Number of People

Chapter 836: Self-character scroll cramming (seeking votes for the fourth update!)

  Chapter 836 Self-criticism cramming (seeking tickets for the fourth update!)

Lian Guoshi also laughed, and said happily: "Brother Yu is a bit false, I just want to hear your point of view, Ziying, every time I hear your thoughts, Brother Yu will feel suddenly enlightened, benefit a lot, and have a long aftertaste ah."

"Hehe, Brother Junyu is exaggerating, but I feel that when our Dazhou officials are doing things, they focus more on being an official, while ignoring that being an official should first do things. The purpose and result of doing things must be unified. To do things with our own intentions, to achieve our goals, to achieve results, and to conform to our intentions is the duty of an official to do things, but on this point, although many of us are born as Jinshi Juren, it is difficult for us to do so."

  Feng Ziying's words were a bit convoluted, but Lian understood the state affairs, and his face became serious, and he nodded: "Ziying, brother Yu, I hope to hear your opinion today."

"Okay." Feng Ziying was not polite, "When the younger brother expounds his ideal of being an official, the younger brother must first ask some questions about the current situation of our Great Zhou Dynasty for you and my brother to discuss. After unanimity, this will help the younger brother explain his future ideas in the next step."

   Lian Guoshi nodded, "This is what it should be."

   "The first question, brother Jun Yu thinks the current Great Zhou Dynasty and the founding of the Great Zhou Dynasty are better or worse. How is the situation in the eighth year of Yonglong compared with twenty years ago, that is, in the 20th year of Yuanxi?"

   It was a big question at the beginning, and Lian was a little confused when asked about state affairs. Even though he was born as a number one scholar and had practiced in the Imperial Academy for several years, he still felt that this question was a bit difficult to answer.

After pondering for a long time, Lian State Affairs finally opened his mouth: "It depends on how to say it, or from what aspects, the Great Zhou Dynasty was basically established on the ruins of the pre-Ming Dynasty. Taizu's Northern Expedition, from Nanzhi, Jiangxi to Shandong and Hebei Province. Northern Zhili has experienced wars, but to be honest, compared with the situation after the Northern Expedition of the Ming Dynasty expelled the Northern Yuan Dynasty, the situation in the founding of the Great Zhou was much better. In the founding of the country, the government was clear and the people were calm. The internal situation must be good. Yes, but at that time the remnant party of the former Ming Dynasty still existed, and the forces of the northern Mongolian tribes still existed,..."

   "Well, how does it compare to the present?" Feng Ziying asked with a smile.

It took a long time to practice state affairs before he sighed, "It should have been better then. Maybe the people's livelihood in various places was not as prosperous as it is now, but the conflicts between the government and the people and the conflicts between the people and the gentry are far less intense than they are now. The troubles of foreign enemies, although the Mongolian forces in the north were also very strong back then. , but in Brother Yu's personal opinion, it is not as good as the current Jianzhou Jurchen threat."

   "Okay, how does it compare with Yuanxi's 20 years?" Feng Ziying asked again.

Lian Guoshi sighed again, "Ziying wants to say that the 20th year of Yuanxi is a dividing point, right? The 20th year of Yuanxi should be the most prosperous time for our Dazhou. Both foreign enemies and internal troubles are at their best. At that time, the imperial court was rich in financial resources and the local public security was good,..."

   Seeing Lian state affairs, she sighed and shook her head in embarrassment, and Feng Ziying didn't take it too seriously.

"What about now? Since the 20th year of Yuanxi, our Great Zhou seems to have started to experience unfavorable years. Years of severe droughts in the north, floods in Huguang, and raids by Japanese pirates in the south of the Yangtze River. The chaos lasted until the thirty-eighth year of Yuanxi, and finally exhausted the financial resources of the imperial court. Well, we can't attribute all this to the Japanese invasion of Imchen. From the fifteenth year of Yuanxi to the thirty-second year of Yuanxi, eighteen years How much did the Supreme Emperor go to the south of the Yangtze River six times, once every three years on average?"

  Feng Ziying's unceremonious questioning made Lian state affairs even more speechless.

   For a long time, everyone in the court has tacitly agreed on the reason for the current difficult situation. The six visits to the south of the Yangtze River and the Imjin Japanese Invasion are the biggest reasons, and there is no other reason to explain it.

  In a sense, the six visits to the south of the Yangtze River led to a large amount of treasury emptiness, the prevalence of extravagance in the south of the Yangtze River, the prevalence of officials selling their officials, and the prevalence of corruption in ink, which in turn affected the protection of the defense of the nine borders.

  The decline of the imperial court's control in Liaodong made Japanese power minister Sekibai Toyotomi Hideyoshi feel that there was an opportunity in North Korea, which led to the occurrence of the Imjin Japanese Rebellion.

Conversely, the six consecutive years of the Japanese Invasion in Imchen directly dragged down the finances of Dazhou, making it impossible for the imperial court to maintain the original guarantee and support for the two towns of Ji and Liao after the Japanese Invasion in Imchen ended, and also contributed to the Jianzhou Jurchen Taking advantage of the opportunity to rise, this has become a vicious circle.

  The joint relationship between the two made the impression of the Supreme Emperor in the minds of northern scholars very bad.

"The current situation is definitely better than it was in the 42nd year of Yuanxi, but Ziying, I know what you want to say. The problems and holes left by the Supreme Emperor have not been completely resolved until now. This will definitely take a process." Lian Guoshi thought for a while before continuing: "The princes of the court are also trying their best to find countermeasures, but..."

"Junyu, I thought we should first determine the goals, then refine the goals, and then find and designate corresponding strategies based on these refined goals." Feng Ziying didn't talk about state affairs with Lian anymore, and picked her own thoughts , "The current situation in the imperial court is only slightly better than when the emperor succeeded to the throne. In fact, the first year of Yonglong is already a very dangerous time. The Supreme Emperor may not be exhausted, right?"

   There is no way to answer this question. Everyone understands it, but they can't say it. Only when these two people can say it.

   Lian Guoshi slightly nodded.

"If we can't find the right strategy and path to solve the current situation, I am afraid that we will soon fall into trouble. Kaihaizhi has slightly alleviated the financial crisis of the imperial court, but this is a temporary solution, not a permanent solution..." Feng Ziying He is very confident, he proposed the strategy of opening the sea, so he naturally has the confidence to judge.

"The biggest problem we are facing at the moment is that Jurchen and Mongolia, which are suffering from foreign aggression, need to increase investment in border affairs, but the bigger problem is internal troubles. There are several aspects of internal troubles. Expenditures on border affairs, water conservancy, post roads and many other aspects; second, the local government atmosphere in the court, where corruption and ink are rampant among officials, but they do not think about how to change the predicament in the court. It has been deliberately tacit; the third is the pressure on land and food caused by population growth. There are only so many cultivated fields, but the population growth is too fast, and the newly cultivated land is limited, or the fertility is insufficient or irrigation is difficult. Once floods and droughts occur , the refugees will quickly swarm up, and then be used by those such as the White Lotus Sect and the Wenxiang Sect, bringing a huge threat to the place,..."

  Feng Ziying said five or six points in one breath, nodding his head again and again when talking about state affairs. These were all on the bright side, but he didn't sum them up.

   "There are so many problems, how to solve them? There are so many clues, where should we start?" Feng Ziying looked at Lian's state affairs and asked with a smile: "May Brother Jun Yu teach me."

   Lian Guoshi smiled wryly, "Ziying, don't make fun of Brother Yu. If Brother Yu had this ability, he wouldn't have been abandoned in the Imperial Academy for a few years. Brother Yu really wants to hear your thoughts now."

"Brother Junyu, I have a lot of ideas, but I can't realize them. That's why I'm willing to take the initiative to go to small places like Yongping Mansion to see if I can find some opportunities to realize some of my inner thoughts." Feng Ziying spread her hands, " After all, it is actually nothing more than a problem of people and money, and all these problems will ultimately fall on the two points of money and people, what do you think, Brother Jun Yu?"

  Lian State Affairs thought about it for a while and felt that although Feng Ziying's words were vulgar, they spoke the truth. As long as money and people are not the problem, what else is the problem?

"Then how to solve the problem of money and people?" Lian Guoshi asked eagerly. He thought that Feng Ziying should have a rather grand but not necessarily precise idea. Maybe he could join in and help him perfect it, and even implement it. Now No, then at least you can have a goal.

  "The problem of silver is the most realistic and urgent. The strategy of opening the sea can be regarded as an indicator strategy, which can solve the problem to a certain extent, but it is far from enough."

Feng Ziying knew that she needed to instill the theoretical knowledge of the industrialization process, which was difficult, but she had to do it to prevent enough people from understanding and supporting her point of view. If she wanted to realize her dream under such a system, it would really It can only be a dream turned into a fantasy.

"... The traditional land tax is far from meeting the needs of the imperial court, so where does the strategy of open source come from? Maritime trade is one aspect, but we should see that the increase in sea trade has brought about a huge increase in demand for silk, tea, porcelain, cotton cloth, medicinal materials, The huge demand for ironware, salt, etc. Nanyang and Xiyi need our silk, tea, porcelain, cloth, medicine, and iron; Japan and North Korea need our silk, tea, iron, porcelain, and paper; the Mongols and Uzbek They need our tea, salt, iron, cloth, and porcelain over there, these are what our Da Zhou is best at,..."

"In addition to the needs of maritime trade, in fact, the greater demand lies within us. To give a simple example, the demand for ironware by the people will never be satisfied, and the price of ironware and iron materials is the biggest problem restricting demand. Once resolved Considering the cost and quality of iron materials and ironware, the demand for firecrackers and cannons alone is massive,..."

   "..., the reform of the commercial and taxation system is imminent, but we still can't do it now, we can only take it step by step. The reopening of the Zhongshu Department and the brewing of the Ministry of Commerce are actually an opportunity,..."

"... Finally, let's talk about the problem of people. I understand that people have two problems. One is the livelihood of the people. The people need to make a living. The court should give them enough to support their families. Farming is a way. It is also a way to open a workshop and let them go to work. Going to sea to fish and run a boat is also a way. It should be the easiest way to absorb the largest population,..."

   Can we get another 300 votes?



  (end of this chapter)

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