Number of People

Chapter 832: The backbone of the Zizi scroll

  Chapter 832 The backbone of the self-character scroll

After some refusals, Miaoyu didn't say anything else, Baoqin still chose the Rose Garden, but the Hongxiang Garden is indeed bigger, Miaoyu doesn't like it here, and she herself is still a little undecided, so I didn't mention it any more.

  A group of people came out of Hongxiang Garden, passed the more simple and elegant Yuyin Hall, walked along the stream, and arrived at Liaofengxuan where Qingshan Xiedao is located.

This is the intersection of Nuanxiangwu, Daoxiang Village, Ouxiangxie and Luxueguang. To the northeast is Nuanxiangwu in Xichun, to the northwest is Liwan’s Daoxiang Village, and to the southeast is Xiangyun’s Ouxiangxie. A little further to the southwest is Luxueguang in Xiuyan.

"Sister-in-law Zhu or sister-in-law first?" Xing Xiuyan asked Baochai with a smile, "Sister-in-law Zhu may not be here, but she should be with the wife at this moment, and sister-in-law Zhu is probably there, if not go I read the words from third sister and younger sister Lin."

   "Then let's go to see the fourth sister, sister-in-law Zhu will see you at night." Baochai glanced at Miaoyu, "Why don't sister Miaoyu have dinner together in the evening, just join in the fun."

  Miaoyu shook her head resolutely. She knew that the second wife of the Xue family had only come, and the female family members of the Jia family would definitely meet and receive them, but what was the point of going by herself?

   Baochai is not too selfish, and does not insist.

Miaoyu's temperament is clear and lonely, and she doesn't get along well with others. It is estimated that this Xiuyan sister grew up with her so that they can get along so well. Even Daiyu seems to have no relationship with her sister. Xiuyan and Miaoyu so close.

When we arrived at Nuanxiangwu, Xichun was not there. When I asked the little girl, I only knew that Xichun might have gone to Xiangyun or Tanchun, so the group went to Ouxiangxie. As expected, Xiangyun was not there, and then went to Qiushuangzhai Only then did I see that Xiaocui hall was very lively, Tanchun, Xichun, Yingchun, Daiyu and Xiangyun were all there.

Seeing the girls coming over, Xiangyun yelled first, "Sister Bao, someone happened to let someone go to your side, but you came here unexpectedly, sister Xiuyan and sister Miaoyu just came back from outside, right? Those who asked people to knock on Lu Xueguang earlier, Zhuaner said that you went out, hey, who is this younger sister? Talented, forget the vulgarity when you see it,..."

  Xiangyun's words made all the girls laugh. This girl has always been like this, she is straightforward and likable.

  Xue Baoqin was not at all stage-frightened in the face of this situation, and took the initiative to go forward and salute: "Sisters and sisters, little sister Xue Baoqin, just came to the capital from Jinling, met all of you sisters, new here, please take good care of my little sister..."

In fact, these girls all know that this is Baochai’s cousin, Baoqin. A few days ago, Baochai told everyone that her cousin is going to come to the capital, and that her cousin’s talents are ten times better than hers, even though it is a bit exaggerated. But it also shows that this Baoqin girl is good, so everyone wants to see this second girl from the Xue family.

  Looking at it today, it is really extraordinary, the heroic charm between the brows and eyes is perfectly blended, and it is even more agile, with the demeanor of Baochai and Tanchun.

  A group of girls came forward to greet each other one after another, holding hands, but they didn't neglect Miaoyu who came with Xiuyan.

  Daiyu even came to Miaoyu early, talked with Miaoyu, and urged Miaoyu to move into the garden as soon as possible.

   It would be a lie to say that Miaoyu has no nostalgia for such excitement. After all, she is a young and young girl. Even though she followed her master and lived in Buddhism since she was a child, her nature is hard to suppress.

   Besides, Daiyu and her are sisters, Xiuyan and her are playmates since childhood, and Tanchun and Xiangyun girls also lived with her in Yangzhou, so they all get along fairly well.

  The tea and fruits were all delivered from Tanchunqiu Shuangzhai. The whole group was very festive, talking and being very affectionate.

   "It's time to call Sister Feng and Sister-in-law Zhu, and we will have all the people in the house." I don't know who said such a sentence suddenly, and the scene was a little cold.

  A group of people looked at each other, and then realized that Daiyu said this, Xiangyun frowned slightly, "Then you can also call Brother Bao, um, Brother Feng, if you have time, you can actually call him..."

   Daiyu blushed slightly.

She suggested calling Wang Xifeng because she was thinking that Wang Xifeng had always treated her very well in the past, but she always wanted to give her all kinds of things first. Of course, there are reasons for her ancestors, but if she does this, she must admit it. heartfelt.

Now the mansion is fluctuating, even though it has nothing to do with me as a sojourner, but thinking that Sister Feng and Second Brother Lian have reconciled, I haven't seen anyone for a while, and it is said that I have been in poor health in the house, I guess It should also be a heart disease. If you can invite the other party out, you have the right to relax.

   It's just that I didn't expect that girl Xiangyun would implicate both Baoyu and Brother Feng in one sentence.

  Baoyu is fine now, and doesn’t bother her much anymore. It is said that she has been obsessed with writing legendary stories and dramas all day long. It doesn’t matter if she comes or not, but when Brother Feng is coming, Daiyu subconsciously glanced at Baochai.

Baochai also felt Daiyu's glance immediately, and Feng Lang told Daiyu about it. Of course the others didn't know about it, but both of them had a tacit understanding. I dare not say so, but if Feng Lang could come, she would naturally be happy in her heart.

   "Sister Feng, hey..." Tanchun sighed.

The second sister-in-law and Lian's second brother reconciled, so logically, they shouldn't be called the second sister-in-law, but they have been used to calling them for so many years, and Wang Xifeng treats them all very well, and they are very protective. Daiyu is like this, so why not Tanchun?

  Her biological mother is Aunt Zhao, the concubine daughter of a concubine. Mrs. Wang is always cold-tempered. Except for Baoyu, Jia Lan, the eldest grandson of her own family, can hardly get Mrs. Wang's care.

  Sister-in-law Zhu didn’t say anything on the surface, but she had resentment in her heart, let alone concubine-born children like her and Brother Huan, how much good will they get?

It's no wonder Brother Huan is also extremely disgusted with everything in the mansion. He has already said that once he passes the examination, he will move out. After going out, of course, this can only be said, it is impossible for Aunt Zhao to go with Brother Huan.

Fortunately, after Wang Xifeng took charge of the family, she never had a cold reception for concubine daughters like herself and Yingchun, and she always remembered what was good in her life. , so whether it's Tanchun, Yingchun, Daiyu, or Xiangyun, they all know it well.

  Now Sister Feng and Second Brother Lian have reconciled. It is said that Second Brother Lian will go to Yangzhou soon, and I am afraid that he may not come back in a few years.

  Although the ancestors and wives scolded Lian's second brother, women and other people can't interfere with this man's affairs.

What's more, Tanchun can also tell that the old ancestor is probably scolding on the surface, and the old man and his wife are probably still supporting them in secret. Second Brother Lian really wants to be reassured, and they have nothing to do. After all, Second Brother Lian and Sister Feng Having no son, but not taking a concubine for Lian's second brother, this will be criticized wherever it is placed.

   It's just that things like this have nothing to do with me. Sister Feng treats them very well, so they have to remember love.

"I'm afraid Sister Feng doesn't want to come. I heard from Sister Ping'er during this time that Sister Feng refused to go out." Shi Xiangyun also added, "Second Brother Lian has done a bad job, so it's Sister Feng. He didn't have a son, didn't take concubines for him, he can tell the two old masters and the old ancestors, and naturally the old ancestors and the old masters will arrange for him. What's the difference between this and Li? Sister Hefeng and Sister Qiao, how could they do this?"

  Shi Xiangyun's words made all the girls silent.

Sanchun's surname is Jia, and they are all from Jia's family. Naturally, it is impossible to criticize Jia Lian, and Daiyu and Jia Lian are cousins, and Xing Xiuyan can only be counted as Jia's side. Miaoyu, she naturally wouldn't care about such things.

Baochai also felt that it was not easy to say this, but Xiangyun said it easily. She walked alone, and it didn't matter if she was protected by her ancestors, but the Xue family still lived in Jia's mansion, and she Mother and Mrs. Wang are direct sisters, and she and Wang Xifeng are cousins. There are so many maids around, if this word is spread, it may cause some unnecessary disputes.

  The scene was a little cold for a while.

  Xing Xiuyan is still smart, and changed the subject: "Sister Feng is not feeling well, and Brother Feng and Brother Bao are also busy people. Madam and the others have their own arrangements in the evening. It is rare to have so many of us in this meeting,..."

   "Yes, Brother Feng heard that he will be released as an official, and it will be finalized in a few days. I am afraid that he will not have much time to come here." Baochai glanced at Daiyu, and then continued.

   Sure enough, as soon as this topic came out, it immediately attracted everyone's attention to work, "Brother Feng wants to be released as an official? Where are you going?"

  Tanchun, Xiangyun, Yingchun, Xichun and others were all surprised, even Xing Xiuyan and Miaoyu were also surprised, and the maids around were also whispering.

This Uncle Feng has now become an indispensable person in Jia's mansion. The girls, Second Master Lian, Second Master Bao and even Third Master Huan are all closely related to Uncle Feng, and even the two masters are very affectionate to Uncle Feng. , It's a bit like becoming the backbone of the Jia family.

   This Uncle Feng is going to be released as an official, isn't it rare to come to Jia's mansion for many years? If there is something difficult in the mansion, what should I do?

"Sister Bao, where did you get this letter? Didn't Brother Feng do a good job in the Hanlin Academy? It's only logical that you don't have to stay in the Imperial Academy anymore, just like a master, and work in the six departments. Ah." Tanchun was a little anxious at first, "Isn't it only officials who perform poorly that go out?"

   There will be an update at 12 o'clock tonight, please prepare for the guaranteed monthly pass, brothers!



  (end of this chapter)

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