Number of People

Chapter 850: Ma Shiying

  Chapter 850 Ma Shiying

  Xiao Duan was right. Feng Ziying was really busy during this time, and she didn’t even have much thought to ask about the matter of Jianzhu. Anyway, she had already applied to the Ministry of Rites, which was a matter of procedure.

  He needs to make more perfect arrangements for many things before leaving.

  Do everything you need to do, see everyone you need to meet, and say what you need to say. Although I can still control some things through letters in the future, many of them can only be performed on the spot.

  For example, "Internal Reference".

  Fang Youdu entered the Metropolitan Procuratorate, Zheng Chongjian and Wang Yingxiong entered the Ministry of War, then the "Internal Reference" must be handed over to other people in the next three years.

   There are several suitable candidates, Xu Qixun, Chen Qiyu, Sun Chuanting, Fu Zonglong, Xue Wenzhou, these are all students of Qingtan Academy.

   There is also Ma Shiying, who came second in high school in the imperial examination, and it is logical that this talent should be the most suitable candidate.

  Feng Ziying has been in contact with her a few times, and she is very personable in dealing with people. Although she is only more than a year older than Feng Ziying, she feels like a spring breeze after getting in touch with her. I didn't feel it when I took the test before, but once I passed the palace test, I immediately showed that it was extraordinary.

But Ma Shiying came to Qingtan Academy from Guizhou to study after Feng Ziying and the others had completed high school in this subject, so he didn't have much acquaintance with Feng Ziying and Lian Guoshi, the group of seniors who had been in Yonglong for five years, so there was not much friendship. .

  But although Feng Ziying knew that this person was very famous in the late Ming Dynasty in his previous life, it was quite controversial. After meeting him several times, he felt that this person was more pragmatic in his speech and behavior, which Feng Ziying appreciated very much.

  However, people like Fan Jingwen, Fang Youdu and others are not in favor of handing over the editor-in-chief of "Internal Reference" to the other party. They think that Chen Qiyu, Song Shixiang, or even Sun Chuanting and Xu Qixun are fine, after all, these people are more trustworthy.

   However, Lian Guoshi agreed with Feng Ziying's opinion, thinking that since he wants to do big things, he should be broad-minded and not blindly limited by regional views, but should have the spirit of being inclusive of all rivers.

  Wang Yingxiong, as a representative of scholars from the southwestern part of Qingtan Academy, also agreed with Ma Shiying to be the editor-in-chief.

In the end, Feng Ziying and Lian Guo also discussed the matter and decided that the editorial department of "Internal Reference" could be reorganized and an editorial committee should be set up. The editorial committee is composed of the chief editor, deputy chief editor, and three chief editors, and is responsible for handling all "Internal Reference" affairs. , of which Ma Shiying is the chief editor, Chen Qiyu is the deputy chief editor, and Song Shixiang, Sun Chuanting, and Xu Qixun are the chief editors.

In this way, one scholar from the southwest serves as the chief editor, one scholar from the north serves as the deputy editor-in-chief, and the remaining three chief editors are two scholars from the north and one scholar from the south of the Yangtze River. It is the advantage that the scholars who go to the North have a dominant position, but it also enhances the status of the non-Northern scholars among the Qingtan students.

   "Sit, Yaocao." Feng Ziying stepped down to greet her, which made Ma Shiying very excited.

  He also knew that this ex-convict Qingtan Academy legend was about to be released as an official and a co-prefect in Yongping Mansion. This also caused a lot of controversy in Qingtan Academy.

However, based on Ma Shiying's understanding and observation of Feng Ziying, he felt that Feng Ziying might not be "exiled" because of "betraying" the interests of scholars in the north, as some people said, nor was it a disguised form, as some people said He felt that it was more like Feng Ziying's active strategy to delegate.

  Feng Ziying publicly said that he prefers to go to the local area to improve his training and familiarize himself with local affairs. Ma Shiying thinks that there may be some factors in this regard, but there must be other more important hidden reasons.

  In Ma Shiying’s view, Feng Ziying’s current status is willing to take the initiative to go to the local area. If he really wants to sharpen himself and become familiar with local affairs, then it is really a big plan, and the goal is to point directly at the elders in the future.

  The prime minister must start from the prefecture and county. Although this sentence may not be completely applicable, if an official with experience in the prefecture is undoubtedly more valued by people, he also has the natural trust of officials who have experience in the prefecture.

  Although Ma Shiying is also the No. 2 among the first-class Jinshi in this subject, Ma Shiying is very self-aware. No matter from which aspect, he is inferior to this one in front of him.

Take a look at this group in the fifth year of Yonglong, which claims to have gathered the elite talents of the Great Zhou in the five subjects before and after. The strategy of opening the sea promoted a huge change in the imperial court, which is enough to make Feng Ziying's name go down in history, which is beyond the reach of other scholars.

   "Yaocao has met adults." In front of Feng Ziying, Ma Shiying did not dare to neglect her at all.

   "Hey, we are all classmates, why would you say something?" Feng Ziying waved her hands again and again, gesturing for the other party to take a seat, "You and I will be called by words, you can call me Ziying."

   "How is this possible?" Ma Shiying was a little excited.

"They're all Qingtan's family. Junyu, Feixiong, and Keyou are usually referred to by words. Junyu is slightly older, so we call them brothers. The difference between three and five years old is best to be called by words. "Feng Ziying smiled and said: "Come on, try this is the Mengding tea from your southwest side. The spring is early on the top of Mengshan Mountain, and the water in the Yangtze River is delicious. I can't make the water in the Yangtze River, but the tea is authentic Mongolian tea. Top tea."

  Ma Shiying happily took a sip of tea, then nodded slightly: "Ziying is really elegant."

"Hehe, the desire to eat and drink is hard for a sage. The hinterland of the Southwest is rich in products and outstanding people. It is a place that cannot be lost in the Great Zhou Dynasty..." Feng Ziying looked at Ma Shiying, "The first question in the imperial examination is how to solve the dispute between the exiled soil , Yaocao naturally has more experience, how to implement the combination of suppression and appeasement, and where are the difficulties, does Yaocao have a good strategy?"

   Ma Shiying's heart shuddered. He also knew what Feng Ziying's intentions must be in today's invitation, and he hadn't figured it out for a while.

  Unexpectedly, the other party directly mentioned a big question in the palace examination—the dispute of exiled soil. He was obviously very concerned about the situation in the Southwest. No wonder Wang Yingxiong said that Feng Ziying had always been very concerned about the situation in the Southwest.

  I put forward the strategy of suppressing appeasement and using it on this question. Well, in fact, most scholars also proposed the strategy of suppressing appeasement simultaneously, but the focus of the subsequent descriptions is different.

  Some advocated suppressing first, some advocated appeasement, some advocated ritual before soldiers, and some advocated suppressing first and then appeasement, using suppression to promote appeasement.

   Ma Shiying did not dare to answer easily for a while.

Although the other party wants to say that he is now a senior of his academy and is slightly younger than himself in terms of age, Ma Shiying has never regarded him as an ordinary classmate. Come on, even the current mountain leader Zhou Yongchun and the head of the school Bi Ziyan may not be able to overwhelm each other.

  At this time, the other party wants to ask a question by himself, which is more like a kind of investigation and evaluation. Your own answer may also directly determine your own impression in the other party's mind.

After pondering for a while, Ma Shiying reopened his mouth cautiously: "Ziying, since you mentioned how to solve the war of Liutu, you must have some understanding of the situation in the Southwest. The year before last, Brother Feixiong had been paying attention to Yunnan, Guizhou and Sichuan when he was watching the government in the Ministry of War. The activities of chieftains in the three places are considered to be extremely risky. I also asked if there are any relatives and friends in Yaocao Guizhou in order to understand the situation. At that time, I was very surprised. How can you use personal relationships to understand the situation?"

  Feng Ziying nodded slightly, but said nothing, no wonder he can stand out, as expected, outstanding people are like a cone in the bag, and the last one is there.

Ma Shiying paused, "Yaocao heard that in order to strengthen the defense of the Nine Frontiers, especially Liaodong, the central government intends to draw troops from Huguang and Southwest Weizhen, and even the Tusi soldiers. If this policy is promoted, I'm afraid The Southwest will be unstable. Take the Shui’an family as an example. Their family has been entrenched in Guizhou for thousands of years, and the local government has nothing to do with it.

"Strengthening the defense of the Nine Frontiers has long been planned and planned, and the deployment of soldiers from the inland guards to the real borders has also been considered, but there has never been any mention of mobilizing the soldiers of the Southwest Chieftain. If there are such rumors, I am afraid that some people with ulterior motives deliberately disrupt The words of the people's hearts." Feng Ziying frowned.

"Ziying, no matter whether the imperial court has such a plan or not, but from Yaocao's point of view, the chieftain is also the territory of the Great Zhou Dynasty, and the soldiers and people of the chieftain are also members of the Great Zhou Dynasty. If the imperial court needs it, they must obey it. Of course, the imperial court should also follow the actual situation. It depends on the situation, and you can’t use the water to catch fish, but if you refuse the imperial court’s decree on this ground, then the country will be ruined, and we must set the record straight.”

  Ma Shiying's attitude is in line with Feng Ziying's wishes, and this test has been passed.

"Then Yaocao thinks how to solve the hidden dangers of the Southwest's drifting soil?" Feng Ziying doesn't expect a scholar who has just passed the Jinshi examination to come up with many practical and useful strategies. He can roughly have a general idea and can see the other party. thinking.

However, Ma Shiying heard from the word "hidden danger" in Feng Ziying's words that the court should have been worried about the Southwest. Wang Yingxiong had asked himself about it two years ago, but this year Wang Yingxiong didn't mention it much. This is obviously not the court's opinion. The battle for the Southwest Liutu has cooled down without any worries, and I am afraid that they are quietly making preparations to deal with it.

"Ziying, this question is too big. Yaocao doesn't have the ability to answer it, but Yaocao thinks that if the war of exile soil is going to break out sooner or later, it should be prepared now. Isn't it true that there are already some problems in the early stage of Feixiong?" Targeted? But Yaocao thinks that the reason why Southwest Tusi can be independent from the imperial court's laws is not how powerful they are, the key is that they occupy a favorable location and harmonious people..."

Feng Ziying secretly sighed in her heart, I'm afraid it's not just the favorable location and people, but also the right time. Jianzhou Jurchen and Beidi White Lotus Sect are all watching for opportunities. The White Lotus Sect in Yongping Prefecture that Wu Yaoqing reported to him is so powerful , Feng Ziying felt a little bit on pins and needles before she took office.

  (end of this chapter)

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