Number of People

Chapter 827: Rough cursive

  Chapter 827 The self-written scroll is rough

Xing Xiuyan was a little speechless. This elder sister still pays attention to these things at this time, which is a bit hypocritical. She just grew up together. Although she knows the other party's temperament in this regard, she is not easy to expose the other party, so she can only purse her lips and smile. : "Sister, in the Grand View Garden, my younger sister also lives in Luxueguangli, which is much less plain than the Zen room where my elder sister lives now, but it is a bit more elegant. The younger sister of Changcui'an also goes to see it. However, it is extraordinarily elegant and quiet, especially suitable for my sister's temperament."

"Oh?" Miaoyu's heart was already a little moved. Now that she is alone, the attitude towards herself in this Muni courtyard is getting colder and colder. It is not a long-term plan to stay here. If the Grand View Garden of Rongguo Mansion is really like Xiu Yan said it was so elegant and quiet, it was really a good place.

  "Sister, what my little sister said is true, why don't sister find a time to go and see it first, if it's suitable, it's not too late to move there." Xing Xiuyan saw that the other party was a little moved, so he hurried to persuade the other party.

   "Thank you sister for your kindness, then I'll go and have a look first when I find time..." Miaoyu finally nodded.

"Then choosing a day is worse than bumping into the sun. I might as well go today. My younger sister will accompany my elder sister to see it. If it is really suitable, I can arrange someone to help my elder sister move there in the afternoon, so that my elder sister can work together with my younger sister and Miss Lin." As neighbors, they are very easy to get along with, my sister will be happy there."

  Xiuyan was also happy in her heart, she finally persuaded the other party, and it was fine to move there, but it was a wish.

Seeing Xiuyan's activeness, Miaoyu hesitated while being grateful, worried that she would appear impatient to go, as if she had nowhere to go and hurriedly asked for a place to stay, "Sister, why don't you wait a few more days?" Well, there's no rush at this moment, I'm fine here."

Miaoyu made Miaoyu agitated with such a calm and indifferent temperament around Xing Xiuyan, "Sister! What is the difference between today and the next few days? You live here, and the people in the Muni Court may not welcome you. Why bother making people dislike me here? Uncle Feng in the garden over there has already made an agreement with the mansion, you just go and have a look, if you like it, move there, if you don't like it, the younger sister won't say a word , it’s up to my sister to decide.”

  Seeing that her long-time friends are also a little angry, Miaoyu can only nod: "Okay then, I'll clean up, let's go."

   Xing Xiuyan breathed a sigh of relief, "That's fine, I'll wait for my sister here."

  After Miaoyu changed into an ordinary woman's attire, Xiuyan and Miaoyu went out from the Muni courtyard together. As soon as they came to the gate of the Muni courtyard, they saw several carriages parked at the gate of the Muni courtyard.

The two of them didn't care too much, this Muni Temple is very popular in the capital city, especially the female relatives of some high-ranking officials and nobles in the capital city, even in normal times, many people come to the temple to pray for blessings and burn incense. Jade is also commonplace, and Xing Xiuyan has also heard of it.

When the two reached the door, they were about to put on their hats, but they saw a young man leaping down from the next carriage, and before the people in the carriage behind could catch up, he stood on the stone steps at the gate of the courtyard and glanced at him. Just seeing the two daughters Xing Xiuyan and Miaoyu, his eyes lit up immediately.

  Seeing a strange man appearing at the gate of the courtyard, Miaoyu and Xiuyan hurriedly said to put on the veil and hat, and put down the curtain, but with just a glimpse, the appearance of the two women had already fallen into the eyes of the young man in charge.

Although he didn't know who these two women were He Lailu, the young man knew that these two women were not like the ladies of the official family, but rather the daughters of those small families in the capital city, just by the clothes they wore. It seemed that they were going to go out together, and there were no servants, maidservants, or carriages, which made him more confident.

   "Excuse me, I don't know if the two girls know that Master Qian Yuan is in the courtyard?"

Master Qian Yuan is the current host of the Muni Academy, and she is quite a famous person in this capital city. Although she is a monk, she has a lively temperament, which is different from other monks and nuns who simply believe in Buddhism and chant scriptures. She is very familiar with many dignitaries, wealthy merchants and wealthy merchants in this capital city, so she can often ask for a large sum of money to subsidize the courtyard.

  Miaoyu saw the other party coming forward to block the way, she thought for a while and said: "We outsiders can't know about the situation of Mrs. Qian Yuan, but Mrs. Qianyuan is still chanting scriptures in the courtyard this morning."

  The young man's eyes lit up when he saw the other party accosting him.

He had seen the appearances of the two girls before. Although the taller girl was dressed in a plain dress, her features were picturesque and charming, and there seemed to be a bit of enchanting aura hidden behind her clearness. After reading many experiences of women, this woman is definitely a treasure.

  Although the woman next to her is modest and elegant, and her appearance is also good, but there is a bit of indescribable tenacity in her brows, and she should not be easily impressed.

   Seeing that the other party wanted to get out of the way, he was about to walk out. The young man was a little at a loss as to what to do.

If you are a lady, you should be able to see at a glance that the appearance of these carriages is quite different from ordinary carriages, with purple shafts, carriages, and the bright yellow roof and roof unique to the royal family. The woman turned a blind eye, or didn't recognize it at all, so she didn't seem to have any courtesy and respect.

  But I can't publicly identify myself, that would be too clichéd.

   "Hey, this is the first time we have come to the Muni Temple, and we are not familiar with the situation of the Muni Academy. Could you ask the girl to lead the way?"

   Not to mention Xing Xiuyan, even Miaoyu, who is not very familiar with world affairs, realized that this man had some other plans, and his face turned cold.

   "My lord, please respect yourself. We are not the intellectuals of the Muni Academy. If you want to go in to visit Master Qianyuan, please turn left after entering the door and you will find the intellectual room. Naturally, some intellectuals will take you to see Master Qianyuan."

Although he couldn't see the change of expression under the curtain, the young man could feel the anger of the other party, which made him feel a little more itchy, with a smile on his face, and his tone became more gentle, "It's really a bit presumptuous, but It is indeed the first time for us to come to Muni Temple. We are not familiar with the place, so we dare not rush in rashly. Seeing that the two girls are also Buddhist believers, don’t we hear the Buddha’s saying: Seeing people give Tao, helping them is joyful, and you will be blessed. Is it very big?"

Both Miaoyu and Xing Xiuyan didn't expect that this guy in front of them could use Buddhist words to seduce girls, and they were even more disgusted in their hearts, "Don't speak lies, don't help evil voices, this is the true meaning of believing in Buddhism, I hope you can respect yourself .”

  Being blocked by the other party's words, the young man knew that it was impossible to gain the upper hand in such words, but he really had no other way to stop the second daughter from leaving.

  This capital city is not any other place. There are as many censors as dogs at the feet of the emperor. If he is discovered by the censors for his behavior, he will inevitably be criticized again, and the consequences will be disastrous. He absolutely dare not make things big.

   It's just that he wants to let the two of them go so casually, but he is reluctant. Where will he find this huge capital city with a population of one million in the future?

  He also doesn't know if these two people come to the Muni courtyard often, and they can't send people to the Muni courtyard every day to guard and wait for the rabbit?

   While he was anxious, he heard a voice from behind, "Second brother, what's wrong?"

Finally, someone came to help smooth his cheeks, the young man breathed a sigh of relief, tried his best to look more chic, and shook his folding fan lightly, "Fourth brother, my brother just met two girls by chance and was asking for directions, please help them lead the way. "

   Then the young man in purple who got off from another carriage had eagle eyes, high nose, and slightly high cheekbones. Although he was somewhat similar to the young man in front of him in appearance, he looked more angular and sharp.

  The young man in purple knew that his second elder brother's flirtatious temper had been committed again as soon as he heard it, but this is the entrance of the Buddhist temple, so why not stop others?

  He also saw that although the two girls were wearing veiled hats and curtains, they couldn't see their faces clearly, but they were tall and graceful, probably because their elder brother had spied on them, so they were so reluctant.

   You must know that this kind of behavior is very taboo. The elder brother of the official family knows how to measure and will not provoke it. It is easy to deal with ordinary women, and the censors generally do not pay attention to this.

  However, the elder brother's showing off seems to have no effect at all. It can be seen from the body language of the other party's second daughter that the other party is angry and somewhat helpless, and such methods can only backfire.

The young man in purple stepped forward and smiled, then held the folding fan and clasped his fists, "Sorry, I'm sorry, my brother may be intimidated by the demeanor of the two girls, and I can't help but want to get to know each other. I was looking for inspiration, so I lost my composure, and I apologize again for him,..."

The Dingyuan Poetry Club is a well-known poetry club in the capital city. It is held in Dingyuan almost every year in March, June, September, and December. Many of them will participate, and some of the northern gentry and celebrities living in the capital city also appreciate it very much. Even the young women in the city admire this poetry society very much, and even many girls disguise themselves as men at home. Go and take part in the cover.

Miaoyu herself is a female literary youth, so she has naturally heard of the reputation of the Poetry Club. Although Xing Xiuyan is not a literary youth, she has lived in the Grand View Garden of Jia Mansion for so long, often with Baochai, Daiyu, Tanchun, and Xiangyun. The few of them taste tea and discuss poetry, so they are naturally no strangers.

But the main reason is that this person behaved too badly before, this kind of rude behavior is really annoying, and although this young man in purple has a lot of apology in his tone, how can such blunt and rough roundabouts be hidden from his wit and wisdom? Xing Xiuyan, you can tell at a glance that the other party is a fake apology, really showing off and hooking up.

"Literati and poets should spend their minds on studying for the imperial examination, sharing worries for the king, and serving the country. That's what scholars do. It's unheard of to block the way to find inspiration..." Xing Xiuyan didn't wait for Miaoyu to talk again. He interjected directly, and took Miaoyu away after speaking.

  (end of this chapter)

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