Number of People

Chapter 831: Zizijuanxuan

  Chapter 831 Self-character scroll selection house

"I've heard sister Xiuyan say that my sister is coming. If you want me to say, it's better to live in Hongxiang Garden or Rose Garden, which can be closer to us. The sisters can get together more on weekdays. Brother Feng made it Now everyone likes to play that novelty, and no one plays horse hanging anymore..." Baochai smiled faintly, stepped forward and took Miaoyu's hand, and said, "Qicui'an is indeed a little far away, and it's also a little deserted. .”

   Seeing the sincerity in the other party's words, Miaoyu was also a little moved, hesitated for a while before saying: "Thank you sister for your concern, I haven't thought it through yet,..."

She didn't say that she didn't want to enter the garden, but she still wanted to stay in Changcui Nunnery, but Baochai thought that the other party was really moved, and hurriedly said: "That's kind, if my sister is willing to live in the Hongxiang Garden or the Rose Garden It happens to be next to my younger sister. If you think the Hongxiang Garden or the Rose Garden are more luxurious, you can also choose Yuyintang. It is quiet and elegant, and it lives next to the Nuanxiangwu of the fourth younger sister. She is also a person who always loves quietness. ,..."

   Facing the enthusiasm of the other party, Miaoyu was really a little embarrassed.

  She hasn't made up her mind whether to enter the garden or not, but today she came in and walked around, which really moved her.

   Not to mention that the location of Changcui Temple is very good, the furnishings are very exquisite, and living alone in that mountain depression, there is a certain distance from other places, which is also her favorite.

  As for what Baochai said to be closer to the sisters, it was precisely what she didn't want.

"Thank you sister for your kindness..." Miaoyu nodded, but Xing Xiuyan saw Miaoyu's embarrassment, and quickly interjected, "Sister Baoqin has chosen to live in the Hongxiang Garden or the Rose Garden? Sister Zibao is going to be with Sister Qin now Go together?"

"Well, Baoqin hasn't visited it yet. I was just saying to take her to take a look. I talked to my ancestors and aunt the day before yesterday, and they said that there are several courtyards in Hongxiang Garden, Rose Garden and Yuyin Hall. ,..." Baochai said with a smile.

   "Actually, the Aujingxi Pavilion is also good..." Xiuyan couldn't help but said.

Hongxiang Garden, Rose Garden and Yuyintang are all relatively small courtyards. Like Yuyintang, there is only a small courtyard surrounded by flowers and trees, without even a formal eight hundred walls, but the Aujingxi Pavilion is not. It's the same, not only living near the water, facing the Qinfang Gate Bridge, but also adjacent to the main courtyard of the Xingqin Villa. The scale is also large. Twenty or thirty people are more than enough.

"My sister said it's bad, the Aujingxi Pavilion is too extravagant, how can Baoqin afford it?" Baochai shook her head, "When I talked about letting Baoyu live, my uncle said that living there at a young age is not good for me, but ordinary sisters It would be a good place to go if you can form a social gathering.”

  Actually, as soon as I exited Xiuyan, I knew that my words were wrong. The Aujingxi Pavilion was indeed not suitable for girls, it was too grand and magnificent. If Baoyu lived there, it could barely be justified. If Baoyu couldn’t live there, other girls would not be suitable.

   "That's right, the Red Fragrance Garden and the Rose Garden are closer to the sisters, making them more lively." Xiuyan also nodded in agreement.

"Since Sister Xiuyan is going to accompany Sister Miaoyu to look around, why don't you go together? You can just walk around here, and I guess the other sisters should be there." Baochai said with a smile: "I also So that Baoqin can get to know all the sisters."

"When Sister Qin comes, I'm afraid she is the youngest among the sisters. I don't know who is older, Sister Xichun or Sister Xichun?" Smart and heroic, but not like it.

   "Bao Qin is older, she will be fourteen this month, but the fourth sister will not turn fourteen until October, and Bao Qin will be half a year older." Baochai explained.

   "Sister Qin's birthday is also in April?" Xing Xiuyan laughed, "I don't know what day it is?"

   "Oh? My sister is also born in April?" Bao Qin finally answered, with a little more curiosity in her eyes, "Little sister is on April 18th,..."

   "Oh, I am on the nineteenth day of April, the difference is only one day." Xing Xiuyan was also a little happy, "But I am sixteen, my sister is fourteen,..."

   This statement seemed to shorten the distance between the two parties at once, and Baoqin seemed to become much more cheerful and lively, talking to Xiuyan and Miaoyu.

   Baochai feels at ease.

  Ever since Baoqin and his party came to Beijing to meet her mother and elder brother, Baochai always felt that her aunt, Brother Tada, and Baoqin might have something on her mind.

At first, I thought it was Brother Tiao who was not young, and my aunt was worried that Brother Tiao’s marriage had not yet been settled, so she comforted him. He and Brother Tada couldn't lift their spirits, so they knew that something happened to Baoqin.

It's just that Feng Ziying was a little busy these two days because the Ministry of Officials was about to issue official documents to arrange positions based on the performance of the group of Jinshi in the fifth year of Yonglong's observation of politics, so she didn't come over. No message came back.

   But seeing Baoqin, she can hold her breath, and Baochai admires it very much.

This cousin of mine has traveled all over the world with her uncle since she was a child. She has a lot of experience and knowledge. She has a capable, sharp but thoughtful personality. Even Baochai admires her. The only thing that can make her restless is her own marriage. up.

Many people said that Baoqin's promise to Mei Hanlin's son as his wife was the best deal made by Xue's second wife, but Baochai didn't think so. The key point is that this person's reputation is not very good, which makes Baochai feel a little sorry for Baoqin.

  Thinking that her future husband-in-law is already a member of the Imperial Academy, but now he is about to leave the Imperial Academy to embark on a broader career, Baochai felt sweet for no reason, and of course he also had some worries.

  What she is most worried about is that once Feng Lang is released as an official and the matter of the second wife's reinstatement and prostitution comes out, she is afraid that there will be countless high-ranking families in the capital city coveting Feng Lang.

Although it is Jianyou, but Feng Lang's reputation for talent is too strong in the capital, in the north, and even in the entire Dazhou Shilin. Seeing that the Shen family is so satisfied with the marriage of Jianyou's eldest house, you can know that these scholarly officials are very satisfied with this kind of marriage. Reputation matters.

  Although Feng Lang spoke convincingly and with certainty, Baochai knew that Duan's side would definitely have other ideas. In many people's minds, the Xue family was indeed not the best match for the Duan family.

  Thinking of this, Baochai couldn't help but feel nervous for a while, but under such circumstances, she could only wait quietly, and could only believe that Feng Lang would live up to herself.

Of course, Baoqin didn't know about her marriage, but it aroused her cousin's mind, making her cousin distracted by it for a while, but she still talked with Xing Xiuyan and Miaoyu. Xing Xiuyan is a delicate person, and she can see There are some clues.

Previously, the Baoqin girl seemed to be a little preoccupied. She finally spoke, and seemed to temporarily forget her thoughts. Why, this sister Bao was a little distracted, and she obviously had something on her mind. Today, this Xue family What happened to the two of you?

  In the past, this girl Bao was not like this, she always looked calm and calm.

  The four of them walked all the way, walked across Zhedai Zhulan Banqiao, and then entered the mountains in the northwest corner.

A winding path goes up the mountain, and a road divides in the middle of the mountain to go straight to the top of the mountain. Of course, the top of the mountain is just a mound of 20 to 30 meters. It was originally a barren hill, and later the Grand View Garden was built. It was only then that they were brought in together, and based on the original miscellaneous woods, the planning was re-planned, and two new stone paths were opened, which made it a little more elegant and secluded.

  Passing across the mountain, and then descending the mountain, it is only a few tens of feet, but I feel the vitality and greenery rushing towards my face.

  The hillside shrubs on both sides are neatly trimmed, the vegetation is flourishing, and the stone paths meander.

It suddenly went up a ridge, which turned out to be a small arch bridge. Qinfang Creek gurgled under the arch bridge. Occasionally, a few goldfish stayed by the stream, which brought a bit of gold and red warmth to the green and clear stream, making people feel more comfortable. It is refreshing.

  Crossing the arch bridge and descending, you will see a low plantain grove, "This is the plantain dock."

Baochai finally regained his composure, and said calmly: "The small courtyard next to Bananawu is the Rose Garden, and the red incense garden is covered by the corridor tiles in the forest, Baoqin and Miaoyu My sister can actually choose here.”

Baoqin glanced at it, and saw that the Qiangwei Courtyard was obviously smaller, but there was only one person in her family, and it was closer to her sister's Hengwu Garden. Looking across the stream from here, it was only a few feet away from her sister's Hengwu Garden, "Sister, I Just choose this place, small and quiet, very suitable for my little sister."

Xing Xiuyan and Miaoyu also nodded slightly, this place is really exquisite, a group of people went in to have a look, there are three main rooms, two side rooms on each side, small and unique courtyard, once the courtyard door is opened, there is a rose The branches and leaves, the season of blooming, are fragrant and tangy.

After admiring, the four daughters passed through the Rose Garden and headed south again. A quaint wooden shed with a winding corridor turned to the east. However, it was a face house more than ten feet away. There is also a peach tree, a swing frame and a large flower garden. There are many kinds of peonies in it, as well as some other flower species, which are beautiful.

   "This is the Hongxiangyuan." Baochai looked at Xiuyan, "Sister Miaoyu, how is it here? If you like it, you can tell your ancestors and wives,..."

  Miaoyu also knew that this place was obviously more spacious and more beautiful than the Rose Garden in front, and the surrounding environment was more beautiful, so she shook her head again and again: "Sister, I have always been mild-tempered, so I don't suit this place, but Sister Baoqin can also choose this place."

Baoqin also laughed, "If my sister likes the rose garden, my sister can choose the Yuyin Hall in front of it. This red incense garden is like what sister Miaoyu said, the place is naturally a good place, there are flowers and trees on both sides, but it is too big Some, it’s not easy for my little sister to live here alone.”

  (end of this chapter)

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