Number of People

Chapter 846: Zizi Juanchaiqin

  Chapter 846 Zizi Juanqin

  Hearing the other party's eccentric words, Feng Ziying, who already had ghosts in her heart, was startled in horror.

  Does this mean I went to Wang Xifeng's place, or Yingchun's? Or where is Baochai?

  But he quickly dismissed Baochai. There were many reasons for going to Baochai. The Xue family and the Feng family were deeply intertwined in the business of Daguanlou.

On Yingchun's side, although Siqi and Ping'er knew something tricky, needless to say, Siqi, it was impossible to reveal this secret, at least not to Li Wan. As for Ping'er, Feng Ziying was trustworthy. rest assured.

   Then only Wang Xifeng is here.

It stands to reason that now that Jia Lian seldom returns to Jia's mansion, I really don't have much reason to go to Wang Xifeng's place, but I have been there a few times, and the relationship with Wang Xifeng is also a bit ambiguous, maybe I don't feel it, but if someone who is interested If you carefully observe the performance of yourself and Wang Xifeng, you may be able to see some clues.

   It's just that Feng Ziying is still a little curious about when and where this pretty widow saw something was wrong.

  But even if she saw something, Feng Ziying was not afraid.

There is no proof, Feng Ziying thinks that Li Wan does not have the guts to speak out indiscriminately, even though Wang Xifeng is a bit down now, she is not a person comparable to Li Wan, let alone involving herself Even if there is real evidence, it is estimated that the Jia family will She had to be forced to shut up, since Li Wan had lived in Jia's mansion for so many years, so she would not fail to understand the stakes here.

"Sister-in-law, I still don't understand what you said. I don't come to the mansion often. I have been to my sisters. I have also been to the two masters, Lian's second brother, Baoyu and the old ancestor. However, you said that I go to places frequently, I really have to think about it, or sister-in-law remind me?"

  Feng Ziying's half-smile expression made Li Wan uncontrollably startled, and secretly hated himself for being so dazed all of a sudden, with such words coming out of his mouth, isn't it pure heart making him feel uncomfortable?

  Is this guy in front of me something I can provoke?

  Glaring at Feng Ziying with hatred, Li Wan suppressed the panic in his heart, biting his lip for a while, not knowing how to answer.

She did see that the relationship between Wang Xifeng and this brother Keng was not normal, but at first she thought it was Feng Ziying who fell in love with Ping'er, because her mother-in-law gave Feng Ziying the gold and jade bracelets, Xue's family Pan gave her Xiangling again, guessing that this guy likes the pretty maidservant, and Ping'er is also recognized as a pretty maidservant in the mansion, and she knows and expresses her ideas, so it is inevitable that this guy will be tempted.

But after watching Feng Ziying go to Wang Xifeng's courtyard a few times, I felt that something was wrong. If I really liked Ping'er, it would be impossible to go to Wang Xifeng's courtyard. Go outside, or talk to Jia Lian directly, so I suspect that Wang Xifeng and Feng Ziying are a little ambiguous.

  In addition, she also observed that Wang Xifeng's face changed slightly when people in the house mentioned Feng Ziying several times, and she became even more suspicious.

This Wang Xifeng's temperament is a bit unrestrained, so it is inevitable that he will easily attract bees and butterflies. Li Wan is also well aware of how lethal this kind of brats are, and maybe the two of them will have something that they can't explain clearly. Now that Jia Lian and Wang Xifeng have reconciled, maybe this guy has an opportunity to take advantage of, and this couple can hit it off even more.

   I have to say that Li Wan's guess is basically reliable, but she is just guessing, even if she guesses right, she dare not speak casually.

  It's just that under such circumstances today, she couldn't help but squeeze the other party out.

"Brother Keng, where are you going? I don't care about you as a concubine. You are a famous person in the house now. The ancestors, lords and wives are eagerly looking forward to your visit at any time." Li Wan knew that his words were not right today. , It’s not good to say too much, so I can only leave a few words indifferently: "But I am not interested in coming to Lang Geer, Lang Geer is stupid, how can anyone be liked?"

  Feng Ziying laughed. As expected, the woman was a little apprehensive, and she didn't dare to bring up the topic just now, and changed the topic.

"Sister-in-law, although I want to be released, it will take a few more days, and even if I go to Yongping Mansion, it is not far from the capital city. Well, there are many opportunities to come back, and I can come to the mansion when the time comes. I'll come to give advice to Brother Huan one or two, are you welcome?"

  Li Wan's face was burning hot, and he always felt a little indescribable in what he said. Was he forced to agree to what he said earlier, or did it have some other meaning?

  Li Wan was a little flustered and couldn't figure it out for a while, but it was a good thing for the other party to come to give advice to Lang Geer, and he was ruthless in his heart, but he couldn't refuse this matter, which related to Lang Geer's future for the rest of his life.

"That's good, my concubine and Brother Lan are here during this time,..." Li Wan blushed, but turned sideways, "Brother Keng will let someone tell you, and I will sweep the couch and leave Wait, ah, no,..."

  As soon as Li Wan said that, he felt that the word was used poorly, and he couldn't help but feel ashamed, but he didn't know how to redeem it.

Seeing that the other party was flustered with embarrassment, Feng Ziying didn't take it seriously, pretended not to understand, and nodded: "Okay, sister-in-law, I will come to your Daoxiang Village before I leave, you call Lan Geer, I will tell him Speaking of which, as for the future, it depends on his performance, I also hope that he can go to the academy to study."

   After nodding repeatedly, Li Wan hurriedly left, in a flustered posture, almost fell at the corner, Feng Ziying couldn't help laughing at the look, this pretty widow is still a bit thin-skinned.

   Arriving at Hengwu Garden, Feng Ziying pondered for a while before stepping on the threshold.

  Before entering the door, Yinger, who was wearing a plain green vest with her teeth pinched, came out to greet her. She was filled with joy when she saw Feng Ziying, "Master is here? The girl is looking forward to her master, and Miss Qin is also here."

   "Miss Qin?" Feng Ziying was taken aback for a moment and immediately realized, "Sister Baoqin? Brother Tad, are they all here?"

   "Second master is at the wife's side, and Miss Qin lives here with the girl." Ying'er's face darkened slightly again, "The girl and Miss Qin are not in a good mood, it will be good when the master comes."

Bad Mood? Feng Ziying felt that Baoqin probably knew about the situation she asked Ni Er to investigate, and now Baochai should also know.

While talking with Yinger, Baochai came out with Baoqin. Seeing Feng Ziying, Baochai who had a sullen face suddenly became fascinated by joy. My sister is afraid that her heart has long been tied to this brother Feng.

   "Brother Feng!" Baoqin took a step forward with a smile, "My little sister is polite."

   "Well, Sister Baoqin has come to Beijing. Your sister has been looking forward to you for a long time, so she won't leave when she comes back?" Feng Ziying looked Baoqin up and down, feeling a little emotional in her heart.

  After years, the girl in front of her has changed a lot. Not to mention her head suddenly jumped a bit, like a sapling in spring. She is not much shorter than Baochai, and her whole body is full of aura, vitality and rhythm.

  A emerald flowered crepe skirt, covered with a red light flower bikini, outlines a slim and graceful figure, it really is a beauty embryo.

Especially that pretty dimple that is comparable to Diaochan Zhaojun, it has the gentle and quiet look with Baochai, but it also has a little bit more of Daiyu's alertness, and even a little bit of Xiangyun's cuteness and sharpness, no wonder In the book "A Dream of Red Mansions", there is an evaluation that is not inferior to that of Dai Chai. Few people can match the aura between the eyebrows alone.

   "Shouldn't be leaving, my little sister also wants to stay in the capital city, but..." Baoqin was also looking at this brother Feng, and found that the other party had also changed a lot.

The slight mustache on the lips, but because of age, it still looks a little pale, but it also has a bit of majesty. The bottom is well hidden.

   It can be seen that the aura of walking in is different from ordinary people, and it already has a bit of the power of a superior.

But this elder brother Feng is only less than eighteen years old. Baoqin clearly remembers the age of this elder brother Feng. It's only three years older.

"But what?" Feng Ziying continued indifferently, "If the Mei family really wants to regret the marriage, it is their Mei family who are short-sighted. Sister Baoqin is so talented that even princes and princes can marry, so they are limited by family background. The narrow prejudice of birth is just a short-sighted move of some narrow-minded people, so don't pay attention to it at all."

  Feng Ziying's words made both Baochai and Baoqin slightly discolored.

  They did not expect that Feng Ziying already knew about this matter, especially Baochai, who had entrusted Feng Ziying to help inquire about it, and Feng Ziying said it face to face like this, obviously there is no room for redemption of this matter.

   "Brother Feng, you mean..." Baochai's heart sank, her fists clenched tightly, but her eyes were somewhat reluctant to accept.

Baoqin, on the other hand, looked very calm, "Brother Feng, you already know about this matter. I am laughing at you. In fact, the younger sister told her elder sister as soon as she came, but the mother and elder brother are not very clear yet. The family is not very satisfied, and my mother wants to come to discuss it, and now it seems that there is no need to humiliate myself."

  Feng Ziying sighed slightly, then nodded, "The Mei family may have made some preparations for doing this, but I still want to know how Mei Zhiye can come to give Shilin an explanation."

  Bao Qin also introduced the things in Suzhou, and then Feng Ziying realized that the Mei family was so confident that they had indeed found a perfect excuse.

As Baoqin said, this is an inexplicable bad debt. Xue Jun is dead, and no one can explain this matter clearly. It only needs to be dragged on for a while. When this matter spreads, the Mei family can settle the matter He repented of the marriage and divorced the marriage openly and aboveboard.

   Shout again, asking for a few monthly tickets.



  (end of this chapter)

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