Number of People

Chapter 824: Did the Zizi scroll take advantage of the void?

  Chapter 824 I took advantage of the vacancy?

Wang Xifeng was a little moved by Feng Ziying's words. The Xing family and Jia She were wearing panties, and they blindly agreed with Jia She's thoughts. If you need to add fuel to the flames, it depends on how much bonus you can receive in the end.

"Brother Keng, if this is the case, I'm afraid there will be a lot of work. The Lai family's intricate relationship in the mansion over the years is not so easy to convince them. Maybe they will bite back. Clean, this garden, he hooked up with the two Dongfu, do you think the ancestors don’t know about it?” Wang Xifeng thought for a while before raising her concern.

"Of course there is a lot of work. Since Lai's family is going to be moved, it will naturally be completely overturned and knocked down. The breakthrough is this garden repair. They are unkind first, so we can't blame She Shibo and Brother Zhen for their unrighteousness." Well, if you find a breakthrough from Xiuyuanzi, then you must not stop at Xiuyuanzi. Xiuyuanzi reckons that their family will only toss 10,000 to 20,000 taels of silver, but his family's wealth is definitely more than that A little bit, if Sister Feng wants to have a better life in the mansion in the next three to five years, I'm afraid it will have to fall on their Lai family."

Feng Ziying's words were unremarkable, but the fierceness in her tone made Ping'er on the side shudder. Anyone who dares to treat Uncle Feng as a harmless young man will really have to pay a heavy price .

Wang Xifeng also sensed Feng Ziying's murderous intent, and was a little hesitant. Feng Ziying continued, "As for the matter of She Shibo, what is it? She Shibo is the natural head of the Rongguo Mansion, and the money fell into his pocket." It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter if it's squandered or wasted, but it's just moved from the left pocket to the right pocket, and the cost is spent, it's all his own, who can say anything about him? You are nothing, a How can a slave servant be compared with Uncle She Shi? He gets money because he is greedy for the property in the house of the master Mo. It can be dealt with according to the family law, or he can be sent to the official directly, and he will be sentenced to exile for thousands of miles, or he can be sent directly Go to Liaodong under my father's command, send him to the battlefield to compete with the Jurchens, maybe he can make great achievements..."

  Wang Xifeng and Hepinger couldn't help but laugh when Feng Ziying said that the Lai family should be sent directly to Liaodong to fight. Although it was a joke, but if they really want to get to the point of distribution, I am afraid that even if the Lai family sells their property, they must avoid being sent out.

"Brother Keng, that's what I said, but it may not be easy to overthrow the Lai family, especially to make the Lai family spit out all the money they have obtained from the Jia family's blood over the past few decades." Things, you can't just plant these things on others out of thin air, you have to have a basis." Wang Xifeng considered the issue very carefully.

"That's natural, it's about repairing the garden. The flowers and seedlings in the garden are all taken care of by the Lai family. As far as I know, many of the flowers and trees are purchased from Osmanthus Xia's family, which is Xue Wenlong's Yue family. Well, the seedlings alone cost more than ten thousand taels of silver, and the flowers and plants cost two to seven thousand taels of silver. He also took away a lot of work, so if he wanted to move him, he had to wait until the right time. Receive the relevant evidence in your hand, so that nothing will go wrong."

Feng Ziying looked at Wang Xifeng, "Sister Feng, don't worry about these things, the master also has arrangements outside, Ni Er and Jia Rui have already done some things, collected some evidence, and can easily subdue this guy, now what to do That is, you have to explain to your ancestors and wives first, and then discuss the specific conditions."

Hearing Feng Ziying mentioning Jia Rui, Wang Xifeng's face turned cold again, and subconsciously she wanted to sit up straight, only to find that the other party was actually clinging to her body, and one hand was lightly on her thigh every now and then. Patted, no wonder Ping'er's little hoof didn't dare to look this way, and suddenly became annoyed, and pushed Feng Ziying away: "Don't let that Jia Rui come in front of me to scare people, my aunt doesn't want to see him!"

"Why give this kind of person common sense?" Feng Ziying didn't think it was disobedient, but took advantage of the situation to hook the other's plump waist, "It's hard for this kind of person to scare me, but it's used to scare off Lai Da's family. It is quite suitable, even if it is not the master, but at least it is a side branch of the Jia family. There are some things that Uncle She is hard to say, he can say, Uncle She is not easy to pick, he can pick, and the old ancestor can manage a serious The tribe is not allowed to speak?"

  Wang Xifeng thinks about it carefully. If this guy can turn his gun to point at Lai's family, he is really a good dog. His expression softened a little: "If this guy comes to me again..."

   "Don't worry, he won't dare to touch my woman with his two guts..."

   Before Feng Ziying finished speaking, Wang Xifeng became anxious, her face flushed again, and she pushed Feng Ziying suddenly, "Who is your woman, stop chewing maggots here!"

  Feng Ziying was not on guard this time, Wang Xifeng suddenly pushed hard, his body tilted, and he almost rolled off the kang.

  Seeing that Feng Ziying could not stand upright with a cry of "Oops", she rolled down the edge of the kang, and when she saw that she was about to fall and fell on a big horse, Wang Xifeng panicked again, and quickly stretched out her hands to hold her.

Feng Ziying laughed secretly inwardly, Wang Xifeng's push certainly caught him off guard, but he has practiced martial arts since he was a child, and his heels and feet are still stable, and he only needs to straighten his back to stabilize himself, but he has to pretend to fall, Sure enough, Sister Feng rushed to hold her back.

When Wang Xifeng reached out and pulled, Feng Ziying took advantage of the situation to hold the opponent's hand, and threw herself up, and the two of them immediately rolled down on the bed of the kang. Amidst Wang Xifeng's anxious exclamation, Feng Ziying's hand slipped through again. Babe, poked into the green tube top and indulged wantonly.

As soon as her body softened, Wang Xifeng collapsed into Feng Ziying's arms, and was embraced by the other party, her plump buttocks were tightly pressed against the other party's body. The scorching heat seemed to penetrate through her body, so horrified that Wang Xifeng couldn't help but scream, He wanted to struggle and dodge, but with the other hand holding his waist, how could he struggle to escape?

With this struggle, the upper half of the green tube top was about to fall off, and most of her white body was tremblingly exposed, Wang Xifeng was so flustered that she couldn't look up and down with her hands, her eye circles turned red again, and said sadly "Brother Keng, are you trying to force me to die by humiliating me like this?"

  Feng Ziying was stunned, and seemed to hesitate, but finally let go, "Sister Feng, I thought you should know my heart..."

One sentence shocked Wang Xifeng's whole body, and he looked straight at Feng Ziying. After a while, Wang Xifeng turned pale, his lips trembled, and said word by word: "Brother Keng, are you serious? Auntie is not a delicate body. Expensive big girls with yellow flowers, but they are not those **** who are casually used by you to play with, and lift your trousers and refuse to admit it!"

Feng Ziying didn't expect that a word from her in a hurry would attract such a reaction from the other party. Could it be that they love each other and kill each other, the deeper the hatred, the deeper the love, or the so-called happy enemies are really staged between herself and Wang Xifeng ?

   Taking a closer look, it seems that there is a little bit of this taste, or there are too many women in Jia's mansion, so charming, why do I keep staring at this wife?

It's just that once the words are spoken, there seems to be no way to take them back, otherwise I'm afraid it will be difficult to deal with it. Feng Ziying collected her mind and then considered her words, "Sister Feng, it seems a bit far away to say anything else, who is the master?" , everyone in the Jia family should know it, and the capital city also understands it. Could it be that the master can lie to you, a woman, and walk around? It’s still the same sentence, you stay in the mansion and live a happy life. Supporting you, if things don't go your way, the Lord will arrange for you to come out, whether it's the capital or other places, let you go, it won't make you sad,..."

But Wang Xifeng didn't speak, just stared at Feng Ziying, bit her lip after a long time and said: "Brother Keng, remember your words, if you just want to make your aunt happy for a while, then I won't let you off even if I turn into a ghost in the future! "

Feng Ziying didn't expect to force Wang Xifeng to say such a sentence, and she felt a little uneasy. The previous pervasive **** had already dissipated at this time, and she didn't know how to respond, but Wang Xifeng turned her face away again, and her voice became low and inaudible. : "Today is absolutely impossible,..."

  Feng Ziying's face also became a little embarrassed. In Wang Xifeng's eyes, she seemed to have become something like a sperm with a head on her head, but looking at her situation, she seemed to be a bit like it.

After a haha, Feng Ziying was not easy to talk to. Rubbing her face, she turned the topic aside: "That's the matter. I'll let Ni Er and Jia Rui sort out the relevant clues and evidence. Sister Feng Tell Uncle She and Auntie about it, I believe they will be interested."

  Wang Xifeng's face was still turned aside, but she didn't make a sound.

Ping'er seemed to be smiling but Feng Ziying became more and more embarrassed. This forced turn was really awkward. He gave Ping'er a hard look and waved his hand. Clinging to Wang Xifeng's waist, the two bodies were stuck together again, "Okay, what do you want me to say?"

  Wang Xifeng felt bitter and sore in her heart, the circles of her eyes turned red again, and tears fell down. It could be described as mixed feelings. Even she was surprised why she became so fragile all of a sudden?

   It's just that after reconciling with Jia Lian mercilessly, the man holding him behind him may be his lifelong support, but what will this life be like?

"Didn't you say you're going to be released?" For a long time, even though Feng Ziying hugged her waist and shoulders, Wang Xifeng, whose neck was stuck, still didn't look back, but her stiff body softened a lot, and there was a lot of resentment and worry in her words, " What will we do after that?"

  (end of this chapter)

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