Number of People

Chapter 830: Self-character Scroll Four Shuhui

  Chapter 830 The Four Brothers Meeting

Stepping into the Grand View Garden, Xing Xiuyan and Miaoyu’s brains are cleared by the faint greenery and the breeze blowing against their faces. The twists and turns made Miaoyu, who had been somewhat resistant to Jia's family, feel better immediately.

"This is the Yihong Courtyard of Master Bao Erye. Look at the flower stand of Baoxiang, which is full of planted roses..." Xing Xiuyan introduced as he walked, "Cross this small bridge, there is a moon gate over there, go in It is Fangsha Yuanting,..."

  Passing through Fangxia Yuanting, you can see a small mountain gate.

  The peaks on both sides are low, more like earthy mountains, but there are weeds and trees among the shrubs above, and the greenery is abundant.

  Entering the mountain gate, there is a plum grove on the left. The plum blossoms have withered long ago. Pass through the Buddhist hall and enter the inner courtyard. On the right is the East Zen Hall. Opposite is an elegant place, which is the main hall.

Miaoyu walked around with Xing Xiuyan, already very satisfied in her heart, but on the surface she still wanted to maintain a high aloofness. When she walked to the side of the East Zen Hall, she saw a side room, and beside the side room was a double room. Open the round gate, "Sister, where does this lead to?"

"Oh, this is the back door. Going out from here is the Long Corridor and Qudong. This piece of rocks has taken a lot of work in the mansion. Behind it is the Jade Emperor Temple, and there is also a pill room, but it is still idle now,... "

  Xing Xiuyan simply took Miaoyu out through the back door. The Jade Emperor Temple was locked, so the two of them didn't go in. Miaoyu pointed to a hut behind and asked, "Is there my sister's Lu Xueguang?"

  Xing Xiuyan laughed, she already felt that Miaoyu was tempted, and now she is more willing to learn more about the situation in the Grand View Garden.

"No, my little sister's Luxueguang, um, is also called Luxue Temple. It's in the west, and it's still far away. The Buddhist and Taoist pure houses here are all selected quiet places, so they are all hidden in the hills. How about I take my sister over there to have a look?"

   "Okay." Miaoyu nodded, "I don't know where my sister lives?"

   Xing Xiuyan knew that "my sister" mentioned by Miaoyu naturally meant Lin Daiyu, so she also laughed. This is a good sign, which shows that Miaoyu is willing to get along with the girls in the garden.

"Ms. Lin's Xiaoxiang Pavilion is on the southwest corner. If we just entered the garden and turned left instead of right, the first courtyard is Miss Lin's Xiaoxiang Pavilion, surrounded by bamboos. Miss Lin likes bamboo forests very much, so we finally got The name is Xiaoxiang Hall." Xing Xiuyan also had a good impression of Daiyu, although Daiyu was a little narrow-minded, but she was a girl with a sharp mouth and a bean curd heart.

"Is the Xiaoxiang Pavilion next to my sister's Lu Xueguang?" Miaoyu was already a little moved. Except for Lin Daiyu, Shi Xiangyun and Tanchun both had the experience of going south to Yangzhou with him, although the relationship is not special. They are close, but at least there is some kind of friendship, which is far better than being alone in the monastery.

"It's not too far away, between Tanchun and Xiangyun's Qiushuangzhai and Ouxiangxie, and next to Zhu's sister-in-law's Daoxiang village, we are all there." Xing Xiuyan said with a smile: " Quicui Temple looks farther away, but in fact, it’s just a cup of tea on foot, and there are streams, weeping willows, arch bridges and winding corridors along the road, and the scenery is superb. Let’s go, I will take my sister to walk all the way to see,…”

   Xing Xiuyan really hopes that Miaoyu can move in as soon as possible, so that she can have a companion.

  The girls in this garden treat her well, but they are not as affectionate as Miaoyu who grew up together, and she is also very worried about Miaoyu going out alone.

Especially what happened at the gate of Muni's courtyard today, the dude in the capital city walks all over the street, maybe one day he will meet a cowardly person, and by then Miaoyu will really be alone It means that every day should not be called and the earth is not working.

The two of them crossed along the Qinfang Gate Bridge and walked outside the Zhujin Pavilion, "Sister, this is the villa where the imperial concubine visits relatives. The three-storey building in front of this is the Taiguan Building, the middle is the Gu Ensiyi Hall, and the last is Jiayin Hall, that is Hanfang Pavilion,..., sister, do you want to go in and take a look?"

   "Is there no one living inside?" Miaoyu glanced over, feeling a little emotional.

Vermilion corridors and green tiles, eaves and corners, solemnity and elegance complement each other, especially the three buildings of Zhuijin Pavilion - Taiguan Tower - Hanfang Pavilion are said to be side by side, and the entire Grand View Garden is surrounded by these three peaks and the Taiguan Tower The Taiguan Tower, Gu Ensiyi Hall, and Jiayin Hall on the main axis form a perfect architectural complex structure.

"Usually no one lives here, and the imperial concubine and empress only stay here for two nights. Like the Gu Ensiyi Hall and the Taiguan Tower, they are used for festivals and when they need to set up a stage for a play. Brother and sister want to have a birthday treat, and they will also hold it in Zhuijin Building or Hanfang Pavilion,..."

After coming for so long, Xing Xiuyan has a general understanding of the situation in the mansion, and even arranged for her a little maid, Zhuaner, but she doesn't like this naughty little girl very much, but it's not good for the mansion to arrange for her to go To decline, I can only accept it, and let the girl clean the house in normal times, and don't take her out much.

   "Forget it, I won't be able to come to the main hall soon, so I won't go." Miaoyu finally shook her head.

  Xing Xiuyan was not reluctant, and took Miaoyu around the Zhujin Pavilion, and circled around from the back of Jiayin Hall.

  She didn't like to go to the main hall at first, she always felt a little depressed, and besides the cleaning maids and women, no one else entered the main hall, and the Zhuijin Pavilion and Hanfang Pavilion were only used occasionally.

   "Where is that?" Miaoyu asked casually, looking at a corner of the cornice hidden in the middle of the mountain.

   "That's Tubi Mountain Villa. If there are many guests during ordinary festivals, sometimes they will be arranged there. It has the highest terrain and can directly overlook the entire Grand View Garden. Like watching the moon in the Mid-Autumn Festival and climbing high on the Double Ninth Festival, everyone likes to gather here,..."

  Passing around the Tubi Villa hidden on Dazhu Mountain, as soon as he reached the gate of Hengwu Garden, he saw two girls coming out of the courtyard, followed by two servant girls.

   "Huh, Sister Xiuyan?" Baochai was a little surprised when he saw the two tall and elegant figures, "Is this Sister Miaoyu?"

  Baochai has not met Miaoyu yet, but seeing Xiuyan making out with each other, she knows it should be the girl Miaoyu.

Miaoyu's identity is not a secret in the mansion. Daiyu's half-sister, a concubine, has been practicing with her hair in the temple. It is said that the mother of the official lady who was born in the Jiaofang Sili has also been practicing in Suzhou temples. , and even took this girl a little too far.

Miaoyu also heard that Xiuyan had introduced Xue Baochai, the owner of Hengwuyuan, and knew that she was also the daughter of the Xue family, one of the four great families in Jinling. Considering others, he can be called a perfect character.

"Sister Baochai, this is Sister Miaoyu. I don't know this sister..." Xing Xiuyan saw the girl standing side by side with Xue Baochai. She was a little shorter than Xue Baochai, and her appearance was slightly more attractive, but there was a little more between her eyebrows. Wisdom, witty and lively aura.

   "This is my sister Baoqin, my second uncle's daughter, Baoqin, this is sister Xiuyan, the niece of my first aunt, and this one is sister Miaoyu, sister Lin's sister."

Standing next to Baochai was Xue Baoqin. The group of them arrived at noon. The second aunt of the Xue family and Xue Biao were talking at Aunt Xue's side, but Baoqin followed her sister to Hengwuyuan. After a while, Baochai also planned to stay with Baoqin to find out the way first. Aunt Xue had already told Mrs. Wang that Baoqin should also live in the garden. Qin chose by himself.

The Rose Garden and the Red Fragrance Garden are both adjacent to each other across the Qinfang River and the Hengwu Garden. It is connected with Yinyutang, and then it is Nuanxiangwu in Xichun.

  The four girls bowed to each other and looked at each other.

Xue Baoqin was in a bad mood at first, but seeing how enthusiastic her aunt and sister were, she never mentioned her going to Beijing. She talked to Aunt Xue for a long time, and then spent lunch before coming to Baochai. He went to Hengwu Garden.

   Baochai had already seen that Baoqin had something on her mind, but the other party didn't tell her, so she didn't take the initiative to ask. In the end, she simply planned to take Baoqin to see her future residence, so as to ease her heart first.

  The Rose Garden and the Red Fragrance Garden are not far from her Hengwu Garden. One after the other, they go around the rockery cave in the northwest corner, and walk along the Zhulan Banqiao to reach the gate of Hengwu Garden.

Seeing Xing Xiuyan and Miaoyu, Xue Baoqin really noticed this. No wonder Brother Feng often travels to and from Jia's house. Look at these two, one is elegant and elegant, the other is clean and clean. She was a top-notch girl, and she wasn't Yingchun, Tanchun, and Xiangyun as she thought. This also frustrated her, who had always been conceited.

My sister will not talk about it. Sister Lin has long heard that she has the appearance of a shameful flower, a moon, a fish and a wild goose. She didn't expect to meet two people casually. Neither of them is a character in Jia's mansion. People dare not look directly.

   Xing Xiuyan and Miaoyu are also looking at each other.

Xing Xiuyan's focus was on Xue Baoqin, and she did not expect that Baochai's cousin was full of heroism, and even more lively. At first glance, she didn't look like the kind of boudoir girl who seldom went out, she was a bit like Qingwen. It has a sharp and pungent taste, but it's not like Qingwen's ability to let it go or not. The girl's aura is free and easy to put in and out, far beyond what ordinary girls can do.

  But Miaoyu's focus is on Baochai. The other party's graceful and graceful indifference, and the air of confidence flowing out of her gestures made her a little ashamed of herself, and she felt a little out of breath.

  (end of this chapter)

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