Number of People

Chapter 845: Pretty widow with self-character scroll (ask for a monthly ticket for the second updat

  Chapter 845 The pretty widow with her own scroll

  Feng Ziying is not worried about Jia She's ability to make a name for himself. This guy is a typical character who only cares about money. He can sell everything for money, including himself, let alone Yingchun.

  The cooperation with Jia Rui and Ni Er can bring benefits to Jia She, so Jia She will naturally not give up because of this matter.

It's just that now is really not the best time to deal with Yingchun. I am still worrying about Baochai. I really don't have the mood or energy to deal with other things. I can only use this method to give the other party a warning. Delay the time and wait for the next step to resolve the matter.

Feng Ziying thinks that she is not the kind of person who refuses to recognize her when she takes off her trousers. In terms of Yingchun's relationship with herself, she can't say how deep she is. Desperate, if she watched the other party fall into the abyss, Feng Ziying felt that she really couldn't do it.

   What's more, he has also made explicit or implicit promises to the other party. If he accepts the conditions, he will naturally do his best.

   Coming out of Jia Mu’s house, Feng Ziying walked north along the narrow road. The courtyard of Jia’s Mansion was indeed much larger than that of Feng’s Mansion. Even without the Grand View Garden, the front yard of Rongguo Mansion alone was much larger than Feng’s Mansion.

  Go north from the narrow road, walk through the East-West hallway, and then walk along a large powder screen wall, and you can see the courtyard where Wang Xifeng lives.

  Feng Ziying was not in the mood to argue with Sister Feng today, so she purposely walked around the wall from Dataiji, intending to go around behind Sister Feng's yard.

It's just that he wanted to avoid people, but he might not be able to dodge. Just as he had time to turn the corner, he was spotted by Ping'er who came out of the yard, but at this time Feng Ziying had already turned the corner, and Ping'er hurriedly followed. But I saw that he had already walked to the main gate of the Grand View Garden, and it seemed that he was about to enter the garden.

After hesitating for a while, Ping'er didn't greet Feng Ziying. Most likely, the other party was going to Miss Lin when he entered the garden. The unmarried couple didn't see each other very often because of material issues, but the girls in the garden knew about it, so they didn't care too much. .

  Feng Ziying didn't realize that Ping'er had discovered his whereabouts. He was still thinking about how to tell Baochai about it after seeing Baochai.

   It was just at the door that he saw Li Wan going out at a glance.

Li Wan also just came out of his own Daoxiang Village, and was going to sit with Aunt Xue. They were the only two widows in this mansion. Now Cui, the second wife of Xue's family, also came. The three widows were together, naturally. There is more to say.

  Seeing Feng Ziying, Li Wan's eyes lit up.

   "Brother Keng is here?"

   "I have met Mrs. Zhu." Feng Ziying saluted politely.

This pretty widow is dressed in plain clothes. The book "A Dream of Red Mansions" only says that she is only twenty-seven or eighty-eight years old, but she doesn't care about world affairs. In addition, the Jia family also treats her and Jia Lan's mother and son quite coldly, which makes her "heartfelt". Like a haggard wood", I only hoped that my son Jialan could read the book.

  A few times ago, Li Wan also approached Feng Ziying to talk about Jia Lan, but Feng Ziying did not have that energy, and secondly, he was really unwilling to have anything to do with a young widow, so he never responded clearly.

  Later, Jia Huan kept telling herself that Chengzhu’s sister-in-law was a little dissatisfied with herself, thinking that she favored one another and favored Jia Huan far more than Jia Lan, which made Feng Ziying a little bit dumbfounded.

Feng Ziying didn't expect that Jia Huan, who used to be a little transparent in Jia's mansion, would be regarded as a "kindly treated" person now, which is a bit funny, even if Jia Huan was recommended by him to Qingtan Academy, That's why Jia Huan was worthy of his recommendation, and there was a relationship like Tanchun, but he didn't expect that Li Wan would feel dissatisfied by the cold reception.

  Feng Ziying doesn't have that much energy to help everyone in Jia's family, and he doesn't have that ability.

   "Brother Keng, I'm going to congratulate you. I heard that you are going to be released as an official, and the court is going to restore the second wife of your Feng family?" Seeing Feng Ziying standing still, Li Wan stopped and asked with a smile.

"Uh, there is such a thing, but my sister-in-law also knows that this kind of illusory lord is just a symbolic meaning, and there is nothing substantial. My second uncle has passed away for many years and has no heirs. It’s a reward from the imperial court, but that’s all it is, outsiders make a lot of noise, but in fact everyone understands.”

  Feng Ziying didn't expect that even Li Wan knew about it, and came here to talk about it with herself, so she could only agree.

"That's a good thing after all. Now that your Feng family has titles in one family and three households, it means something different to your Feng family. Of course it's no problem to be successful in studying like you. If the children in the family can't study well, it's okay. Get an official position by virtue of this."

  Li Wan also came from an official and gentry background, so he is very clear about this in the official circles of the Great Zhou Dynasty, but it is a pity that he married Jia Zhu as the second wife, and the title of title will never be the second wife.

Feng Ziying also admits this point, even Shen Yixiu, who is so indifferent, does not attach great importance to the title of Hulunhou, the eldest house, because he is worried that if his son fails to study in the future, he can take this opportunity to obtain an official status, even if he is a Wealthy and idle people have status after all.

   This is also what Feng Ziying and Xue Baochai promised to get at the beginning. With the title of Uncle Yunchuan, at least one person in the next generation of Erfang can inherit the title of title.

  People are selfish, who doesn't want to seek a better opportunity for their children? Feng Ziying certainly hopes that he can change the world through his own efforts, but he himself cannot guarantee how much change his efforts will bring to the world. Who can say clearly whether he will achieve the state he hopes for?

  Maybe a disease, or an assassination, may kill himself.

   On the one hand, we should try our best to avoid these situations, and on the other hand, it is also necessary to leave something for the next generation.

   "Sister-in-law is right, this is indeed a good thing." Feng Ziying reckoned that Li Wan still wanted to talk about Jia Lan, and didn't want to make circles with her, "What's the matter with sister-in-law?"

"Brother Keng, Brother Huan went to Qingtan Academy. I feel like he has been reborn as a completely different person. He is completely different from the past. Brother Lan has also talked about it with me many times, and I also hope to go to Qingtan Academy. Studying in the academy, I know that Brother Keng is busy, so I want to talk to you, see if there is a chance in the future, can I let Brother Lang go to study with his third uncle?"

  Knowing that Feng Ziying must be busy to see Daiyu, Li Wan looked at Feng Ziying earnestly and made his request.

"Sister-in-law, I understand what you mean, but you may also know Brother Huan's efforts. Brother Lang is still a little younger now, and I won't say anything else. It still depends on Brother Lang's own performance. If he can achieve In Brother Huan's situation, I am naturally willing to recommend it, but now I can't give you a guarantee,..."

  Jia Lan is also very serious about her studies, but Feng Ziying feels that firstly, her hard work is not enough, and secondly, she doesn’t seem to be as agile and persistent as Jia Huan. However, she is a bit like Baoyu in temperament, generous and gentle, but not very talkative.

  Li Wan has lived in Jia's mansion for more than ten years anyway, so how can he fail to understand the ways of the world?

  Feng Ziying's kindness to Jia Huan and indifference to Jia Lan, well, it can't be called indifference, it can only be said that she was treated normally, which hurt her very much.

  Li Wan felt that Jia Lan could be regarded as a legitimate son after all, and he was also a lady from a scholarly family, no matter what he was better than Jia Huan.

   What does Jia Huan have? Aunt Zhao is a joke in Jia's house, Jia Huan is just a concubine who no one cares about, can she compare with Jia Lan?

   But Feng Ziying felt a little bit of avoiding himself and alienating himself. Thinking of this, Li Wan felt a little hot in his heart. Could it be that Brother Keng was afraid of the rumors about Li Xia in the melon field, or felt that he was seducing him?

  Feng Ziying naturally did not expect the pretty widow in front of her to be so imaginative at this time.

He avoided the other party a little bit, although he was a little afraid of rumors. After all, the age difference between the two was not too big, and the other party was a widow, at the age of youth and enchanting, and he was too lazy to meddle in Jia's business, Jia Lan It's not like Jia Huan worships him so much, so there's no need to get involved.

"Brother Keng, Brother Lan is working very hard now, so he doesn't need to be inferior to Brother Huan." Li Wan emphasized his tone, looking directly at Feng Ziying, "Brother Lan has always admired you, and I really hope to get your personal advice, so I will give you some advice." Like what you did to Brother Huan two years ago,..."

  Feng Ziying was a little embarrassed. He was expressing his dissatisfaction in a subtle and tactful manner. Feng Ziying also knew that her attitude towards Jia Huan was taken into account by Li Wan. At this time, it seemed a bit unfair to refuse.

   "Sister-in-law, it's just that you also know that I will be released from Beijing soon. I'm afraid it will be difficult to have more time to come to your side to guide Lan Geer." Feng Ziying frowned slightly.

   This woman is entangled with him. Looking at her graceful and slender figure and her white and alluring vigor, she really can't tell that she is a widow, but the slightly sullen look on her brows reminds herself.

   "Yes, Brother Keng is a very busy person, and he comes and goes in a hurry when he comes to the mansion. He is quite busy going to some places. How can he have time to guide Brother Lang?"

Li Wan didn't know why he suddenly became a little angry with the other party, maybe because of the other party's prevarication, or because the other party treated Jia Huan and Jia Lan favorably, or even because he was neglected in front of the other party In short, the mixture of these kinds of emotions, coupled with the previous pent-up and fermented emotions, made her suddenly say such a few words that were obviously demeaning.

  (end of this chapter)

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