Number of People

Chapter 839: Fat meat rolls (two in one, ask for a monthly ticket!)

  Chapter 839 Self-styled roll fat meat (Two in one, ask for a monthly pass!)

  Ms. Duan was very touched by Shen Yixiu's calm demeanor. This is probably the demeanor of a lady, right?

  Ms. Duan admired secretly in her heart. If it was someone else, she felt that a woman who shared her husband might appear again. I am afraid that it would be difficult to face it happily anyway.

Feng Ziying calmly gave his wife a grateful look, and then said sternly: "Maybe I also feel that my son has made a contribution, and now he has to be released, and I feel a little indebted, but this is what the court owes us to the Feng family. It's just a false title of Uncle Yunchuan, mother doesn't need to value it so much."

"Brother Keng, the meaning is still different. Uncle Yunchuan was the first imperial conferment in our mansion, but when your second uncle died and passed it on to your father, the court took it back. Your father was I am also very angry, and now I can get it back from you, your father will definitely be very pleased."

  Ms. Duan shook her head. She was also very happy when she realized that her daughter-in-law did not object to this.

"This is a happy event, and we need to discuss things in detail after the restoration of the title. Wanjun, you are the wife of Feng's family. No matter who enters our Feng's family in the future, you, the older sister, must shoulder the responsibility of being an older sister." , we can't let it fall into the family tradition of our Feng family."

   These words can be said to be a bit serious, not only the second sister You was a little shocked, but also Qingwen and Yunshang who were waiting on the side, and even Ming Huan and Mingzhu were all shocked.

   I'm afraid this is to really clarify Shen Yixiu's number one position among the grandmas in Feng's mansion?

The reasoning of these three big women is from each family, they have nothing to do with each other, the sisters-in-law and the sisters-in-law only match each other, Shen Yixiu knows that her mother-in-law's words are a little too much, but she feels very comfortable in her heart, at least it shows that she is in her mother-in-law's heart No one can replace the position.

  Shen Yixiu also glanced at her husband, wanting to see if her husband would bring up Xue Baochai's matter at this time, but Feng Ziying realized that if she wanted to bring up Xue Baochai's matter today, she might be in trouble.

My mother was still immersed in the excitement of the Second House's return to the title, and she was very satisfied with Shen Yixiu. Now that she suddenly brought up the matter of Baochai, I was afraid that my mother would wonder if she had planned it long ago, and even this matter of returning to the title had already been planned by herself. Known, even arranged.

  The Xue family is obviously not the most satisfactory marriage partner for the mother. Even Daiyu failed to satisfy the mother. Now that another Xue Baochai comes out, and he is from an imperial merchant family, I am afraid that it will make the mother even more angry.

  Mother has a very good impression of Shen Yixiu, and in her mind, it is probably most suitable to marry a scholarly lady like Shen Yixiu, but the Xue family obviously cannot meet this requirement, and is even far from it.

  Shaking her head slightly, Feng Ziying also gave Shen Yixiu a wink to signal that she temporarily stopped thinking about telling her mother about Baochai, and had to find a suitable opportunity to talk to her again.

Fortunately, although the official document of the imperial court has come down, there is still half a month to take office. In addition, if the official document from the Ministry of Rites on the restoration of the second wife of the Feng family comes out, I may still ask for a few days off to deal with the matters related to Feng. In the future, the clan's ancestral hall will be a major event, and the Ministry of Officials and the Ministry of Rites will give some face to them because of their sophistication.

   After eating at their mother's side, Feng Ziying and Shen Yixiu returned to their side.

   "Sir, my concubine feels that there may be some troubles with the younger sister of the Xue family." Shen Yixiu sat down on the kang, looked at her husband and said, "Why don't you talk to the concubine first."

  Shen Yixiu also knew that her husband was very much loved by Mrs. Xiao Duan, and the relationship between them was naturally unusual, and Mrs. Duan had a great say in her mother-in-law.

   "It's not suitable for the time being, I'm afraid it's hard to say from my aunt." Feng Ziying rubbed her cheeks and frowned slightly, "Let's take a look. When the official document of re-judgment comes out, I still need to apply to the Ministry of Rites for a concubine, and then I will worry about it."

   "Sir, it's better to discuss this matter with mother-in-law earlier, otherwise, if mother-in-law has someone she is satisfied with in her heart, it will be difficult to handle..." Shen Yixiu whispered.

  Feng Ziying is also a little worried, how to do the job of mother is really difficult.

  Mother was very dissatisfied with what happened to Daiyu last time. If it wasn't for seeing Miaoyu's dowry as his concubine, I'm afraid this matter would have to be torn up.

   Now that Baochai's situation is going on, it may be even more difficult for her mother to agree, and she has to think hard about how to solve this problem.

   "Sister Xue's family must have been waiting for her for a long time. Such a procrastination will not only hurt sister Xue's heart, but also damage the impression of my husband." Shen Yixiu said again.

   "Mr. Wan, I know that as a husband, but I can't open my mouth when you look at your mother's situation today." Feng Ziying pondered and said: "My mother values ​​you very much, and I probably want to find someone similar to you..."

Shen Yixiu chuckled softly, her beautiful eyes looked forward, "My husband is here to curry favor with my concubine again. I have told my husband a long time ago that I have a good impression of the Xue family sister. She welcomes Xue's sister to marry into the Feng family, so my husband doesn't need to marry her." Try to please again."

"Hey, how do you mean to please me? My husband is telling the truth. Looking at your mother's attitude towards you today, even my husband is a little envious. My mother has never been so kind to me before." Feng Ziying also laughed. .

   This kind of sweet talk in the boudoir is the most soul-stirring. Seeing Shen Yixiu's a little bit more femininity of a young woman, Feng Ziying felt a little angry.

  Shen Yixiu naturally understood her husband's thoughts, "My husband doesn't need to accompany his concubine tonight, let's go to the sister of You's family."

   Before Feng Ziying could reply, Qingwen's voice came from outside the house: "Master, Baoxiang outside said what Second Master Ni said to Master."

   "Well, I see, let him wait in the outer courtyard." Feng Ziying nodded.

  Ni Er rubbed his hands excitedly, pacing back and forth at the door.

  Although Baoxiang told him to go in and wait first, he still waited outside the door.

  Seeing Feng Ziying coming out, Ni Er hastened to meet him, "Master, if I came back and forth so late, did I bother you?"

Feng Ziying is a little funny, this guy is learning more and more elegant now, well, his status is different, and he is in charge of hundreds of people anyway, and it is indeed time to pay attention to his image, but this seems to be a bit too hard. People don't think it's that flavor anymore.

  But he will naturally not attack the other party's enthusiasm for advancement, as long as the other party does not forget the foundation of his own business.

   "Come in and sit down." Feng Ziying entered the outer study and called Ni Er to come in. A maid from the outer room had already brought tea.

Ni Er pretended to be gentle and took a sip of tea, then put it down, and said in a low voice: "I have already gone to inquire about what the master ordered, and it is similar to what you said, that Mei Hanlin's concubine, indeed I asked a matchmaker to talk to the Zhou family in the east of the city, but the Zhou family has not responded yet,..."

   "Which family is the Zhou family in the east of the city?"

"The Zhou family in Nanju Xianfang King's Consort Hutong is next to the old Taicang, that is, Nanxincang. The ancestors of Zhou's family used to be Jinshi in the Ming Dynasty. Linghe Taipusi Chancellor, whose father was only a scholar, later donated an official and released him, served as a county magistrate in Shanxi, and later served in Hejian Mansion for several years. In the middle of two years, he was a Jinshi, but his luck was not very good. He contracted the epidemic and died when he was a Shujishi. However, his uncle’s former classmate and friend is the current Minister of the Household Department, Mr. Zheng. It is said that Mr. Zheng is very supportive of him. ..."

"..., I also went to take the Juren examination, but failed to pass the three rounds of Qiu Wei. In the 35th year of Yuanxi, he donated an official to be the magistrate of Muyang County, Huai'an Prefecture, Nanzhi, and later served as the magistrate of Gaotang Prefecture, Shandong Province. Two years later, Yonglong Being idle at home, the Mei family wants to hire his second daughter."

Feng Ziying nodded. In this way, he can be regarded as a scholarly family. His ancestors were Juren. His uncle passed the Jinshi examination but was unlucky and died before he became an official. People, but if you want to say how much better than the Xue family, it seems that you can't say it. It's just that the scholarly family has a better reputation.

"Then is there anything special about the Zhou family this week?" Feng Ziying didn't believe that the Mei family would regret the marriage and quit the marriage so hastily and chose this not so special Zhou family, even though the Mei family was actually just a **** .

   "Uh, the eldest daughter of the Zhou family married the younger brother of Master Chai, the left servant of the Ministry of War, to fill in the house." Ni Er carefully observed Feng Ziying's expression before whispering.

  Ni Er obviously knew that the man in front of him had a very close relationship with Mr. Chai, the left servant of the Ministry of War, but Ni Er didn't know the ins and outs of this kind of thing, and the other party didn't explain it clearly, so he was only asked to find out what happened recently.

  Feng Ziying was stunned to have a relationship with Chai Ke?

Can't help rubbing his temples, it seems that this Mei Zhiye is not a haughty figure, and Chai Ke's younger brother is also in his early thirties, it seems that he has repeatedly failed in Qiu Wei after passing the exam, and now he should be In which county in Shuntian Prefecture does the official donate work as the magistrate?

  My own concubine and the brother-in-law of the extremely promising Zuo Shilang of the Ministry of War are indeed counted.

Chai Ke is a prominent figure among Huguang scholars. Zhang Jingqiu, Minister of the Ministry of War, failed to join the cabinet this time, so Chai Ke could only continue to be the left servant of the Ministry of War. He is the most favorable candidate, and Chai Ke is also the most suitable candidate to succeed Minister of the Ministry of War.

Moreover, with this round of Qi Yongtai and Li Tingji stepping down as Ministers of the Ministry of Officials and Ministers of Rites, another round of major adjustments will be ushered in in the court. Maybe Chai Ke may directly serve as Minister of a certain department without waiting to succeed Zhang Jingqiu. s position.

   "Well, I see." Feng Ziying could only sigh.

  Being the brother-in-law of the promising Zuo Shilang of the Ministry of War is indeed much better than marrying a daughter of an imperial merchant who has long been in decline. Even if you have some money in your family, so what? Compared with the left servant of the Ministry of War of the third rank, it is not worth mentioning.

Feng Ziying knew that under such circumstances, there was no way to persuade the Mei family to change their minds, and he also believed that the Mei family, as a prominent family in Huguang, must have arranged the follow-up work properly before doing such a thing, and he was absolutely sure that he would not be burdened. Moral responsibility will do this, although he still doesn't know what reason the Mei family used to regret the marriage and withdraw from the marriage.

   Feng Ziying thought for a while, and he could only reply this result to Baochai.

Thinking of his mother's attitude today, he also became more and more worried. The Xue family's resignation would be a huge blow to the Xue family's reputation. Realizing this, I am afraid that I will be more anxious in my heart, and I have to forgive the other party.

   "Ni Er, what's the situation at Jia's house? How's the investigation of the Lai family's affairs?" Feng Ziying finally put aside this matter and focused on the Lai family.

I can stay in the capital city for ten or twenty days at most, and the re-jue is finalized, and then I will apply for concurrent appointment, and the Ministry of Rites will reply in batches. Sort out many things one by one, and come up with a result or a solution.

When this matter was mentioned, Ni Er's spirit also lifted, and his thick beard under his jaw trembled for a while, "Master Hui, we have made great progress. I contacted Uncle Xue here, and said through Uncle Xue and Osmanthus Xia's family. Well, Lai Da not only bought a lot of flowers and trees from Osmanthus Xia's family, but also bought a lot of trees and rocks from Dong's family in the southern suburbs and Chen's family in Baoding Mansion. At that time, the managers of the Dong family and the Chen family used some methods to take out a lot of things,..."

   Seeing Ni Er's eyebrows beaming, Feng Ziying reckoned that this guy had used some tricks, and the harvest must have been not small.

This is also what he explained at the time, you can find the way through the Osmanthus Xia family, but it is best not to take the Osmanthus Xia family as the first shot, this will definitely make the Osmanthus Xia family unhappy, but if you open the door in other ways, Then it doesn't exist, and the evidence from Osmanthus Xia's family can still be used. By that time, the Lai family can no longer take care of those.

  As a local snake in the capital city, Ni Er naturally has his own methods and means of survival. He is familiar with dealing with these things, and he also has plenty of manpower.

   "Then what are you going to do next?" Feng Ziying felt that the time was almost up, she could start it, and she was about to leave. Wang Xifeng was even more restless, and she couldn't justify it without giving her an explanation.

"Just in the past few days, sir, Jia Rui is a formidable character. He bites people to the bone. Although he is a scholar, he is also very good at such things. He can do things well. I quietly found a few people in the mansion, and they were a little reluctant before, but then they all gave in for some reason,..." Ni Er also felt that Jia Rui was acting a bit secretively, not like a serious person.

  Feng Ziying smiled lightly.

With Jia Amnesty and Jia Zhen endorsed for him, plus the identity of the secret agent of Long Jinwei, there is no need to reveal it, only need to show that there are people outside who have a way, there are hundreds of thousands of people in Jia's mansion, mixed with dragons and snakes , Most of them are people who are not willing to take risks, and naturally someone will be hooked, but it depends on the opportunity.

Relying on Jia's mother's favor, the Lai family has been used to do things over the years. Many things are not hidden at all. It is not difficult to find evidence to tell the truth. Everyone knows that ordinary trivial matters cannot be moved. If the family is in the trust status of the ancestors, no one will do the thing of being bitten by a snake, so naturally no one is willing to touch this bad luck.

The key is who is going to fire the first shot, and the Lai family has to be knocked down so that they can't quibble for a while. As long as the first shot is ruthless and accurate, there will naturally be countless people thinking about it. Those who want to make a profit from it by adding insult to injury.

   Could it be that Zhou Rui, Lin Zhixiao, Wu Xingdeng, Qin Xian, and Wang Shanbao didn't covet Lai Da's position as chief housekeeper? It is impossible to think about it, nothing more than immature conditions do not allow it.

Now the time is ripe, the Jia family's finances are in trouble, and even Jia's mother knows that it is impossible to squander like before, otherwise the old foundation in her house will be resisted, and someone will come from the Jia's family. Digging flesh from her body, and even repairing the garden for the imperial concubine, if she doesn't care about it, she will probably arouse public outrage.

   "Ni Er, don't worry about him. He has his own way. You just need to help him get things done. When the time comes, the money owed to you by the mansion will naturally be given priority." Feng Ziying waved his hand.

"I understand, this Lai's family is very rich now. I asked someone to check it. At first, Lai Shangrong lived in Ganyu Alley in Qingqingfang, which is next to Dongji Temple. Later, he thought the house was too small and sold it. No, it was changed to Mianmian Hutong in Jinggongfang of Zhaohui. Not only is the location better, but it is also much bigger. It is estimated that it will not be worth five or six thousand taels of silver. , so I sold the house, and I heard that two or three shops were also disposed of to the Lai family. It is at the intersection of Iron Lion Alley and Andingmen Street in Jiaozhongfang. It is a good place to sell medicines. The incense and leather goods sellers are all crowded there, and it is very lively, I estimate that the two shops alone cost at least two to thirty thousand taels of silver."

  Ni Er also spent a lot of effort to get a thorough understanding of the Lai family.

   "Oh, when did this happen?" Feng Ziying felt that she had really underestimated the Lai family's wealth. It was still possible to buy a shop in the capital city, and it was before the garden was repaired.

"It should have happened in the second year of Yonglong." Ni Er thought for a while, "Master, it's more than that. The Lai family also bought a Zhuangzi outside Baizhifang in the western suburbs. You also know the Zhuangzi outside Baizhifang. It’s not cheap, it’s said that a good cultivated land needs to have hundreds of acres,…”

Feng Ziying couldn't help but take a deep breath. It seems that the Lai family has really sucked enough blood to be attached to the Jia family in the past few decades. The house, shop, and Zhuangzi have donated an official hat now. It's just that Ni Er found out, but didn't find out, how many more?

  (end of this chapter)

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