Number of People

Chapter 838: Shen Yixiu's Thoughts in Zizi Scroll

  Chapter 838 Shen Yixiu’s Thoughts of Self-written Scroll

  The conversation with Lian on state affairs was a bit tiring, and it was also the time when Feng Ziying came to this time and space.

   Facing such a person who may become her most important assistant in the future, Feng Ziying dare not neglect, and needs to guide the other party's ideas into her preset track from the very beginning.

  Although a lot of preparatory work has been done in the early stage, practicing state affairs is not an idle person. To be able to win the spring competition in the fifth year of Yonglong is not only because he can only memorize the scriptures by rote, but also because he has a good understanding of current affairs.

  So before, Feng Ziying painstakingly sorted out some of her views and ideas in a comprehensive and systematic way, in order to present the most perfect dedication to the other party.

  From the looks of it now, the effect is good.

  Walking home is just a good time to pick up the walk to sort out my thoughts, and also consider some preparations for my next job in Yongping Mansion.

Just like that, he walked back to Fengcheng Hutong casually, stepped into the gate of his mansion, and returned to his small courtyard, only to find that Shen Yixiu and Qingwen were not there. Called over, no need to guess, it must be playing mahjong.

  Go to the mother's side to see, as expected, the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are having a great time.

  Seeing her husband came back, Shen Yixiu and Second Sister You hurriedly got up, Feng Ziying naturally didn't want to spoil the interest of her mother and aunt, and quickly asked them to sit down and continue.

  He also hoped to have such a relatively relaxed atmosphere, and incidentally informed everyone that he was going to serve as a co-prefect in Yongping Mansion.

"Yongping Mansion?!" Upon hearing that his son's whereabouts had been determined, which was Yongping Mansion in Gyeonggi Province, the Duan family was not even interested in playing mahjong, so he ordered his servants to clean up the mahjong, and then asked Feng Ziying and others to sit down. , "Brother Keng, did you choose it yourself, or was it arranged by your teacher?"

"The son chose it himself. In fact, the son can also choose Jiangnan, such as Ningbo Mansion, Huangzhou in Huguang, or Nanyang Mansion in Henan. It is reasonable to say that the conditions are better than Yongping Mansion, but the son still chooses Yongping Mansion." Pingfu." Feng Ziying controlled the rhythm of her speech very well, not to make her mother feel dissatisfied, but also to let her know that she is not someone who can command casually.

   "Oh?" Seeing that his son's tone was so calm and firm, Duan was a little uncertain about the mystery here, "Isn't Ningbo Mansion better than Yongping Mansion?"

  She also knows that she doesn't know much about how to choose, but she also knows that whether it is Ningbo or Huangzhou, it must be better than Yongping Mansion.

  Yongping Mansion is just to the east of Shuntian Mansion. It is close to the sea. It cannot be said to be a remote village, but the public security is unstable, the folk customs are fierce, and there are constant floods and droughts. My son chose to go here because it is close to the capital?

   Are you worried that your daughter-in-law is too far behind to take care of her?

  My son suddenly became so family-friendly?

Feng Ziying didn't dare to say Baoding Mansion, otherwise her mother would definitely be angry. No matter how it is better than Baoding Mansion, it is better than Yongping Mansion, and it is also very close to the capital city, with a better geographical location, more population, and first-class Dafu, Qi Yongtai had always hoped that Feng Ziying would go to Baoding Mansion.

"In terms of conditions, Ningbo Mansion is definitely better than Yongping Mansion, even Huangzhou and Nanyang Mansions are better than Yongping Mansion, but firstly, Yongping is very close to the capital city, and my son can ask for help from several masters at any time, and secondly, To the north of Yongping Mansion is the area under the jurisdiction of Ji Town, and my son also borrowed some things from the Ji Town Guard Office when he went to Yongping Mansion this time. Besides, my son may not stay here for too long, two or three years is enough, why bother to leave It's too far away, and my son is considered a leader among the young scholars in the north, so it might not be very good to go to the south,..."

Feng Ziying didn't mention anything about Shen Yixiu's pregnancy, but Shen Yixiu had a happy smile on her face. Her husband had already told him that she would choose the Northland, preferably the state capital closest to the capital city. There is a follower nearby.

  Although Shen Yixiu is very supportive of her husband's career, which woman doesn't want her husband to take pity on herself? Although she repeatedly persuaded her husband not to worry about herself, she was in good health, and there were mothers-in-law and maids in the house to take care of her, so she didn't have to worry about anything at all, but her husband made such a choice that took into account all aspects, of course she was very satisfied.

Mrs. Duan is also a shrewd person, so she doesn't understand that most of this is still affected by Mrs. Shen's pregnancy, but she won't say anything, her son is getting more and more assertive now, and she is also in this kind of matter. Knowing that I can't help my son make a choice, the son can only make his own decision.

"Brother Keng, it's good that you have your own ideas about such things. You don't have to worry about Wanjun here. Your aunt and I are by her side, so nothing will happen." Duan nodded, "Then If you want to go to Wanping, but let the second sister and the third sister go with you?"

Now Feng Ziying only has two concubines, Second Sister You and Third Sister You. Duan is very satisfied with Second Sister You. Although she is tall and tall, she looks like a bearded woman, but she is soft-tempered, honest and kind, and has **** and buttocks. Feng, it looks like she can give birth. If she follows her son to Yongping Mansion, maybe the second sister You will be able to conceive before Shen is born here, that would be perfect.

As for the third sister You, Duan, she also knows that she should not be treated as an ordinary concubine. She saved her son's life, and now that her son's reputation is growing, it is inevitable that there will be people who are jealous and dissatisfied with her son. Safety around you is more important than anything else.

"Wan Jun's son is worried that he won't take care of him..." Feng Ziying hesitated for a moment, but Shen Yixiu had already answered the words: "Don't worry, my husband, I have my mother-in-law and the others to take care of me. Usually, Xianggong always needs someone to take care of him, and the third sister needs to help him take care of his safety, so I have to ask the second sister to worry more about it."

  Second Sister You hurriedly got up, "Don't worry, sister, my sister will definitely take good care of my husband."

  Shen Yixiu also pursed his lips and smiled, "That's a good thing, I really hope to hear that my sister is happy as soon as possible."

  The big and small Duan family on the side all laughed, "Well, the second sister is very good at serving, and I also want to have more grandchildren under my knees. I have been looking forward to the joy of wrapping around my knees for a long time."

  Second Sister You blushed immediately, but her eyes were full of liking.

This time I followed Xianggong to Yongping Mansion, even if Jin Chuaner and Xiangling and other maids will follow, but they must not compete with myself and the third sister, the younger sister is also useless in bed, and she has to serve the lord. If you want to come by yourself, maybe you can get pregnant by yourself after a few more rains and dews.

  Feng Ziying also likes this kind of happy and harmonious atmosphere. The family lives in harmony, with three wives and four concubines. Only men in this era can have this kind of blessing. In the previous life, I dare not think like this.

   Taking advantage of this happy time, Feng Ziying also wanted to talk about another matter, "It happens that the mother and aunt are here, and the son also wants to report another matter..."

   "Oh? What is worthy of your seriousness, Brother Keng?" Duan asked suspiciously.

"That's right. The imperial court was thinking about his son Xijiang's suppression of the rebellion and offering plans to open the sea. In addition, the second uncle died of illness in Datong before and failed to ascend to the throne, so he felt that he owed something. This time, the imperial court intends to restore the second wife of the Feng family to Yunchuan. Bo..."

  Of all the people involved in this matter, only Shen Yixiu knew about it a long time ago, the others were kept in the dark and knew nothing about it, but Shen Yixiu had to pretend that he just knew about it at this time, with a face full of surprise.

   Duan subconsciously glanced at Shen Yixiu.

At the beginning, her husband was full of complaints because he failed to attack Uncle Yunchuan after his second uncle died of illness, but there was nothing he could do about it. In the end, the General Soldier of Datong took over, but in the end only a miscellaneous general like General Shenwu was given the title. This also made the Feng family extremely dissatisfied.

This time, the imperial court suddenly wants to restore the Feng family to the title, and her husband's current general Shenwu is counted as the third wife, so the heat means that the restoration of the second wife will also involve the issue of succession in the future. The Feng family is a good thing, but it may not be happy for Shen Yixiu.

  So Duan first took a look at his daughter-in-law.

But seeing her daughter-in-law's surprised face without much dissatisfaction or annoyance, Duan thought that the other party didn't understand the mystery here, but after thinking about it, she has been in contact with her for so long, and her daughter-in-law is smart and lovely. I don't understand the matter, but I didn't express my displeasure, I'm afraid I think she is a long-term wife, and she has a child in her belly, no one can shake her status, right?

  If this is the case, then Amitabha. Mrs. Duan is not willing to hurt her daughter-in-law's heart because of this. Besides, the daughter-in-law still has a child in her belly, so don't get pregnant.

   But Ziying, it seems too hasty to talk about this matter without discussing it with herself at this time. If Shen gets angry, wouldn't she be in a bad mood for no reason?

  Coughed dryly, Duan glanced at his son, and then said slowly: "The imperial court has this intention? Why did you suddenly remember it at this time? What did you do before?"

"Ma'am, this matter is also a good thing. Now that the eldest house has been passed on, the second house is missing. Now that the court is showing favor, it is also the prosperity of the Feng family. We should all be happy..." Shen Yixiu naturally wanted to slap her in front of her mother-in-law at this time Good impression.

  Shen Yixiu is very clear that since this matter is irreversible, a long-term plan is needed.

I am the eldest wife, and in the future there will be second and third householders, how to gain a firm foothold in this big family, husband, in-laws, sisters, servants, all aspects of the relationship need to be considered carefully, how to handle these well Shen Yixiu has already considered the relationship and prioritization.

  In addition to the husband, this mansion is full of parents-in-law. If the father-in-law is away all year round, it is the mother-in-law and concubine who are the most important. As long as the mother-in-law is recognized and trusted, he will basically be invincible in Feng's mansion.

   Brothers, can I have a few more monthly passes?



  (end of this chapter)

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