Number of People

Chapter 826: Jizijuan flowers bloom two

  Chapter 826 Two flowers in the self-character scroll

   Startled by Wang Xifeng's seemingly self-defeating words, Ping'er looked around in panic, then lowered his voice and said, "Grandma, keep your voice down, something serious will happen if someone hears it."

   "Hmph, Ping'er, these people outside don't care whether you are true or false if they want to talk about their tongues, and they don't care about it. They care more about whether you can gain a firm foothold in this mansion."

Wang Xifeng sneered, and simply sat up, the lapel of the gown without the tube top was a little low, revealing a large area of ​​raised white and bulging, dazzling, even Ping'er couldn't help it, hurried to go Another pair of tube tops with light yellow and light flowers was taken from the cabinet to give to my grandma.

  Wang Xifeng took it over, pulled down the beanie, and just put it on in front of Ping'er, a wave of **** swayed, shaking people's minds.

   "But grandma, do you think Uncle Feng can help you in the house..." Ping'er didn't know what to say for a while.

"I don't know what he's going to do. Didn't he say that he's about to be released to serve as an official? I asked him earlier, but he didn't have an answer. He just said that I should be relieved and don't have to worry about things in the mansion. As long as the matter of the Lai family is resolved, everything will be back to normal, at least two or three years without any problems." Wang Xifeng sighed, her eyes wandering, "But at this time, if we don't trust him, who can we trust? Or we Move out of here?"

Ping'er shook her head, she knew that her grandmother's words were just a casual remark, and it was absolutely impossible for her to move out, at least for now, before the end of the day, she still hoped that Uncle Feng would give her Back up?

  But even if Uncle Feng married Miss Lin, he is still only a cousin, so how can he interfere with the affairs of the Rongguo Mansion?

  But it’s not necessarily true.

   Now Baoyu is not as muddle-headed as before, but he seems to be on the edge of a dead end again. He has started to think about writing legendary novels and dramas with all his heart. He wants to be a famous legendary novel and opera master, and he is even less interested in the affairs of the house.

  Jia Huan is a concubine, even if he really read the book to pass the examination, it is impossible for him to be in the mansion.

  The second and third girls in the mansion have nowhere to go, which is also an uncertain factor.

I heard that the old man originally intended to hand over the second girl to the Sun family, but he didn't mention it now. If he wants to make a concubine for Uncle Feng, then Uncle Feng may really have some influence in the mansion, especially when it is said that even When the noble concubines and concubines in the palace have a high opinion of Uncle Feng.

The third girl, thinking of this, Ping'er's heart also moved slightly. According to her knowledge, this heroic third girl should also be interested in Uncle Feng, but the second master is no better than the elder master. If the second girl may have some points Maybe to be a concubine for Uncle Feng, but for the third girl, it is unlikely that the second master would agree to be a concubine for Uncle Feng.

And Miss Smith, Ping'er felt that there was something of that taste too. Although there was news from the historian that Smith would be engaged to the Zhen family in Jiangnan, it was just a rumor, but there was no actual movement. Ping'er felt that the girl's behavior during the past two years in Jia's mansion was more or less related to Uncle Feng, and she couldn't tell what was going on inside.

Looking at the relationship between Uncle Feng and the old man, Jia Lian, Baoyu, and Jia Huan, Ping'er really felt that Uncle Feng was like a towering mountain pressing down in front of Jia's mansion, and the shadow almost completely covered Jia's mansion. .

   "Grandma, as you said, at this time, we may only trust Uncle Feng." Ping'er said quietly: "You usually treat Miss Lin very well, and Miss Lin is also a kind person. In the future, Uncle Feng..."

Wang Xifeng showed bitterness on his face, "But you said that sister Lin knew that I robbed his man, no, this is not considered robbing, and I am not qualified to rob her, but the relationship between me and Brother Keng, Ping'er What do you think Miss Lin will think?"

  Ping'er was taken aback, "Grandma, how can Miss Lin know about such things?"

"There is no impenetrable wall in the world. There are hundreds of people in such a large area. If you can cover your eyes and ears for a while, how can you cover them for a lifetime? Besides, people can't get any real evidence. Just such rumors, I'm afraid it will spread."

  Wang Xifeng also had a bit of anxiety on her face, but it was quickly replaced by firmness. She had no choice. If she was really desperate, wouldn't there be Feng Ziying? As for Lin Daiyu, she couldn't care less about it.

  After hearing what Wang Xifeng said, Ping'er couldn't answer.

This kind of thing is easy to attract attention. As long as Uncle Feng comes to the courtyard a few more times, there will be something to spread even if there is nothing, let alone the current situation of the two. It is definitely a bit tricky.

  Feng Ziying was naturally not aware of the conversation between Ping'er and Wang Xifeng after he left, and his mood at this time was also somewhat complicated.

  Originally getting the good news of King Zhongshun was a fulfillment of a wish, giving Baochai an explanation, and Daiyu's side was also appeased, but things on Wang Xifeng's side were a bit complicated.

   It's not that there is no such expectation, isn't he just looking forward to this unclear relationship in his heart? How did he really get to this point, he seemed a little timid again?

Well, I'm really a little embarrassed, don't look at the big sword in front of the other party, the chest is slapping loudly, but Feng Ziying still feels a little bit in her heart when she thinks that she will really be torn apart in the future and what kind of trouble it will bring. No bottom.

  It's nothing right now, getting rid of the Lai family is enough for the Jia family to get back a large sum of money, and Wang Xifeng can also use this to build a reputation. There will be no problem in two or three years after settling down. As for the future? Who can tell what will happen in the future?

Shaking her head, Feng Ziying put aside all these things, and came to this world thinking of a smooth and smooth life, it would be too boring, it would be more interesting if something exciting and challenging came to her, wouldn’t it? ?


  Muni Temple.

   Xing Xiuyan sighed softly, Master Jingyuan finally left, leaving only Miaoyu alone.

  The last words she left on her deathbed were also to ask Miaoyu to be in Beijing, saying that her fate was in Beijing.

  Seeing Miaoyu, who was dressed in plain white and clean clothes, present Guzhu purple bamboo shoots brewed in a small colorful teacup in a kiln to herself, Xing Xiuyan knew in her heart that the other party would probably accept her suggestion.

Although Mrs. Jingyuan is a guest in the Muni courtyard, she has a respected status. More than 20 years ago, she had a good talk with the former abbot of the Muni courtyard. It was for the honor of the Muni Academy, so everyone in the Muni Academy respected Mrs. Jingyuan very much.

Even Miaoyu, who has become a half-registered disciple, is also honored. She usually has a little nun to help and wait on her. .

Xing Xiuyan has been to the Muni Court several times, and saw that although Miaoyu’s diet is mainly vegetarian, meat is not forbidden, and it is quite delicate, mostly lean meat, chicken, fish, bamboo shoots, ferns, and tofu. .

  At that time, she also felt a little bit emotional that this Muni Temple was indeed a great nunnery in the capital, with a prosperous incense, and the status of Master Jingyuan was unusual, so she was given such a privilege.

But now Master Jingyuan is no longer there, and the attitude towards Miaoyu in the Muni Academy is gradually changing. Although the daily food expenses are still not worrying, they are gradually becoming like ordinary disciples in the courtyard. Previously, Xing Xiuyan was in the courtyard As soon as Zhong and Miaoyu ate together, they already noticed the subtle changes.

Now look at the fact that there is no little nun to help boil water and serve tea now, but Miaoyu is required to do it by herself. This kind of contrast, Miaoyu certainly doesn't care about serving tea by herself, but this change of attitude must make her feel a little bit and unacceptable.

  So before I proposed to her to go to the Quicui nunnery in the Grand View Garden of Jia Mansion to practice, she flatly refused at first, but when I mentioned it today, she was noncommittal.

"Come on, Xiuyan, try it, Guzhu purple bamboo shoots, but this year's new tea is hopeless, this is last year's old tea, but the taste is very good, this water is hydrated by snow this spring, I saved it,..." Brushing the long hair that fell from the scarf on her forehead, Miaoyu said with a smile.

   "Okay." Xing Xiuyan took the teacup and took a sip before putting it on the small table aside.

The meditation room is very clean and elegant, but you can also see the owner's taste, high-quality Huizhou rice paper, Duan inkstone, pine smoke ink, and a stack of gold mud stick paper from Suzhou, plus a brush that looks old. Zhang's slightly old but very clean and tidy Zen bed, the whole room looks very artistic.

"As I told my sister last time, it is not convenient for my sister to live in this Muni courtyard alone. The Grand View Garden of Rongguo Mansion was originally built for imperial concubines and empresses. It is hidden among the mountains and rivers, and it lives next to Nadama Temple and Jade Emperor Temple. The surrounding area is separated by bamboo fences and flower barriers, and there are deep forests and long corridors and curved holes on the outside, which is extremely quiet. ..."

  Xing Xiuyan patiently persuaded the other party.

"If my sister wants to stay away from the worldly people, that's the best place to go, and Mr. Feng at Jia's Mansion also made an agreement with the back chef. Every day, my sister only needs to let me know what I want to eat, and the back chef will prepare it." Just bring it for my sister."

  Miaoyu hesitated, thought for a while before saying: "Have you ever met my younger sister and Mr. Feng Jiada?"

   "My little sister lives in the Rongguo Mansion. Uncle Feng is a pampered guest in the mansion, and he is even more noble. He doesn't come here too often, but my little sister has met a few times."

  Xing Xiuyan didn't tell Miaoyu that she had gone to find Feng Ziying specifically to enter the garden for Miaoyu, so as not to make Miaoyu feel rebellious.

Hearing Xing Xiuyan say that Feng Ziying is a charming guest in the mansion, Miaoyu naturally understood that she meant her sister and husband-in-law. It is inevitable that the temples and nunneries will be contaminated with vulgarity,..."

   Continue to ask for a monthly pass!



  (end of this chapter)

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