Number of People

Chapter 837: Persuasion by self-written papers, helper (tickets for the fifth update!)

  Chapter 837 Persuasion with self-written papers, helper (vote for the fifth update!)

Feng Ziying tried her best to use simple and easy-to-understand words to make Lian state affairs understand. Even so, Feng Ziying also knew that Lian state affairs would probably be confused by her indoctrination for more than a hour. figure it out.

  The simple production values ​​of this era meet the political economic theory that transcends the era, and the result is just like this.

"Ziying, according to what you said, if you want to simplify things and get rid of some minor details that can be ignored temporarily, the key issues are actually two points. Well, the problems of people and money must be brought together. One is to solve the growing In order to make a living for the population, we must either find more land suitable for growing grain, such as the Dongpan expansion strategy you launched? Or we must vigorously promote the development of industry and commerce, build various workshops, and attract farmers who have no land and no land. Work, rely on working in the workshop to earn money to support the family,..."

   I have to say that I still have some skills in practicing state affairs. Although I was stuffed and fooled by Feng Ziying's popular science, I can still sort out some ways from it.

   "That's almost what it means." Feng Ziying nodded.

"But now the silk, porcelain, tea, cotton cloth, medicinal materials, and ironware you mentioned still have a big gap in overseas demand, but if you keep building workshops like this, the overseas Nanyang and Xiyi are also good. , Japan, North Korea, or even the Mongolian tribes and Uzbek, how many people are there, and how many people can afford these things? Is there such a big demand? This kind of growth may have an end Bar?"

   Lian Guoshi raised his own doubts. He agreed with many of what Feng Ziying said, but he also had his own persistence and doubts.

  Feng Ziying was almost asked about state affairs, so don't underestimate the wisdom of the ancients.

  Maybe they don’t have such a forward-looking vision and broad horizons as their own, and maybe they don’t have the hundreds of years of economic development theories they brought with them, but their understanding of the world is much better than their own.

  As Lian Guoshi said, are Nanyang, Xiyi, Japan and Korea so rich that they can buy silk, porcelain and tea endlessly? Even ordinary people in the Great Zhou Dynasty couldn't afford these things just because they wanted to, right?

"Brother Junyu's worry is indeed reasonable, but the younger brother can also say responsibly that as far as we are concerned, our Da Zhou is far from meeting the needs of places like Xiyi and Nanyang. Perhaps Brother Junyu may not know about it. How big is there beyond our Great Zhou, the combined population of Xiyi and Nanyang may not be smaller than our Great Zhou, and the land is much larger than ours, so for a certain period of time, we don’t need to worry about this, of course, Mr. Brother Yu is worried that it may be a problem after 20 or 30 years, but as Brother Jun Yu said, if our Great Zhou is strong and prosperous, and if ordinary people can afford silk, tea and porcelain, we will Why worry about the things produced by these workshops not being sold?"

  Feng Ziying used the future domestic demand to satisfactorily draw this pie back.

Lian Guo was reluctantly persuaded by Feng Ziying. He couldn't say that ordinary people would still not be able to afford and use these things after decades, even if it was impossible to buy and use casually, but when it comes to festivals or weddings and funerals When, is it possible to buy and use it?

"In addition, I can explain Brother Junyu's concerns from another angle." Feng Ziying continued: "With the growth of population in the future, the population base of the entire Great Zhou will expand greatly. Facing the increase of external threats, external defense and transportation will be improved, such as shipbuilding, gun manufacturing, and the demand for iron materials will also have a huge increase that we may not be able to imagine,..."

This point is quite understandable when it comes to national affairs. Apart from kitchen knives and plowshares, even the hatchet may be shared by several families in poor families. Iron pots are broken and repaired for repeated use. There are no other reasons. Iron materials are too expensive. If the problem of iron materials being too expensive can be solved, then this demand will also have a huge increase.

As for the unimaginable hugeness mentioned by Feng Ziying, it is estimated that practicing state affairs should refer to military needs, such as firecrackers, artillery and plate armor, and even the demand for casting guns in the naval fleet, which is produced with the current iron materials of Dazhou. The ability is indeed far from enough.

"Ziying, I roughly understand this point, but I still think it may not be possible to rely on this kind of workshop alone to absorb landless or short-lived people. The key is to have enough land and rice wheat..." Lian The analysis and judgment of state affairs is still very cautious.

"Brother Junyu is also right about this point, but where does the land come from? Except for reclamation, but now the good fields and land are basically already owned, either in Annan, or Nanyang, and there may be some, but this does not matter. It doesn't mean that there is no other way, rice and wheat can only be planted on flat land, and they have high requirements on the weather, but there are some new things brought back from Xiyi that can also fill people's stomachs,..."

  After listening to what Feng Ziying said, he understood state affairs, "You mean sweet potatoes and potatoes? Xu Guangqi has been trying?"

"Yes, potatoes are more important in comparison. Although they are not durable for storage, their yields are high, and the yields of sweet potatoes are also high, but they cannot be used as a staple food for a long time. If they can be mixed with rice, wheat and potatoes, it would be very good. Easy to use,..."

   Regarding these words of Feng Ziying, there is not much doubt in the practice of state affairs. Numerous examples have proved that Feng Ziying has always said his words lightly, and he must say what he says.

   "It seems that you plan to go to Yongping and plan to give it a try?" Lian Guoshi was very curious, "Could this fellow know you just go there for this?"

As the deputy of the magistrate, Tongzhi can basically take care of everything, but persuading the farmers is definitely not the main responsibility, but Lian Guoshi always feels that Feng Zi is so keen on going to the local area, not entirely because of the reasons he mentioned, because this guy The enthusiasm shown is really not like the feeling of being forced out of Beijing.

"Hey, Brother Jun Yu, you will know in the future, it is actually very interesting to try some new things, like this potato, sweet potato, in fact, Mr. Xu has already successfully experimented with it in Tianjin Wei, but it is still difficult for others to understand. Accept it, but it's hard to push it away, which makes Mr. Xu very disappointed. In addition to the common people's incomprehension and disbelief, what's more important is the lack of support or distrust of the local government. It’s okay for a group of people to try it out, and you should know that to the north of Yongping Prefecture are the Shanhaiwei, Funingwei and Xingzhou Youtunwei in Jizhen. .”

Only then did Lian Guoshi realize that he still has the father of the governor of Jiliao. This town of Jiliao is under the jurisdiction of the governor's mansion of Jiliao. In the past, Yongping's mansion and the guards of Jizhen in the north have always had a bad relationship. Now this problem It was easily solved, and it was not a problem at all.

"I don't know the situation of Shanhaiwei and Funingwei, but I know that there are a lot of soldiers in Xingzhou Youtunwei, and they are basically reduced to civilian households. They only say that the land is barren and the weather is bad, and the soldiers are basically not included in the usual drills. , It’s purely a bunch of waste of military resources, it’s better to use waste and see if it can be used.”

Lian Guoshi took a deep look at Feng Ziying, "Ziying, didn't you plan all this long ago? No wonder you don't even want to go to places like Ningbo, Nanyang and Huangzhou that are much better than Yongping , this is going for a purpose.”

"Well, what Brother Junyu said is similar. Ever since I made up my mind to go to the place, I have been thinking about it. I can only choose the Northland. So where to choose in the Northland, it is natural to take care of public and private interests. I have I'm pregnant, and I don't want to be too far away, so I can have someone to take care of me, so I have some preparations and considerations in advance,..."

Feng Ziying did not deny that there is no need to hide anything when practicing state affairs. He can feel that the brainwashing he gave Lian state affairs today should still have a considerable effect. At least practice state affairs has begun to think according to many things he introduced. , to ask questions and take the initiative to find answers.

   Being able to have such a result means that Lian Guoshi accepted these viewpoints, and began to think of ways to find out the problems and shortcomings, and to improve and make up for them. If he did not recognize them, it would be absolutely impossible for him to do these things.

The conversation came to an end, and it took some time to slowly digest and absorb the state affairs. Although he also felt that many of the principles Feng Ziying said today were unprecedented and unprecedented, he did not think that what Feng Ziying said was unrealistic. Feng Ziying has used countless facts to prove that he is completely different from others in the past two or three years.

"Ziying, what you and I said today can actually be published in batches in "Internal Reference". I believe that since I can listen to it, there must be many people who will realize something. ,..."

Come out from the office of the Ministry of Officials and bypass the clan's mansion, which is East Chang'an Street. Practicing state affairs lives in Tianshuijing in Nanxunfang, and you have to go east, while Feng Ziying lives in Fengcheng Hutong, you have to go west, and the two are here bid farewell.

"I also have this plan, but I hope that, Brother Junyu, you can come up with your own opinions and publish them in the "Internal Reference" after discussing with the younger brother." Feng Ziying looked at Lian's state affairs, "A flower blooming alone is not spring, but a hundred flowers bloom together. The garden is full, and more people agree with, explore and improve, and these ideas can be better used in practice."

"Then Ziying, you should have a good talk with Dazhang, Mengzhang, Uncle Fang, Feixiong, and Keyou." Lian Guoshi said seriously: "Maybe some of them don't understand and approve, maybe some people don't understand some of them. I don’t agree, but it’s not important, I don’t understand the reason, Brother Yu believes that there can be a more satisfactory solution, so let’s seek common ground while reserving differences.”

  Feng Ziying laughed, "I will discuss it with them, but I hope that brother Jun Yu can play a role in the future."

   It's the fifth update, brothers, where's your monthly pass?



  (end of this chapter)

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