Number of People

Chapter 829: The things of the heavenly family

  Chapter 829 The matter of the heavenly family in the self-written scroll

For Zhang Qi and Zhang Ji, there is Zhang Chi, the elder brother of Shou Wang, Zhang Chi, the old Jiulu king, and Zhang Ju, the old thirteenth Gong Wang, who is still young, less than ten years old, so there is no need to think about it for the time being. People are under a lot of pressure.

  Big Brother Shou Wang has the support of the imperial concubine Xu who is now in charge of the sixth palace. He is the eldest son himself, and his conduct and talents are not bad in all aspects.

  The advantage of the two brothers Zhang Qi and Zhang Ji is that they are born of the same mother and support each other.

Although the old nine, Zhang Yu, has just turned fourteen years old, he is talented and talented. His mother, Concubine Mei, was originally the daughter of a large family in Mizhi, Shaanxi. He was so surprised that he was a heavenly man, so he brought her into his own back room. This concubine Mei was beautiful, and it was rumored in the palace that she had the art of inner seductiveness. It stands to reason that Emperor Yonglong was not allowed to perform private acts when he was in office according to the order, and he was later punished by Emperor Yuanxi for this.

   This Concubine Mei was very favored by Emperor Yonglong back then, and it was also in the past few years that Emperor Yonglong began to devote himself to self-cultivation and self-cultivation, and stayed away from female sex, which gradually faded away.

"Fourth brother, you said that before the emperor didn't like us intervening in court affairs, even the elder brother rarely got permission from the emperor to handle one or two things. Now if we take the initiative to intervene in court affairs, will it be...?" Zhang Qi said Touching his chin with his hand, he pondered.

"Second brother, times have changed. The past two years, the father's health was still healthy, but you have noticed that the father's health has not been as good as before, and the frequency of going to court has decreased a lot. Now let's go to court again. If you bring up this matter, you may not be reprimanded by your father. Are we all dedicated to sharing his worries? Besides, the affairs of the court have always been controlled by the six ministries of the cabinet. Father's thoughts." Zhang Ji mused and said, "Even though the elder brother didn't make any movement some time ago, I guess he was observing the situation, and maybe he will make some moves soon."

  Zhang Ji's words shocked Zhang Qi, and he realized that his brother seemed to be more thoughtful and thoughtful than him. Although he didn't show it on the surface, he had so much thought inside.

Although the two had a gentleman's agreement before, even Zhang Qi felt that the agreement at that time was a bit half-joking. After all, it was three or four years ago. Neither he nor the other party thought that the father was still in good health. It would become so bad in just two or three years. Before that, they were more worried about the grandfather and that uncle, which even the emperor never denied.

But now, Zhang Qi was dazzled by the complicated and confusing situation. His grandfather, uncle, father, King Shou, King Lu, and his own brother were all distracted for a while. He didn't know who he could trust. Relying on whom and not knowing what to do is the most suitable for the current situation.

  Zhang Ji noticed that his brother's face was changing, and asked tentatively: "Second brother, what do you think of my suggestion?"

  Zhang Qi reined in his thoughts, stabilized his mind, and asked in a deep voice: "Then where do you think our brothers should start?"

Zhang Ji pondered for a while before he said: "Lao Jiu's going to Qingtan Academy is nothing more than making connections and cultivating contacts. Qi Yongtai and Guan Yingzhen are the leaders of the scholars in the north and the leaders of the scholars in Huguang. Qingtan Academy has a lot of connections. If we want to participate in the affairs of the court, we just learn to do things. In a sense, it is actually to get to know officials and get closer. In other words, we can increase mutual understanding and understand some affairs of the court. The basic rules and mysteries of dealing with it are not bad, but what is more important is to recognize and discover those who can do things in the future,..."

   As soon as the words came out of his mouth, Zhang Jicai realized that what he had said was a little too thorough, and he didn't know what his brother would think when he heard it?

  Glanced at the other party quietly, but saw that the other party was only concentrating on contemplation, as if he didn't realize the meaning of what he said earlier, he was slightly relieved.

In fact, he didn't know that Zhang Qi had been shocked by his brother's words in his heart, but he had developed a habit of hiding his true side for a long time, so he couldn't see anything on the surface, but he thought that his brother was already planning how to use him to do things. Coming to make friends with officials, to get closer and even to discover talent for his own use in the future, he was even more jealous of his fellow brother.

   "Second brother?"

"Well, fourth brother, I'm thinking that since we want to learn how to do things, we should have a direction. Officials, households, rituals, soldiers, criminals, and workers. The official department and the household department are not our turn. Appropriate, but it is still difficult to see any effect. The Ministry of War is the most effective. Didn't Father Huang and Jiu Shu rely on their experience in military affairs to stand out from many uncles and uncles, and to be valued by the emperor's grandfather? ? But the military situation in the border areas is a bit different now, whether it is the Mongols or the Jurchens, it is very difficult,..."

Zhang Qi sighed, "The rest are the Ministry of Criminal Affairs and the Ministry of Industry. These two are not bad, but the Ministry of Criminal Affairs must be lucky in handling affairs. It can be brilliant when it encounters major and important cases. If you are not lucky, you can only travel around for a year or so. In addition, no one knows that the Ministry of Industry has a lot of things to do, but they are trivial and complicated, which may not be suitable for you and my brother's current state of mind."

Zhang Ji's heart was also shocked. He knew that his elder brother was definitely not as lustful and greedy as he appeared on the surface. Thoughtful, but that's good too, at least now the two brothers won't be plotting against each other.

   "Has the second brother considered the Metropolitan Procuratorate?" Zhang Ji asked back.

   "The Metropolitan Procuratorate?!" Zhang Qi took a deep look at the other party, "What does the fourth brother think?"

"Not yet, but I think what the second brother said just now is very reasonable, but the Metropolitan Procuratorate has also made a lot of outstanding achievements in the past two years, such as the Shaanxi governor Yunguang and Shan Guogong Shi's family were taken down. , like the big hole poked by Zhejiang Yanzheng, which not only established its prestige, but also recovered a lot of money for the imperial household department. The second brother should know what the father and emperor care about most now, isn't it money? Otherwise, Feng Ziying would be a second-class Jinshi , Why go straight to the Hanlin Academy to edit? It is more proud than the second place in the list of first-class Jinshi."

  Zhang Ji's words made Zhang Qi deeply impressed.

"Well said, if we can start from the Metropolitan Procuratorate, even if we just learn how to do things, the censors will always give us one or two credits. If you are familiar with the inside, you can have someone to take care of you in the future..." Zhang Qi nodded repeatedly.


  Xing Xiuyan and Miaoyu didn't think that much.

These days, there are a lot of apprentices everywhere. Although Xing Xiuyan also felt that most of these dandies who dared to block the way in front of the Muni Court in the capital city had some background and footsteps, but when the two of them left, that person was not there either. After coming to stop him, Xing Xiuyan felt much more at ease.

  This capital city is no better than Suzhou city. In Suzhou, the magistrate is the sky, but in the capital city, a fourth-rank magistrate is not worth mentioning at all.

  After coming to Jingshi City for so long, Xing Xiuyan also deeply felt many differences.

When I was in Suzhou, I heard my father talk about the Jia family that my aunt married into. It was a duke of two kingdoms. It is true that it is difficult to find one or two in Suzhou City, and the eldest daughter of the second master's family even entered the palace and became a noble concubine, and the status of Rongguo Mansion once made her a little admired.

   This family-friendly garden is even more amazing. I heard that it cost four to five million taels of silver. Even though Xing Xiuyan is a plain-tempered person who doesn't value money, he was still shocked once.

However, the longer he stayed in Rongguo Mansion, the more he knew about the situation in the capital city. Xing Xiuyan himself was very sensible, and he was quite able to see the ways of the world. It seems to be very glamorous on the surface, but the inside has begun to decline, especially Xiuyuanzi, which has almost emptied the family, but it can't fall on the outside, so it is just trying to hold on.

Moreover, the Jia family is not only hard to support in terms of business, but more importantly, almost no one in the Jia family can really afford the scene. Even Jia Lian, who can barely be regarded as a character, puts on the posture of getting out of his own house, and even with him. The second sister-in-law, who was once a model in Xing Xiuyan's mind, reunited, which overturned Xing Xiuyan's cognition even more.

The bleakness of Rongning and Ningfu also made Xing Xiuyan realize that he thought that his aunt's house should be the most enviable place, but now it seems that every family has hard-to-recite scriptures, even if it is a Shuangguogong, It's nothing in the capital city, especially in this family where there is no decent person who can be the pillar of the family, this quality will be greatly reduced.

So although her words were upright and blunt before, she was still quite worried in her heart, deeply afraid that the other party would cling to her to the death. Son, Xing Xiuyan is not willing to cause trouble in the mansion because of herself.

  After seeing that the other party didn't seem to come to stop and entangle, she also let go of most of her heart, and hurriedly dragged Miaoyu all the way.

   It's just that it's not easy for her to ask the mansion to send a carriage when she comes out, so she can only come all the way on foot. It takes more than half an hour to walk back this time, and it is considered to be back to Rongguo Mansion.

   Fortunately, Miaoyu was used to walking outside with Master Jingyuan, so she could bear it, but the two of them still sweated profusely.

  (end of this chapter)

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