Number of People

Chapter 849: The grand picture of the character roll, the curve (please ask for a monthly pass!)

  Chapter 849 The big picture of the self-written scroll, the curve (please ask for a monthly pass!)

   Banditry is serious, social security is unstable, water conservancy facilities have been in disrepair for a long time, and tax arrears are serious. Feng Ziying even suspects that if Zhu Zhiren is not from Fujian, and he is a Jinshi in the same discipline as the Minister of the Ministry of Households Zheng Jizhi, this guy might have been dismissed long ago.

   Any one of the above items can be a strong basis for the dismissal of the chief official, but Zhu Zhiren was able to survive his illness, which also shows that this person still has some skills.

  Feng Ziying suddenly realized that her coming to Yongping Mansion might not be as simple as volunteering on her own initiative as she had guessed at first, and there might be some thoughts of Master Qi in it.

Zhu Zhiren, a Fujian scholar, has done so badly in Yongping Mansion, and now he often shirks affairs on the grounds of being sick and bedridden. When he leaves, the burden may be on him. If it is poor, maybe the responsibility can be shifted to the magistrate's incompetence and constraints.

  After all, the gap between the magistrate and the same magistrate is still quite huge, and many people have difficulty crossing it in their entire lives. Whether they can enter the sequence of official fourth-rank officials is often a threshold for entering the senior officials of the Great Zhou.

However, Feng Ziying estimated that Master Qi and the others still tended to give it a go. Yongping Mansion has a round population and taxation is a lower mansion, but its geographical location and significance are extremely important, especially as the throat of Jingdong, guarding the Liaoxi Corridor. It is very unusual, and it is also a key point in the Beizhi area. Every move here can affect the hearts of the capital.

  Being able to do well here is enough to lay a solid foundation for me to move to a higher level in the future.

"... Generally speaking, the gentry here are more supportive of the government, mainly because the Weizhen Army Garrison in the west and north has a great influence on them, and more than ten years ago, the Chahar tribe broke through the side wall and entered Yongping to plunder. , also brought great damage to the counties of Yongping. Many century-old households were swept away by the Mongols. Many of the current gentry gradually emerged after the previous group of people were exterminated. awe-inspiring,…”

Well, this should be good news. The gentry in the North have a great influence on the local area, especially some families with a little one or two people will have a great influence on the local area, which will also greatly affect the Government administration, especially for new officials like myself who want to do a lot of work, is a disadvantage.

If the strength of the gentry in Yongping Prefecture is relatively weak, it will be of great benefit to the development of the coal and iron industry. Of course, Feng Ziying also believes that the Shanxi merchants are not easy to deal with. The Great Zhou has spanned from north to south for decades, so naturally there are countermeasures.

"... Dengfeng, Foshan Zhuangji, and Shanshan Chamber of Commerce have been conducting exploration in Luanzhou, Kaiping Youtunwei, and Qian'an for nearly half a year. They have generally delineated several areas, mainly in the southern part of Qian'an County. , West of Luanzhou and Kaiping Youtunwei junction area, these areas are of high quality coal, and they are said to be experimenting with turning charcoal into charcoal (coke) according to the method proposed by the adults. Please explain the specific situation and make a detailed report to the adults... "

  In fact, Feng Ziying has already grasped this situation, and Gu Dengfeng basically insists on reporting the progress of the consortium to Feng Ziying by letter every ten days.

It should be said that it was relatively smooth, mainly because the population of Yongping counties is not large, and some remote areas, especially those near the northern Weizhen, have a smaller population. Shadow, no one wants to live in a dangerous situation where they can't sleep at night all day long. Coupled with the weak side of Weizhen, the banditry is more serious in these junctions, so the main areas that the alliance chooses to explore are still concentrated in these areas .

To start the coal-iron complex project in Feng Ziying's mind, capital, manpower, technology, market, and transportation are all indispensable. This is why Feng Ziying is willing to give up the good life in the capital city and give up Baoding or Ningbo, which have better conditions The place, the main reason to come to Yong Peng.

With the capital, backed by Shanxi merchants and Haitong Yinzhuang, there are some manpower problems, but the Beizhi prefectures and even the Shandong area are deeply troubled by the disasters of the Little Ice Age. As long as the winter and spring seasons come, many of them will not survive. The refugees are going to the capital city.

Every year, it is a big deal for the government to intercept and persuade them to return, but even so, every year Nier and his men will add a lot of men who just need to fill their stomachs or survive with their families. This is a general trend, and no one can stop it, so As long as you think of ways, these are not problems.

There is no need to worry about the market, with the market channels that Zhuang Ji has opened up long ago, they can sell as much as they can, and there is also a huge domestic market that needs to be developed, such as the production of firecrackers and cannons. Feng Ziying's request to Zhuang Ji, without this point, there is no need for Feng Ziying to value Zhuang Ji so much.

  Transportation is also a problem, which requires a process to solve.

The south of Shanhaiwei on the northeast corner of Yongping Mansion is the most famous Qinhuangdao in later generations. It is also a good natural harbor. Feng Ziying plans to build a bridge here in advance under the guise of transporting supplies to Liaodong, North Korea, and Liaodong. Japan and even the Jurchen of the East China Sea, the ports of Yangzhou, Ningbo, Guangzhou, Dongfan and Nanyang are the first cities to open ports in the Northland!

While listening to Wu Yaoqing's introduction, Feng Ziying also asked questions, but the questions he asked were relatively tricky, and Wu Yaoqing was not used to them. To understand, especially for areas that he is not familiar with, the requirements are higher.

   After talking for more than an hour, Feng Ziying kept all the materials, and by the way, asked about the current search situation in the hands of people.

There is no doubt about the employment, since Wang Wenyan has been determined to be in charge, and the other people will divide the work according to their expertise and previous experience, Feng Ziying will not intervene too much, he only needs results, but he still needs it in terms of manpower and finances. intervene.

For now, these activities of Feng Ziying can still be said to be preparations for her becoming the co-prefect of Yongping Mansion, and can even be pushed to her father's military needs in Jiliao, and there are no such things that may be involved, such as Long Jinwei's spies and the supervision of the Metropolitan Procuratorate came up.

  But as the affairs become more and more complicated in the future, Feng Ziying believes that it is inevitable to be mixed with sand by Captain Long, and he only needs to be cautious about this.

  There are Long Jinwei's eyeliner in Feng's residence, but Feng Ziying is not afraid, everything is within the scope of the rules, so there is no need to worry.

  But things like what I’m doing now, especially through Wang Wenyan’s team, can’t be seen right now, but what about in three to five years? I'm afraid Long Jinwei will inevitably have some doubts.

Of course, as long as I grow up fast enough, and with my father as a cover, many things are still reasonable, but Feng Ziying is not sure whether this kind of argument can be convincing, especially Long Jinwei, who are born to target They considered it a threat to imperial power.

However, this is not the reason why Feng Ziying intends to back down. What's more, the increasingly treacherous situation in the court also makes him believe that in the next few years, only the internal struggles of the Tian family will be the focus of Long Jinwei's reconnaissance. snooping is their main target.

  As for a young man like himself, in their minds, at most, after being "exiled and assigned", he only wants to prove himself to the world with a blockbuster, so he has to do certain things ingeniously.

  Feng Ziying is also happy to use such an image to tell the world, well, this is not a bad thing.


  Ms. Duan sat in the room a little bored. She rolled her eyelids until her younger sister came in, and ignored her.

  This brother Keng is really capable, he "bribed" his sister and Mrs. Chen, and his sister has been nagging in his ears for the past two days.

But the Duan family really can't accept an imperial merchant family. In her opinion, this is far from the Shen family, and it is no longer on the same level as the Lin family. I don't know what magic power the Xue family woman has to fascinate Brother Keng. .

Of course, she also asked someone to inquire about the situation of the Xue family, which was similar to what she had guessed. Although it was originally a famous family in Jinling, it had long since declined. Compare.

   She was very angry at marrying Duan, the daughter of the Lin family. Lin Daiyu's fragility made her worry. Fortunately, there was a concubine sister who came over as a dowry as a concubine. Now that the Xue family has popped up again, she is very unwilling.

"elder sister,…"

"Wanqin, needless to say, I don't want to listen to the words of you being a lobbyist for Brother Keng anymore. You two are joining hands to fool me. Well, there is also Wanjun, your mother-in-law and Brother Keng, ..." Duan was not without jealousy, "You all treat yourself as a good person, and it's just me, a mother, who came to be an evil person. Didn't Brother Keng not come here for two days?"

Xiao Duan let out a "puchi" laugh, it seemed that his sister was really jealous, "Sister, Brother Keng is a piece of meat that fell from your body, can you still argue with him? Besides, he is also I'm busy preparing for Yongping. I heard from Jin Chuan'er that since he came home, he has met several groups of people in the study. The conversation lasted for an hour, and even the meals were brought to the study. , watching something after eating,..."

   Duan looked at his sister suspiciously, "Really? I thought I was thinking about the matter of Jianxiu."

"Sister, I think Brother Keng's words are right. Given his current situation, he doesn't need to rely on his in-laws to help him. The Shen family and the Lin family are both distinguished gentry families in the south of the Yangtze River. He is a scholar-official who was born as a Marquis, and he is considered to be of the martial arts line. Brother Keng was originally the leader of the scholars in the Northland, and his master is also the leader of the scholars in the Northland and Huguang. Under such circumstances, he What is needed is a secure backyard,…”

  Xiao Duan sat beside her sister, massaging her shoulders, and talking casually with a smile.

  ..., um, what about our Feng family? Now that the first room and the third room have been settled, now there is such good news for the second room, um, this is what Brother Keng fought for with his own efforts,..."

  When Xiao Duan said this, Duan snorted a little displeased, Xiao Duan also smiled, and stopped talking about this matter.

"... But what about our Feng family? What we need most is a woman who can give birth to the Feng family's heirs as soon as possible and continue the incense. And he can do his big things without distraction.”

"Ms. Shen is pregnant, but no one knows whether it's a boy or a girl. Not to mention Mrs. Lin is young and weak, and she will have to wait two years before her filial piety expires. I have also inquired about Mrs. Xue, and she is indeed gentle and generous. Well, she is plump and healthy, and her age is less than one year younger than Brother Keng, which is the right age for childbearing,..."

"Besides, my sister also knows Brother Keng's temperament. He must get the woman he likes..." Little Duan looked at Duan, "Why should my sister make Brother Keng want to be released for a few years? Are you happy? If my sister likes Mrs. Chen, then talk to Mrs. Shen more. When Mrs. Shen comes out in the future, my sister will love him more, but my younger sister thinks Mrs. Xue is as knowledgeable and reasonable as Mrs. Chen said , my sister may not change her mind in the future,..."

I have to say that Xiao Duan is quite a good lobbyist. The previous statement that Brother Keng no longer needs a marriage to help him needs a stable backyard to allow him to concentrate on doing things. Why should he let him go out for a few years before leaving? The unhappy mood made Duan's heart feel a little bit.

  Especially thinking that it will take a few years for my son to go away, even though it is only a few hundred miles away, but after all, it is impossible to come to greet him every day to talk with him like now, and I still feel a little sore in my heart, after all, my son has grown up.

Seeing her sister sighing sadly, Xiao Duan naturally understood her sister's thoughts, "Sister, Yongping Mansion is not too far away, Brother Keng can also find time to come back during festivals and holidays, which is only two or three years. ..."

"Hey, thinking that Brother Keng will be away for two or three years, and the master is far away in Liaodong, I feel panicked. When Brother Keng is gone, who will take care of him? Sisters Youshi will certainly go, and Jin Sisters Chuan'er and Xiangling follow, Shen's body is getting more and more inconvenient here, it's more appropriate for Qingwen and Yunshang to stay with Shen's side,..."

Duan's eyes rolled, "Sister, have you forgotten Mrs. Xue? If you can get married earlier, let Mrs. Xue marry in and follow Brother Keng to Yongping Mansion. There should be a big woman to preside over it. Things in the house,..."

Mrs. Duan didn't understand what her sister meant, so she glared at the other party, but finally nodded, "Let me think about this matter, and I have to write a letter to the master, such a big matter, I am alone People can't make decisions, if the master agrees, then brother Keng will obey."

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  (end of this chapter)

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