Number of People

Chapter 847: Self-character roll flounder (ask for 100 monthly tickets!)

  Chapter 847 Self-character scroll 鹣粣 (ask for 100 monthly tickets!)

  Baoqin's introduction made Feng Ziying feel really embarrassed.

If this continues, things in Suzhou will definitely not be clear in a short period of time, and if the Mei family uses the opportunity to spread the situation in Suzhou in Beijing, even if it is some plausible or unclear stories, it will be difficult to understand. It is enough to ruin the Xue family's reputation, not to mention that Bao Qin's resignation is irretrievable, and it will also affect Xue Biao's future marriage.

   "Brother Feng, in fact, my younger sister has already been mentally prepared. As you said, the Mei family must have made sufficient preparations for doing this. The younger sister is just afraid that her mother will be sad because of this, and she is also afraid that it will affect her brother's future marriage,..."

  Bao Qin's calmness and indifference also made Feng Ziying sigh. Such a girl would be withdrawn by the Mei family because of her family background. I don't know what kind of dog eyes this Mei Zhiye has.

"Brother Feng is well-informed and understands the situation in the capital very well, so my younger sister also wants to ask Brother Feng to give me an idea. If this matter continues to drag on, my younger sister thinks that it is not necessary. "

Feng Ziying was surprised by Baoqin's decisiveness, and it was the same according to his thinking. Since this marriage is no longer possible, it is better to end it earlier, so as not to affect others. Everyone quietly forgets this marriage, as if there was no such marriage. thing.

  Although it’s a bit self-deceiving, and there are quite a few people who know about it, but procrastinating will only make more people know about it and shame the Xue family even more, so it’s the best strategy to end it earlier.

Seeing that Baochai and Baoqin's eyes were on her, Feng Ziying pondered for a while and said, "In Brother Yu's opinion, it's better to meet with the Mei family and make a decision earlier. There's no need for everyone to tear their faces apart. Be safe and part ways. In this way The impact can be minimized, well, in the future, the marriage between Brother Tiao and Bao Qin can also minimize the impact."

  Bao Qin had a look of sadness on her face. It was almost impossible to hide the fact of being divorced from the people around her. It can be said that she would almost be ruined by this marriage for the rest of her life.

   It is very difficult to find even a decent marriage.

  Who will propose marriage without inquiring about the woman's situation first?

  Who would choose a divorced woman as a marriage partner?

   Even ordinary small households may find it hard to accept, they will not ask what caused the divorce, they only know that the girl has been divorced is enough.

   This has a great impact on the Xue family as well, and it will even affect Xue Biao's future marriage.

  Feng Ziying also had no choice but to look at Baoqin's sad and beautiful face, and Baochai's eyes were red, but she just held Baoqin's hand without making a sound.

"Thank you, Brother Feng, for reminding me. My younger sister thinks the same way. She will continue to be disturbed by it. It's fine for my younger sister in the future, but she can't affect my brother too much. It's just that my mother doesn't know how to deal with it." Tell your mother." This is what makes Xue Baoqin feel the most sad, she doesn't know how to tell her mother who is not in good health and has some doubts about this matter.

  Seeing Baochai looking over as if asking for help, Feng Ziying also felt that it was difficult to deal with. After thinking about it for a while, she said: "If you can find a good marriage for Brother Tiao, maybe you can dilute the impact of this matter."

  Feng Ziying's words immediately lifted Baochai and Baoqin's spirits. To be honest, both of them have realized the trouble and influence of Baoqin's marriage, and the biggest influence is Xue Biao's marriage.

Xue Biao is already seventeen. He is only three or four months younger than Baochai, and just over a year younger than Feng Ziying. It is logical that it is time to consider marriage. , will definitely have a great influence on his future choice of marriage.

   "Brother Feng, can you find someone suitable for my brother?" Bao Qin couldn't help asking because she was most concerned about her brother's marriage.

  Feng Ziying made some calculations in her mind.

The younger sisters who practice state affairs are all married, and Zheng Chongjian also has a younger sister who has not married yet. The Zheng family is also a prominent family in Ningxiang, especially after Zheng Chongjian became a scholar in high school. The first sister married the son of a merchant.

   Although these people are friends with Feng Ziying, their views on this aspect are completely different from Feng Ziying's.

   Thinking of Xing Xiuyan who was paired with Xue Biao in the book "Dream of Red Mansions", Feng Ziying also felt a little moved, but then denied this idea.

Now the Xue family hopes to have a better marriage partner to cheer them up. Although Xing Xiuyan's personal conditions are very good, his family background is not worth mentioning. Chai Baoqin, I am afraid that the Xue family will regard it as a perfunctory prevarication by bringing it up.

  As for the fact that Xue Biao was finally found in the book "A Dream of Red Mansions", the situation is already different. At that time, Xue Biao had no idea, and he was satisfied with finding a suitable marriage.

But now, watching the Feng family's soaring momentum, Baoqin saw the special relationship between her sister and Feng Ziying, and knew at a glance that she was probably going to the second wife of the Feng family who was now arguing. Although it is hopeless for a lifetime, I also hope that my brother can have a better ending.

  Feng Ziying thought it over and thought that Fang Youdu had an unmarried younger sister in her hometown.

Fang Youdu had two younger sisters. After Fang Youdu passed the Jinshi examination, the elder sister chose the son of Juren from the endless stream of people who came to propose marriage. The ambassador of the Miscellaneous Manufacturing Bureau, and later worked in the capital and experience department of the Experience Department, but now he has returned home from work, and is considered a wealthy family in She County. Fang Youdu's eldest sister married the other's second son.

  Another little sister is also waiting in the boudoir, and has not yet been admitted.

   Now Fang Youdu is the elder brother and father. Although both parents are still alive, major matters like the house are basically decided by Fang Youdu.

  If he can make an agreement with Fang Youdu, it would be a good thing to promise his sister to Xue Bian.

   "Well, Brother Yu, let's ask first." Feng Ziying is also not sure about the situation of Fang Youdu's sister. What if Fang Youdu doesn't want her sister to marry the Xue family, but thinks that her sister should marry a scholar? It's really hard to say that my personal views are different these days.

  Xue Baoqin is also a very smart and astute person, knowing that Feng Ziying probably came to have something to say to her sister, she offered to go to her mother and elder brother, Baochai didn't bother to keep her, but just asked her to come and have lunch together at noon.

   Seeing Feng Ziying's serious and slightly frowned brows, Baochai couldn't help but thump in his heart.

  She had received the news the day before yesterday that the court had agreed to the Feng family's second wife's reinstatement, which was consistent with what Feng Ziying had said before, but Feng Ziying had never been here, and she realized that there might be some changes in the Feng family.

In fact, my mother had warned her before that if she really wanted to marry into the Feng family, she didn’t have to wait until she was re-juquered, and she could just let Feng Ziying apply for a concubine in the Wanping county government. If she gave up the title, she would give up. However, once the real rejuvenation is completed, an application must be made at the Ministry of Rites, and once the news spreads, countless people will definitely focus on the Feng family, and by then, many variables will arise out of thin air.

It's just that Baochai has also considered it. Feng Lang has already made up his mind, and he is sure. The reason would be even less sufficient.

   Seeing Baochai's gentle and jade-like dimple, and the look of fear and worry in her beautiful eyes, Feng Ziying felt a little pain in her heart.

  Although the mother let go, but he couldn't push it too much in a hurry. He could understand his mother's thoughts, but he couldn't agree with them.

   Once Baochai is identified, he will naturally have to live forever. He has made a decision on this point, but he doesn't want to have too much trouble with his mother on this matter.

  After all, in this era, the decision-making power for children's marriages rests with parents, and I have completely deprived my parents of this power, from Shen Yixiu to Lin Daiyu, to Xue Baochai now.

"Feng Lang, is it your family..." Looking at Baochai's timid appearance, thinking that a girl who has always been graceful and generous would turn out like this, Feng Ziying couldn't help but pull her into her arms, "Don't worry, it's okay I went back and told my mother before, and my mother also received some people who came to inquire about the marriage, but I analyzed the pros and cons with my mother one by one to dissuade her,..."

Being held in Feng Ziying's arms, Baochai's nervous body gradually softened, and she snuggled into each other's arms, "Feng Lang, don't argue with your wife, my little sister also knows that the Xue family is somewhat different from your Feng family now." ..."

Gently covering Baochai's cherry lips with one hand, Feng Ziying looked at her with soft eyes, "Sister, you don't have to say that, I, Feng Ziying, never look at her family background when choosing a wife, my mother has her thoughts and concerns, but I just I need a wife who can stabilize the rear for me, and my mother is very satisfied with Wan Jun, but I believe that after my younger sister marries into my family, she will also make my mother more satisfied."

   Baochai couldn't help trembling in her heart, her warm and jade-like dimple raised her head, how could Feng Ziying hold back, she lowered her head and gently kissed those fiery red lips, at this moment,...

I don't know after a long time, it seems that the quiet space made the two of them a little dazed, until the breeze occasionally blew in outside the window, making Baochai's slightly exposed skirt feel a bit cool, Baochai said "ah". Waking up with a start, he hastily pushed Airo.

  Feng Ziying also reluctantly withdrew his hand from the other party's underwear. The nephrite jade is warm and fragrant, and the suet is piled up with snow, and the aftertaste is endless.

   Leaning in the lover's arms like this, Baochai pressed her face closer to the other's chest, and said quietly: "Then Feng Lang..."

"Don't think too much about it. Although my mother was displeased before, after being persuaded by my aunt and Wan Jun, her attitude has softened a lot. It's just that she still can't let go of her face, so she has to wait for a few days. Don't worry. Brother Wei said that he wants to marry his sister, so he must marry his sister, and it will be within this year."

  Feng Ziying's firm tone reassured Baochai a lot, and the other party even mentioned that even within this year, she was overjoyed.

  She is seventeen years old, and next year she will be eighteen. How many of our women are eighteen years old and unmarried these days? Shen Yixiu is really a special case, but he has already engaged in marriage.

   "Feng Lang, thank you for me, sister Shen, and my concubine..." Baochai raised her face, "In the future..."

   "When you marry in the future, be more filial to your mother and aunt. As long as Wan Jun is there, she has a very good impression of you. Naturally, I hope that a younger sister who can get along with her can come and be her sister-in-law,..."

  Feng Ziying's words made Baochai smile slightly, "Then what Feng Lang means is that Sister Lin and Sister Shen don't really hit it off?"

Feng Ziying was taken aback, smiled casually, but patted the other party's buttocks, "How can my sister learn to be as sharp-tongued as Sister Lin? I didn't say that Sister Lin and Wan Jun didn't hit it off, but Sister Lin has a different personality from her younger sister, um, maybe in the future, it will take more time to get along with Wan Jun."

"When does Feng Lang plan to go to Yongping?" Baochai put aside her own concerns, and she didn't want her lover to worry about this matter all the time. Since her lover is sure, she also trusts him unconditionally, so she just needs to be quiet. It's time, of course, the mother has to go to appease her.

   "It will take another 20 days." Feng Ziying nodded, "In the early stage, I have arranged for someone to help me familiarize myself with the situation. Well, it will take three to five days for the approval of the Ministry of Rites. My sister, just rest assured."

   Baochai sighed softly, "I can trust little sister Feng Lang, but Baoqin's side..."

"The car has its own way to the front of the mountain, can a living person be suffocated by urine?" Feng Ziying shook her head, "It's just that Baoqin needs to wait for a year or a half to find someone else, until he breaks off the engagement with the Mei family. The matter of her has faded away, let's discuss it again, don't worry, God naturally has her marriage arrangement."

  God arranged?

   Baochai's beautiful eyes flickered for a while, as if thinking of something, her lips moved slightly, but she didn't say it in the end.

  (end of this chapter)

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