Number of People

Chapter 825: The back road of self-word scroll, rely on

  Chapter 825 The back road of Zizijuan, rely on

  Feng Ziying did not expect that even Wang Xifeng would know about the news that she was going to be released as an official. It can be seen that her words and deeds have really affected many people, and Wang Xifeng is so concerned, I am afraid that she has many thoughts.

But at this moment, he didn't care. He had reached this point, and he didn't bother to think too much. Wang Xifeng was just taking one step at a time. With Wang Xifeng's temperament, she would not leave Jia's mansion at this time, especially with this situation. This is a dishonest way to leave Jia's mansion.

"What to do? Do whatever you want." Feng Ziying said nonchalantly: "As long as you can take down the Lai family, I guess you can take advantage of the situation, Sister Feng, and the income will be enough for your house for two or three years." Don't worry about it."

Wang Xifeng didn't say anything, and she also knew that taking down the Lai family would be of great benefit to her. This Lai Da was originally a person who relied on the old to sell the old. Except for the old ancestor, he was dedicated to selling well. He looks like a businessman, often complaining about suffering and tiredness, asking the mansion to add people and things, but in fact he is involved in it and makes a lot of money.

"To be honest, there are really few characters in your mansion who can stand on the stage. There are hundreds of thousands of people in such a big mansion. You have to manage it in an orderly manner. I can see you. Others really can't stand it. Your aunt doesn't have the energy, the eldest wife and ancestors won't agree, and sister-in-law Zhu doesn't have the ability, who else can she do? You can't let Tan Yato take care of it, can you?"

  Wang Xifeng curled her lips, and subconsciously glanced sideways at Feng Ziying, "The third sister is a delicate person, so she may not be able to be a housekeeper..."

  Feng Ziying could hear a little sour taste, but pretended not to hear it, "Then she is too young to be convinced. If she learns from you for a few years and learns 20 to 30% of your skills, she may be able to be independent."

   This sounded pleasant to the ear, Wang Xifeng felt a little more at ease, but she wanted to be humble, "I don't have the skills to be a teacher for others, I just worked harder myself,..."

"Okay, Sister Feng, don't say these things in front of me..." Feng Ziying lightly squeezed the soft flesh on Wang Xifeng's waist, "Others, Shibo She took advantage of this encounter to get angry. It can also be much more comfortable, and the relationship will not be so rigid,..."

As soon as Jia Amnesty was mentioned, Wang Xifeng's face turned cold again, "I'm afraid it's not as simple as letting out a bad breath, is it? Maybe he expects to peck inside again. I am like this now, and Jia Lian is no longer a husband and wife. It doesn't matter if they are male or female, don't think that this time I don't know that the two of them are stirring up trouble inside, and you still expect me to give him a good face, dreaming!"

Seeing that Wang Xifeng became agitated all of a sudden, Feng Ziying quickly patted the other person's chest to comfort him, "Okay, okay, Uncle She and the eldest wife are just like that. It's better to restrain yourself a bit, after you run the Lai family, I believe no one will provoke you again, and you don't want to be too fussy with Uncle Xi,..."

"Brother Keng,..." Wang Xifeng turned around quickly, not even caring about Feng Ziying's intimate posture with her, her face was pale and stern, her eyes were like fire, "You want to be my man, let me be with you, no Question, in my current situation, it is naturally impossible for me to marry you as a wife and concubine, and I will just be a dewy couple with you, but in Jia's mansion, I can't let anyone bully me. Respect me one foot, and I respect others one foot, so Jia Shen doesn't care about carping all day long, and still has a little bit of self-indulgence, thinking that I can't see it? It means that I don't feel good about Jia Lian's face, and now I'm with you It doesn't matter if Jia Lian is gone, if I'm weak, I'm afraid he will make more progress, why, what do you think I should do?"

Feng Ziying didn't expect that Jia She would actually have Wang Xifeng's idea. No wonder that Jiao Dacheng was talking nonsense outside all day long, so he thought that Qin Keqing in Ningguo Mansion seemed to be with Jia Zhen and Jia Rong. It doesn't look like the relationship in the original book anymore, Jiao Da is still making up nonsense, and I didn't expect there to be such a reason.

   Seeing Wang Xifeng staring at her, as long as she didn't like what she said, she might have a complete attack, Feng Ziying naturally understood how to express her position.

"Oh? There is such a thing?! I didn't expect that Jia She's usual sanctimonious posture would be such a beast! If that's the case, then let's do business. It's okay to deal with the Lai family. As for other things, there is no need to pay attention to it." This guy, if he does something too extreme, just tell me, and I will naturally have a way to deal with him!"

  Hearing Feng Ziying slapping his chest in such an all-encompassing manner, Wang Xifeng turned from anger to joy, and his face immediately looked better, "Aren't you afraid that I will make false accusations?"

"Hehe, how could Sister Feng use her own reputation to talk about such things? You must have underestimated yourself too much." Feng Ziying's smug expression touched Wang Xifeng's heart even more, but he didn't know how to express it for a while. The mood at this moment is to lean her body softly in Feng Ziying's arms to show her intimacy.

Feng Ziying got this hint, and was a little ready to move, but considering that this place is really inappropriate at this time, so she can only be gentle with her hands and eyes. Wang Xifeng can't beat the other party, and she also knows that the other party will not go too far today, and her mood is also a little out of balance, so she just let it go. The other party went,...

When Feng Ziying tidied up her clothes and was about to go out, seeing Wang Xifeng on the kang who had covered her proud body with a blushing face covered by an embroidered quilt, she was really itchy, but she could only sigh and regret it, with a look of reluctance Wang Xifeng, who was on the kang, couldn't help spitting, feeling proud and sweet, but also a little bit reluctant.

As soon as he left the door, Ping'er, who was guarding the outer door, quickly pulled her in. Before Feng Ziying could react, Ping'er hurriedly pushed Feng Ziying onto a chair and sat down, and then carefully arranged Feng Ziying's clothes , the buttons, the bun, and the crumpled gown were all cleaned up one by one.

  Seeing this exquisite and generous woman arranging her clothes like this, Feng Ziying's heart was also very hot. She couldn't help reaching out and raised Ping'er's face.

   "Damn it, no one can run away."

  Ping'er also smiled, and straightened Feng Ziying's clothes, "The slaves never want to run away, as long as the master treats others sincerely, why should the slaves run away?"

  Feng Ziying was taken aback, and nodded slightly. No wonder this girl is as famous as Yuanyang. She is really a wise person. This answer can be described as subtle and clever.

   "Okay, I remember your words." Feng Ziying stood up, raised the other's cheek, and Ping'er also got up, and then Feng Ziying suddenly lowered her head and kissed the other's cheek, and after the other was surprised, she came out gracefully.

  Ping'er's cheeks were hot, and she covered her face subconsciously and followed out. Feng Ziying didn't stop, but turned around and gave him another look, and then went out.

   Seeing the man's back disappear, Ping'er went back into the house in a daze, only to see her grandmother, who covered half of her body, had already propped herself up and leaned on the kang head, dazed in a daze.

   "He's gone?" Wang Xifeng heard the footsteps, and then glanced at Ping'er who seemed to be in a daze, "Hey, the little hoof is full of love, I miss a man."

   "Grandma!" Ping'er stomped her feet coquettishly, "You're talking about a slave girl, look at yourself, you don't know how to chew your tongue when people see you like this."

Wang Xifeng tightened the embroidered quilt on her body, there was nothing in the thong, and the green tube top was taken away abruptly by the other party. Fortunately, the other party still knew how to measure and did not go too far, but even so, Wang Xifeng Thinking of the previous situation, I couldn't help but feel hot and heartbeat.

"Whoever likes to chew their tongues can let them go, their mouths grow on them, and I can still sew their mouths up?" Wang Xifeng smiled leisurely, "Ping'er, tell me what happened to the two of us this day, how did we become so different? Is it like this? Why did Brother Keng suddenly grow up a lot and become like this? I, I am in a daze, I can’t believe what happened just now, Ping’er, do you think we are dreaming?  … "

  Wang Xifeng's ethereal and confused voice echoed in the room.

   "Grandma, I want to ask you a question, are you really..."

  Seeing that Ping'er also looked a little anxious and worried, Wang Xifeng finally calmed down, "Ping'er, then tell me, even with the help of our ancestors and wives, can we still live in the mansion like before?"

   After a moment of surprise, Ping'er slowly shook his head.

   "I'm not Lian's second grandma now, do you think those individuals will still say whatever they want to us with Yan Yuese as before?" Wang Xifeng asked again.

   Ping'er shook his head again.

   "Then what should we do?" Wang Xifeng's face was a little sad, "Can we go back to Wang's house?" I'm afraid my elder brother will kick me out, and my second uncle will scold me to death, so what should I do? Don't stay in Jia's mansion, go out, you and I are kicked out like this, wouldn't we be bullied? So why not stay in the mansion? But in the mansion, I, Wang Xifeng, can't do it while letting others roll their eyes, sneer at the indifference, and resign myself to it! "

Ping'er remained silent, of course she knew her grandma's temperament, she has been like this since she was a young lady, she was unwilling to let others down, strived to be the first in everything, and cherished face, and now the situation has suddenly turned sharply, and it is really better to let her lie down and be a little girl. to die.

"I don't know how Brother Keng will treat me in the future, and I don't think about what my life will be like in a few years, but I know that at least Brother Keng has a good reputation. To do it, I am not the kind of person who lifts up my trousers and refuses to admit it. I am not a big girl with a yellow flower now. If he likes it and I am happy, I will let him go..."

Wang Xifeng's tone became a bit more resolute and aggressive, and Liu Yedia's brows became sharper, "It is said that my body is capable of giving birth to sons, but Jia Lian has no such ability, so I made my aunt anxious, so I will find a secret place to replace her." His Feng family has a son, so he can ignore me by then?!"

  (end of this chapter)

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