Number of People

Chapter 841: Self-written scrolls with passion

  Chapter 841 Self-written scroll Passionate (the first update asks for a monthly pass!)

   Facing Feng Ziying's attitude, Duan was extremely quiet, and didn't even say a word, waiting for Feng Ziying's explanation all the time.

Until the end, Feng Ziying felt the fury behind this suppressed emotion, and she didn't dare to say any more, so Duan let out a long breath and said slowly: "Brother Keng, it is your master who married Jun Wan for you. It's settled, and your father and I also agree that the third room married a girl from the Lin family. You made up your own mind without my and your father's consent. Mother considered that you and Lin girl were in danger, so she accepted it. Now the second room you are talking about Having said so much, it seems that you want to make up your own mind again, Brother Keng, you always say that marriage is a big deal, and the words of the matchmaker are ordered by your parents, but it seems that you have never put me and your father in your eyes. ..."

   These words were a bit serious, hearing that both Feng Ziying and Shen Yixiu were about to kneel on the ground, Duan hurriedly helped Shen Yixiu up, she was pregnant, so she didn't dare to make a mistake, but she ignored Feng Ziying.

  Feng Ziying was a little embarrassed, but she didn't dare to get up, so she lowered her head and said, "Mother, my son is not filial,..."

"Brother Keng, it's not that you are unfilial. You think that you are so capable that no one cares about you anymore. You feel that everything is up to you. Now that your father is in Liaodong, you feel that you can do whatever you want. ..." The more Duan thought about it, the more angry he became. This son married three daughters-in-law, but none of them could take his turn. How could he endure this?

   "Mother, that's not what son means..." Feng Ziying bit the bullet and explained.

"What do you mean by that? You don't like the sister of Prince Shui of Beijing, and you don't look down on the daughter of Prince Dongping. Well, Lord Qiu and your father are also considered familiar , his daughter-in-law, why don’t you like it? The second lady of the Chou family is both civil and military, isn’t it the most suitable for your taste? Why are you dissatisfied again? Tell me.”

  Ms. Duan almost slapped the Kang table angrily.

"Mother calm down, the son has no other intentions, the son just wants to avoid some unnecessary risks, so as not to affect the future of the father and son." At this time, Feng Ziying can only make alarmist remarks, but fortunately there is no outsider in this room , "Qingwen, Yunshang, Mingzhu, Minghuan, you all go out."

  The big and small Duan family were all in shock, they had never seen Feng Ziying so serious before, but Shen Yixiu thought that her husband was playing tricks, but naturally he had to cooperate and signaled Qingwen and Yunshang to go out.

After all the maids and servants had gone out, and there were only four people left in the room, Feng Ziying said: "Mother, listen to my son and analyze with you why the marriage between Lord Shui and Lord Mu cannot be concluded. Father probably knows that the relationship between the Supreme Emperor and the Emperor is not on good terms, and there is also Prince Yizhong in it,..."

   Naturally, Mrs. Duan knew about this situation. Wasn't the reason why her husband wanted to hide from the capital at the beginning because he was afraid of being left in the capital camp and being involved in the vortex inside?

"Brother Keng, do you mean that Prince Jing and Prince Mu are both related to Prince Yizhong?" It is not a big problem to have a relationship with the Supreme Emperor, but it is troublesome to have a relationship with Prince Yizhong. Duan knows this. .

"Prince Beijing must have something to do with Prince Yizhong. It's hard to say on Prince Mu's side. Neither the father nor the son has seen it through, but the son would rather believe in something than not. It is the best policy to avoid it, including Jiangnan. The same goes for the Zhen family." Feng Ziying said with certainty.

   "What about the enemies?" Duan was still unwilling.

"Qiu Shiben is actually equivalent to taking on the role of his father five years ago, but at that time his father may have been a general of the Fifth Army Battalion, but Qiu Shiben was assigned to the Shenshu Camp by the emperor. Does the son explain this to the mother?" Feng Ziying said lightly. : "Once the conflicts intensify in the future, Mr. Qiu will inevitably be involved in disputes. Maybe the bet is right and the sky is skyrocketing, or the bet is wrong, and the family will die. Mother, there is no need for our Feng family to bet, at least the situation is chaotic now. It's not necessary when."

  The words made everyone present shudder. Although Feng Ziying didn't specify what would happen, both Duan and Shen Yixiu, who were all from official background, could understand what was hidden behind it.

After Shen Yixiu was sure that he wanted to marry Feng Ziying, he also began to pay attention to the changes in the current situation in the court, and also learned something from his father, either explicitly or secretly, that the grievances and hatred between the emperor, the emperor and Prince Yizhong were indeed all right. Write a legendary storybook novel.

   Now that the husband said this, he obviously felt that between Prince Yizhong and the emperor, well, there is a looming emperor behind him, and there must be some troubles.

   "Ziying, you are now asking yourself to let go, is it because you are worried about this?" After all, Duan has experienced a lot, and immediately realized something.

"Mother, there is a little bit, but it's not the main thing. The son is a civil servant. The possibility of being involved in this aspect is very small, or it's not a big problem to be involved. You see, the civil servants of our Great Zhou Dynasty are all impartial and will not participate. It's about Tian's affairs." Feng Ziying smiled, "Although my father is a general, he is far away in Liaodong, so it's not a big problem, so..."

   "So we can't get involved with these people you mentioned?" Duan stared at Feng Ziying and said.

"Well, it doesn't mean that something will happen if you get married with them, but this kind of risk can be avoided as much as possible." Feng Ziying couldn't speak too seriously, lest her mother be too nervous and worried, "Maybe things are not like my son. It’s as dangerous as you can imagine.”

"No, it's better to believe what you have than to believe what you don't have. Brother Keng, you are right to do this, but these people are not suitable, but there are also many scholars in Beijing, Lin Wenchen, and there are many women who are waiting to be married at home. For my mother, I plan to have a good look with Wan Jun, hoping to find a woman who is half as good as Wan Jun, and my mother will be satisfied, what do you think?"

Duan didn't give Feng Ziying many chances, and directly expressed his attitude, and brought Shen Yixiu up as a reference, which made Shen Yixiu a little bit ridiculous, and the mother-in-law said a lot of respect for him, which also made Shen Yixiu quite embarrassed I am happy, which shows my impression and status in my mother-in-law's mind.

But after thinking about it, it seems to be the same. When I am looking for a second wife, I seem to be looking at my sister-in-law as the eldest sister-in-law. The mother-in-law trusts me, which makes sense, but the woman I am looking for has to share a husband with me. Think about it. It's also messy enough.

Feng Ziying choked, her mother must have noticed something was coming, and didn't give him a chance to speak at all, but at this time he didn't dare to back down, and he couldn't even make love, so he could only bite the bullet: "Mother, son! You already have someone you like, and Wan Jun knows that..."

"Hey, brother Keng, do you have someone you like again? You said you had someone you liked when you were in the third room, but now that the second room has just begun to become a noble and concubine, you have someone you like again? You have someone you like There are so many, don't use Wan Jun as a shield for you, mother doesn't know what you think!" Duan interrupted Feng Ziying's words unceremoniously, and her face became very ugly.

   "Mother,..." Feng Ziying gritted her teeth and wanted to say more, but Xiao Duan interrupted.

  She knows her sister's temperament, if Brother Keng pushes on like this, if he doesn't back down, he will have some trouble.

"Okay, brother Keng, you don't need to say it. You have your own ideas, and my sister also has her own reasons. Don't be in a hurry at this moment. You can make a long-term plan. Brother Keng, go and do your work, Wanjun, you stay. come down..."

  Feng Ziying was helpless, but she also knew that Auntie's intentions were good, so she could only subtly give Auntie a look, hoping that she would help ease her cheeks in front of her mother.

   As for Shen Yixiu, Feng Ziying was very relieved that the husband and wife were one, and he could trust Shen Yixiu.

When Feng Ziying left, the Duan family immediately looked at Shen Yixiu angrily, "Wan Jun, what's going on, who's girl did Brother Keng fall in love with again? I don't care about taking concubines and raising a concubine, but it's no better than marrying a regular wife." Others, definitely can't be left to his temper,..."

   Seeing her mother-in-law and concubine looking at him, Shen Yixiu was also a little flustered, secretly blaming her husband for leaving this difficult problem to herself, and if he didn't handle it well, he would lose points with her mother-in-law.

  After thinking for a while, Shen Yixiu said softly: "Madam, Auntie, Mr. Xiang should already have someone he likes, I'm afraid it has been a few years,..."

   "Huh?!" Duan Shi and Xiao Duan Shi were both taken aback, "Why didn't he..."

  Xiao Duan understood as soon as he spoke, "You mean Brother Keng had a crush on two people at the same time? This is too..."

Shen Yixiu was a little ashamed of her husband, but at that time her husband didn't know her or understand herself, and now her husband respects and loves her a lot, she doesn't think that Xue Baochai and Lin Daiyu can threaten her husband's affection for her. My mother-in-law has a lot of trust in me, so I feel very calm and peaceful in my heart.

"Well, it should be, but Mr. Lin had a promise to sister Lin earlier, so it is natural to confirm the matter of sister Lin's family first, and this sister of the Xue family has also been seen by Wan Jun, and she is first-class in terms of talent and character. One, not losing to Wan Jun at all,..."

  The big and small Duan family showed disapproving expressions on their faces, Shen Yixiu smiled lightly, and continued: "And the younger sister of the Xue family also has a deep affection for the husband, so the husband..."

Hearing Shen Yixiu mention the word "Xue family", Da Duan seemed to recall something all of a sudden, and asked nervously: "Wan Jun, you must not be the Xue family of these 'sister Xue family'. The Xue family that Brother Keng met in Linqing, right? Later, their family and our family partnered to open Fengrunxiang in Beidi, and his family seems to have a daughter, who died of illness two years ago,..."

  Shen Yixiu hesitated for a moment, "Ma'am, it's not that Xue's family, but it has a lot to do with it. It's that elder brother, who is also the daughter of Xue's family."

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  (end of this chapter)

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