Number of People

Chapter 842: The self-written scrolls are different (please ask for a monthly pass!)

  Chapter 842 The self-written scroll is different (please ask for a monthly pass!)

   "Definitely not!" Duan became angry all of a sudden, "How can such a merchant family match my family?"

Xiao Duan also understood, and shook his head slightly, "Mr. Wan, do you think this is suitable? The Feng family is also a family of martial arts, and now the master is even more expensive as the governor of Jiliao. Brother Keng is about to go to Yongping, and he is also a fifth-rank one. You know, how can you marry the daughter of a businessman? Your Shen family is a scholarly family, a prominent family in Gusu, and the ancestors of the Lin family were also princes, and their father was also a Jinshi. They are all considered officials and eunuchs. What is the Xue family?"

This question is so difficult that even Shen Yixiu can't answer it. In terms of family background, the Xue family is indeed a little worse, especially when the two families of the Xue family are both fathers dead. This is a big problem. No family is willing to marry such a family daughter.

"Ma'am, Auntie, in fact, the Xue family is also a family of officials and eunuchs. Their ancestors are Ziwei Sheren. Although they are engaged in business now, they are also imperial merchants granted by the imperial court. The Xue family is also one of the four old Jinling families in Jinling. , and the mother of the younger sister of the Xue family is the direct sister of Lord Teng Wang, the governor of Denglai, and the second wife of Rongguo Duke's second wife, Jia Zheng Jia, is also a direct sister,..."

  Shen Yixiu introduced carefully, not only not to offend the big and small Duan family, but also to give a detailed introduction to the Xue family's situation in a tactful manner, to show the good side of the Xue family as much as possible, so that the big and small Duan family would not be too difficult to accept.

   "Prince Teng, the Jia family in Rongguo Mansion?" Da Duan's face brightened a little.

The Four Great Masters of Jinling are quite well-known in the south of the Yangtze River, but in the city of the capital, they don’t know much about the gentry in the north, but because the Feng family and the Jia family are well connected, the Duan family still knows about the four families of Jinling. Ours.

  She didn't expect that this Xue family was the Xue family of the four great families in Jinling, but she felt that this Xue family was so far from the Wang family and the Jia family, even a little bit different.

"It's Mr. Wang and the Jia family of Rongguo Mansion. The mother of the younger sister of the Xue family, Mr. Wang and Mr. Jia's wife are direct brothers and sisters. The mother of the younger sister of the Xue family is also the first daughter of the Wang family." I also breathed a sigh of relief, this kind of work is really difficult to do.

"That's not okay. The reputation of the imperial merchants is not good. How can the official family do this kind of business?" Duan's face was full of hesitation. If you belong to the Shang Dynasty, you will insult the family tradition of the family."

  This topic is difficult to answer, Shen Yixiu can only look at Xiao Duan pleadingly.

Xiao Duan also felt embarrassed. From her heart, she didn't quite agree with this marriage. Compared with the Shen family and the Lin family, the Xue family was a bit out of reach. Even with the support of the Wang family and the Jia family, she always felt that It was a bit short, but Brother Keng was begging before he left, Xiao Duan also knew his temperament, and it was difficult to change what he had decided, but how to do the work of his sister was also difficult.

   "Mr. Wan, Brother Keng said that you know, so you have also met this girl from the Xue family?" Xiao Duan can only make a fuss about the girl from the Xue family.

"Auntie, Wan Jun has met before. The younger sister of the Xue family came to the mansion, together with the younger sister of the Lin family and several other girls from the Rongguo Mansion." Shen Yixiu talked about the meeting with Xue Baochai, "..., the appearance of the younger sister of the Xue family is definitely The ones who are first-class are gentle and quiet, and they are all accomplished in poetry, calligraphy, qin and painting, and they get along very well with Wan Jun,..."

"Well, what Wan Jun means is that this girl from the Xue family has a very good appearance and personality, and is very attractive?" Duan's mouth was smiling, she noticed her sister's disapproval, but she had to go on, "Then How old is this girl?"

   "I should be seventeen this year, one year younger than my husband, and he manages the Xue family in an orderly manner at home. Even the people in Rongguo Mansion are full of praise, which is far behind Wanjun."

Shen Yixiu's praise made Duan shake his head even more, "Wan Jun, you don't have to belittle yourself. The main reason is that you got pregnant soon after you married, and the family didn't dare to make you too much trouble. In the future, when the child is born a little older, you can do it." Housekeeper, if it’s really not possible, you can also ask Youshi or Qingwen to take care of those trivial matters for you, as long as you take care of the important accounts.”

However, Shen Yixiu's words made Daduan's face look better, and Shen Yixiu could praise her so much, and it seemed that his daughter-in-law and the other party seemed to get along very well. Daduan felt that maybe this girl's family background was a little poor, but He has a good personality, otherwise how can he make his son fall in love with him?

However, this matter of marriage is not just based on the appearance and character of the girl, but the family background is the most important link. Without this, everything else is not enough, so it is impossible for Da Duan to easily marry her on this point. Concessionary.

  Feng Ziying returned to the house and waited for an hour before his wife returned.


"My wife still disagrees, but her tone is not so harsh. It's just that my wife still said that it is more appropriate to find a woman from another scholar's family. This wife is very persistent." Shen Yixiu was also a little helpless, "The concubine and his wife introduced Xue I also talked about the situation of the Xue family's ancestors and the relationship with the Wang family and the Jia family. My wife listened to it, but didn't say anything. It may be difficult for my wife to accept it at once. Let's see if my aunt can help Do some work,..."

  Feng Ziying breathed a sigh of relief, as long as her mother didn't sternly refuse, it would be much easier.

  He also understands his mother's temperament, she is hard-spoken and soft-hearted, isn't that how Daiyu's matter came about?

  But now that I have repeated my old tricks, it will inevitably make my mother a little annoyed and angry, feeling that she has violated her right to be a mother, which is still very important in this era.

"That's the only way to go. Let the mother's anger dissipate for a while, and then ask my aunt to help me beat the side drum. If it doesn't work, I have to write a letter to my father..." Feng Ziying also felt a headache. I expected this situation, but I couldn't find a suitable reason to convince my mother.

   "Master, what are you going to do with the younger sister of the Xue family?" Shen Yixiu was a little worried about Xue Baochai's side, "I guess the Xue family must have been paying attention to this situation and will know the news soon."

  A lady of great family has been waiting for you for many years, and now she is seventeen years old. In this age, it is time to get married. It is really not easy.

  It’s fine if the imperial court didn’t have this news, but now that the imperial court has agreed to re-employment, it’s not a problem to be consecrated. Even you have promised others, but now you still haven’t given a clear answer, what will Baochai think? What should the Xue family think?

   This matter cannot be concealed, even Yang Sichang knew about it so quickly, it would only take a day or two to spread to the capital city, and Baochai had to give an explanation.

"Well, I know, it's been hard work, Wanjun, thank you for helping me so much." Feng Ziying felt that Shen Yixiu was indeed the right choice, a standard long-term wife, generous, and this kind of demeanor Baochai and Daiyu are probably now Still can't do it.

   "My husband's words made me blush. My husband and I are husband and wife, how can I say thank you?" Shen Yixiu was sweet in his heart, but displeased on his face.

"Okay, I said the wrong thing for my husband." Feng Ziying took a deep breath, "When I go to Yongping for my husband, Wan Jun should take a good rest at home, don't be too tired, and don't sit for a long time even playing mahjong. Walking around from time to time, doing activities,..."

  Looking at the loving couple from a distance, Qingwen and Yunshang are both envious and heartwarming.

It is said that my father is romantic and lustful, but this father is really romantic and not merciless, he treats the girls very well, including his servants, and the two aunts of the You family are also treated very favorably, including Mrs. You He and Xiangling's mother are now raised in the mansion, and the treatment is quite good.

  How is it like in other big families, the parents of concubines and maidservants either continue to be present, or live separately, and have to rely on their daughters to support their lives.


"Oh? The second room of the Feng family is going to be revived again?" Wang Xifeng, who was lying on the kang, sat upright and looked at Ping'er who had just opened the curtain and came in, with a look of disbelief, "Where did you come from?" Did you hear me?"

"The two masters are saying that the emperor's kindness is generous, and he treats the Feng family very differently. The second uncle of the Feng family died of illness more than ten years ago. To the Feng family's third wife, who is Uncle Feng's father, but only to the Feng family's third master, a martial arts general, so the Feng family has always been dissatisfied, and they also talked to the court, I don't know why the court has restored the Feng family to the title this time."

Ping'er listened very carefully, after all, it was related to Feng Ziying, and now the fate of himself and grandma seemed to be bound up with Uncle Feng, so when Jia Zheng and Jia She were talking to their ancestors, they hid I listened for a while.

   "The two masters said?" Wang Xifeng sat up, and Ping'er also passed the cushion over for her to lean on.

   During this period of time, Wang Xifeng didn't go out much because she was not feeling well. She stayed in the small courtyard, even the ancestors and two wives came to see her, and told her to live well, but the affairs of the house could not be separated from her.

"Well, the two masters reported to the ancestors about the current debts in the garden, and incidentally talked about the Feng family's affairs, but the slaves happened to be looking for Yuanyang, so they hid aside and heard the news." Ping'er bit Lips, "I heard that the kings of Beijing County and Dongping County both want to marry Uncle Feng, and they have asked someone to inquire about it. It also happened that the second master of the Zhen family came to Beijing. Hearing about this, he also intends to marry. The youngest daughter of the third master of the family,..."

   "Hehe, Brother Keng has really become a sweet pastry. Anyone wants to have a bite." Wang Xifeng sneered, "Don't they know that Brother Keng will be released from Beijing immediately? Isn't this exile or exile?"

Ping'er laughed, "Then it doesn't matter, the second master also said that Uncle Feng's family is in full bloom, and Mr. Feng is still the elder of the pavilion, but he was promoted too fast, which made many people jealous, so he went out To avoid the limelight, this Yongping mansion is only two or three hundred miles away from Beijing to the east, and it only takes a day or two to ride a horse back."

"You little hoof has a clear plan. Is your heart fluttering and flirting, and you want to find a man?" Wang Xifeng also had some taste. Seeing this girl's eyes light up when she talked about Feng Ziying, Wang Xifeng couldn't tell. Taste, but now the master and the servant are bound together, one is prosperous and the other is damaged, so it is only a sore heart, but there is no other idea.

"Grandma!" Being teased by Wang Xifeng, her face flushed, Ping'er was holding a sweat towel in her hand, and couldn't help stomping her feet, "The servant girl went to inquire about the news for grandma with good intentions, but grandma is so jealous for no reason? A passionate and lustful person, but the servants think he treats grandma very well, but..."

"What is it? It's nothing more than the body of a greedy aunt. Men like the new and hate the old. Believe it or not, Ping'er, if I let that brother Keng get on me today, he will have to abandon it in two months." If you have poor shoes, you are the same, don't think you can stick him with a clean body, man, hmph, they are all of that kind of virtue, when you don't eat it, you are anxious, you can give it whatever you want , Once you eat it, look at it, you will feel that it is nothing more than that, wild flowers are not as fragrant as house flowers, wives are not as good as concubines, concubines are not as good as stealing, aren't these words just to describe these men?"

  Wang Xifeng had a cold expression on his face, curling his lips contemptuously.

"Grandma, this servant thinks that Uncle Feng is not that kind of person..." Ping'er couldn't help shaking his head, and blushed for a while before saying: "Besides, this servant thinks that Uncle Feng has other thoughts about grandma, which is different from other people. ,..."

   "What's the difference?" Wang Xifeng lazily stretched her body, "Men are always in a hurry when they don't eat it. If they really want to eat it, hehe..."

Ping'er couldn't help it anymore, and there was a slightly different weird expression on his face, hesitatingly said: "... well, besides, it is like that to other women, but grandma is different, if Uncle Feng comes I'm afraid I won't be able to part with grandma anymore..."

Wang Xifeng's face turned red all of a sudden, she naturally understood the hidden meaning of Ping'er's words, this girl was a personal maid brought by herself, even if she didn't keep her secret about her **** with Jia Lian, she naturally knew that the two were in bed together In a certain sense, the reason why Jia Lian wants to reconcile is not without some other factors, it is really overwhelming,...

  Wang Xifeng didn't expect that Ping'er, a girl, would say this out loud today. Although she is used to storms, how can she mention this kind of behavior in bed? Jumping up, I couldn't help tearing Ping'er's mouth.

   "Grandma, grandma, the servant girl made a mistake..." Ping'er hid and said with a smile, "Please spare the servant girl..."

"Xiao Lang hoof, you dare to arrange me..." Wang Xifeng snorted and twisted Ping'er's chest twice, then let go, and sat cross-legged on the kang again, "You will taste it in the future , naturally understand,..."

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  (end of this chapter)

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