Number of People

Chapter 843: Master Tongzhi with a self-written scroll

  Chapter 843 Master Tongzhi in the self-written scroll (seeking a monthly pass for the third update!)

  The two master and servant tore for a while, they were not taboo about meat and vegetables, and then they slowly settled down.

"What do the two lords and the old ancestors mean by the restoration of Brother Keng's family?" Wang Xifeng calmed down and slowly pondered, "Even if you want to congratulate Brother Keng, you don't have to tell the old ancestor specifically like this. "

   "The ancestor is very concerned, um, grandma thinks it might have something to do with Miss Yun?" Ping'er thought for a while before asking.

"Yun girl?" Wang Xifeng frowned, "Didn't it mean that Yun girl's family has been negotiating peace with the Zhen family? But there has been no news for so long, and Zhen Baoyu has never heard of another engagement. Who made the call?" What idea?"

"Yeah, the maidservant also finds it strange. In the middle of last year, we talked about Miss Yun and the Zhen family. They all said that Zhen Baoyu was as handsome as the second master Bao, but it seemed that he couldn't study well, but Zhen's family only had one room." My son, Miss Yun will not be wronged if she marries, or is it because the Zhen family dislikes Miss Yun and her parents are gone?"

"Impossible, if you don't like it, the historians won't talk about it, and it's impossible for this news to come out." Wang Xifeng categorically denied, "I'm afraid that the Zhen family is also in a state of mind. Look into the bowl, look into the pot."

This is not easy to answer. The Zhen family and the Jia family have an unusual relationship, and they are still the head of the new four families in Jinling. The second master of the Zhen family is the Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites of Nanjing, a real second-rank official, and the third master is the Tong of Hangzhou. You know, they are also in control, and they are much more prosperous than the Jia family.

   "Grandma means that the old ancestor wants to use this method to force the Zhen family, or is the old ancestor really interested in letting Miss Yun marry into the Feng family?" Ping'er finally couldn't help asking.

"It's hard to say, who can guess what the old ancestor is thinking, she has eaten more salt than we eat rice, such things must be thought through, but the old ancestor at the historian's side is not easy to do it for him, so I I think it's probably for the Zhen family to see..." Wang Xifeng guessed.

   "Grandma means that the ancestors didn't want Miss Yun to marry Brother Keng, and the servants saw that Miss Yun and Brother Keng were very close, so they thought..." Ping'er said doubtfully.

"Close? Being close can determine the life-long events of two people? This is two families, not a matter of two people." Wang Xifeng said coldly: "Not to mention whether the historian agrees or not, the Feng family may not be willing, Yun Both of the girl's parents died, and this alone can make many people retreat. The Shi family is not as good as before. Yun Yatou's two uncles and aunts are both worried. Now that Brother Keng is so tight, King Beijing and Dongping County The king is playing with him, and he is about to become a Tang monk, so what advantage does the historian have?..."

  Thinking of this, Wang Xifeng suddenly thought of something, "Ping'er, do you think Bao girl is suitable to marry into the Feng family?"

   "I'm afraid it won't work. The situation on Miss Bao's side is not as good as that on Miss Yun's side. Anyway, Miss Yun is also a duo, and Xue's family is now at the level of the Imperial Merchant." Ping'er said hesitantly.

   "Forget it, I don't want to think about it, anyway, it has nothing to do with us, but you said that the two masters and the ancestors said that they owed money for repairing the garden, what did the ancestors say?"

Wang Xifeng is more concerned about this matter, which is directly related to whether she can gain a firm foothold in Jia's mansion in the future, especially after she and Jia Lian reconciled, without this support, can she still be the same as before? Really bottomless.

"The old ancestor was also very angry, saying that he owed so many debts, and the cost of repairing the garden was far beyond the original idea. He thought that 400,000 taels of silver could be settled, but now the 450,000 taels have not stopped, and he still owes so much to outsiders. Too much, and the silver in the public house is also empty, and they rely on moving money around to grind their debts, so we should check carefully to see where the money is spent."

  Pinger's answer lifted Wang Xifeng's spirits, "Did the ancestor really say that? Did the ancestor say it on his own initiative, or did the two masters lead the ancestor to say it?"

"The two masters must have led the conversation. The ancestor asked Yuanyang a few more questions. Yuanyang also said that the waste was too much. The servants in the mansion also responded. Later, the ancestor said that it is time to check, not just the garden. , including things in the original mansion,..."

  Wang Xifeng nodded silently, and Yuanyang also assisted, probably because she was touched by what she told her about the current situation in the mansion. It's not a problem to keep the ancestor's property as a mortgage, and sooner or later the truth will be revealed.

"There are reflections in the mansion, and the reflections are not small. Now everyone's opinions are unified, which is a good thing." Wang Xifeng showed a cold look on her cheeks, "It should be shaking, look at our mansion. How many blood-sucking bedbugs are there..."

   "Grandma, Jia Rui should have found a few people in the house, but at first they didn't agree. Later, Jia Rui should have found Wu Xingdeng and Lin Zhixiao..." Ping'er said in a low voice.

  Wang Xifeng nodded slightly.

   This is also expected, since someone took the lead in launching this "rebel" movement, smart people can see that there is a background behind it, otherwise, who would dare to touch the celebrity in front of the ancestors?

  Since you want to seize the position and resources left by the Lai family, you will naturally have to work hard, otherwise you will not have your share in the rewards for meritorious deeds in the future.

  Lin Zhixiao and Wu Xingdeng should be close to Lai Da's position, and once Lai Da falls, Lai Sheng can't escape from Ningguo Mansion, so as long as this position is moved, everyone will naturally have to turn around.

Although the Lai family is domineering, they don't have a good impression in the minds of the servants below. To be precise, they have already been separated from the masses, relying entirely on the power of their ancestors. Without the support of their ancestors, he would have been unable to do it. down.

   Now that times are changing, Wu Xingdeng and Lin Zhixiao have much stronger influence and affinity with the servants below. With them, it is not a problem to find a few servants who dare to testify.

   "Well, by this time, Lin Zhixiao and Wu Xingdeng have not dared to take any action, so they will never want to take the position of Lai Da in the future. Jia Amnesty must have greeted them."

  Wang Xifeng dared to call Jia She directly in his mouth when there was only Ping'er, which shows his hatred for Jia She.

   "Grandma, when...?" Ping'er asked subconsciously.

She is still a little nervous. Lai Da has been the chief manager of Jia's family for many years, and he has accumulated a lot of power. This move, I am afraid that the world will be turned upside down. From the heart, Ping'er feels that without the support of Uncle Feng, there will be no one in the family. If you dare to do this, no matter whether it is the Grand Master or Jia Rui, or Lin Zhixiao and Wu Xingdeng, they will not dare to take this risk together.

Wang Xifeng is also a little worried. Although she hides behind, after all, she will be the ultimate beneficiary of this matter, and in the long run, she will still be the biggest beneficiary. Once the Lai family is not brought down, she will be in the future. Don't even think about the Jia family continuing to live like before.

Wang Xifeng pondered for a while, "It still depends on Brother Keng's preparations, and he has to wait for his letter of approval, but he will go to Ren Yongping soon, and he also promised me to give this matter to me before leaving." Well, I think he should have an explanation."

  While Wang Xifeng was talking about Feng Ziying, Feng Ziying was riding his horse towards Jia's mansion full of melancholy.

  In almost two or three days, everyone in the capital city knew the news of the Feng family's second wife's restoration, and Jianyou's application had also been submitted to the Ministry of Rites. If there were no accidents, Jianyou's approval would come within three to five days.

  There is no doubt that the Xue family and Baochai should have gotten the news. If he keeps not showing his face, it will be unreasonable.

  So no matter how difficult it is, Feng Ziying has to come to Xue's house, and he also firmly believes that the work on his mother's side can be done.

Baochai lives in Hengwu Garden in the Grand View Garden, while Aunt Xue lives in a small courtyard near the gate of the Grand View Garden in the northeast corner of Jia’s Mansion. To enter from the gate of Jia’s Mansion, one has to walk a long way around the alley, and now Going to Jia's mansion by himself will inevitably attract the attention of countless people.

  I am really in the limelight now.

Thinking about going to Yongping soon, there will not be much time to come to the Grand View Garden, and Feng Ziying also has some indescribable feelings in her heart. It seems that all the beautiful things in the Grand View Garden are going away from her, which is really a bit Pity.

  As soon as they entered the door through the corner door, the attitudes of the porters were different than before, with smiles all over their faces, and hurriedly greeted them, "Master Feng is here?"

  Feng Ziying was not familiar with these servants at the door, but only recognized one of them, Li Liuer, who was the cousin of Li Shier, Jia Zhengchang.

These boys have done more than succeed, so they have never offended them. They took out a bunch of copper coins in their pockets and threw them to Li Liuer, "Well, I just came, Liuer, give it to the big guy, drink a cup of moisturising. voice,…"

"Okay, sir, you're too polite." Seeing that Feng Ziying could call out his name, Li Liu'er was so happy that his whiskers curled up, and hurriedly took the string of money with both hands, "Is the master here to find the master or the second master Bao, or to ask for help?" Go to the garden?"

Everyone knew that Feng Ziying came to Jia's mansion. Miss Lin's future husband would be his cousin in the future. Of course, everyone didn't say it clearly. After all, it is not appropriate for unmarried couples to meet alone these days, and elders must be present. , Of course, no one cares too much about this.

  I heard that this master has been promoted to a fifth-rank official now, and he will go down to become a master of Tongzhi in the future. In the past two days, this story has been spread in the mansion, and his eyebrows are beaming and his mouth is drooling.

You must know that Mr. Zheng is a member of the Ministry of Industry, and he only started from the fifth rank. He is already one level lower than this master. Logically, Mr. Zheng would salute and call Mr. Feng when he saw Uncle Feng, and this is still a mansion. Tongzhi is much more powerful than Mr. Zheng's idle position in the Ministry of Industry. Think about how powerful he is as the Prime Minister of Shuntian Mansion. Now Uncle Feng is going to Yongping Mansion to be a Tongzhi master.

   Lao Rui worked very hard, thanks to the monthly tickets of the brothers!



  (end of this chapter)

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