Number of People

Chapter 840: The self-written scroll must be faced (the big change asks for a monthly pass!)

  Chapter 840 Self-written papers must be faced (please ask for a monthly pass!)

  Ni Er left.

  Feng Ziying was thinking, the Jia family did have a lot of problems, depending on the situation of the Lai family, the family assets might be as high as 100,000 taels of silver.

If this is the case, it is necessary to make a good calculation with Wang Xifeng. If the blood-sucking worm absorbed in Jia's family has been sucked out of Jia's blood for so many years, Jia Amnesty and Jia Zhen will have to join in this matter. That's fine, especially when Lai Er, that is, Lai Sheng, is the chief steward in Ningguo Mansion, and it's probably the same in Ningguo Mansion. Jia Zhen must have been waiting for the same opportunity.

How to plan this first round of offensive, you have to plan it yourself, the foreman under Ni Er will be the introduction, Jia Rui will take the lead, Jia Amnesty and Jia Zhen will help the flames, if you can pull Lin Zhixiao, Wu Xingdeng or Wang Shanbao out of the middle It would be very difficult for the Lai family to stand up, and it would be able to hollow out the foundation of the Lai family to the greatest extent so that the Jia family could recover.

  Daiyu still has to live in the Grand View Garden for two years, so at least the Jia family has to wait until Daiyu gets married before it becomes dilapidated.

   Feng Ziying did not intend to go into battle by herself after making detailed plans for this matter, and asking Wang Wenyan to do this should be a small test.

Feng Ziying also thought about it. If he went to Yongping Mansion by himself, Cao Yu could stay in the capital city and continue to manage "Today's News". , it is inevitable to use all kinds of intelligence resources in Wu Yaoqing's hands, and from the very beginning, Feng Ziying has asked Wu Yaoqing to collect as much as possible the surrounding situation of Beizhi, and Yongping Mansion is the focus.

Gu Dengfeng and the people from Jinshang and Laozhuangji have already made preparations in Yongping Mansion. The site selection of several iron mines has come to an end. It is nothing more than finalizing the landing of the iron smelting furnace, but it also involves Many issues need to be coordinated with the local government and local gentry, and this has to wait until he takes office.

Calculated in this way, Cao Yu, who is in charge of "Today's News", and Qian Guisheng, who is in charge of coordinating the southern salt merchants, maritime merchants, and currency affairs, will stay in the capital city, while Gu Dengfeng, who is in charge of official coordination, and Wu Yaoqing, who is in charge of intelligence affairs He will follow his Yongping Mansion, while Wang Wenyan, who is in charge, will run on both sides of the capital city and Yongping Mansion, depending on the situation.

   At a cursory glance, it seems that a small circle of staff around him has basically taken shape.

  Wang Wenyan is in charge, Gu Dengfeng is in charge of coordinating the government and economics, Wu Yaoqing is in charge of intelligence and security, and Cao Yu is in charge of the media.

Qian Guisheng was the last to come from the south, but he is Lin Ruhai's most trusted confidant. He is responsible for many of Lin Ruhai's secrets about money and silver, and he is responsible for connecting with the salt merchants. Matters related to Haitong Bank.

But this staff team is still not perfect. If I am just a member of the Hanlin Academy, I will not need such a team at all. A big part of the job is to be in charge of criminal names.

   It is necessary to find a suitable staff member for the criminal name, but there is no rush, and we can wait until we go to Yongping Mansion to discuss it.


  Feng Ziying did not expect that the news of the reinstatement of the second bedroom would spread so quickly. When he went to the Hanlin Academy for the handover the next day, the news had already spread.

   There is no doubt that this should be the news leaked from the Ministry of Rites, but you can't say anything yet.

   This is not a secret, and most of the senior officials in the court know how Uncle Yunchuan of the Feng family became a general of martial arts.

Now Feng Tang occupies the position of governor of Jiliao, and shoulders the important task of defending against the Jianzhou Jurchen. His son Feng Ziying has also made outstanding achievements, but now he is "banished" from Beijing to serve as an official for no reason. Makes sense.

What's more, it's Uncle Yunchuan with a false title, whose annual salary is only three to five hundred taels of silver. To be regarded as a character who wants to go straight to the top of the sky, but to be "assigned" out of Beijing is simply a gesture of relegation to the bottom.

   On the contrary, Lian stayed in the Ministry of Officials for state affairs, Xu Xie went to the Ministry of Households, Fang Youdu went to the Metropolitan Procuratorate, Zheng Chongjian and Wang Yingxiong stayed in the Ministry of War, and both of them stayed in the capital.

Those who were actually released from Beijing were basically the top-ranked Jinshi at the time. The second-class Jinshi like Feng Ziying returned to the library and chose Shujishi, and finally even entered the Imperial Academy as a editor and was eventually released from Beijing. It can be said that the whole The Great Zhou Dynasty was also the first of its kind.

Of course, people with discerning eyes in the court also understand that this is actually to calm down the complaints of the northern gentry, but with the identities and influences of Qi Yongtai and Qiao Yingjia, even if the northern gentry have complaints and criticisms, if they intend to protect Feng Ziying , the same can be preserved, but Qi Qiao and the two did not do so, but let Feng Ziying be "banished" from Beijing, which made many people a little confused.

  Of course, some people who have a deeper understanding can still understand that Qi and Qiao are protecting Feng Ziying to prevent him from leaving a bad impression in the minds of the northern gentry.

   And this compensation for the Feng family's rejuvenation, and Feng Ziying's missed opportunity to stay in Beijing, in the eyes of many people, is simply not worth mentioning.

It's just that as soon as the news spread, Feng Ziying knew that there was a lot of trouble. Naturally, many people would understand the mystery. It's home.

"Ziying, are you going to talk about concubine after your family's restoration? You are very lucky, and you still have to marry a regular wife?" Yang Sichang joked with a smile, "The mulberry elm that was lost in the east corner, um, Ziying Ying, do you think this is a good deal?"

The reasons for Feng Ziying’s release and even his internal considerations are no secrets to Yang Sichang. The Huguang scholars headed by Chai Ke, Guan Yingzhen, and his father Yang He are still in a relatively close relationship with the northern scholars. Therefore, although Feng Ziying is facing pressure and choosing to leave Beijing to avoid the limelight, Yang Sichang thinks it is a pity, but it is also a wise move.

  However, Yang Sichang was amused when the imperial court gave him a reunification as a consolation. This is the first time he has seen this kind of compensation.

   But it is said that Feng Ziying is suave and suave, which seems to have fulfilled his wish, but if he really likes this one, he just needs to take a concubine, and there is no need to marry a regular wife. Isn't that just making yourself guilty?

   "Brother Wenqiang, stop joking. I'm about to be dispatched out of Beijing. Is it appropriate not to comfort my little brother, but to continue making sarcastic remarks here?" Feng Ziying pretended to complain.

"Hehe, I think you don't seem to be depressed or dissatisfied at all, you seem to want to go on, why, what good things are hidden in Yongping Mansion waiting for you to go?" Yang Sichang's sense of smell is still quite sensitive, " I didn’t choose Baoding, I didn’t choose Ningbo, I didn’t choose Huangzhou, but I chose Yongping, there’s something weird about it.”

   "Zhuojing is pregnant, and I don't want to leave too far, so I can have someone to take care of me. Is this a good reason?" Feng Ziying asked.

   "Then Baoding Mansion is much stronger than Yongping Mansion." Yang Sichang is not easy to be fooled.

"Brother Wen Ruo, my younger brother may have some financial means, but Tongzhi is not only responsible for the economy. Baoding Mansion is several times larger than Yongping Mansion. I don't want to be messed up as soon as I go, and you should know that the current prefect of Baoding In the case of adults, hehe, I think it’s better to wait two years before dealing with this kind of people.”

  Feng Ziying threw out his thoughts lightly, and he believed that Yang Sichang should understand.

Sure enough, Yang Sichang thought for a while, and finally nodded: "Ziying, your choice is right, choose a smaller state capital to practice your skills, but Yongping Mansion is not easy, and the law and order there is very high." Not good, and I had a lot of trouble with the frontier army in Jizhen, oh..."

Yang Sichang suddenly thought of something, and then suddenly realized, "You boy, so it is like this, no wonder you chose Yongping Mansion, it seems that you are going to choose the bandits and bandits to make a breakthrough, well, Jizhen has no chief soldier now, it is your father You Shigong, his capable subordinate, is acting as the chief soldier, and with his help, it shouldn't be a problem."

"There may be some factors in this regard. Since I'm 'exiled', I have to do something to atone for my sins." Feng Ziying did not deny, "Besides, Yongping is also considered the hinterland of the Northland, and it is practical to do something. It may also make some people less critical."

Yang Sichang pondered for a while, "Ziying, in fact, you don't have to worry too much about those people's remarks. To put it bluntly, some northern scholars are too narrow-minded and have too short-sightedness. On this point, I think Jiangnan gentlemen have done better than others." The gentry in the north is good. The strategy of opening the sea seems to be benefiting the gentry in the south of the Yangtze River, but can't they see that the financial difficulties of the court have been alleviated, otherwise how can the military salaries and military resources of Liaodong and the three sides be guaranteed? Do we have to wait until the Mongols and the Jurchens fight? Come inside the side wall, and then frantically look for a way?"

  Feng Ziying was a little surprised. It seems that Yang Sichang was greatly influenced by his father, and some views have begun to change.

   "Does Brother Wenqiang think that the strategy of opening the sea can solve the fundamental problem?" He intentionally asked a question, to see if Yang Sichang could find a way in the future.

"Difficult." Yang Sichang shook his head affirmatively, obviously thinking about this issue, "Kaihai may have some relief and make up for it, but I don't think it's a drop in the bucket, but when a carload of firewood is burned, a glass of water is extinguished." No, a bucket of water is also not enough, Kaihai is only equivalent to a bucket of water, but if there are a few more buckets of water, maybe it will work, how to find more buckets of water, I think this is the most important thing.”

   "Did Brother Wenqiang find these buckets of water?" Feng Ziying asked again.

  Yang Sichang shook his head, "Opening the sea to develop maritime trade is one thing, maybe overseas development can be counted as another, and what else? It's not enough, Ziying, what else do you think can be counted?"

   "I think that the production of silk, porcelain, cotton cloth, tea, medicinal materials, and iron materials driven by maritime trade should be regarded as a bucket of water, and it can even exceed other buckets by several times." Feng Ziying looked at Yang Sichang and said.

  Yang Sichang thought carefully, but finally shook his head, "Ziying, your point of view is unrealistic. The demand for maritime trade is always limited, and the development and expansion of these industries also has a certain limit."

   "Then what if the people in Dazhou also start to demand and buy these things in large quantities?" Feng Ziying asked: "Then is this bucket big enough? Maybe such a bucket of water can put out the fire."

  Yang Sichang fell into deep thought again, and finally said with difficulty after a long time: "Ziying, the question is how can these ordinary people afford it?"

"When the level of iron smelting, silk reeling, cloth weaving, porcelain making, and tea making is constantly improving, the output is getting higher and higher, the scale is getting bigger and more popular, do you think it will be affordable, brother Wen weak? What about it?" Feng Ziying said again: "This is actually a chicken-and-egg problem. As more and more people engage in this industry, the scale will increase and the output will increase. Similarly, relying on this industry to make a living People who live on this can also afford more of these things, won’t this slowly turn into a big bucket of water?”

The words were a bit convoluted, and Feng Ziying did not discuss in detail like that day and Lian's state affairs. Instead, he roughly told the other party this conclusion and the principle of inversion. He believed that Yang Sichang would reason carefully after returning. Can he understand and accept this truth from it.

   After sending away the thoughtful Yang Sichang, Feng Ziying returned home. As soon as he returned to the mansion, Shen Yixiu greeted him with a anxious expression, "Mister!"

   "What's wrong?" Feng Ziying was surprised.

"I went to greet my wife in the morning, and my wife asked me, saying that I can recognize the concubine Shui Tang, the sister of Lord Beijing, and Mu Han, the daughter of the king of Dongping County. Later, I heard from my aunt that there might be a daughter of the Zhen family in the south of the Yangtze River, and the daughter of Master Qiu, the deputy general of the Shenshu Camp,..."

  Feng Ziying was so depressed that she almost vomited blood.

  How could the choice of my own mother be limited to these people?

  Beijing Wang and Jiangnan Zhen's family, can they be provoked? There are not many clues now, but Feng Ziying knows that both the King of Beijing and the Zhen family in Jiangnan are inextricably linked with Prince Yizhong. Got something to do? I'm afraid that my father will be jealous of the emperor immediately.

As for Qiu Shiben's daughter, Feng Ziying has also heard of it, and it is said that she is also very heroic, both civil and military, but Qiu Shiben is obviously a chess piece used by Emperor Yonglong to break into the Beijing camp, and the Qiu family is also incompatible with other martial arts. The old warriors don't want to see each other, but they also don't want to get involved with a character like Qiu Shiben who wants to be a lonely minister.

   These are all secondary, the key is that I want to marry Baochai.

   "It seems that I have to explain it clearly to my mother." Feng Ziying sighed, and I am afraid that at this time, I can no longer avoid it.

   Lao Rui worked hard and asked for a monthly pass!



  (end of this chapter)

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