Number of People

Chapter 852: zizijuan branch

  Chapter 852 Self-character scroll details

   Ma Shiying left, full of passion but with a sense of great responsibility. He didn't even ask about the situation of the editorial board, but Feng Ziying still introduced to him the composition of the editorial board and the mode of operation.

  Daily affairs are the responsibility of the editor-in-chief, but the selection and orientation of sensitive and major topics need to be jointly determined by the editorial committee, and decisions are made according to the rule of minority obeying the majority.

  Ma Shiying had never been exposed to this brand-new mechanism, but at this time his mind was attracted by Feng Ziying's slightly heavy "scaremongering", and he didn't pay much attention to this point, just curious.

  The future operation of "Internal Reference" came to an end, and Feng Ziying also forgot about one thing.

  Ma Shiying is calm and calm, and Chen Qiyu is passionate but a little impetuous. The two cooperate with each other to restrain each other, which is a good choice.

  However, Gao Panlong is now a bachelor of the Imperial Academy. Whether the operation of "Internal Reference" can be as tacit and harmonious as it used to be with Huang Ruliang depends on the level of the editorial committee.

   After seeing off Ma Shiying, Feng Ziying had a long talk with Chen Qiyu, Song Shixiang and Sun Chuanting who came later.

Feng Ziying is actually not very optimistic about Chen Qiyu, thinking that this person is a bit extreme and erratic, but this person is very good at speaking and has a strong ability to instigate, which is comparable to Fang Youdu in this aspect, and this person has always been very popular among Shanxi scholars. Even Qiao Yingjia felt that this son could be cultivated, so Feng Ziying could only let him be the deputy editor-in-chief.

  Song Shixiang and Sun Chuanting have a close relationship with Feng Ziying, and they are both among the best in the Chunwei Grand Competition this time, so naturally there is no need to say more.

"Okay, I'll leave the matter of "Internal Reference" to you guys. Yaocao is from the southwest and knows the situation in the southwest better. Yuxuan, Dazhang should have told you something about the situation. We are all worried about the future Changes will occur in the Southwest in a year or two, but the imperial court is a little slow in this respect, or a little careless, so the next step of the "Internal Reference" will focus on introducing and analyzing the potential hidden dangers of the Liutu Controversy,..."

"Don't worry, Ziying, you introduced it in more detail just now, Yizhong and Boya are also here, we understand how to do it." Chen Qiyu said carelessly: "I will negotiate with Yaocao, since he is The people over there should understand the stakes,..."

   "Well, then I'm relieved, Yuxuan, Yizhi, Boya, the three of you should be ready to select a good man, right?" This is what Feng Ziying wants to talk to them today.

The significance of selecting Shujishi in the museum is very important. As long as you have this qualification, it means that the upper limit will be greatly increased in the future. Under normal circumstances, Jinshi from Shujishi’s background can basically achieve the third rank, and the outstanding ones can enter the cabinet. .

  In the Great Zhou Dynasty, there were almost no non-auspicious scholars who entered the cabinet, and there was no scholar who did not look forward to entering the cabinet and worshiping his ancestors.

"It's not a big problem." Chen Qiyu is very confident, "We come out of Qingtan Academy, current policy theory is our strength, and isn't the selection of Shujishi by the library just to test their knowledge and opinions in this area? He is good at governance, Boya Good at military affairs, me, hehe,..."

   Seeing Chen Qiyu baring his teeth and claws, Feng Ziying, Song Shixiang, and Sun Chuanting couldn't help laughing.

Especially Sun Chuanting, he, Chen Qiyu and Zheng Chongjian were known as the three outstanding Shanxi masters of the Qingtan Academy in the fifth year of Yonglong, but Zheng Chongjian took the lead, which was a big blow to Chen Qiyu. Fortunately, Chen Qiyu's results in the spring contest and palace examination were not bad, which made Chen Qiyu feel sad Balanced a lot.

   "Yuxuan, don't lose Jingzhou carelessly." Feng Ziying also reminded with a smile, "I know you know it well, but the scholars in the south of the Yangtze River are not bad. Shujishi means a lot to the future,..."

   "Don't worry." Chen Qiyu said solemnly, "I dare not neglect such matters."

"In addition, in terms of the development of the industrial and commercial industries in the Northland, the "Internal Reference" may also have to be inclined. You also know that my release to the outside world is still influenced by the strategy of opening the sea to a certain extent. The imperial court benefits, Jiangnan benefits, and we There is nothing to gain in the Northland, so I am almost regarded as a traitor by our Northland gentry."

  Feng Ziying's words silenced all three of them.

They all know this situation, and they are very clear that the biggest beneficiary is the court, and it can even be said to have solved the urgent need of the court, but the gentry in the north don't care about it, they only know that they have not benefited, you Feng Ziying is still the leader of the young scholars in the north , just to protect the interests of the northern gentry?

"Actually, it's not that there is no benefit, it's just that you can't see it in a short time." Sun Chuanting couldn't help interjecting, "Ziying, you don't need to be discouraged. After all, these people will understand that just by rectifying the border affairs, the nine sides are stable. , is enough to explain everything.”

   "Hehe, the problem is that these people are short-sighted." Song Shixiang also interjected, "Ziying, what do you mean when you say that you want to be biased in the "Internal Reference" publication?"

"My trip to Yongping this time can be regarded as an exploration. I plan to bring together the industrial and commercial strengths of the north and the south to expand industries in Yongping, focusing on coal and iron mining, smelting and production. First, it can enrich the border defense, second, it can attract refugees, and third, it can increase the number of industries. The industrial and commercial taxes make up for the lack of wealth in Yongping,..." Feng Ziying said calmly: "These actions will make some noise, and when the time comes, you can also wave your flag and shout out in the published articles."

   "Are you planning to write the article yourself?" Chen Qiyu frowned.

   "Well, true knowledge comes from practice. You have to do it to know whether these things can be done and what the results will be. You don't have to exaggerate, just evaluate it realistically."

Feng Ziying is also not sure when the effects of what she has done will be seen, what the local reaction will be, and how the court will view it, but judging from the feedback from Wu Yaoqing, the strength of the landlords and gentry in Yongping Mansion After encountering the Chahar invaders more than ten years ago, they suffered great losses and were severely weakened, especially in Qian'an and Funing. This is a great opportunity.

  Without the opposition of the local gentry, or in other words, the voice of opposition is small, then the mining, iron smelting, and even the production of various iron materials and even the production of firecrackers and artillery can be run more smoothly.

And "Qinhuangdao" under the control of Shanhaiwei, um, is where Guzhu Kingdom and Jieshi are located. Geographically and administratively, although it belongs to Yongping Prefecture, it depends to a large extent on the attitude of Jizhen, and my special status can just Play a role.

Mining (coal and iron), coking, iron smelting, and then relying on Shanxi merchants and Zhuangji to attract more processing industries that require pig iron and wrought iron as raw materials, and completely create a pure industry like Tangshan and Yiwu in later generations Towns, and then build the "Qinhuangdao" port to form a real one-stop industrial chain.

This sounds a little fantasy, and it seems to have surpassed the economic development mechanism of this era, but Feng Ziying firmly believes that everything is man-made, especially in the current environment, it can be said that all conditions are met. There is no reason not to dare to try a kind of intensive development of the industry, and there is still the bottom line of Liaodong, so what are you afraid of?


Xing Xiuyan sighed, and looked at Miaoyu who was standing with her back to her, "Sister, what are you still hesitating about? Isn't it all agreed? Sister is also very satisfied with the environment in Quicui Temple, why is she still unwilling to make up her mind? "

"Xiuyan, you also know my temperament. I don't like to be dependent on others. My father once wanted me to go home, and my mother said that she would not interfere with me, but I always feel that it is not my home. Why bother to be an eyesore?" Miao Yu slowly turned around, her tone could not express Xiao Suo, "This Grand View Garden was also built by the noble concubine Jia's relatives. My sister used to live there because her mother is from the Jia family, and my sister is also the eldest wife's niece in the courtyard. What kind of?"

"Sister is too thoughtful, not to mention Sister Lin's origin, this time to live in Changcui Temple, it was Brother Feng who came forward to make peace, and Jia's family is also selling Brother Feng's face, so how can they say so much?" Xing Xiuyan Very helpless, this close friend in the boudoir is too thoughtful and too sensitive.

   "Then I won't be able to go." Miaoyu's face turned cold slightly, "I accept his favor to live in, what is it?"

Xing Xiuyan couldn't help it anymore, "Sister Miaoyu, I don't know why you have such a big prejudice against Brother Feng, but I think Brother Feng treats people and things very well, and gets along very well with the sisters in the garden. If you really I really don’t want to marry Brother Feng, and Brother Feng also said that he will never force you, as long as you don’t go out, you agree, but now my little sister doesn’t understand what you think now? I don’t think it’s the ghosts of those people I met outside the courtyard a few days ago when someone came to inquire about you, and if you stay here alone, if something happens, who can take care of it?”

   Miaoyu cast her eyes on Xing Xiuyan's face, took a deep look and said: "Xiuyan, could it be that you were also..."

Xing Xiuyan was taken aback for a moment, and then realized what Miaoyu said, her face flushed red, and she couldn't help stomping her feet: "Sister! Where are you going?! Brother Feng is not that kind of person. How did Brother Feng fall in love with him? My younger sister just thinks that Brother Feng treats people sincerely, does not have the air of a dandy, nor does he have the arrogance of a scholar who is an official, and has a good temper. He is a person worthy of my sister's entrustment for life. !"

Miaoyu turned her head and looked at Xing Xiuyan with a smile that was not a smile, "Xiuyan, do you know that Feng Keng is going to have a second wife soon, which means that he will marry a first wife, a third wife, and a concubine? There are countless concubines, are you sure he is someone worth entrusting to you for life? Xiuyan, I feel like Feng Keng has drugged you now, why did you decide on him?"

  (end of this chapter)

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