing to take it easy. provoke him."

Wang Xifeng's focused expression when thinking about the problem made Feng Ziying very seductive, especially a pair of bare feet stretched out from the skirt unconsciously, and the white and red toes smeared with impatiens flower juice were really confusing, making him a little bit Preoccupied.

   Didn't hear Feng Ziying's reply, Wang Xifeng was so ashamed when she saw it, she hurriedly withdrew her foot, and kicked the other party again, almost kicking Feng Ziying out of bed, "Death! I'm talking about business with you."

   "Huh?" Feng Ziying staggered and quickly sat still.

  Ping'er also quickly turned her face away, the situation between grandma and Uncle Feng was so hot that she couldn't bear to watch it.

"It's true that the Lai family is not easy to move, but do you Jia family have any other options?" Feng Ziying sneered, "A dead fellow is not a poor fellow, Sister Feng, please tell your two aunts about the current situation in your house. As soon as they heard it, they knew it in their hearts. If they want to ask you how to do it, you can tell me about Lai Shangrong's donation to officials. I guess they will understand. For the ancestors, don't make it clear for the time being. Let's move first. The ancestors asked , let me explain again, what she can understand is nothing more than giving the Lai family a face in the end,..."

Seeing Wang Xifeng groaning silently, Feng Ziying smiled again, "Don't worry, as long as you talk to my aunt, I guess Uncle Xi will come to you to discuss with you, well, let him take the lead, the old lady will also take the initiative." You can let him take it first, he is a serious family member in the mansion,..."

   The third update, brothers ask for 100 monthly tickets!



  (end of this chapter)

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